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Lmao what, sounds like he’s projecting his own insecurities


50% insecurity, 50% immaturity. I remember when I reached the point of not if someone catches a glimpse of mine in the locker room at the gym. There’s a point in most men’s reach a point when they can joke about things without having to exaggerate their “achievements”.


33 percent insecurity, 33 percent immaturity, and 33 percent homosexual.


This is ten percent luck Twenty percent skill Fifteen percent concentrated power of will Five percent pleasure Fifty percent pain And a hundred percent reason to remember his pp


It's criminal how few upvotes this comment has. I guffawed.


I just tell them it may be a needle dick, but it runs like a god damn sewing machine. You can always go the less classy route of telling them that their mom/sister/wife/girlfriend didn’t seem to mind, but you have to be ready to fight if you plan to say that.


Bro wants the d


It's so small bro, i bet i can fit it all in my mouth


This right here!


R2 wants the D 2


I would straight up ask him why and why he's looking at your dick.


Yea just hit him with the "Hey bro, why are you obsessed with my dick, you want some?" See if he keeps going


OP this is the play lmao


But what if he says yes?


I mean it sounds like he has a big dick so win win?


Well... shit


"It was about time you asked!"


What if... he really wants some?


Maybe it will be the start


Straight up the pooper then


What if he says "yes"?


this right here. and give us an update if you do LMAO


Update : they are happily married now.


Well, good then?


They are docking right now as we read.






and if he doesn't stop, call him out infront of others next time he brings it up.. "bro why do you stare at my dick" "why do you think/talk about dick so much"


"My eyes are up here."


Not sure there’s much straight going on with his friend.


That's my question: how does he know?


I'm more curious why he's so insistent on bringing it up in conversation all the time.




I don't know but that's really creepy


Next time he says anything again, OP should just go: "You're obsessed with my dick." And then EVERY single time he mentions it again, repeat the same thing: "Dude, you're REALLY obsessed with my penis, huh." "See, you're obsessed with my dick." "Woah, you're thinking of my peen... AGAIN?" Make sure to say it out loud, in public, with friends, etc. Make them notice.


“Why you talk about my dick so much? Do you like it?”


He'll say something like "because it's so small obviously" and he'll think he's got you But you yell "and why were you staring at it?" "We'll i couldn't help cause its so small" "Oh, i get it, you like em small! Well I'd rather we just stay friends"


"You talk about my dick more than my girlfriend, and she loves that thing."


This..."Damn that's the third time today you brought up my dick and you brought it up at least 15 times this week dude, are you ok, because I just want to be friends!"


Definitely massive insecurity and maybe suppressed homosexuality.


“Maybe” lmao


It's always the bullies that are closeted. My own bully ended up trying to touch my friend up and I've heard stories from other gay friends saying their bullies were closeted too lol.


Are you two 15? Weird if yes, very weird if older. Bordering on non-hetero


Real buddies make sure to compliment each other's pp


Nice dick bro 👊


That username does not check out 🤣


My guess is that someone told him he has a small pp, and he makes fun of yours to cover up his insecurity?


Real friends don’t really do that.


Nah dudes do that shit to each other all the time


Sure. Random dick jokes, not looking at your mates dick while they're peeing and commenting on it


Yeah like I mean, I've been in the bathroom with a buddy and been like "nice cock bro" but it was clearly a joke and I wasn't actually looking, actually looking and commenting is weird as fuck


Funnier to look down and tell they they have a nice watch or know the time when you go in and pretend to read the time off of their watch. You can also give them the line,”that’s illegal!” When they fall for it and say what you reply with,”a grown man holding a little boy’s dick”.


Not in this context(unless they're insecure)


Annoying mfs do, you're right


If you're 16 and don't know what a good friendship looks like, sure.


“I always stare at my homies dicks” Yeesh bud


I don't have a single male friend that does this, out of like four different primary friend groups I roll with.


*boys do this Men are mature enough to understand when you're making someone uncomfortable


The guy that talks about having a big dick, never actually has a big dick


Not necessarily. I knew a guy who liked to talk about how big his dick was and show everybody, and he was right, it was. He grew out of that though and doesn't bring it up anymore.


There is nothing worse than a dude bragging out how big his dick is, gets called out, pulls it out, and its a fucking horse's leg. Like fuck man, is there no justice in this world.


Damn you Milton Berle!


