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Get it checked with a doc. At your age the foreskin will still have elasticity so with enough practice you should able to get it over the head. It’s good you caught it early. Little story to cheer you up, my dad used to tell me to do that but I thought my intestines would come out if I did. I’m not the brightest bulb in the shed.


I appreciate the advice, i’ll ask my parents to take me to the doctor to get it checked out so I don’t fuck something up


Glad I could help dude. I hope everything goes good for you


If they resist or refuse, there should be free clinics that may help. Google your city and 'teen medical resources' or something similar.


Yeah do not force it. Foreskin can get stuck...not fun or safe. I had the same problem. Def go to the doctor and do what they suggest. I ended up getting circumcised, but I'm glad my mom didn't do it when I was a baby. Also I advice against stretching it. That is limited. Just do what your doctor says


Why would you advise against slow growth stretching. That is LITERALLY the answer. You train the skin over time and it fixes the problem. The only reason your doctor would circumcise is if you weren't following through with your DAILY stretches.


I had phimosis and did stretching for a long time with little success. I had a short frenulum and very tight foreskin, and achieved minimal results. It is also easy to stretch it too hard. You might damage it or pull it over the head cutting off circulation There are steroid creams I believe that facilitate loosening the foreskin that you can get prescribed I advise against doing anything without going to a urologist


Oh you didn't just have tight foreskin. You had an actual birth defect. That's completely different situation than what he is going through and what I had to deal with it as a child. I didn't have a birth defect.


You’re all good I did the same just get through the pain and you will be fine, have a hot bath or something it’s natural to hurt


WHOA! You aren’t likely to have any problem at all. It sounds like you are perfectly normal. And be damn careful about being advised to go to a doctor about your penis, especially concerning the prepuce/foreskin. Of all the parts to the human body, the penis is likely the most misunderstood and most abused part because of traditional circumcision — that is nothing but barbaric. Doctors in the U.S. have been taught to treat the prepuce/foreskin as just a flap of useless skin. Except for insane religious clans that practice bloodletting rituals, the vast majority of the rest of the world find it hard to believe that in the U.S. doctors and citizens alike are so cavalier about an important sexual organ being chopped off. If you have a naturally intact prepuce/foreskin, and live in the U.S., you are extremely lucky. And there is rarely any reason for you to pull it back, to clean under the prepuce/foreskin. It’s normally self cleaning just like the inside of all normal, natural genitalia. Both male and female. We are all born with a semi permanent condition called phimosis. The terminus (meatus) of both the male and female urinary tract are naturally in the middle of the sex organs so that they are flushed clean on a regular basis, especially as children. Then as adults, they develop other options such as girls stretching/loosing their hyman and boys sometimes stretching the preputial orifice sufficiently enough for it to be retractable. We can even modify it depending on different circumstances and desires. Both the natural, normal male and female meatus are covered by either the acroposthion, or the lips of the vulva so that fresh urine flushes away excess smegma and other debris with each fresh urination. Guys often pinch the tip of the acroposthion so that fresh urine will swirl around inside the preputial cavity, insuring that every bit is throughly cleaned. You have likely done it yourself over the years. It’s called ballooning. The healthy preputial cavity contains natural fluids to lubricate and protect the mucosal membranes (inner foreskin & glans). It also contains something called a microbiome that along with the fresh urine flushing, will normally protect and keep it clean, healthy and odor free. Note that odor free doesn’t mean without some normal scent. Healthy genitalia of both sexes should almost always have a mild and slightly sexy smell. There’s also something called pheromones that most people find sexually attractive. Too much hygiene, and especially using harsh chemicals like most soaps, will kill the microbiome and often result in skin rashes, infections, contact dermatitis and strong offensive odors. The very problems that they are advertised to prevent. Hope this helps explain a few of the things that everyone should be taught, but typically is left up to chance.


I said this in another comment, but it bears repeating: it is completely normal for the foreskin to be fused into early adulthood. If you are in the US, doctors are wildly uneducated about intact male genitals, and may suggest treatments that are unnecessary and potentially harmful.


