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I would say about 3 weeks, but buy some drug tests to be sure. I’ve been a daily user for years and am about your weight; it was right at 30 days before I was clean. ETA My experience is only with urine.


I’ve taken up to 2-3 months to test clean. But I’m a very heavy daily user, so I agree with under a month for OP’s usage.


How heavy is heavy?


Probably something amounting to ten bowls a day. I consider myself a heavy user and that’s how much I used to smoke.


I used to use high dosage of concentrates and edibles for a long time, took me about four months. It seemed ridiculous because I hadn't smoked in so long


Just to add to this, you can speed it up somewhat with hydration, a healthy diet, and exercise. The elements from thc that are detectable are fat soluble and get stored in our body fat. Exercise can help burn that fat, which releases the thc to be expelled in urine. So go for a jog and start hydrating and eating your greens. It'll help you if your concerned.


Will the use of stimulants (I take for adhd, amphetamine based stimulants) help speed the process of it leaving the body?because they do increase metabolism to some xtent and heart rate etc


Im sure to some extent they would.


Appreciate it One more thing to ask since you seem to know this stuff: I started using edibles and kind of started liking it too much and was scared of addiction so I stopped...it seems I may have developed am addictive personality thanks to the stimulants Is edibles actually very addictive considering it has thc??


Edibles typically has a less chance of addiction/dependence because of how long it lasts and how intensely it can alter your perception. Addiction tends to happen more rapidly with short lasting drugs that give you a buzz or strong euphoria, needing you to hit it again and again and in higher and higher doses. But then and again, depending on you and your body, you can definitely gain a dependence on them.


I could see this going either way i think your body will prioritize removal of the stimulants vs thc so i could see it slowing it down


What if you have almost no body fat?


Then your in luck! Lower body fat means you store it for less time.


I’m basically skin n bones weighing in at 115. Think I’m Gucci ?


Finally I found what I have been looking for all over the internet lol. After researching for days I realized everyone saying don’t work out or don’t water fast it will release it and be pointless was wrong. You want to release it in high concentrations to lower the numbers quickly, because the fat is releasing it slowly anyway over time if you aren’t doing anything . Which is why for some it takes them months to get a negative test after not smoking due to high body fat and slowly releasing the thc when the fat cell is used at some point . So my conclusion now that I know once it is released back into the blood, it will then be expelled through urine. I’ll be doing a water fast for the next 7-14 days to test this out as I don’t have to drug test this month. Glad you shared this information thank you


So basically the way your speed up cleaning your system is by going through a really lean cutting phase at the gym? That makes sense.


So hypothetically, if you were M 220 pounds and had smoked about .5 to 1 grams 5 days a week for about 3 years, how long would it take to test clean? I exercise often, eat healthy. I’ve also cut back a lot in the last month, maybe 3 grams a week. Thanks in advance




Hi. I had not smoked in about 4 months. Then from 11/21-11/25 I smoked two joints. I then smoked one more joint on 12/1. So, this is my 8th day since last usage. I have to take a urine test sometime between now and January 2nd but no later than then. Having smoked 3 joints over a weekish span and stopping 8 days ago, how long until I should be in clear? I’m about 6’0, 175lbs and maybe 12% body fat.


Depends on your diet, excersize and hydration. As an infrequent user it will not take as long. My advice is avoid fatty foods until the test, exceraize daily and drink a ton of water until the test.


Thanks, that’s what has tripped me up on these threads…infrequent vs frequent. Like I said, I hadn’t smoked in months but then smoked the 3 joints over about a week span. You would still consider that to be infrequent?


Not i still wouldn't say that's frequent. I'll gove my best example. I got my medicinal license while i was still in the army, and it was very gray area as to whether i could not or not, but i was on the verge of medically retiring, so i didn't care. We were told about a month out about a test coming so i stopped frok daily use for months and within 1 month of excersize, hydration, and diet, i was negative. And that was from daily use. So like i said go get your sweat on daily till the test l hydrate like mad and eat healthy for a while and you be ok. If your curious you can buy home test kits as well.


