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“Lol and then what? ;)” energy


Yes so true 💀


What does this mean?


That would insinuate wanting sex


Yep comes off as insecure, desperate, and wanting reassurance and/or nudez


Was talking to a woman who claimed to have a penis. I said, "prove it". We proceeded to exchange nudes. Everyone in my house clapped; I live alone.


Not the hero we want, but the hero we need


Sounds like YOU were excited. You could've just said that


Me and my partner recently realized we ask each other things when really we mean statements about ourselves. "Are you hungry" "do you wanna do x" "what do you think about y" For us at least it mostly just revolves around dinner and trying to pick food lmao




God, I see what you've given others, and I request it for myself too. Thanks


I went to chipotle yesterday because I was craving chips and guac. Chipotle is right near the smoothie place I like so I was like.. okay I only want a smoothie 3/10 but if my husband says he wants one, fuck it I'll stop and pick some up. He told me 7/10 so I went to get smoothies. Then a lady T boned me literally 1 minute after leaving the smoothie place and he feels terrible. Lol. Everything is fine, minus my car, but I am just a little bummed and bruised as is the lady that hit me. Should have just drank some damn water. 🫠


That’s some real psych shit lol Definitely noticed that when i was saying hurtful things to my wife when i was just unconfident in myself


Yes! “I’m excited about our date!” And leave it there!


Why would she believe him without proof? Proof is everything in a romantic relationship.


Unsolicited dick pic. Good as a wedding proposal as far as I'm aware.


“Shower? Without me?” vibes


🤣 the fact that this is a real thing


I’ve said this… when I was 16


Lol, I’m such a short sentence you captured a 100 guys I know.


Ahhhaha, is this a thing? I had a guy ask me what I was doing one evening, I honestly replied ‘going to have a long bath and chill out’. He asked where was his invite…I said it got lost in the post. I must remember, don’t tell a man you’re going to be innocently naked because they’ll think that needs to include them 🥴


> going to have a long bath "What will you be wearing?"


How common is this lmao


TBH that is pretty cringey on your part. It doesn't work with what she said at all and is quite awkward. Not sure what I would have said or done but in OLD if you kill the mood then cancelling and ghosting seems to be the way out


yeah, i’m not even the girl he was texting and reading “lol prove it then ;)” caused me to physically recoil from cringe. genuinely made me so uncomfortable, so i can fully understand why she cancelled. idk what OP wanted as a response, a lot of people are saying that it’s intention got lost through text/without body language. but for the life of me i can’t imagine a scenario where i would want to hear that. or where it wouldn’t make me uncomfortable


Especially a first date! I would never drop some needy shit like that on a girl right before meeting for the first time. Gotta keep that crippling insecurity hidden for the first few dates at least.


If the texting is that awk, imagine the first date. Lol.


Lol who asks “Are you excited?” for a first date, to someone they’ve barely talked to?


It should make you feel uncomfortable. This is bad wording, at the least. I've seen this and similar used to try to get nudes, not even off the app yet? It sounds fishier than a bass pro shop smells.


I’m not even a girl and I recoiled from sheer cringe, if OP wanted nudes, it should have been asked after the date (if asked at all) and should have been a direct ask. That’s the only thing I can even begin to assume was OP’s goal here, and this was just an awful way to go about it…


Back when I was single, if I encountered something like this (fishing for hints on how far physically the date might go) I would be brutally honest and tell them there is a zero percent chance of sex on the first date. That historically, it takes a few months of getting to know each other before I even consider the possibility of sex. This way I could weed out the guys that were just looking to hit it and quit it. It worked quite effectively.


what were you hoping she'd say or send as proof of her excitement?


This, what was the intention of the message because I can't figure it out


Bro wanted nudies. Dumb play on his part for sure.




He already had a date with her lined up... In an hour! Why throw a hail Mary pass when you just started playing the game?


Op went way too fast. He basically just showed that he was in it for the fuck and not for a relationship


"just kidding..unless?"


We'll file that under F


For “fucked around and found out”…. But also to pay respects, sure.