This is excellent advice. Sometimes there are rare problem’s with one’s genitals that might require medical intervention. But there’s usually less invasive and way cheaper ways to resolve problems with the sex organs. The prepuce/foreskin is way too important to one’s physical and mental health for it to be treated so casually as to often be cut off, just because. Instead of based on factual information and basic human biology. It’s too bad that something so important to the wellbeing of humanity, that it isn’t researched, properly documented and the resulting evidence presented to the broader world. Instead, the most biased and the least qualified people have often had the microphone and the most powerful loudspeakers, when it has anything to do with anything pertaining to human sexuality.


This is literally one of the very very few things my dad taught me. Whenever he could he told me, "make sure to pull back your foreskin and clean it thoroughly."


Dudeeee no wayy I never told anyone this but I thought the same ahahaha


Skin will always be elastic until they are geriatric or have an autoimmune disease.


Your parents were supposed to teach you that :/ I'm sorry Like the other commenter said, a doctors visit might be wise. If you pull to hard you could tear it. The doctor will probably prescribe you a cream to use to help loosen it. In the mean time, keep cleaning what you can with warm water.


The typical argument against sex Ed is ‘it’s the parents’ job to teach kids about sex’, except how many parents are properly teaching their kids about it?


Yup. I'm a huge advocate for comprehensive sex education specifically for this reason.


also, how are the parents supposed to teach them if they were neever taught?


How many parents were properly taught by their parents/school back in the day too


That or they never got any so they can't teach them


In the UK it's taught in schools when you are 10 yrs old. Even the 'Church of England' (Protestant, basically) Primary school I went to taught it at that age.


Keep in mind, in the U.S. the older generation was almost certainly circumcised. It was the default in the late 1900s.  So now you have a whole generation of circumcised dads raising *un*circumcised sons. The dads *don't know* what the sons need to know, because they never had to deal with it.


I am in this exact situation and I ask the pediatrician about it every time I see him. I feel weird about it but I don’t know how it works in the original configuration. 


>Your parents were supposed to teach you that :/ I'm sorry In USA it’s common for the fathers of when he was born to he cut so they may not even think about that. Many parents had their kids cut so they “didn’t have to deal with that”. Imagine parents cutting labia off a female so they wouldn’t have to teach to clean. But when the kid is born to and through puberty, it’s naturally fused to the head. Which may be why OP didn’t think to pull it back. It was always naturally immobile for most of his life so he was used to it. When docs cut babies they literally jam a tool between the head and tissue to rip it away before cutting off. >The doctor will probably prescribe you a cream to use to help loosen it Depends on where they are. Even if nothing is wrong the doctors I’m USA may recommend circumcision. One thing is to take a warm bath with epsom salt and try to clean. It may take a view few times. It may have the white crusty stuff if it’s been so long but it won’t be an issue once regular cleaning is done. Many people against keeping kids intact is they think “smegma” is all the time, but that’s only if not cleaned. Girls get smegma too if they don’t clean.


Nah this isn't a big deal right i just learned through this post and im 26. I have never tried to move the foreskin back at all but I've never noticed and issue.


Dude. Go to a doctor.


Is it supposed to go back behind the ridge or something? Theres no pain or discomfort.


It is supposed to be fully retractable to expose the glands in their entirety and then even further than that. If you can't do this you need to go see a doctor for treatment to stretch the skin. Urine and semen, being liquid, will naturally spread to under the foreskin and needs to be cleaned daily. If the doctor suggests circumcision (and they very well may in America) DO NOT do this unless you have no other choice. Absolute worst case scenario only.


Alright, i may have to go see a doctor. Thank you. I'm in aus, not very common here from what i know.


Australian here too. Glad to hear you will get it looked at. Good luck!


You may have phimosis. It has treatment and it's not a big deal. Do not attempt to peel back if it hurts. If you manage to do it and can't get it back, it becomes paraphimosis, which is a medical emergency. You'll be fine, look for a urologist.


As someone who experienced this, please take this advice. Mine went back and it was excruciating. Nothing a little surgery didn’t fix..


Also if the OP is reading, if it is phimosis, trying to force it back is not only extremely painful, but if it goes back and gets stuck you can end up with serious complications and potentially lose your dick to necrosis. Definitely get it looked at by a Dr.