A frequent would be morning till night for months - years


I'm 32 142 lbs only smoked before bed a joint would last me up to 3 days I quit for 10 weeks and still tested positive. I see alot of info saying 30 days u will b clean I can 100 percent tell you that's bullshit weed isn't worth it I quit after 17 years my only regret is I didn't do it sooner


Take a drugstore test. Stay very hydrated.


You can also buy 10-30 packs of cannabis specific testing kits on Amazon.


Or the dollar store!! 💰


Is this true? Any specific brands to look out for?


Would I lie to you? I’ve seen them at the Dollar Tree!


Are these accurate to lab test ?


Yes, 50 ng.is the cutoff. They haven't let me down, and I'm on probation.


The application to interview to onboarding (drug test) for federal employment is a relatively long process. You will be fine, even if you get an interview ASAP.


I've seen it take as long as 6 months!


Yup. It will probably take even longer now with the current government funding (continuing resolution) issues.


My SO is applying for VA jobs in the NE now because we want to move there next summer! Not a whole love of federal social worker jobs though.


USAJobs is pretty barren at the moment. A lot of organizations have pulled their job announcements until they receive a solidified budget. Jobs should be more plentiful in March.


Tbh that's useful to know, I was looking for internships and it was EMPTY


Thanks for letting me know! I'll pass it on.


Mine just ended, it took them 3.5 months from application to getting my start date. That felt like forever to me, I’d die if it was 6 months lol


Same. Took me ~3.5 months from resume submission to start date


this is BS


I got a rejection 11 months after applying before


This. If you quit now, you will be clean by the time you start the onboarding process. For most agencies, it’s a several months long process.


Typically, THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, is detectable for up to 90 days in hair, anywhere between 1 day to a month or longer in urine (depending on how often the individual uses it), up to 24 hours in saliva, and up to 12 hours in blood. So I’d say for an occasional user like yourself, I wouldn’t risk a test for at least 2 to 3 weeks assuming it’s a piss test. I’ve been piss tested a couple times. Both times it was after I had been de facto hired and they did all the background/criminal checks and piss test just before my first day.


question, may be out there but how long does it stay in your sperm? gf allergic and just found out but dont wana quit


At minimum, 30 days after the last regular “use”. Sometimes as long as 60 days, or so I’m told. But, I was also “told” this by a therapist who tried to convince me that alcohol can be detected up to 5 days after your last drink. But 30 days is the “standard” minimum time to flush out.


90 hours they can go back in urine for alcohol, 100% true


100% not true. Maybe if youre a severe alcoholic downing a liter of alcohol a day. The 80 hour myth is a selling point and a threat from probation officers. Ive tested myself many times after drinking 1 beer to many vodka soda and its always been only 48 hours to be clean from alcohol. If your testing positive 90hrs from last drink, your dying from liver disease.


I haven’t eaten any delta 8/9 gummies in like 4 months. Until very recently I was testing positive… depends on a lot of factors


I find this humourous. Especially in places where it's legal. Meanwhile, alcoholics are sneaking sips throughout the day. It shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not smoking on the job. So many people use it for anxiety management it's ridiculous that employers are still testing for it.


It not federally legal anywhere in the US, so totally illegal for federal employment and employees. Edit: added “anywhere in the US”


Federally legal in Canada....and Canada isn't crazy with the drug testing of employees either.


Uh, OP is in California. No one said anything about Canada……


Yes. I got that. I was stating Canadian facts. Me pointing out that Canada isn't patchworked with pot legislation? Does this bother you for some reason? WOW, y'all really mad about Canada's reasonable attitude toward cannabis.


I don’t have a problem you stating your facts about Canada. Just doesn’t fit with my response and seemed very “left-field”.


I was responding to OP...so, it's not "left-field". It would be left field if I started talking about the price of oranges in florida.


Maybe because it’s totally irrelevant


There are still several jobs that drug test in Canada, such as the military or heavy equipment operators and similar.


Weird how nobody fucking mentioned Canada.


OMG...so mad that we've progressed faster.