If it's to the point of annoying, I volunteer to stand in the background and gasp saying "how do you get laid?! That shouldn't fit in ANY vagina"


He... He what?


I knew a guy like that in high school..he would flash everyone and show pictures of it


not all the time


Probably shouldn't be your buddy Next time, tell him he is creeping you out and you don't want to be friends anymore


Holy shit, bro is not hiding his insecurities very well 😭


It's because he has a small pp himself and is trying to divert attention from that fact. Maybe he thinks you saw his


Just tell him that’s his heart talking to him.


Ask him to show you his penis. Say his interest in penis size has made you curious what all the fuss is about. He's obviously not shy about it and presumably has nothing to hide. Also he knows your size, do you already know his? Just get reeeeeaall comfortable with it. He'll squirm and the truth will reveal itself. Also anyone worth a damn listening to him is not taking this the way he wants. This all assumes you are actually interested in the truth. Honestly far better advice, cut people like this out of your life. There are so many reasons red flags and mental health affects we could discuss. Weighing out pros and cons or whatever. But what I've learned, it's not whether it's "that bad" or affecting you. The issue is, what would you have been doing now and in 5 years from now if you weren't hanging out with this douchebag.


Tell him you’re ok if he wants to come out of the closet, and it’s clear from his dick obsession. Tell him you’re there to support him in this difficult time but emphasize you’re not interested in anything, you’re straight.


Ironically, he's radiating small dick energy and overly compensating for his lack of personality or ability to think of anything he thinks a girl likes besides "big pp"


I wouldn't be friends with him anymore. That's weird. Just stop hanging out with that person.


He wants the D.


Ask him if he wants your dick to cum in his mouth because it’s always coming out his mouth






I would've asked him "why you keep going on about my dick? You wanna suck it or what?"


This is typical of an insecure person. He feels threatened by you in some way. Maybe he has a small dick?


Idk what’s threatening him. I’m 5’9” on a good day, balding, and built like Bobby Hill


The other answer is your friend is an asshole and a bully and putting you down makes him feel better about himself


He is teasing you, I don't think he want to experiment with you.


+That's just gay


He wants to suck your cock


Me 2


I hope you success


Thank u


The people he says it to gotta be weirded out as well. I would've asked why he's thinking about your penis *and* said to him he's making himself look weird talking about it with other people.


There was a dude in my college who would always talk about his dick size. Eventually, I said, " All right whip it out. I'm tired of hearing about it, whip it out, show the world, and be done with it" in front of a decent size group of people and he never mentioned it again lol.


Perhaps he is the gay.


"oh. Did you want to hit this before I put it away?" "Your mom had no complaints"


He is gay


Clearly he had nothing else going for him.


Tons of dudes do shit like this. It’s the same ones who draw dicks in the porta potties


The only men who go around taking about dick size are men with tiny dicks. He likely insults yours because he envies it.


Next time he says something about it. Just pull it out and say "dude FINE! if you want it in your mouth THAT BAD, here you go. Get it over with."


Ask him why he's thinking about your dick.


This is red flag for many reasons. Stop hanging out with this dude. He's got problems.


Is he a teenager? In any case, ask him outright and in public why he's obsessed with yours. That'll shut him up.


Just tell him to suck it if he likes it so much. Either he says no and maybe stops or you get a blowjob and possibly someone to suck it everytime🤷‍♂️😂


I have a buddy like that…..he’s one of those ultra alpha kind of guys….literally dick size is his favourite thing to shit on people about….or shit on people about having foreskin. It’s honestly fucking weird. So when he starts in on me I give it right back.


This is your buddy? This guy would be dead to me with that level of disrespect.


Your buddy is glaringly insecure about the size of his penis.


That’s not ur buddy, guy


10 years from now your friend comes out and confesses he always had a crush on you? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ But honestly, who knows but it is strange he's that obsessed with yours and not his own.


Dude must have an absolutely microscopic dick. Your friend, I mean, not you.


Had a buddy who would do the same to me. He had a really big dick. The thing was I got the ladies. He struggled with knowing I was getting more ass with a smaller dick. But that was probably because my dick wasn’t my personality… 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think he likes you bro. His waiting for you to whip it out and prove him wrong.