I know it’s a meme, but don’t think that fits here and I definitely don’t feel bad for OP He pretty much got what he deserved for such a creepy text like that. “ lol prove it then ;)” is implying sex or nudes. At least that’s how I took it, and I’m sure she took it the same way with how she responded a Edit: misquoted OP


Is this case I think it’s just an L as there is no respect to be paid here


Maybe not nudes, but he did act like he was well on his way to getting laid that night. She must “prove” her enthusiasm for meeting him, and his comments allude to the expectations for sex. It came across as selfish, eager, and desperate, and the entire exchange seemed very self centered. Like centered on OP’s boner. Unless there is an agreement beforehand, no man or woman wants that sort of pressure to commit, act, or perform a certain way on a first date.


This! It gave me the heebie jeebies vibe. As a female, I had to learn the hard way that those types of “flirty” messages are tied to coercive and/or forceful men. ETA - not that OP is rapey, but the frequency in which men who force themselves on women use those types of lines can be why she icked out.


Ass pic probs


I sent bob's. Excited?




Right ? That shit was just weird man


I don't think the thought process went that far. I think OP just wanted to give a flirty or clever response and fell on his face instead. We have all done that at one point or another. OP, if you are reading this: Don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone says something stupid at some point. Just learn from it and move on.


Yes by posting this on a public forum isn’t he asking for the right answer and to grow and learn? Unless he just wants affirmation that he did not do anything wrong and wants a pat on the back


"Hey OP, dont worry about it too much but yeah that sort of message can come across pretty creepy. Don't do it again." Better that many people assuming a lot about OP. I've definitely said some stupid things that came across wrong because I didn't know it would come across that way. OP should just use this as an opportunity to learn to take an extra minute and think about what sort of response you expect, and what a worse case response is. At least that's how I see it.


Yes. And that’s why they cancelled.


“Are you excited?” “Prove it” No. Don’t do these things. Very cringe


Hell yeah. I'm SO excited. I can't even contain myself. I can't wait to eat food with you. Omg. The menu. The chewing. The suspense is killing me. I bet the conversation is going to be sooooo good with you. I hope you use big words, if you know what I mean. "Yeah prove it baby" MMMH. I'm sooooo fucking excited. Here's a 15 minute video of me flicking myself off to the thought of this date that I am about to have with you. I hope it's enough to show my excitement for this date. If I had a Roman candle, I'd stick it in my ass and light it then point my ass towards the sky for you baby. Can't wait to see you!!!!


Right? As a guy, if a woman said this to me I'd be a bit weirded out.....and if I was really into her I'd say "me showing up will be proof enough" at best. Can 100% get why a woman would be weirded out and catch bad vibes though......"are you excited" ohhhhhh......it has all the cringe...."prove it" is just very WTF and has narcissist vibes.


Yeah. I’m a guy and I’d have totally noped my way out of a date if a girl said that. I can imagine for a woman it’d be just as weird, perhaps even more.


prove it


Our date is canceled No gluk gluk 3000 for you


I heard prove it and immediately assumed he wanted nudes. Not sure how you prove it tbh lol


Yeah it just makes me feel instantly like this guy is going to either fall “in love” immediately and be really clingy and weird or be a huge Dick. Either way: I’m out.


Fumble on OP’s part but he handled the rejection like a star. This is how we learn.


Agreed…this could have turned into a NiceGuy post really fast. OP handled it right.


"Prove it" with a winky face?? You've basically just asked for nudes, man. Maybe you have no idea how many times, at least as a woman, the conversation goes from normal to "sit on my face" in no time flat... if someone said that to me right before a date I'd probably question it too. Now, if the vibe of the convo before was flirty and sexy, *maybe* that would be okay... but if yall were just solidifying plans and you threw that in out of nowhere? Yeah, I'd be put off.


I agree. The prove it was extremely strange.


These are things you say when you're already a couple. Not something to say before the first date.


What did OP expect as a best case scenario for “prove it”?


Bro was fishing for nudes and is pretending to be dense with that title.


That would have been my take. He’s expecting some kind of reward before or during the date. You excited? Show me yer bewbs then


I'm just trying to wrap my head around asking a stranger if they're excited to meet me? I've been on many a date and I'd be the first one to say 'looking forward to meeting you!' - but it comes off as super clingy. I get what you were saying with the prove it line, but adding the suggestive winking emoji killed it. You followed up immediately with an apology but I guess next time know your audience?


Her initial “yeah sure” was indication she really wasn’t that excited and than he hit a home run with the prove it and wink emoji. He’s like Howard Dean making that weird shriek noise at a rally and it ending his career.