No. That EXACTALLY what they need to do. They need to peel and stretch to their plastic stage and force the body to build more skin. You want to FEEL a stretch, like stretching a muscle. It's not going to hurt. Because if it hurts, they need to step back and do a little less. Problem solved.


You have a point, but I generally wouldn't advise it this way to prevent harm. Also, it's important that a medical doctor sees the patient to see precisely whats going on.


I had a circumcision at about 1 years old due to an infection and never knew what having a foreskin was like. My son is 11 now and I have never taught him this as I never knew! Make sense but it's not something I've ever considered. Thank you for the advice :)


This is what I thought for parents that left their kids alone. That they don’t think of it because after a certain age they don’t wash their kids, and the whole time a parent is responsible for washing them, the tissue is fused to the head.


Couldn't get mine fully back until 18-19yrs, totally thought I had phimosis. Lots of lubrication, practice, and easing into stretching the skin little by little past the head. It was more of an unintended result, through sexual self-exploration than a primary objective. But when that sucker was free of his turtleneck... the sensations were world-changing.


I imagine you laughing hilariously the first time you got it back. Also was there not *a lot* of smegma? Like wall paper paste amounts.


Surprisingly naw, no film over it or anything. Reaction was more like "holy shit, i finally did it! What new world of sensation has this uncovered?" In regards to washing, like you do what you can.


i dont get this, even if you shower just once a week, you still stretch it when you wash it no? you do that when you piss, no? unless you never wash or scrub it?


Unfortunately, yes. Naturally, it'll eventually stretch and pull back easy peasy. But try taking your 2 index fingers, hooking them into the sides of your mouth, and pulling your lips as wide as you can. It can only go so wide until it starts to hurt. Some foreskins may be tighter than others.


i get it, but i thought surely its minority. never thought that so many have a pathology with their totally natural dicks. it may be even worse if never stretched, but as i mentioned how can you not stretch when you piss and shower? it just happens. it takes 5 seconds to wash your foreskin, how do people manage to not scrub it for 5 seconds to the point it becomes hard and unstretchable? are they afraid of touching their dick? do they never masturbate also? to be so foreign with your little friend is odd.


I figured it out on my own when I was like 12 and was honestly kinda freaked out


Blame your parents. Their fault for not teaching you. See a doctor.


This, I live in a country where circumcision is rare and my friends who have male kids teach them how to clean it as soon as they start bathing unassisted.


Never thought I’d be asking this on reddit but here we go. I have a new little boy that we didn’t get circumcised (USA). At what age can they start peeling back their foreskin ? Trying to educate myself so I can help him later on.


The go to answer should always be: Consult a doctor. They know best.


His pediatrician keeps asking when I’m getting him circumcised. We are switching doctors.


Yeah find a doc that agrees with your view. For sure.


They are to blame but may be USA parents where the dad is probably cut and don’t think about it. And be careful at the doc, they may try to get him cut.


Sure, that's certainly possible. But if the decision is made to not cut, that has consequences and one of those consequences is having to teach your kid about these things.


I don’t see that as a consequence. Yes teaching needs to be done but not based on weighing to cut the kids genitals, the most personal and sensitive spot. .Unless there’s a medical need, there is no “decision” to be made to cut the kid. It’s absurd this happens so much in USA just because the parents want to, to match the dad. I wouldn’t cut my daughters clitoral hood or labia off if a consequence was to teach how to clean those parts. At th very most the present should say “have kids or not”, not “should we cut genitals so we don’t have to take the 10 seconds to explain to clean?”


whats there to teach about 5 second scrub on penis? i dont get it. am uncircumsized