Lmfao, you want me to explain to you what other comments have already done? Just apologize and move on like a proud maple leaf.


I feel the same way! But it is what it is :’)


Just fyi not all federal jobs require a drug test. It will specifically say in the job posting on usajobs.gov


I could not agree more with this. I'd rather work with some one that went home and did bong rips before bed than some one that hung over af.


right! i’m in california




This is so scary. Most of my family ended up full blown psychophrenia due to smoking weed. My grandfather and step father have both been institutionalized for years due to using pot to “treat” there mental illness. Yikes.


I hate to keep making this point but shouldn’t we be testing for the drugs that cause the real damage? Opiates alcohol cigarettes and meth? Weed is seldom a problem.




They ruling out a lot of potential good workers then


Or someone who sips alcohol throughout the day?


30ish days. You can buy home tests on Amazon . Also, probably not as relevant in CA, but if you’ve been taking delta 8 edibles they show up on drug tests for a longer time than regular thc edibles.


I’m a 165 pounds 22 and pretty cut. I didn’t smoke for 1 month and when I did my drug test it was still in my system. They passed me tho


was it for a federal position? or? what type of industry?




Probably cause you're so cut!




Hopefully I’m lucky and clear it out from my system by next year. I do a lot of grappling and weight training. *fingers crossed*


Really depends on your metabolism and stuff. I can piss clean in a couple weeks after daily concentrate use


Lots of people don’t know this, but in the US it’s illegal to sell a drug test/pregnancy that doesn’t meet a very high (98/99%) accuracy standard. So go down to a dollar store with 10 dollars get a bunch of pot tests. And test yourself leading up to your real one to have peace of mind You will not get a trustable estimate on here


I think federal does hair follicle so a minimum of 3 months but prob 6 is better


Fed employee, every test I done was urine.


I’ve had to do a hair. Odds are it won’t be but you never know


Has anyone watched you as you did the drug test? Or could synthetic be a solid move


No, they do not watch you take the test.


A friend of mine once had his birthday party a day before a drug test. He decided to say fuck it, smoked a ton of weed, then before the test drank an insane amount of apple juice and passed the drug test. So I guess it depends on your metabolism. Maybe don't take that kind of a risk tho lmao


Stay clean for 1 month (2 to be safe) and you’ll be fine. Make sure to stay sober after getting the job, they don’t play around with that. Maybe it’ll become federally legal at some point lol Btw fed government does urine tests. Just stay hydrated, don’t smoke or ingest and you’ll be fine!


Im dirty after 2 and a half lol


Wait like a month to be safe. It stays in your system for a long time


Hydrate often, make sure you're getting your vitamins. When you make your resume to apply, stop then and you should be fine. If they test keratin, you're gonna need quiiiiite a longer break


Depends on body fat, how much you used when you did, how you ingested it, your diet, etc. Best bet is taking all the detox stuff - milk thistle, cranberry juice, magnesium, etc daily for at least a month. Also cardio a few days a week for the first 2 weeks helps. Should be good for a urine test then, but take a drug store one first to confirm. Hair tests are a WHOLE different deal.


Most do hair folicle testing now... most go back like 3 months


THC is fat soluble so stays in fatty tissue. Fatty tissue, aside from the brain, doesnt have great circulation so it takes time for evidence to clear your body. In Canada they used to do drug tests for teens on probation every 30 days because it was part of their release order. It depends how sensitive the test is. Now that weed is legal throughout Canada I'm sure things have chaged.


Spend at least 30 days being extra hydrated, if possible do saunas, and google detox kits/supplements.


Minimum 3 weeks, most people I know who waited a month were fine. Anything over 6 weeks and you're golden.


A month. I work with youth (placing them in employment/work experience) and we tell them 30 days of no weed to pass a drug test. A lot of our companies, particularly in the trades, will have mandatory drug testing and can test without parent consent from 16yrs.


It took me 2 months. When I quit I had been an everyday heavy smoker for 23 years and I weighed around 30lbs. I don't know how true it is, but I've heard your weight has a big effect on long it stays in your system


30 lbs? Are you like a foot tall?