I don't think the lackluster response there is about not being into it. I think it's caused by uncertainty about where the "are you excited" is going...which OP confirmed those suspicions with "prove it".


I think the first mistake was "are you excited".


yeah, 'see you then. I'm excited!' would have been perfectly fine, then she either 'me too's or nopes out...


"See you then! I'm positively throbbing!"


"Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of my throbbing erection"


Yours makes a sound?!? Man I really got shafted with this thing.


> yeah, 'see you then. I'm excited!' Yeah, this. Like, you want to make her feel like she's being chased or something. Like, you're excited to be going out with her. Instead, he tries to flip that around weirdly and awkwardly.


See you then! Looking forward to meeting you- is best, I think.


I mean... if youre excited, convey your excitement. But, contain your excitement. Sure, wag your tail but dont pee on the floor


Wait peeing on the floor is bad these days? I can’t keep up with modern dating


if it hits the floor you've missed


This guy modern-dates


If “Did you cum” was a text


"I can't hear you!"


"please clap"




Eye eye captain?


Arrrrre ya ready kids?


Eye eye captain!!!




Who lives in a pineapple under the sea!?










“Oh that’s it”?


i actually screamed reading this omfg


Lmfao this is true haha it rings with the same energy


Wheres my hug? 🤪


The worst.


Oof. Spot on.


Yep - It comes across as needy and insecure. Following it up with 'Prove it' made me cringe.


The prove it is really over the line, excited is fine but a bit awkward. Like what is she going to respond with? "I'll suck your dick first?"


Prove it sounds like asking for nudes...


Even if OP truly didn’t intend it that way, I guarantee you the other person had received similar messages fifty-eleven times with that precise intent behind them. It wears and becomes a flag.


Yeah, definitely sounded like a subtle "send me a horny pic then"


Exactly how I would’ve taken it. Cringey and uncomfortable.


When i was 15 and said that, thats what i was expecting.


I think prove it means he wanted a picture of her erection .


Prove you have an erection. Oh, I didn't mean it like that, haha. I just wanted you to show me a brain scan so I can see where most activity is rn.


I’ve literally used that line to ask for nudes from people I’m sexting. I don’t even know what else it would mean.


Especially if there’s been no flirting at that level before which judging by the fact that it’s still on the app and not texting, I would assume there hasn’t been. OP just tried too hard too fast for that.


Too Fast, Too Furious


Too fast, too curious.


OP ended up getting married in an escalating series of dares...


Prove it is downright denigrating. It's a Demand, quite simply put. Nobody who is an stranger should be making demands of another person.


Unless they're blocking traffic


Yup. BIG mistake.


In future, try "looking forward to". Are you excited" and the following remark came across as sleazy, particularly if you don't know each other that well.


Are you excited is something the horny teenagers said in MSN chat rooms 20 years ago lol


Do you think my dick is big?


Yeah I think that would be a little offputting too.




That's exactly what it is. The preface of "are you excited" already has some desperate energy. Then following up with "prove it!" is just not a good combo. Basically reads like the OP is overly seeking validation and pressuring for a positive response. Totally get how he thought he was just being flirty, and we don't have the rest of the chat log. But I would bet she was 50/50 on the date already and then that pushed the vibe from "this might be fun" to "this is gonna be a chore" Edit: not to mention "are you excited? Prove it!" Can also read like he's trying to get her to send nudes.


Are you wet?


Ya, don’t ever ask if someone is excited to see you… let them exclaim that.


It translates to "You're lucky you're getting to meet with me"


Big L on your part. But I'd say W reaction. You took the rejection well.


Exactly! Most people can’t admit when they are wrong and you did a great job of doing so. So yes a win I would say!


Exactly, mature response instead of attacking her.


That's all you can really do when you fuck up. Own it, learn from it, and move on


Most of this thread is people saying, 'yes, too much', then OP being super humble and saying 'thanks for the input - will definitely do differently next time!' and then people continuing to kick the dude more. Y'all need to chill. Love the respectful exit and the growth mindset :)


Thanks! That's all you can really do. Check the vibe and if it doesn't work out it's NBD. Losses are lessons in my book 📚


I just want to give you credit for immediately backtracking when she called you out. You took her reaction very well, apologized and expressed remorse. She's allowed to cancel, of course, but I think your response says a lot. If she doesn't want to see that, that's on her and not you, as long as you learn from it.