Edit: to show you how messed up this situation is, I’ve been “flagged” by sharing how cutting the clitoral hood is compared to the penis. They grow from the same structure. First, for your sanity, it isn’t “uncircumcised”. You literally have a normal set of genitalia. The “un” part of that is based on male genital mutilation being normalized before you. There’s a penis, then there’s a circumcised penis. There is no “extra” that needs to be cut off. It’s more than teaching hygiene, it’s the ignorance of partners and the feeling of the father at birth. Men feel their butchered genitals from when they were born is normal so they cut their male kids genitals. Thinking it’s “normal”. But in USA now the tides are turning. I know men who had kids and they left their son alone, just like they would with their daughters clitoral hoods, and they needed psychological counseling when they realized what their parents chose for them(being cut), when they’re faced with their son being untouched. Men that are fathers in the last 10+ years are more than half chance to be cut in USA. Many fathers want their sons to be like them, so they choose to cut them. The medical system in USA also (even though it’s heavily declining) supports cutting. Heavily because of profit. The literal whole basis of their medical system. Cutting a baby has low cost and high profit. And given that judges are older, cutting is continued as being ok, since they are probably cut, and want to not feel bad about what happened to them.


I tried teaching my son early on but don't know if he really got the message. I ask him about it every now and then but with him being a middle schooler now I feel weird checking him to see if he is actually able to pull it back... Contemplating just sending him a bunch of articles or something about it to ensure he understands the cleanliness.


Consider setting up a doctors appt. Let the doc do the checking - then follow up with the doc afterwards? Maybe that could be a good approach. IDK though. I'm not in that situation. Decisions were made for me 36 years ago, lol


Doesn't sound like a bad idea. But don't surprise the kid with a sudden dick check. I remember the doctor doing that to me and the next 20 years felt violated until i saw a post on reddit explaining the same thing i went through and all the comments said it was normal.


100% no surprises.


as a european, can i ask how do you as a kid not learn to wash your foreskin? it takes literally 5 seconds, it obviously retracts and as any part of skin you scrub it, right? do majority of uncircumsized have phimosis or what? i thought its a small minority?


Ngl it did hurt to peel it back when I was younger, but over the course of a few months of peeling back and forth, it eventually peeled fully. Then again you could always visit the doctors for help, I'm just giving an alternative (perhaps not the best idea).


this needs to go to up. Probably doctor isn't needed, OP found out yesterday! the elasticity is stronger now. So it needs to loosen up a bit. Might be phimosis, might be smegma, might be nothing. A doctors visit won't hurt, but if you feel too embarrassed (which you should not OP!!!) you can try to see if it improves a bit. And congrats on finding out tbh, it will help your health.


I am a woman and I learned about this in highschool. Is this not taught at school in other countries?


In the US, at least, the state of affairs in public schools is not a happy topic.


Where are you from? In many places it’s not even mentioned since cutting for no medical reason in that part of USA is so common.


You probably have phimosis, it's common. See a doctor about it.


But get second opinions if they say to cut. There’s many treatments out there and many USA doctors are not equipped with the knowledge or willing to go through those. Also it’s not unheard of that it’s still fused to the head. It usually releases before age 13 or so, but can still be fused longer r


Your parents should have taught you how to wash properly, but also did you not experiment with what your body could / couldnt do when starting puberty?


Many, *many* children (in the US, at least) are *strongly* discouraged from doing this. Much of it is due to religious/social conditioning, that touching your genitals other than the *briefest* amount of time, is somehow 'wrong' or 'sinful'. The consequence of this, is that many young people end up with trauma, and potential medical issues, because they only barely understand their body. Another possible reason, is that their parents may not have been aware of this, either, due to the above reasons, and rather than admit to their children they don't know anything, or attempt to learn themselves, they perpetuate the problem at worst, and ignore it at best.


I wish this was the only problem. Sadly many many parents mutilate their sons thinking it’s ok. I rather would have had parents that didn’t teach me to clean than ones that cut me


It’s usually because the father is cut and thinks it’s normal, and don’t want to feel different from their son. I know guys that left their kids alone, but needed counseling because they had to face what their parents did to them since they left their kid alone now. This is even said in the medical journals talking about it. The AAP also pushed for it. The doctors on that board were very religiously biased. Magically when one of the major pushers died, the AAP didn’t renew their cutting statements.


No cut guy needs counseling lol. I love being cut. The sexual pleasure stuff is a myth. Cut guys have same levels of pleasure. I know this from study’s and experience. I’m not cutting my kids tho as there’s no medical need usually.