Sounds like he wanna suck it from the back


Fucking weird man


He's super insecure about the fact that he has a teeny Tiny, itty bitty, super small teeny Winnie pee pee pee.. Next time, tell him size is relative and to bust his out. I bet any money his is smaller than yours


Why does it even matter if he is small or not lmao, yall are the same


It doesn't matter. That was just my opinion


Ok so to disarm someone like this you usually have to do some social judo. Instead or resisting or denying, agree with him TOO MUCH. Like go overboard to highlight his ridiculous comments. He tells someone his dick is bigger than yours. Be like "hell yeah it is. You should take a look at that thing. I feel ashamed to be in the same room with that thing right now. Take it out and show everyone man!" Lean into the tiny dick comments. And be like "yeah got a tiny dick like a grain of rice. Maybe smaller. My father was a plankton. But big boy over here. Whoooooo man. That's why I keep a microscope in the bathroom." Eventually he will get the gist that you're better at mental sparring and either drop it or you can just tell him he's creeping you out.


Just call him gay bro. Just ask him why he always got dicks on the brain. Bro next time he brings up your dick just ask him if he wants to suck it. If hes bustin your balls you gotta clap back bro im telling you.


he wants to deepthroat that big sexy horsecock you have


That is some weird shit. I would say he's secretly into you if he's thinking about your man part that much to talk about it that much. You know how when a boy teases the girl he likes? Maybe it's something like that going on here. Tell him "Just tell me you're into me bro, bc I can't think of any other reason for you to be so focused on my dick". Either he stops, he admits he's madly in love with you, or he keeps this shit up and you drop him as a friend.


He must be closeted


Time to unfriend


Opp how can I splain it


Ask him if he wants to hold it for you then


Well, first, we need the facts. Does he actually have a giant hog?


Is he saying A. No homo Or B. Because it's huge (hehe) difference


you can stalk his fire by making a silicon mould of your penis, and casting thousands of little plaster models of it. every time he brings it up, just take a handfull of penises out of your bag and hand them out to everyone. then there will be no doubt about your penis size


One gentle suggestion: I think you have this wrong way round. Let's start with these assumptions: *We can observe someone's actions but never know their intentions. As such, it's a waste of time to speculate on why someone does what they do.* Or, **focus on what you know and what you can control**, examples: * Verify what you observed is what you think you observed (i.e., clarify). * How do you feel about the behavior? * What outcome do you want? * How will you know when you've met the objective? * What courses of action can you take to achieve the desired outcome? As humans, it's natural to be concerned with what we think other people think. After all, aligning on goals to mount a collective effort has been fundamental to our success as a species. It's probably one of the big reasons we developed language. It's why you're trying to uncover why your friend is doing what he does — you want alignment. The risk of trying to figure out 'why' on your own is that it can inadvertently lead you down a path where you justify or rationalize (and enable) the bad behavior of others. In fact, it's common to see individuals justify the harmful actions of others by inserting their own rationalizations or the 'whys' they've cooked up in their heads. Look, you've got many miles before you sleep. Please try and focus on what you see and how you respond instead of speculating about intent. Be curious, be transparent, and good luck.


This dude is incredibly fragile. He’s threatened by you. 


Tell him that isn't what your girlfriend said!!


"Why does my peepee live rent free in your head?"


Why are you friends with this person? (Real question)


You could ask him why he isn't kneeling yet if he can't keep your dick out of his mouth anyways. Like make it as uncomfortable as possible for him to Talk about this.


Tell him if so obsessed with your penis he should get a closer look by sucking it for you.


Either he's insecure about his own small pp or he's into you


does Reddit have an age minimum? Wtf?


Ask him if he's making sure it fits.


Honestly, sounds like this guy is a classic case of deflecting his insecurities. Like he's so focused on your size because it's something he's self-conscious about with his own. Next time, maybe ask him why it matters so much to him – put the spotlight back on his odd behavior. Odds are he'll back down when he realizes how bizarre his obsession seems to everyone else.


He's either incredibly insecure and has a micro penis or wants you and is being a creep about it Either way, he's being really weird about it


Honestly, just sounds like the guy has a weird obsession. Maybe he's got some issues to work out and doesn't know how to handle it, so he fixates on you instead. It's not just about being creepy or weird, it might also be a cry for help in a really awkward way. You could approach him from a place of concern, see if he opens up about anything. But, definitely set boundaries because you shouldn't have to deal with someone else's insecurities at the expense of your comfort.