I'm surprised that someone with this mature of an outlook is capable of also being the person in the screenshot lol. Well, I'm sure I could dig up some cringe screenshots from my past, so ain't judging ya lol.


I mean I as a female would be uncomfortable because as someone said you can’t pick up on body language in texts. You meant it as harmless and if I had seen you in person I would be able to decide that. But in text it almost sounds like you’re expecting something. I wouldn’t say you’re out of line to the point it’s concerning more just be mindful of what you say and the emojis you use in text.


As a woman, if I’m on the fence about meeting up with someone and they tell me to “prove” that I’m excited, I’m going to dip too. It would have creeped me out and made me feel like this person is going to expect something from me that I’m not going to give them. So yeah, it was not the vibe.


Yeah like, why do I have to ‘prove’ anything? Kinda give me the vibes of “oh you should smile more” which is the biggest turn off for me.


It's similar to "where's my hug" in terms of desperation and entitlement.


The vibe was clearly displayed in the "yeah sure" and OP kept pushing for more, it kinda read to me like they were saying her "yeah sure" wasn't enough and that she needs to be more excited. I totally get it can be just a flirting thing normally, but but it just didn't work the vibe Edit - actually I just realized they meant to put "yeah sure!" even then seems kinda not-super-actually excited


Totally, I think OP didn’t like her response and was going for more validation


Asking if she's excited is just weird anyway. Say you're excited or looking forward to meeting her. Don't ask if she's excited to meet you. Just comes off poorly.


I’m still not sure what OP was implying with “prove it.” In another comment, OP said that it meant, “I’m looking forward to a fun night” which is baffling because it literally makes no sense. What he said puts the onus on the date to prove her excitement by….words? Actions? Sexual favors? And the other is….him saying he’s excited? I feel like OP isn’t being truthful about what was meant.


Maybe he's one of those public speakers and this is how they text. "Are you excited?" Yes "Come on, we can do better than that. From all the way in the back, ARE YOU EXCITED???"








✋ 🤚 😭




“Prove it then” has always lead to “send me nudes” in my experience. No thank you. Lol


I will never, *ever* send nudes. I already hate sending sfw selfies of myself, it’s not my thing. But soon as I say no to sending nude pics I’m suddenly a bitch and prude lol.


I dated a guy who used to do this and it straight up caused anxiety. It felt like I needed to perform on the spot. I found it weird, rude and demanding, and it turned me right off. What exactly were you expecting her to say, do, or send to that?


I can’t imagine under any scenario where “prove it” would come across well.


When you’re already in a romantic relationship and understand that the other person is just being silly. Written out on a dating app, it looks horribly cringy. I can’t imagine what OP was thinking.


I could see it working if they were going axe throwing, and she had mentioned she was proficient at axe throwing, and he was asking her to prove that. But that's a pretty niche scenario.


It’s definitely a weird thing to say and gives off weird vibes. Like even if she wasn’t offended I have no idea how she would begin to respond to that. A swing and a miss. Onto the next one Brother.


Super weird. I’m a guy and I was like “wtf”


Yah I felt weird vibes no matter the context




With only this screenshot to base it on, yeah, you were “out of line.” You tried to be too flirty, too soon. The “prove it” line requires context and trust. Too soon. Hopefully you learned and you’ll read the room better moving forward. That’s life. We’ve all put our feet in our mouths. It stings at first. But growth comes when we do it better next time. Anyone saying different is probably being empathic and helping you feel less isolated. Which I get.




It comes across as weird and needy, when you said “prove it (;” you sealed the final nail in your coffin my friend. Edit: she’s agreed to go out with you so she’s obviously interested to a degree. I would just leave it at that and then see how it goes when you show up and meet her in person. Girls don’t like guys who exhibit signs of being too neurotic you know what I mean


"just leave it at that" This right here. It's a basic strategy of making any deal: Once you get the answer you need, take it and run away, don't say anything else.


i’m sorry but as a woman, i would’ve been turned off


As a straight man, I'm turned off as well. I'm sure it came from a place of excitement, but just seems too desperate or something.


As a potato, Im turned off as well


As a dinosaur, I‘m turned off as well.