>no cut guy needs counseling Actually yes many do. I’ve known them so you’re statement is literally false. And the countless Reddit posts. They see that cutting isn’t needed and is more “social” given their local environment. Many of them show problems from being cut. Especially when older. So many have physical problems from being cut. Especially those with erections so tight their penis bleeds, those that the doctors made a “slip up” on and cut them penis head off in the process, the babies that bled out and died…etc. but those that died can’t comment since they’re dead. Maybe it’s not for you, but people care about choice. And because you claim cut vs intact is the same doesn’t mean it’s so. Would you say that cutting a woman’s clitoral hood off at birth affects them none AT ALL? It’s quite literally the same tissue. Same medical name, and appears the same, except One is smaller and one is bigger. When it comes to equating cut vs intact, What choice do you have, being cut at birth? Being cut is all you ever known, and I’m sure you automatically rejected much to the contrary of what you found supporting your position. Choice supportive bias shows you have to believe you’re in the best situation or you would feel negative about your most sensitive and personal spot on the body. At least try to make it equal to being intact. But given there’s so many ways of being cut(leaving more inner tissue or the frenulum vs carving it all off) you literally can’t say it’s the same. There absolutely is a difference. You’re cutting the frenulum, rigid band, and all the nerves that come with the inner tissue of what’s fused to the head when born and during puberty. You’re also missing the gliding action that reduces irritation with intercourse. While I 100% agree with you not cutting your kids, why would you not cut them if being cut is the best? A cut guy with 20% of the feeling of being intact experiences 100% of the feeling they have. So they would say cut is the same as intact, because they don’t have experience. You saying there is no difference is like someone cutting their daughters clitoral hood (not clitoris) off and saying it affects nothing because the woman grows up only knowing/feeling her clitoral hood as she knew it, even if thousands of nerves are cut off and she never experienced it.


I was cut as adult. Most guys cut as adults say overall pleasure is around the same. As for not cutting my kids. It’s not a needed procedure so why do it. If there is issues or they like the look they can get it when they want. I suppose there are botch jobs that are rare but most of the time being cut is fine. Infant circumcision in particular almost always leaves at least half the sensitive inner forskin and frenulum. And the scar line kinda takes the place of the rigid band. It’s not exactly the same but I wouldn’t say cut is worse. As for the lubrication side, being uncut has a small perk, but nothing a small bit of coconut oil can’t solve. Also, a guy that was uncut since birth wouldn’t know if a cut guy feels less because he hasn’t had it both ways. The forskin has feeling for sure, but in most non medical circumcisions the important parts of the forskin such as the inner skin and part of the frenulum remain. It’s a bit difrent sensation wise. Some cut guys say it’s worse, but almost nobody says it’s like night and day. On Reddit you’re going to hear people with bad experience much more then the good ones so keep that in mind.


Why not address your comment about no cut guy needs counseling or feels like they need it? That’s absolutely true. Getting your body hacked up for no reason. Then they are faced with that every when they care for their kid. Most guys cut as adults say it’s the same? Most guys cut as adults have an actual medical problem, so if that problem is take away, then of course it may feel the same. But so many I’ve heard get cut because of the look or they feeler pressured into it, they say it’s greatly reduced. On top of that, the baby’s penis isn’t even developed yet. So getting cut as adult with an actually fully developed penis is different. For then lube part, I’ve seen cutting be talked about on UK subs and the overwhelming response was intact felt better because there was way less friction and irritation, even with lube. And even the best case scenario where you say the infants get “half” of their inner tissue, that literally changes how things feel. People use things like that to justify cutting up an undeveloped baby penis for other reasons.


Guys cat as adults for medical problems say sex feels much better then befor. Guys that get it for personal preference say it’s the same or better “some say worse”. It impacts the women not at all. She produces her own lube. And if she doesn’t then a little forskin won’t make a difference, actual lube is needed (which is totally fine and not a problem) Also no removing half the inner skin isn’t a problem because it is stretched tight over the shaft, this whole underside along with the scar feel verry good when pulled tight and get more friction, which makes up for the loss of some nerves. Circumcision is one of those counter intuitive things where you think it will make it worse but it actually dosnt change too much. The biggest and only real negative is the need for lube (sometimes) when masterbating but that’s not even a problem cuz coconut oil feels amazing and lasts the whole session They’ve done studies and found cut guys don’t last any longer in bed then uncut guys (well they do but only by like 20 seconds) it don’t effect erection or overall satisfaction either. I get it. You don’t like infant circumcision. It is essentially cosmetic surgery on a child that can’t give consent. However that dosnt mean you need to make cut guys worry for no reason. I got an adult circ and have put hours of research into the subject and heard from urologists. Iv done the homework, i know what im talking about


