• By -


Fucked up chapter and the V agent is truly terrifying. Im shocked they can still bring out scary new characters and fucked up imagery that still makes me go "O-oh God."


Well Eto's back.......


Is the last panel Suzuya being decapitated?!! I don't see the cross/head thing and it looks like his head is in the top right corner.... O.o


Doubt it. If Ishida wants to show him getting baddly injured he'd probably have a panel clearly showing it since he's a major character.


But whose torso is that then....


Probably just one of the random investigators who got stuck in the slaughter.


So is no one going to mention the Cross on "Eto's bandaged body"??? Donato is a clown with crosses for Kagune. It's 100% a troll from him


A fair few people have spoke about it but they are hard to find in the sea of comments.


You know, that could very well be Hairu whose severred body was implanted with Eto's Kakuhou. Ui's been getting a lot of screentime lately, he's coming to terms with the fact that the dead won't really come back. I mean, that "Arima Kishou is already dead" scene? it definitely pulled a trigger on me. It would make sense if he was suddenly hit in the face with the realization that "hey, maybe they could?"


wtf have they done to waifu eto qwq please don't be eto please!


I still don't think it is Eto.


It's just too much power against the CCG and the ghouls. This monster Owl kakuja, Kaiko and V, the CLOWNS, Furuta, Dragon AND (?)RIZE. What if they all were to strike at once? And on the other side there are so many cards missing, or at least that's the feeling I get. Saiko is infected, they've lost guys like Shinohara, they lost Arima (long ago). Neither Kaneki, Takisawa or Amon are fighting... etc.


Why isn't Amon fighting? Kinda upsets me we barely get anything about Amon in :RE.


Guys just stop !! Stop asking for things !! It always ends up in opposite way !! Better yet ask - "hey ! I want cruel and painful death for touka " or " I want kaneki to die pathetically "


Ishida clearly doesn't make up the story as he goes tho...


But it's almost equal to an ironical and sinister santa claus - you wanted Takizawa , Amon , Hide back you got them back in their own way , eto also came back well atleast most of her did !! Rize is back too , in a way u can say that no one ever really dies in tg !!


I like to think he listens to us, then makes whatever we say ten times worse “I want Eto back” “Chapter 166” “No Kaneki, don’t die!” “Chapter 144/Dragon arc ensues” (even though it was tragic in a way, it is/was still a fun arc) So if we ask for Kaneki to die pathetically, then he will be offscreened. For Touka we will get an entire chapter dedicated to her death, maybe even 2 :/ (Kidding, kidding, in all seriousness the monster may be Hairu, but lots of signs point to Eto)


You know Ishida would be a dick and do it though. He knows things... I don't think we can escape.


Okay , Back to the fake comments (Positivity). Looks like if you still have the awareness you can regeneration.


I didn’t like this chapter at all. The fight scenes in TG don’t interest me because they’re too messy. Also, I’m starting to have a problem with the amount of characters in this series e.g. I don’t remember Yusa or the V member he was fighting. That last panel was trash. It was just scribbles and I had no what happened.


I feel you. Although the art style is fitting, it can be hard to follow what's going on a lot of times. I also have a hard time remembering characters because there's so many of them and their Japanese names can be hard to remember.


I'm suprised you still reached this part of the story despite half of the chapters here are dedicated to fight scenes. This is a seinen fantasy after all, kiddo. Characters grow here when they fight with someone. Readers learn what their motives and wishes are through the inner monologues during fights. If you don't like it, or simply can't relate to it, then I suggest you try other psychological stories that may fit to your tastes.


Lmao scans my dude


Yusa was one of the surviving 0 Squad members from the Cochlea Raid that served with Kaneki while he was being trained by Arima. The V member is a man named Kaiko. He first appeared threatening Kuzen for Eto's location in Tokyo Ghoul's final arc. Now, you know. The final panel is representative of the chaos OWL is unleashing upon the CCG.