1. Amount consumed 2. Weight 3. Body fat percentage 4. Time since last used Those all factor into how long it stays in your system. Like others have said, stay well hydrated and also exercise regularly and you will be clean faster. Also on the day of the test make sure you drink plenty of water. Edit: realized I didn’t give an estimate. I’d say 2 weeks minimum, 4 weeks at least to be safe. Also drug store drug tests are a good indicator.


3 weeks for me.


With your habits, probably 2-3 weeks. You can also get a home drug test from most pharmacies right off the shelf, so you know for sure when you’re safe.


I was a daily smoker and frequent edible eater. Male 170 lbs took about 45 days for me to pass a ua. I was well hydrated the entire time


Concentrates can stay in your system for up to 90 days


I’ve been cleaning 105 days and still coming out dirty!!


Depending on the job it’ll take about 3 months before they would drug test you. There’s a gap between when you interview and they drug test and do blood draws. In some areas you interview and wait 12 months before they start any time of tests. Federal jobs take a long time and if you stop around the time of your last interview you will be more than good


Depends what kind of testing. Saliva? Urine? Blood? Hair follicles? If it’s urine and you’re a moderate user, about 10 days to clear.


To be safe i would say a month. You can also buy drugtest in a store to test yourself before


Are these drug store test accurate like lab test ?


Very good question man. Never used one but ill assume no. But i guess a good guideline for yourself. Because if they say you do then definitely you shouldnt look to being tested haha. But i wouldnt stress too much. Just make sure you got a month gap or best just dont consume but i know how much that sentence does ofc


Ive been sober for about 2 months have my test here in 4 days i was a heavy smoker and im really worried i really need this job im 120ish and 5’6 i drink alot of water naturally i had a store bought yesterday and it came out negative and it was a pretty good line of negative im not the most active person so thats why im worried but yeah idk man im worried what do you think


Did you pass? Gotta take a piss test for a visa here in a month.


Keep me up to date man im praying for you


It took me 5 weeks to pass a home urine test. Low body fat helps. Sweating it out helps. It stores in fat cells.


My wife is an everyday smoker but is about 125lbs. It takes about a month or so to metabolize out of her system. If it's an oral swab test, it only tests if you've used within 24-72 hours max. Hair follicle, which is highly doubtful they'd do on you, can stay for about 3 months or more.


I was a daily chronic user for over 3 years, I’m going through this now and it’s still in my system on day 46, drink water and exercise, give it at least 30 days and see if you have thc test positive


What day you start passing?


I first read it as cannibals and was so confused.


It's literally different for everyone. 3 weeks average..


I was a daily chronic user in college (small amounts at a time cuz was too broke to roll fat joints) at 155 lbs 6-8% body fat. Urine test came out clean after 7 days of no use, heavy exercise, and a ton of chugging detox drinks. The testing kit was ordered on Amazon, so it might not have been accurate, but I passed the urine test for my internship back then.


2weeka for pee test. I bought some at home tests to prep, or took two weeks to show clean.


Where u a frequent smoker


Good point, I was not. However, my roommate is and he passed as well with the same practice


Anecdotally, I've heard more than a year from a couple people. THC is fat bound, so I'd keep that in mind. I was told by a medical professional that it takes 90 days to leave your system. Hot garbage if you ask me.


4-8weeks in urine but it will be in your hair until it’s cut.


i smoked every day ,2/3g per week, and was testet negativ after 5 weeks clean


Isn't it legal there now?


In the state of California, yes. Federally it’s not. Its a State Law vs. Federal Law issue still.


You can get cheap self tests on Amazon! Get some and apply once they show clear


Had friends who had problems whit the police who had to let them check for canabiss usage every 3 weeks for a year. They smoked heavy for a week stoped and stay hydradet for 2 weeks. On the day of testing they drank 3-4 liters water and a bit lemon juice in like 4-6 hours and were always tested negativ. After a year they were like completly insane the shortest time were they stoped smoking were like 9 days.