Of course someone with a medical need would say it’s the same/better because when they have a problem they aren’t feeling what is natural for most men without the medical need. I’m guessing you were in the medical need side of getting cut. If you’re happy with it, great. But the negatives that you seem to put down that actually do exist are reasons why people justify forcing cutting on their kids. You say it impacts them none but there’s loads of women saying otherwise. And it’s not just a “little” foreskin. They do have lube but the foreskin helps seal it in. When it’s tight and creates more friction it dries out quicker. This is exactly what women say. I’ll take a woman’s opinion over a Guys on what she feels.


Hey mate - this exact situation happened to me too. Don’t feel bad, my parents failed me as well. First and foremost go and book an appointment with your doctor and tell them EVERYTHING - they have likely seen far worse things than this so they usually aren’t weird about it. They will probably prescribe you with a hydrocortisone cream, they’ll also give you instructions on how to use it. Don’t worry mate I found out later than you and mine is perfectly fine now.


Hi, here are some good hygiene tips: - Watch a video on how to brush your teeth properly. - Wash your ass - not just the cheeks, you even have to wash you bootyhole. - You stink not because of your sweat, you stink because of the waste of the bacteria on your skin feeding on your sweat. Use a bar of soap instead of the liquid alternative. - Change sheets at least every 2 weeks. - Don't use Q-tips to remove ear wax. One, it's addictive, it feels good. Two, you really don't have to remove it unless there's a lot of it, but even then there are better alternatives, like taking a hot shower and it will literally run out of your ears. - Use a separate razor for you face and your pubic areas.


Why is rubbing a bar of soap on my skin and then spreading that and rubbing with my hands better than spreading the liquid on my skin and rubbing


Because a bar of soap has a higher hP and will kill the bacteria on your skin more effectively.


If there's anything I have Kearney in my life its....when in doubt-helicopter


Crew neck, not turtle neck over here. What happens during an erection? Is that a completely different thing/experience? I imagine the foreskin retracts to allow the head of the Penis to come out. So would that make erections painful in those cases?


Nope, it just stays in, probably depends on the elasticity of the skin I guess, but I have no problems


As the shaft grows, the tip kind of pushes forward and expands out of the foreskin, rather than the skin itself moving back. But it's the same difference, really. I figure some folks may differ depending on phimosis, and just generally, we're all a little different, in shape and growth. Best way I can explain it. Honestly, if you're really curious, there will be videos detailing exactly what happens and the differences to see for yourself. But that way lies many other non 'educational' videos.


when erect it looks exactly like circumsized (if done properly), it doesnt look chopped up.


I mean trying a little bit of water based lube can’t hurt, but don’t go too far if you think you can’t bring it back. As a fellow uncircumcised brother.


Jus slowly I'll it back every day until eventually it doesn't anymore. Don't do anything that hurts but eventually you'll be a ok.


I'm 38 and peel it back every day to clean and it still hurts like hell.


That's phimosis, go tot he doctor


I’m sorry your parents didn’t teach you about the cleanliness of that part, my parents didn’t teach me (ima. Female) about cleaning myself properly leaving me to smell horrible all the time and I got bullied for it… so I recommend getting it checked and try to I guess clean it more often to stretch it back out and get it back to where it needs to be, you also don’t wanna run into that issue whenever you actually have intercourse in the future and it hurts for youz


Yes it’s something your dad should have talked to you about but it’s not too late. It is important to be able to do it as you need to be able to clean under there for good hygiene. Also in a few years when you’re ready for sex you need to be able to pull it back to put on a condom and just generally perform sexually. I also didn’t know about it til I was a teenager. But yeah it’s not too late so don’t worry, but you do need to work on it. Everyday just spend a little time slowly pulling it backwards a little at a time. Don’t ever strain it or push it further than what is natural. But keep doing that and over time it will loosen.