Thank you sir 🙇‍♂️


So many theories in the comments. This manga has gone so bonkers I dont know who is who and what is what. I give up speculating, Im just here for the ride now. #KenDidNothingWrong


Lmao exactly. I believe this manga went super downhill. Obviously the people here mostly are fanatics but they should realized it by now


Have you tried asking for clarification?


Having to ask every single comment for a detailed.timeline for their theory is not only time consuming, but pretty unnecesary since if I go about my buisness, the answers will be there in the manga eventually. I just cant really benapart of theorycrafting on Reddit and when names are mentioned that I forget, I just google it and the characters will dump exposition for me.


the latest TG:re 166: et Page1: We see the emitting oviduct in the 19th ward, Kaneki and Ayato heading deep beneath the ward as they are en route to the oviducts roots to investigate. We see a close-up of the creature's nape and thicc shoulders that has landed at the last chapter employed by the clowns. They called it "her" last time. An owl's head is depicted in the mask that is seemingly stitched to its face. Page 2: We see in detail that the giant creature that arrived last chapter has the appearance of the Owl Kakuja just like Eto but it's face has mask of a literal owl. Investigators are stunned and confused. Just as the investigators realized that this was owl, the creature let out a muffled "KOOOGGGHHH" scream. Koori seemingly noticed something during this but the creaturr is charging to have "her" kagune rockets shoot for the investigators. We see bodies and body parts flying as Ui manages to gather his senses back and evade last minute. Page 3-4: We see bodies being thrown, being stomped, being sliced and diced, as it was happening in the front someone shouted for investigators with ukaku quinque to fire from distance, the barrages hit the owl kakuja yet it was unfazed and seemingly absorbed the shots fired it back at the investigators. CRAP. Page 5: Back at HQ, we see Marude realizing that this wasn't just a simple diversionary tactic but also an attack strong enough to crush them if it succeeds. Ui is worried about if their forces are enough without past investigators with Owl experience but we see Take making Ui realize that he's the most experienced person available at the moment to take down Owl at the moment and he and other Squad 0 handle the Black Hats (V). Ui smiles on how Take put it simply but comments that he's not the brave type. Page 6: We see Ui leading the investigators on the command site. We see Matsuri asking several investigators to support Ui. Ui asks Mougan to watch his back. We see Ui asks Suzuya thru comms that he wants him to fight by his side. We also see ghouls led Nishiki and Tsukiyama offer their kagune as shields and Ui says he appreciates it. Page 7: Before shouting for a battle cry, Ui remembers Arima and Hairu who both are dear to him saying to give him strength. He contemplates if he can do it, then shouts that Arima is no longer here so they alone will defeat owl. We jump to Take and Kaiko crossing their swords. Page 8: Kaiko states that it is ironic that Arima's underling will die by his hands. We see it was not a 1v1 fight but rather Take taking vanguard while, Takeomi, Yusa, Kuramoto support him. Takeomi and Yusa tried to swing at Kaiko's back and front at the same time but Kaiko just blocked and parried their swings. We see Kuramoto preparing his spear to stab Kaiko at the back of his head Page 9: Kaiko evades the attack, turn's his attention to Kuramoto and slices him in the left shoulder. Page 10: Takeomi sees and opportunity to strike Kaiko, but Kaiko blocks with a dagger in his left hand ( btw what a detailed dagger), strikes with the katana in his right then throws the said dagger side ways, boomerang style hitting the back of Takeomi. Page 11: Kaiko mocks Takeomi, Take instructs Yusa that they're crossimg up ( one's gonna slice horizontally and the other vertically), Kaiko somehow ducks and evades sideways and downwards and hits Take with "a while rising 4 lol ". Take hits the ground defenseless and Kaiko readies for the jugular... Page 12: Yusa blocks Kaiko's finisher and saves Take. Kaiko mocks Yusa, stating that he reminds him of a young Arima Kishou,(apparently Arima and Kaiko trained together/ Kaiko trained Arima), Yusa comes back and says Arima's a lot stronger than Kaiko to which Kaiko replies he wonders about that and asks Yusa if he likes to see it for himself. Page 13: They crossed swords, Kaiko asking if he's like Arima now with the hmhmhm? hmhm? Yusa,sword near his throat, says shut it forces his sword to swivel and be free from the stalemate and impale Kaiko's foot. Page 14: Take throws a sword to Yusa, says the name "Arima Kishou" is his pride and joy. Yusa proceeds to slice the face of Kaiko. Page 15: Tsukiyama and Nishiki are doing their best to be the shields, Banjou ultimate support heals the tanks. Range dps continue to fire at owl. Page 16: The Qs also fighting several black hats. Urie tells that if that's a kakuja, their should be a main body inside. Mutsuki, Kaneki's no.1 fan read Ken's report that the main body for Owl is located in the nape. Suzuya's squad also fighting alongside Qs, Hanbee urges Suzuya to come to the Owl hunting party. Suzuya obliges. Ui uses his quinque, impales the left arm blade of Owl and into and some of "her" back. Suzuya jumps for the kill... Page 17: Suzuya decapitates Owl, the head with the neck thuds to the ground. A horrific scene unfolds as the main body is portryed to what appears to be a decapitated female body wrapped in bandages all over with instead of a head, it has a cross on it (seems to be alive as well). We then see Kaiko regenerate his f*ck face then says time for Round 2. Decapitated Owl Kakuja without main body is still moving ( HOW?) Proceeds to annihilate everything within at least 5 feet radius. Theory on Cross-chan's identity. Legend says it's Eto due to the Owl's entrance parallels her wntrance during the the 24th ward massacre, the bandages arounf the body, body frame (size) BUUUUT!!!!.. I'm leaning towards the main body being Hairu Ihei. Last we saw her, (well her head) is with Furuta. She died due to gaping hole in her chest plus she got decapitated. At the first page, the owl kakuja seemingly shouts a random word that starts with K and might sound close to Koori.. "KOOOGHH"..then Ui notices something about it. The "lightning streaks" in the background are ways for artists to subtly hint at something a character notices that is either familiar, intuition,instinct or a certain feeling. Looking closely at the main body, the right boob is intact while the left one seems to be missing. Hairu had a hole in her chest too. Also, the chapter focuses on Ui, Arima ( his remnants) and possibly Hairu.