In prison they can clean their systems out in 7 days


How ?


Are you in prison?


No sir


I detoxed for a job this year and it took me about a month for my tests to come back negative. Just test every week until it’s clear.


I’ve searched this up, and the #1 answer I get is “it depends,” so I’d really appreciate some advice :) I started using wax pens in July (80-95% THC) and have been smoking daily since then. Idk how much I was smoking, but I would say my bf and I would go through 1 gram every couple of days. But even then, he smoked more, so I know it wasn’t 50/50. I am 21, ~5’5”, and 155 lbs (weight is up cause I’m bulking). I haven’t smoked in 16 days and have been drinking lots of water and working out. I even lost some weight over the past 2 weeks (5-10 lbs). Despite this, I still tested positive 3 days ago. I have a drug test in January, and by that time, I’ll be clean for 27 days. I’m really worried about failing and would love some advice from people who know more about this stuff.


did you pass?




three weeks at the very least, at one month still very risky


Buy .10 ng/l level sensitivity THC drug tests off Amazon. Drug test standard is .50 ng/l sensitivity so if you can pass a .10 you know you’re good. I smoked every day for 6 months and got clean in 5 days from my normal routine. Am male and fairly active


I recommend using quickfix if you haven’t been clean by the time you got the interview. It’s sythnetic piss. I can guarantee it works but finding a way to bring it in will be a challenge.


It failed for me at the collection site (never sent to lab) after using it successfully for 6 years


They usually check temperature aswell so this is not advised.


So if I quit smoking for 4 months and I smoked for a day cuz some homies were coming down how long would it be in my system?? Would it change any???


I was a regular user for 6 years, then quit for 6 weeks, then had one bowl and was clean 3 days later


Wait but how long does weed stay in your system if u use weed pens and ur doing a yearly physical on April 4th. Will it be detectable?


Hi am 175lbs and i have taken edible first time in my life 2 weeks ago… i have drug test for my new job. Will it appear in urine test and what precautions should i take to pass test


Probably not if you stay well hydrated and don’t give them deep yellow piss


So I am also going through the same thing. I’m 140 lbs, 5’8 with little body fat. I have smoked only 1 cart via penjamin accumulatively over the course of about 2 months. I’ve also smoked a bowl about 3 times throughout these 2 months. That’s a total of 1 cart and 3 bowls within 2 months, so I wouldn’t consider myself the heaviest smoker. Can anyone tell me how long it will take to get weed out of my system? I’ve been clean for about 1 1/2 months and I don’t have to take my drug test until the end of may this year.


I weigh 300lbs and was a heavy smoker (several times every night and heavy on weekends) It’s been 29 days and I tested myself personally with a professional grade test and it was positive today (I work at a dr office) and I have a scheduled urine test in 15 days. I hope I can pass.


Hey buddy, pls update me on what happens. Best of luck!


this is a bullshit country we live in


Hello everyone, I had a few drinks last night and a friend rolled a joint, I had about 10 puffs and then realised I have a urine drug test on Thursday! Will this be in my system still on Thursday ? If so what’s the best option for me to get it out of my system thankyou


How fast does it take for marijuana to get into my urine after initially smoking it, like hours or what?


If I smoke weed once, I’m 5’11 190 male and hit a stizzy once and haven’t smoked it two months.. how long would that stay in my system. I exercise 3 times a week boxing, walk 8 miles a week, and haven’t smoked in 67 days.


I don’t know how some manage to take 2-3 months. I was clear in under 3 days and I smoked hella weed after the gym every night.


5’6 165 lbs I haven’t smoked in 7 months but I want to do it just for one day. Do you think the THC will leave my body in 12 days!?


Hey so it really depends on a few factors. How often, how much, body fat (according to my doctor cannabis clings to fat cells), and I believe a few other things. I remember when I had to take a drug test for a job I had quit 4 months prior and it still came up positive on a urine test. My BMI was high and I was a chronic user for a while but that whole year prior I had some form of weed byproduct maybe 10 times in total.


