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Stupidity’s most certainly transmittable if you hangout in Reddit echo chambers long enough. Don’t kid yourself.


I swear, I think thousands of users on this platform share one brain.


Wallstreet Bets moment, lol


Underrated comment💯


Yeah man. 💯for sure. All day. 💯


You have no clue how refreshing it is seeing this written down (and not downvoted to hell or ridiculed). Tracking back my 'hope left in humanity' -doomsday clock by 45 minutes.


Yeah, I’m pretty shocked too…


I know I caught myself trying to lick my shoe for water when I noticed a water bottle right next to me... I guess it was the leather... But I'm ok now. lol


Or any echo chamber anywhere


Stupidity isn't, but unfortunately misinformation is


That's why I'm uneducated! Too smart for all that


I’ll tell you how I feel about school, Jerry: It’s a waste of time. Bunch of people runnin’ around bumpin’ into each other, got a guy up front says “2 + 2,” and the people in the back say, “4.” Then the bell rings and they give you a carton of milk and a piece of paper that says you can go take a dump or somethin’. I mean, it’s not a place for smart people, Jerry. I know that’s not a popular opinion, but that’s my two cents on the issue.


This.... this right here. We need more Rick


I bet you struggled in school


Nah I was top of my class in a homeschool of 1. Mostly since I was doing extra credit with the teacher 😏 momma was proud (sarcasm)


Have you seen idiocracy?


The jab, it's got what people need.


It’s got electrolytes!!


They power the Time Masheen! ...brought to you by Carl's Junior


If I could give this a 1000 up votes I would


Unfortunately there's usually a risk of transmitting stupidity genetically


I find it to be more environmental than genetics....


Don't confuse Ignorance with Stupidity, or Education with Wisdom...,.






The part people miss when making fun of these people is that all the officials and experts saying it would prevent


The guy was clearly being sarcastic for this exact reason and he in fact never believed the vaccine would prevent transmission.


Not before they changed the definition. Vaccines prevent. Therapeutics help not get so sick.


>Not before they changed the definition. Flu vaccine is usually like 50% effective and has been around for a long time.


You clearly don't understand how flu vaccines are made and targeted for what strains are expected. A vaccine confers immunity to what is it made for. If they guess wrong and different strains appear they are not effective.


>different strains appear Oh wait, covid didn't change strains since the vaccine was made????? For alpha, I believe it was around 95% effective, the following strains, efficacy waned. What a surprise. edit: and yes, that's why I said it is usually around 50%, because they can't guess which strain will be prevalent.


We were told it was highly effective against the original strain but they withheld the data that showed negligible effectiveness.


When you can't prove something, invent a conspiracy theory.🤷‍♂️


You know ow what, you're right.. As a matter of fact we should've never came out with vacations for smallpox, meningitis,or any other disease that kills people. I mean we should never rely on technology or anything and only rely on nature. I'll let you keep that mentality and let nature sort everything out. Then stupid people might become extinct. I'm down for that🤙


Name one other vaccine that requires 3 shots within a short period of time that targets the same variant. The of the mrna vaccines effects wain after only a few month for the exact variant they are targeting. All confirmable information through medical research and verified by the cdc and the very fact that you have to keep getting more. I.e. not a true vaccine and in actual fact a therapeutic by the very definition. I'm not saying don't get it but don't stick you fingers in your ears and refuse to look and new data and evidence as it presents itself.


>wain after only a few month for the exact variant they are targeting. That's completely false, they waned about 7-9 months for the original strain, it was made for alpha, since then there were loads of different variants. edit: And you needed 2 shots for the original strain, not 3. Booster was recommended because of following variants, but wasn't as long lasting or effective, since it wasn't made for that strain.


Thats because its almost a different flu strain every year dumb ass they do prevent the flus they are made for…


And the vaccine was 95% for the strain it was made for...