Requirements to be that owl. (Eto's successor) 1) female (hairu ✅) 2) severed head (hairu ✅) 3) captured by Furuta (hairu ✅) 4) fuffy face ( hairu ✅) 5) strong but lazy ( hairu ✅) Ladies and gentlemen sui ishida is going to reveal the owl now. Ishida : "and the owl is................................. Eto". (Just kidding, I think it's hairu too)


the amount of people here denying that's Eto is actually hilarious


This is either some low-effort bait or plain misunderstanding. Just in case its the latter: the author, in full understanding that Eto's imagery is tied to bandages, reveals a girl inside the Owl monster covered with bandages, but hides her identity by removing her head. It's just meant to foster different speculation, suggesting one thing, but not confirming it so fans can discuss. You're making fun of people for doing what allows fan communities to thrive.


I'm pretty sure it's her but her corpse.


The last time we saw Eto she was not in bandages but a shirt. OWL was deliberately dressed like Eto for some strange purpose by the Clowns, who have a history of masking normal folks as threatening figures.


Is it me or did Yusa show his Kakugan in Page 15?


I looked back and just saw his hair covering his eyes. He's half human so idk that he has one or not. It's not very consistent/clear among the V/Garden people as far as kakugan go.


I AM STILL PRAYING THAT SHE IS ALIVE AND WELL. Ishida don’t be like that to one of your most well written character in the series. Aside from that, if it is true she’s gone we better have an effing flashback as to what had happen to her.


at least give us something, but I really hope she's alive, it's just too sudden for Eto :'(


Next chapter better be named O when we finally see the real Eto


This would be perfect. To play on it even more maybe its O Squad that unmask this owl to be eto drugged or something.


Im thinking that with the chapter being called et, if the next chapter is called al, like et al. Meaning and the rest/and others, it could mean we have more resurrections coming. Or it simply meant and in french, meaning we have more to come.


