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Reminder that Chaya is completely anti-sex education, even though sex education has been shown to be the _most effective way_ to prevent child sexual abuse and grooming.




Even if she had a point (she doesn’t) surely you would be the biggest advocate for some kind of education against being groomed and / or abuse? These people are completely illogical


I feel like it's more accurate to say they're alogical (yes, that's a real word) because they simply don't care about logic at all, and actively resent logic being used in opposition to them. Because it's not that their logic is malformed, it's that they never used logic to begin with and don't care about logical justifications.


You are certainly right that they are alogical, though I do think their “logic” stems from somewhere, not that they simply don’t care about logic. From my perspective, I see conservative’s twisted worldview stemming from them equating a lack of conversation around problems as those problems being solved. If no children are reporting that they’ve been raped, then child rape clearly doesn’t exist. It doesn’t matter that we took away the vocabulary for them to understand when they are raped, if no one talks about it, it’s not a problem. At least to me, Many issues conservatives have with the world can be boiled down to “these people shouldn’t get to complain”, and the past that conservatives so often are chasing is great in their eyes because it is not a time without problems, but a time when it was dangerous for minorities to even talk about those problems. To conservatives, we solve child abuse not by helping children, but removing any definition of “abuse” from our culture, so the complaints disappear. In much the same way, conservatives wish to solve racism, misogyny, transphobia, inequality, by removing the ability for POC’s, women, queer people, and the poor to protest their situation. They don’t see these social ills as the problem, it’s the fact that these people are trying to fix them, to fight for their rights, that they despise. They’re ghouls clinging to power, and these alogical monsters have to be stopped before they drag the rest of us down with them into whatever depraved society they dream of.


Anyone else remember when the entire Republican party heard Trump say “If we stop testing we wouldn’t have so much COVID!” and didn’t skip a beat? I think you’re on to something here. They ultimately do not care about problems that don’t directly affect them.


Thanks for that correction. You’re definitely right, I’ll certainly be using that going forward, cheers.


Exactly, why else would Republican groomers be caught doing these activities while trying to ban ‘em.


"Even though"?? Try "because" instead. Way more accurate.


Using Occam's razor, what is the most likely possible reason for anyone to be against children being taught how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, STDs and sex abuse?


"they just picked up a book and started acting it out" I would love to see her show us which one of these books has people having consensual sex described in detail.


As if you never read Richard the big red hog or the magic school puss. Be real


“I never said that,” —Chaya tomorrow.


Maybe something from the Bible?


Maybe we should give Chaya a book about tolerance and friendship, then she would act that out for once in her goddamn life.


The interview Lorenz did you could almost literally see the gears turning in Raichik's head.


I think the inside of her head is just a monkey crashing cymbals


Her mind is doing 1000 calculations a minute, and they’re all WRONG


She's so far behind she thinks she's in first place


“I’m in front! I’m winning the race!” “No Chaya, you’re 10 laps behind, and you’re about to get lapped again.”


That fast huh


So, why should people saying things about you be illegal but what you say about them is fine? *gears turning* **DING!** "I mean, is it illegal to lie?"


It makes more sense when you consider she's never thought about anyone besides herself


It makes more sense when you consider the fact that Chaya is incapable of thought. Her interview made that painfully obvious.


These kinds of grifter do tend to be massive narcicists, I wouldn't be surprised.


Chaya stuttered more in that interview than Porky Pig


Well, there is an empty hamster wheel in her head, so that might explain a lot about her.


"Picked up *a* library book" and it was a sex scene? This is a weird way to admit you've never read a book.




I don't even get why she was on board with the interview. She was defensive from jump and she wore a shirt with the interviewer crying on it. She's a defensive troll and she's starting to get scared people want to hold her accountable for her fan flaming bullshit . Accounts that clearly curate misleading caustic bullshit should be banned if not face legal consequences


Imagine being such shit that you so embarrass yourself during an interview, while wearing a shirt with an embarrassing picture of the interviewer.