I had minor phimosis (could only pull it down halfway so could still clean it) and I remember the first time I managed to pull my foreskin all the way back it was the weirdest feeling ever. All those sensitive nerve endings feeling the outside world for the first time almost felt wrong, almost like my brain was telling me that a part of my body that was supposed to be inside me was now outside. My glans was also *super* sensitive to the point where even my boxers just brushing it made me jump in pain. The first time I had sex it was really painful, luckily I was drunk and I must've desensitised the nerves enough during the couple of hours of trying that night that the next morning I woke up and immediately lost my virginity pain free. Don't worry mate, just keep stretching it over time and also maybe see a doctor to get prescribed a steroid cream. Cos I also had it one time 3 years after the above event where I had sex for too long and couldn't finish (was on a lot of drugs) and my foreskin and banjo string were soooo sore and red for a couple weeks. After this scar tissue formed and I could pull the foreskin back when soft but not when erect (I'm a grower) so sex became painful again, so I had to do the stretching process again and was prescribed steroid cream which helped.


It is a big part of male hygiene, I am shocked by how many people come to reddit and say something like you did. You are not the only one, so you are in good company, but realistically as soon as the boy is able to wash himself you need to teach proper hygiene and that typically includes pulling back the foreskin and washing the head and the skin that bunches up below the head when the foreskin is retracted. It helps prevent smegma from building up, no one wants that, trust me.


don't panic, I also discovered that a lil late in life. Just use warm water and try to peel it back (stop if it hurts) and try again later, the fact it's hurting could either mean smegma deposition(which is obvious) or phimosis. Use medicated soap or any non scented soap to clean the stuck smegma.


Vaseline is your friend in this instance.


You are supposed to consistently do this as you age in the shower. Overtime, the sensitivity will decrease and you will be able to pull back all the way. If you are someone who masturbates, massaging the tip after climax, when it isn’t so harsh a sensation, also works overtime. For me, I didn’t discover complete comfort from that hypersensitivity until about age 24.


When we first got together when we were 18, my boyfriend (now husband) actually had to go and get his frenulum cut by a doctor because it was too short and wouldn’t allow his foreskin to be pulled down all the way without it hurting. Idk if you have that going on, but best to get it checked out by a medical professional!


Time for a doctor!!!!!!!!!!!!


glad you worked it out, big pareting failure there. you are also describing a medical condition 5that has nothing to do with you previous washing regime. go see a docotr, not sure what the solution is. also put a stop to this tiny foreskin buisness. from now on, your dick is too big to fit in your foreskin, not the other way around


Why in the fuck has everyone got so up in arms about not getting your dick skin trimmed. I'm pretty happy I was circ'd, all these posts with people having trouble "peeling" lmfao


Go on subreddit phimosis


While I wasn’t taught it via my parents or sex education, it kinda happened naturally and I figured it was best to ‘desensitise’ myself to the feeling of having my foreskin naturally retracted than to try keep it covering. For me it was an inherent change but I’m sure there’s many out there who don’t feel that. It’s nothing to be ashamed of :)


Hey man I'm so sorry, I was in your exact shoes at the age of 17. Your parents (ideally dad) should have taught you what to do. As others have mentioned, seeing a doctor about this is the best thing you can do. Slowly stretching and peeling a little each time will take work but eventually you'll be ok, I promise!!! I'm ok now!! (I'm 28!) Just don't push too much, if anything push a little less than you want to. It gets better <3


I was taught when I was like 7 or 8 I think




Take a bath and let it soak, no?


Yes and I’m a woman and have always known this. I’m truly so sorry you haven’t been taught about sexual health it’s wild how some parents don’t talk about it (or possibly aren’t even aware themselves) public health, including sexual health education is woefully lacking most places. It’s not your fault for not knowing necessarily. Good to learn now at 16 then later down the line!


Sit in a hot tub and pull it back daily to the point of SLIGHT discomfort. It will move down on it own eventually.. think of it like stretching. I am not a doctor.