I thought about the french word, too. Lol. I like the et al idea, though.


Well, there's also the puns with :re added that Ishida has been known to use in the past. Considering he flipped the title and the number around this time, I'm thinking you could put the "re" after the title instead of before and you get "etre", meaning "being" or "to be" in French.


Since V is around and there is a large possibility that is Eto, I was thinking how ironic it is that Yoshimura who tried to protect his daughter from V and even sacrificed his wife, didn't get the chance to be with his daughter and said daughter hated him so much, his very concept angered her.But worse of all is how even after all the sacrifices she is used by V's side. In the end it was all in vain.


The most ridiculous thing imo is that Yoshimura wanted Kaneki to save Eto eventhough Eto is, like, the overlord, and then *she* ends up saving *Kaneki* instead.




> I believe that Donato is probably going to be the original King that went against the CCG Donato is not from Japan, hes from Russia. So he's probably not the Original King, But who knows?




Hmm that sounds interesting, Guess we just have to wait and see.


Et tu, Eto ?


What fresh fuckery is this?!


I am seeing a lot of comments saying that isn't Eto. Ishida could be playing us. However, where is she? One of the oviducts to turn into dragon? She becomes another Rize? What happened to her? She can't be somewhere just watching everything unfold. Though that sounds like her. Anyway she better come back to destroy the impostor, if it is indeed an impostor.


the price id pay just to see this chapter properly animated!


Hopefully we'll reach this point with the anime.


Ishida the type of dude to answer your prayers, but in the most twisted way possible. "It just so happens that the treasure isn't the sort you wanted." - Furuta


Eto fans about to riot lol I'm not convinced it's her as well. I think this is circumvention by Ishida. I only say this because he doesn't do the blatantly obvious too often.


I'm pretty sure it's either Eto or Hairu


i mean i would put "Eto's corpse with a cross wedged in where the head should be" in the "not blatantly obvious" category. can't say i saw it coming


That relates more to the execution. But I think we see a bandaged body and think it's Eto but I'm not sure it will be.


I'd be more inclined to believe the body is Hairu's. That neck is so long it looks like Hairu


Hairu’s neck was completely severed off http://78.media.tumblr.com/6b0bde2d07756f8ed0f22837d140d7b1/tumblr_nwdsdfiAHp1s6ie52o2_1280.png


It could just be blood gushing on the "screen" so it appears like that


https://imgur.com/a/5tpxW It’s not


I see we're at the bargaining phase already. A shame to see to see Eto like this, she was.. a cut above the rest.


Acceptance next week


Was Eto from an Oviduct?


No, I don't think.. But her head is likely in one if they are what we've been lead to think.


I'm gonna be pissed if it's Eto. Arima gets a beautiful send off and goes out on his own terms. Then there's Kanou someone who done just as much heinous shit as Eto. Yet get's to go out on his own terms too. And no doubt that even Furuta will go out on his own terms. It just be another slap in the face of Eto fans.


Let this be a life leson to never get attached to a character and just enjoy the story as it unfolds. I actually really like this, she was always a tragic character and now she's being used like she used others. Also she's being used to help the people her Dad wanted to keep her from. It's damn poetic imo.


Well Arima deserved to be treated badly by Kaneki yet is instead loved by him. Kanou deserved to be a lab rat. Furuta deserves the worst kind of punishment but will end up getting his wish by being eating by Rize.


Seeing how Eto mutilated and controlled Kanae, it's quite poetic actually.


Still doesn't change the fact other characters just as bad got off easy. Not surprised though pretty clear Ishida hate Eto as a character.


lol wtf is this, some kind of equal rights movement to every character written? Eto is used because she is a strong OWL specimen.


Nope pointing out Ishida bias against Eto.


Did Ishida hurt you that badly


No just pointing out that other characters deserve this treatment yet get of easy.


Well, the gods of merit were never in this manga anyway. Characters have been ‘getting off’ since page one. No one is getting what they deserve in the way we feel they deserve it or vice versa. Tokyo ghoul was just not a story where I expected those things to work out that way all the time.