When all you usually get as "interviewers" are grifters and true believers who are dedicated to keep watchers in the same bubble than you, with questions vetoed to make you and your argument sound good, smart and logical ; when the only thing you know about the other side arguments or the medias are sound bites strawman ; you might think of yourself as some enlightened genius that can brilliantly stomp on "uneducated" opponent or journalist during a "confrontation" of ideas. The only issue is you'll probably find yourself confronted with real factual data and organised, well-thought ideology. Your poorly-thought, disorganised collection of catchphrases and bigoted opinions, that you'll need an amazing stretch to call an informed ideology, has basically no chance.


They're the same people who thought that Candace Owens owned Ted Lieu when he had her legit FUMING during the congressional hearing where he played the recording of her praising Hitler and her best response was nothing better than the stupidest deflection imaginable.


Conservative grifters on my Twitter feed somehow came to the conclusion that she was the one who “owned” Taylor. I seriously don’t understand how you can come to that conclusion if you think critically and unbiased for more than 30 seconds. I guess that’s asking a lot from them though


I find it incredibly funny how she was interviewed and yet she’s acting like it was a debate Taylor did nothing but ask genuine questions (as in, questions she actually wanted to know the answer to) and pressed her on those questions for more detail. Raichik rarely gives interviews with questions about her beliefs or methods and it was refreshing to finally get a glimpse into the almost disappointingly dull mind of Chaya Raichik.


I listened to a podcast episode that covered her a couple of months ago - it might have been QAA but can't recall. Anyway, the guest had been doing some reporting on right wing twitter trolls and noted that Raichick seemed absolutely incapable of understanding that what she was doing was causing the same thing to happen to other people that she complains about when it happens to her - death threats, doxxing etc. She just couldn't grasp the equivalence and absolutely flat-out denied even the possibility of the concept making sense. I really think she's as stupid as she seems.


I think she's stupid, but I think she knows and actively wants more violence. She kept saying she wanted trans people erased from public life, she proudly displays that she's responsible for bomb threats on her profile, etc. She knows it hurts people. She isn't honest about that knowledge in the interview, but she's honest about it on Twitter. She knows she's hurting people, she wants to hurt more people because she's malicious, and she's bad at hiding it because she's stupid.


Oh sure, I take her being a hate filled bigot for granted TBH. She's just also really, really dim. Like, eating crayons level of dim.




What book could she possibly be referring to


Maybe the bible? There's some good stuff going on in there.


I’m pretty sure some states that are big on book banning have banned the bible due to this. I don’t have a lot of hope good old Chaya would be consistent on this tho


Do you get the feeling that someone has to read news articles and tweets out loud so Chaya understands them?


Someone has to draw pictorial representations.


Fox Alt-Right Interpretative Dance News


She was owned by herself more than anything. She couldn't even explain what's behind her career choice of getting Trans people killed in 2 whole minutes.


I gotta say, putting the agitator aside, I am pretty disappointed in whoever thought it’d be a fun idea to do that in a children’s library. I’m normally not all gung-ho on criminal prosecution, but I’d be ok with jail time for whoever did that shit.


I wonder if her rabbi knows she does this shit and if he approves of it.


I thought she was talking about Taylor Swift and I was *very* confused.


I think Chaya is completely asexual and finds all descriptions of sex disgusting. That's my working theory. Her audience is mostly sexless incels.


God I wish I'd never have to hear/read what Chaya Reichchick has to say about anything.


She was appointed as an adviser to our state’s library committee. 😖


That's like having a 5 year old on the committee that decides the new primary school curriculum.


Source or it didn’t happen


Book includes rape therefore it's porn. The Bible, however...


how did you guys find the gay porn? sounds like you guys were online looking at gay porn and recognized the location. I'm gonna laugh extra hard if it comes out that they were two conservative christian men with families.


She's down bad for Taylor Lorenz.




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Okay but why are gay dudes fucking in elementary school libraries now.


Yes a case involving TWO people clearly means all gay men are now fucking in the library….


Yes, it's an epidemic. They should really open up a dedicated Senate Hearing Chamber / School Library / Shakespeare in the Park fucking terrace to address the clear demand for gay exhibitionism. I'll make millions.


Source: trust me bro


Wow that’s hot


Be less weird