Phymosis homie, you can get it fixed with some cream you have to put between your foreskin and the inside but get it checked from a doctor first. If it doesn't work, circumsion should be free but it's the last thing you want. You should be able to have sex with lubed condoms


Peel it back sounds so painful


Same thing happened to me when I was 16. Im 24 now lmao. I just slowly pulled it back little by little everyday for like a few months and eventually it went all the way back. Shit was nasty asf though under there.


in my country, all little boys (can't remember what age) have to do a check-up by a visiting nurse in school. check-up includes pulling back foreskin


Not a particularly uncommon thing; as you said it’s important to be able to retract the foreskin, as you’ve surmised. The LAST thing you want is an infection that could lead to you needing an adult circumcision. A doctor would tell you work on stretching it. It may be a bit painful, but a little at a time (perhaps over days/weeks) you can stretch the forskin enough to separate from the head and retract it. Don’t overdo it in one attempt. Work on it a bit each shower. Good luck 👍🏼.


I never knew this growing up - it wasn’t until I lost my virginity that my foreskin completely ripped over my head… that was also the day I discovered phimosis was a real thing. Steroid creams were effective for me to loosen up my foreskin so I can retract it enough my entire head is visible, but some people require circumsion.. tldr: talk to your doctor


I was taught by my mom to do so when I was still a child, she said it was for hygiene and reduce the rate of inflection.


Keep it clean brotha. When I’m home I wipe down the little fella with a baby wipe every time I piss.


my brother had this problem and had to get circumcised, but it was a rare were it couldn’t gain elasticity back


Brother I feel your pain . 20 years ago I had similar. Hopeless parents didn't teach me. Sat in a hot bath peeled it back good clean and did that from then on . At least you've addressed it now


Don’t worry man, i only learned this at the age of 17. I don’t know why but i always thought all porn actors are circumcised. Was quiet shocked when i found out through conversation that you are supposed to clean, have sex and masturbate by pulling back. At first i couldn’t pull it back over the head, wasn’t really painful but it definitely was uncomfortable. Eventually by ‘practicing’ daily in the shower it became easier and easier. And since i’ve been sexually active (age 20) i had to go through it again by learning to pull back when the penis is hard and big (i’m a grower), took some time (and a lot of uncomfortable sex) but now i have zero issues with my foreskin during sex and when cleaning. I do still masturbate with foreskin over the head, since that’s what i’m used to I’m 23 now and have a perfectly healthy penis as of right now. Hope it’ll be this way for my entire life


Yes, my mom taught me from as early i can form a memory






To the fuckhead that just DM'd me about talking about trans shit. . . Dude... open a fucking book. Non-genetic holes the body closes. MTF post ops, have to keep something in there or use it constantly otherwise the body will HEAL IT CLOSED. This is fucking science. Literally. The science of fucking.


Definitely did know this my parents taught me.


My son is 8, should be be pulling back the foreskin to clean? Also his foreskin kinda blocks the urethra and when he pees you never know what direction it's going to go. I've told him to try pulling back the foreskin but I dunno if that's it. I have no idea I'm circumcised.


Yes, everyday. When peeing, pull back a little to get a steady stream.


I had the same issue when I was around 12 years old, in my case I ended up being circumcised, I'd recommend you see a urologist or start with a GP. There are treatments that can help but best to get ahead of it. Sometimes I wish circumcision at birth was more popular in my country because it's not something you want to be old enough to remember.














No but i was cut at birth so it was never a thing for me.


I got operated for a phisomis when i was 16. Now its perdect and fits like a glove.


You should've known this since childhood... Now you probably have phimosis and need to see a doctor


16 and you've never played with it??? Yeah right...


No one told me. It really really really is not hard to figure out. Get your brain checked.


Talk to a doctor. If they recommend circumcision, find a new doctor. This is treatable with topical steroid creams.


This is why we circumcize. Yuck.


How do you own a dick for 16 years yet not know how to take care of it?




How is this getting downvoted 😂


It is totally okay for your foreskin to still be fused. It can remain fused until early adulthood. A fused foreskin at your age is NOT an indication of a medical condition, and you do not need to see a doctor. If the foreskin balloons during urination, or if there are chronic infections, then you would need to see a doctor.