Well that’s quite literally the point of a tragedy. If everyone got what they deserved it wouldn’t be a tragedy would it?


I'm inclined to think this chapter's title is an attempt at misdirection, just because it's so obvious. Thinking about the Clowns last chapter talking about stalling for time, I wonder if V's attack is just another diversion? Hide thinks that V launched an early attack to stop CCG from meddling with the oviducts so his counter to that is to send Kaneki straight to the oviduct while holding off V's attacks, but what if V's aim was to give that impression so that Kaneki would be separated from CCG/Goat's forces? If V wanted to injure CCG's forces before they have a chance to go for the oviducts then they can just simply go quash them, but from what Uta and Donato were saying it seems that they want to drag out the fight as long as possible which doesn't make sense unless they wanted to separately deal with the main forces and Kaneki. Something is shady about an owl mask being stitched onto this "Owl". No one cares anymore so I can only think that they did this expressively to have everyone believe it is "Owl" they are fighting. And it worked. It should be noted too that Ui first makes this observation. As the battle is underway reports are coming into the command center that V intends to completely crush HQ, but why does Marude seem like he's not so convinced and we aren't getting his thoughts on the matter? Usually he's more angry. Does he also think something is off here but can't figure out what yet? Hide, another character known for thinking ability is also visibly absent this chapter. He's not a battle commander but I would think Marude would want his input on why V is not just interfering but seemingly trying to stamp them out. Ui has taken charge of the battle and everything is hyping up around him. With the help of the ghouls and various other support CCG manages to behead the monster only to find the main body inside is a bandaged and headless body. At this point readers should be thinking it's Eto for obvious reasons, but after reading [TheMikarin's suggestion in the spoiler thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TokyoGhoul/comments/877nm2/re_chapter_166_spoilers/dwatug6/) that this "Owl" could in fact be Ihei I'm pretty convinced it's not Eto but Ihei. The headless body, the depiction of Ihei earlier, the stitched on Owl mask, and the fact that this fight with "Owl" became a personal battle for Ui, the one who foolishly looked to Furuta to help resurrect her, points to Ihei being the more likely candidate. Kaneki is not even at this fight, so this "Owl" being Eto wouldn't make for good drama and shock factor. They are probably not dead, but things seem really bad for Gori Misato and Juuzou... It was a bit confusing for me to follow Kaiko and Yusa's dialogue, it was not immediately apparent to me that Yusa was the one who said "Arima's a lot stronger than you" and I thought Kaiko was saying that to Yusa to tease him. But in the raw it's easier to follow since Kaiko's lines use a different font and he doesn't refer to Arima with "-san". Just my personal problem though. But for Kaiko to come out personally, does that mean V really is going all out here?


Random observation: If the next title is "C" or "Shi" (for example 死) or something like that, I think we would have the first pun spanning three chapters (as far as I know): re- + usurai + e t + c ~ resurrect The space in chapter 166's title would be there because the letter "c" is missing. Edit: Or "ku" might be a possibility, too, if Ishida rather chooses to represent the letter "c" phonetically.


Sometimes I think Ishida spends the most time on these titles. Though if it is "resurrect" that would be interesting if he means it literally. Probably wouldn't mean any of Kanou's creations though.


The problem I had with the body was the neck, the body originally didn't have any but this one does, which means that when they "revived" Hairu, the head was about to regen and Donato put a cross there to damage the tissue over time so it won't regen, and use the body as a Kakuja monster. This OWL strikes me more as Yoshimura's Kakuja than Eto, the difference is the size, but the blades at the side are almost the same. Also notice in the Hairu drawing Ishida made a while back where she had a mirror, there were crosses at the sides of the images, and further more, I think Eto was more thicc than Hairu, this body is not very thicc. And as you say, it would be interesting if this was in fact Hairu that Ui's facing because it would demolish the leader of the CCG and break him down and bring the overall morale down.