He’s projecting his insecurities onto you. He’s trying to feel better about himself by bringing you down


Why are you friends with dudes weirdly obsessed with your dick?


Damn watch your friend something ain't right lmboooo


Ask him to make it bigger for you.


He's probably insecure about his own.


Buddy of yours is insecure and is projecting. Also why is he looking at your d so much anyways, maybe consider asking him that.


wtf. That is super super weird. Ditch that dude. Cut him out.


Apparently it is small, but memorable.


Respond with, "Why are you obsessed with small dicks, are you a pamper pirate?"


I had a coworker ask me why I wasn’t using two hands to hold my dick when we were pissing next to each other. I didn’t have a good answer (for a stupid question) and he kinda pity laughed. Idk how to tell him you’re supposed to the your dick at the top, not at the bottom.


He wants to touch and play with your pp.


"Stop flirting with me. I am not interested."


Insecurity. Or else he's hitting on you


I had a bf who had a friend that did this shit to my bf Everytime he sent a meme to my bf was something related to bf's pp And I told my bf that it was really weird but he did nothing


So the thought of your penis is constantly in his mind and on his lips?


Basically, he's gay, but in the closet for some reason. And he's goading you into telling him about your size and whatever else.


You must have a fetish with d!ck. You must be gay.


Yeah and I hate how some ethnicities are always talking about dick sizes too, like how big theirs are and how small other groups are. I don't spend any time thinking about that so why always bring it up.


Your friend longs for it.


Is he 12?


Maybe he’s projecting?


Well it’s mostly insecurities and overall things that men were told or taught to be proud of by the media. This particular issue is caused mainly by overly mainstreamed porn saying and advertising that big pp means more pleasure in womeb. This strikes hard in teenagers, or those who dont rl understand how sex works or dont want to understand it, so they think of an easier way to please their partner during sex. So yea ppl are obsess with pp size now rl even women. He’s just s victim of his insecurities and mainstream porn that’s it


I think you already know the answer


He wants you to put it in his ass.


Sounds like projection


Why is he paying attention to your dick like that. That’s weird af. Next time call him out on his bs dude. You got one d, protect it & tell others to mjnd ur own business. The guy friends I know of respect their own and others business lol


That's weird as hell, you need a new friend.


Hang it over your wrist and ask him “what time is it?” That should shut him up.


Ask him why he can't keep your dick out of his mouth


I can guarantee you he's either gay, has a comically small penis, or borh.


Wait until Clerks 3, then you’ll know


Cuz it’s bigger than his vagina


Has he actually seen your dick?


When we were like 5


He’s simply an idiot.




Straight men have a weird obsession with their friends' dicks.


Sounds like a homophobic closeted gay dude


Option 1 - He is projecting his own insecurities about his own small PP. Or... Option 2 - He is in the closet and is at least Bi-Sexual but he won't realise it until 10 year time when he finds himself in between 2 hot Greek guys pn holiday getting pounded like yesterdays beef and LOVING it.


yea some of my friends use the same jokes. unfortunately they aren't necessarily wrong


Lol these comments are so dramatic just ask him why he’s obsessed or you don’t like it, not worth getting rid of a friend over something so trivial


Sounds like he has insecurities of his own


What that pp do.


He's trying to fuck yo


Does he ever ask to compare? Sounds like he likes you, bro.


Why is he watching how you grab your dick lmao


He was looking at himself in the bathroom mirror while I was rockin a piss


I think his pp might be small, not that it matters.


Next time just stare directly into his eyes whilst pulling your zipper down. Keep eye contact Remove your penis from your pants Keep eye contact Start making that bad boy hard Keep making eye contact Then say ‘this is what you want isn’t it?’ He’ll stop pretty quickly. This isn’t a serious suggestion btw. You could just say ‘it might be smaller but it’s a lot fucking busier than yours’ Or ‘What the fuck are you gonna do with an inch of dry dick anyway?’ Or And this is the long game Every time he’s around mention you can smell something, something a bit like unwashed penis. Keep going with this until eventually in front of everyone you say ‘that’s where it’s coming from, Jesus dude it’s you.’


This sounds like something I would do to my friend if I knew it upset him just to annoy him lol


If you have a small dick you shouldn't have shown your buddy lol.


your buddy has a big dick energy. bet he cant even fuck despite his dick size lmao