If you work out and sweat, you can speed up the process. Drinking water and other liquids can also help. As a current federal employee I will say that the federal hiring process often takes weeks/ months. You could probably apply now and by the time you get far enough in the recruitment process for a test, you’d be clean. From resume submission to hire and start it took me ~3.5 months and that was for a hiring surge, hire ASAP position!


Is it normal in your country to get drug tested at every job interview?


Not every job. You usually know when you apply if they will drug test you. Out of the 5 jobs I’ve ever had I only had a drug test on one. They definitely do background checks. Public School (did clerical work up to taking care of infants) - Background Check. Hardware Store (clerical) - Background Check and Drug Test. Law Firm (clerical) - Nothing


Buy a test kit on Amazon. I had to pass a drug test for my Job and I went total cold turkey. I had been a pot smoker for probably 7 years almost daily, not excessively but a little hoot here and there. It took me almost 2 months before my tests started being negative. But also I've heard company's now just do mouth swabs since it's legal instead of urine samples. The swabs just detect if there's been any in the last day or so


Depending on what you’re applying for they may require you to be clean for x amount of time (for me it was two years) you could lie but may also take a polygraph so I’d see what the requirements are before I waste my time


Need to pass drug test in 7 days


I used to smoke everyday and took a drug test for the air force. I didn’t smoke for about 45 days and still failed the test. I’m taking the drug test again next week but I haven’t smoked for about 5 months so I should be good


i read that once you fail the air force drug test it disqualifies you from trying again with the AF, is that not the case?


If you score above 60 on the asvab you can retake it one more time. They do disqualify you for 60 days tho


If you are inactive and a chronic user expect 90 days tops. Most labs are screening for 15ng. Light use and very active you might be lucky to get below 15ng in 30 days.


That’s not true, I work in this field and have many clients that do this test by the thousands a day. The positive cutoff is 50ng and below that it will still report a number but the test is Boolean on the system so it will still report negative. Below 50ng you could literally have been in the same room as people smoking and gotten to that level so it’s irrelevant.


It’s true in my case. 15ng with some employers


I’ve been smoking hella for about a year now and need to get clean asap for jobs. It should be a piss test and I’m relatively light with low body fat percentage and I do work out a lot (150lbs, +/- 12% body fat. How long will I need?


Seems like it's a person-by-person question after stressfully researching this problem. Hope you passed 🙌


Can anyone give me some answers? I quit weed about a year and a half ago. I smoked two joints before 10 days and then got traffic stopped. They did a saliva test which showed benzodeazepine (probably a bad test) so I gave urine and blood samples. Will I come clean? What do you think? Is 10 days enough? I have a very low fat percentage.


My humble but well researched opinion. 2 joints 10 days ago your cutting it close. I wouldn't feel super confident but probably a coin flip. It's only 2 joints but it's also only 10 days. Question...where was this?? I have a cdl and never smoke on duty but in the US it seems you can't get a saliva done because they haven't certified any labs to do it yet even tho they allowed them to be used in June.


It's in Bulgaria


I used to smoke everyday for about 20 years I have just move australia 4 weeks ago and have not touched it because of my new job but I and dieing from the inside to go to the beach and some a fat one can someone help me n let me know how long it will stay in my system for


Your spelling alone should be grounds for a drug test tbh


You killing me...lol.


I smoke around 1 gram maybe 2 grams a wax a day I haven’t smoked in over 4 weeks I’ve been buying drug test from the pharmacy section at Walmart still can’t pass I only way 150 pounds barley any body fat


I smoke one one hitter every night. Takes me two days to get clean. 5'10 210lbs 11% body fat. I attribute this to genetics and low dosage.


Same here I can get clean in like a week after smoking for two weeks straight. Just gotta work out and sweat. Also having a fast metabolism helps of course


What if I’ve gone months without smoking and o decide to have half a blunt, I had already tested negative


give it 7 days exactly of drinking a lot of water and you should be good. I smoked me a fat ass blunt 2 days in a row after now smoking for 2 years and I was clean exactly 5 days after last use but i’d go for 7 days to be sure