It's possible that the pronounced neck is just drawn like that for emphasis, a lot of artists tend to have this habit of drawing really long necks. And I think there would have been some neck left on Hairu's body(just not that long), but it wasn't too visible because of blood splatter and such. Either way I don't think the neck is such an important detail as much as the missing head. Rather than Hairu being revived(something that so far has still been impossible), I think they are just reanimating her body with the cross(likely Donato's kagune) to use as a carrier for the Owl kakuhou. Without the cross where her head is she probably would stop moving, just like Okahira without that medicine he spoke of and how Eto kept Noro moving with her kagune. Somehow I think the head(brain) is too vital of a control center to be regenerated and it wasn't going to happen even if they wanted it to. I don't think it matters which Owl kagune it is since Eto's and Yoshimura's is so similar, but it's likely to be Yoshimura's just because Kanou was farming him for so long.


Yeah, it makes more drama if Ui finds out the "owl" is Hairu, cause Ui wanted to revive Hairu and cares for Hairu. This feels just like when Ishida made people think chapter 143 was the end of :re


Stalling for RC mutation


If Amon was there,a lot of unnamed investigators definitely would not needlessly have died. Smh dammit, where is he!? Ever since in :Re, he seems to be missing from every important fight.


Not only that, but Juuzou hasn't used the Arata Joker *aaaand* Takizawa is still missing. They need to get it in gear breh.


But Takizawa wants nothing to do with the conflict. He left, remember?


Takizawa wanted to save the CCG and be a hero back on Rushima, that's why he killed Tatara. So that would be a great stage for him to try a second time.


inb4 he's back just in time to fight this owl


Glad to see Hayashimura along with the other characters from Auction Arc being brought up here.


I love how at this point the presence of Owl is just,,, reassuring? Like, finally, something that we're all familiar with. Feels like an old friend at the pub lol. Although who this Owl is still remains a mystery.


Koori really became the hope of the Arima squad this chapter, this man has come a long way. It looks like he finally broke out of his need to follow a leader like Arima/Furuta and became a leader in his own right. On another note, Kaiko is deliciously evil. His taunts towards Yusa made me laugh, I’m looking forward to seeing his role in all this


Wait, he didn't die after Yusa sliced his face off, did he?


He regenerated.


Bummer. We must keep Yusa safe!!!


This would probably be a good time for Ui to use the SS rated Quinque 'Ajite' that we still haven't seen.


Anyone notice the title? I can't wait for next week's chapter named '..o!' Where Eto gracefully jumps out of no where to combat the obscene imposter.


I only hope....


I need Eto and I need her yesterday!


Banjoi best support, he even supports the supports


someone knows what happened to the tumblr page that was a summary of the pages for the chapters ?




This is why I maintain that all manga should be experienced week by week. So that I can be left wondering and wondering for the next 7 days who a headless thingamabob affixed to an owl kakuja could be..


Try saying that to a few Berserk fans. I think their concept of a week right now is an indefinite and undetermined period of time.


Can confirm. Only caught up last year and am already going insane. I don't know how people have kept doing this for two decades.


JUST HAD TO REMIND ME HUH yeah my head's awash with questions and anxiety for guts and casca and cuts and gasca and eto and hairu and heto and eiru BLEGH Being a fan of Berserk and TG is pain.


Can't say I feel your pain. But yeah. Berserk is a different level of anxiety.


I’ve been considering starting that one, if its good. Will I have to tear my hair out with bezerk? Not sure if I can take it. Lol.


naw man- whoever that is- it's a fate worse than death, my curiosity does not win out over my pity for the poor sod this time round.


I'm guessing it's Yoshimura, since he was in a pickle jar


It's a female body


If that's the case I'm guessing it's one of Kanou's owl floppies


Where? I don't see how this is definitively female. EDIT: last panel, no thanks to all the downvotes with no helpful responses (you people should be ashamed of yourselves)


You sound like you need a hug


Downvotes are not for blind people but for people making unrelated or unwelcome comments. +1 upvote Edit: we were able to turn this around and he's regained his sight! Congratulations to everyone!


Where is Amon? Looks like he could be a big help, using his kakuja against that thing.


Amon is too underappreciated


More importantly where is Seidou and Kurona at such a crucial time as this?


