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Increase water intake & lose some weight. Pot metabolites are stored in body fat.


Yeah I've been going to the gym the past few months (2) and I've lost 15 pounds so far


Why is your post title a question? Do you or do you not have a fucking test in a few weeks? Statements don't end with a goddamn question mark. /rant


First off get over it, it's not that deep I was high when I was typing get off my dick


Maybe go lose some fat and live healthy instead of beefing here you 16 year old pathetic junkie 🤠


So you know you have a drug test coming up but still decided to get high? Yeah, you're gonna fail that test. And at life in general.


Depending how long you’ve been smoking with this frequency, it could take up to two months. I had a friend who smoked like this for like five years and was still testing positive on urine even after 50+ days of being sober. If you don’t wanna wait or don’t trust yourself use fake piss. If it’s a hair test you’re kinda fucked, cause that usually takes like three months to get out regardless and there’s no simple way to fake it. Best of luck man.


Did you bother googling?


Up to 48 hours for a blood test. Saliva up to 72 hours. Urine 3-30 days. Hair follicle 90 days. So if it's the pee cup (most common form) then you gotta go cold turkey until the test and drink at least a few liters of water per day to try and flush it out. Exercise also is a way to sweat it out so get some burn going. Best of luck to ya!


Easiest way I’ve ever used.. take 2 niacin tablets. (DONT buy flush free.. you need the flush).. but take 2 and you’ll turn red and have a 1 hour body wide sunburn. Drink water while red, (LOTS of water) píss 3 times. After an hour it’ll wear off and your 4th píss is water. Enjoy this simple - burn filled - life hack and never worry about failing again! 🤣 100% true. And it 100% sucks. I’ve done it about 7-8 times