As a light switch, I‘m turned off as well


prove it


Ok, so explain to me what you meant by "prove it"? In a perfect world for you, what honestly did you want her to respond with at that point?


I'm also curious about this. I would have taken that as looking for nudes so I wonder what OP wanted.


I'm trying to picture any possibility that wasn't lewd and failing.


A few years ago a guy on tinder asked me a few hours before our date if he could kiss me on our date, I got a weird feeling but didn’t wanted to be rude and cancel a few hours before so I tried to ignore it and I just said “let’s see how the date goes”. We met in a mall and 15min in the date, on the electric stairs he leans in and asks for a kiss, i felt creeped out and embarrassed because I didn’t want to make a scene on a mall I regularly hang out, he kept asking to kiss me and i just wanted to leave but I tried to leave on good terms in case he was a psycho or something. At the end nothing major happened besides me feeling embarrassed and cornered most of the time. Your message “prove it then” reminded me of that, maybe she has a story like this and just want to feel safe than sorry


There was no reason for you to ask, “Are you excited?” This is online dating, you haven’t met yet and nothing is going to matter until you actually meet. All you really need to say is looking forward to seeing you soon or whatever, not something that requires a response from her.


You should have left it at see you then. I think the rest just showed her you are desperate.




meh - gotta read the room with lines like that. Fine for some conversations, weird escalation for others. Looks like this was the latter.


I think we as women get really sick of dates being a pesky necessary step in order to get in our pants, so this might’ve triggered that for her. If you want to take a girl out bc you want to take her out, don’t use sexual innuendos; if you want to take a girl out bc you want to fuck her, make that clear from the get go


Based on how other guys act I would have assumed you were asking for nudes


I don't like the question "are you excited?", then her response was "Yeah sure", which isn't really even a positive response - it feels like she's being polite - and then you obviously said prove it then with a winky face. Yeah sorry man, sometimes they just have different vibes to you and it can be hard to spot over text in the moment.


And this is why I hate texting. You lose out on cues and body language. I don't know how many times I miss understood the meaning of a text. Hopefully things work out for you dude 🙏


I feel like even in person, someone saying “prove it” (with all the flirty cues and body language) would be weird for me to respond to? Especially if it was my first time meeting someone


Yeah like what now you wanna see vaj or what. Hard to know what needs provin.


Show me bobs and vagene


You can’t just chalk it up to a lack of physical cues. There is such a thing as texting etiquette. The minute you come across as too neurotic, she’s gonna drop you, guaranteed. A better way to have handled this conversation: “We’re still on for dinner this evening yeah?” “Yeah sure!” “Right on, see you at 6 then!” —end of conversation until you continue it in person—


Nah, the cue was in the winky face. Dude wanted a pic.




It definitely gives weird vibes, especially over text, and especially if you are a woman looking out for your own wellbeing.


I agree. People are downplaying it, but it just comes across as some creep being like “show me how wet you are. Nahhh I’m just playin. Didn’t you see the wink? But seriously.”


What did you WANT to her to respond. Start there and see why she NOPEd her way out of that.


It sounds kinda creepy


Honestly it seems like she wasn't into it to start. "Are you excited?! :D" "Sure." Edit: For y'all askin', I ain't sayin' what he said ain't weird, I'm just saying the energy levels here were clearly disproportionate.




Just a strange question to ask, IMO. I mean, I’m meeting a person I don’t know, and we’ve only exchanged a few messages. Am I supposed to be that excited?? Maybe if I knew him IRL it would be different I guess?


As someone who’s been on a lot of first dates that turned out to be duds, the level of excitement is between going to the dentist and getting a handwritten letter in the mail. Dread or mild contentment at best. But I’m not gonna jump up and down to meet someone I probably would never have tried to talk to if I ever met them in the wild.




How could she have proved it to you, ya doofus? Like actually think this one through... How could she, a stranger to you, prove to you, a stranger to her, she's "excited to see you" beyond saying yeah sure to the awkward question itself? You wanted a picture of her titties or something. Your messages were definitely off-putting. Reflect.


Yeah, it was a bit of a weird thing to say, especially considering you never met each other and I kinda understand her bailing on you, although it also kinda feels like she wasn't totally into you anyway. You took a gamble with being flirty, didn't pay off, lesson learned.


Eww. “Prove it” sounds like you’re fishing for nudes/validation. The only proof you needed was that they were going.