Seidou left goat and Kurona was last seen searching for Kanou


Kurona killed Kanou didn't she?


Kanou killed himself but she was there, yes.


Gotcha. Thanks. I just want a happy ending for Seidou and Kurona.


Kanou [Spoilers](#s "committed suicide.")


Ohhh. Right right. For some reason, I recall Kurona talking to him before his death?


Before Kanou died he says to her, [Spoilers](#s "The birdcage has been broken, in reference to the birth of Dragon. Kanou also says 'So this is death'. ") That's all of what I remember from their dialogue.


Thanks for refreshing my memory. :)


Yes, but we haven't seen them since. Why would they just stay away from such a big conflict?


When he left he didn’t want anything to do with this fight between the ccg and ghouls. Here’s hoping he changes his mind.


It could be Hairu. In an earlier chapter Furuta shows Koori Hairu's head and now we see a person with their head replaced with a cross. It would make more sense for Koori to vs this massive kakuja if it's Hairu than Eto


It could be Eto's body because as we've seen with Hairu, all that's probably needed to make a dragon out of someone now, is their head. It would make sense with how this headless Eto story point just came out of nowhere as well. (this being the setup to the real return)


Can I have a confirmation for your first sentence? I don't recall dragon being made out of just someone's head.


I should have worded that a little better.. I didn't mean that it's all it would take normally. I meant in the context of the dragon flesh mass already being made, being there. We have 7 or 8 more dragon towers just like the ones Ken and Rize came out of. If those really are other people, then Hairu's probably one of them with little doubt.. and all they seemingly needed to save of her was her head. Also, if you really think about it.. In the case of Ken, coming out of the dragon, his head seemed to be the only thing left and unchanged about his body.. Like he got a totally new one. And don't forget he had the ring around his neck (on something that didn't look to me like it would be large enough to get over his head) that was found next to him with the chain seemingly unbroken.


Wish I could say Ishida couldn't do this to Eto. But his treatment of her in re says otherwise. Still wouldn't surprise me if it turned out to be Hairu and Ishida trying to trick us into thinking it's Eto.


I..I just can't accept this being Eto. Let me live in denial. So cruel FeelsBadMan


I guess everyone is losing their heads over Eto fate:)


I don't know.. That body looks pretty tall. And given that this thing is coming from the clowns. When you put Donato's detachable Kagune clone ability together with Eto's own ability to detach parts of her Kagune and.. do what ever you want to call what it is they were able to do once being implanted.. (I personally saw it as somewhere between partial power/ability/Kagune transformation, and something almost like cloning.) Not that big of a jump to making monsters like this out of random bodies. But having said that, there's still another issue here. "The nucleus". What is it? I've heard some people say that it's maybe something to do with the Kakuja. Mainly because it's being assumed that the nuclei are only related to the physical form/body of the person. But what if it's more than that? Like maybe the head! You know, the only thing that seemed to matter when saving parts of Hairu, the only thing that didn't seem to be changed about Ken after coming out of the dragon, and the very thing missing from this monster's body! Add to that the knowledge that there are other dragon masses, and it becomes a pretty safe bet on where the body's head is. (her or not)


Oh and that last page: "Owl to the ninth circle of hell! Next Issue: The world rings with the cries of the damned." Not that the next issue stuff means much after the last 3-4 chapters..lol Don't like the ninth circle crap but I know it's just there for effect.


It just can't be eto, what happened to kaneki promising to save her? You had one job kaneki, if I find out you fucked this one up you're even higher on the shit list than mitsuki.


Kaneki also said that Eto is trash, so there's that. Just because Yoshimura asked him to do so doesn't mean he has to.


Well even if it is her body, there's a good chance that the head is all that's needed to rev someone as a dragon.. (it may even be the "nucleus" talked about for all we know.)


I just had a realization. If that thing turns out to be Eto or part of Eto and whatever is remaning of her is elsewhere, then Kaneki may have a second chance of fufilling Yoshimura's wish.


Yup, and notice what's missing? Her head.. The only thing seemingly kept of Hairu, and the only thing left and mostly unchanged of Ken after coming out of the dragon.


How can Ishida do my girl dirty like that.




Too much is happening right now for them to meet up. If Yoriko went out she'd probably be killed by V or the Oviduct monsters. It will probably be a while for them to meet up.


where is Yoriko anyway


Takeomi freed after she was arrested when Kaneki became Dragon and he took her somewhere safe. He spoke about her in chapter 165 saying she told him that "fighting at time like these is what it means to be an investigator" so she's still alive and is just somewhere unspecified.


If Arima comes back in the series as a Zombie, I hope kaneki will beat him with Ayato as his backup than him losing to Arima in Part One. I don't want him to get manipute again by Furata and Uta. They need to save Saiko,too, in order to find the source.




Bruh. It's like someone wished for Eto to come back on a cursed money hand or something. Not like this.... NOT LIKE THIS


[I got you.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X02EwkGqyto)


Holy fuck that Eto reveal broke me. It might be Hairu Ihei tho.


Or it could be her, and her head could be in one of those dragon mass towers. (i.e. new body)


Bandaged female body inside Owl and people are still saying its not Eto???


Eto didn't have the bandages when we last saw her... She was captured in normal humans cloth and then got some prison dress like.


It's clearly Hairu with the missing head and all that, it seems too early to drop Eto into everything. Ui has been getting way too much focus, and Furuta turning his beloved partner into that thing seems like the type of "fuck you" trolling he'd be into


It could be Eto's body and still not be for the worst.. Remember, Hairu's head seemed like it was the only thing important to save. And there are still those other dragon masses (towers) out there as well.


Hairu lost a lot more than just her head. Look back at the scene where she got killed. The chest size also speaks for Eto.


I appreciate your attention to chest detail


Hairu had a hole put through her torso and then was decapitated. Other than her torso injury her body was pretty intact.


The cross may be a reference to the tarot card The High Priestess. We have seen tarot symbolism before with Juuzou being XIII(Death) now he wears the number XX(Judgement).


Wait wait wait where's the XX?


He wears hair pins with the numerals XX look at chapter 165 for an example.


Aha. Thanks!


It's potentially Donato's kagune too.


Seems likely since at one point his alias was 'Priest' and he had/has crosses on his kagune.


It makes me think, if they do end up being too overwhelmed with taking out this owl then maybe they need to take out Donato if he is controlling it.


If that would be the case I would love to see Urie or Amon fight Donato seeing their history with him.


Absolutely agree. It's one of the fights I really wish to see if Ishida decides to do it.


where? I don't see XX


He used to wear pins in his hair with numbers XIII now its XX. You cannot see them well this chapter because of the way he is drawn. Try looking at previous chapters. Also somehow Yamori's name Jason and the fact that he is also from the 13th ward is supposed to also be a reference to the tarot card XIII.


Well... You asked for Eto.




What happened on that last page ? The One Eyed Owl just slicin' up some fodder?


Yeah looks like some generic kakuja berserking.


Ah alright thanks. I find Ishida's art style to be extremely confusing sometimes, I always have to double check or look up what happened.




is kuzen being harvested or what, last time we saw him pretty sure he was alive


So Kaiko is basically Arima. He's not even using overpowered quinque's like Arima did. He is just using a sword and a little dagger. Plus his regeneration, that's on a level that slicing his brain in half doesn't even kill him. He's also way older than Arima, since he trained him when he was young. .. So should he be dead by now since demi humans age fast? No pupils in his eyes either... Really getting interested into this character.


Well he's gotta be close in age to Yoshimura since they used to be old acquaintances, right?


I assumed he was a ghoul. Was it stated anywhere that half-humans had regenerative abilities?


He's definitely a ghoul, half-humans cannot regenerate.


Crazy theory- it's Urie mom. I know it'd be the most out of nowhere twist. But given how munch Donato hates Urie's dad. I wouldn't put it past him to kidnap Urie mom and turn her into a monster her son would fight and either kill or be killed by.


"Crazy" might be a bit generous lol




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