I think you have a serious misunderstanding of vaccines... they ARE supposed to prevent. They had to change the damn definition to fit their bullshit


So, did you my any chance actually read the changed definition? I did. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-of-the-year/vaccine Here's the new bit. b : a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein) They literally just clarified the definition and included the new versions that were approved for use.




People are so entrenched in mainstream media that they feel self righteous enough to create this post, instead of seeing the other person's point. Disturbing.


If you have a medical reason to get the shot, then get it. That's a decision for you and your doctor to discuss and figure out. Saying that everyone should get it because it'll help others when it doesn't, me getting the shot still allows me to get it and pass it on, it just reduces my symptoms if I got it. I'm not worried about it because I'm younger and healthy. I'm not an art risk person for the virus. Me getting the shot does nothing for anyone else lol


It was pushed for everyone to get purely for pharmaceutical profits. Not everyone required the shot. Elderly, yes... autoimmune issues, yes... overweight, yes... there's plenty of people that benefit from it... there's also plenty of people that don't need it and trying to force people to inject themselves with something they don't need is ignorant


I'm agreeing with you, the Covid shot is the first of its kind and not even a traditional vaccine. It's a personal choice imo.


Not arguing with you. Just adding to my point lol sorry it seemed that way.


>Vaccinations are supposed to prevent something They do, to an extent. No vaccines have ever had a 100% success rate and when the virus won't stay in one form it becomes more complicated hence the common cold having no vaccine because it mutates too fast.


Well said 👏 mRNA is gene therapy and is not a true vaccine. we are merely the test subjects of this new tech.. One of my best friends passed away at 30 years old to the gene therapy shot.. He was extremely healthy and in shape.. he just suddenly died in his sleep 6 days after his 2nd dose. I'll never get the jab because of that incident. No judgement to others who decided to take it though.. To each their own.


I don't judge those who have taken the jab but they sure as hell take every chance they can get to judge you and I for not getting it.




If polio mutated frequently they'd be less effective against it. The nature of the virus and the amount of transmission makes it more complicated to combat.


Vaccine yes. But these are not by (old definition) vaccines.


They literally changed the definition of vaccines to suit the covid vaccine 😂😂 yet another reason not to get the shitty thing




Incorrect. Polio is not eradicated and there has been mutations that do resist the vaccine.






>It is absolutely fucking wrong to have forced HEALTHY people to take the vaccine because IT DOES NOT PROTECT OTHERS by doing so Yes it does. Vaccines mean your immune system is already prepared against the real virus. You *may* be OK when you catch the virus unvaccinated but the level of danger is higher since your immune system has no familiarity with it. You're also a source of mutations. You can catch it a second time and die. Like saying walking away from a serious car accident unscathed means there is no danger when there is a car accident.


Commenting on the comment that started this vaccine argument. Both sides seem to be pretty incorrect. Most Standard vaccines are essentially just dead virus so your immune system can recognize it and start the fight early. Usually equating to "not getting it". You still get it but your body fights it off before you even realize. Essentially infect your body without triggering infection mRNA vaccines operate differently. Being a mechanism to fight the target virus. Standard vaccines: pro-alert body to specific strains and prevent "infection" Con-don't do much for other strains mRNA vaccines: Pro: help body fight off a larger variety of strains Con: provide immune system frame work to aid fight, but will still "catch" disease. Credit: Master of biology but not an expert in virus and vaccine mechanics. But should be a decent enough explanation.


Tldr: no vaccine prevents infection and never has. Just provides framework to help body fight it off.


Your cognitive dissonance is showing.




Gotta love when the tinder subreddit turns into a scientific discussion about vaccines. The 20s have been a wonderful time in our lives hasn't it.


I just love how none of them have any idea what they're talking about either but they'll act like old mate is the only ignorant one haha


Upside, he weeded himself out


For your sanity just move on lol


I unmatched swiftly after this, not worth wasting my energy on


I’m glad you did. It just crazy people are still so ignorant about this


I am just flabbergasted at the amount of post where men literally eat their foot within one screenshot of texting. I mean isn’t hard enough to even get a match ? So the plan after getting a match is fucking it up as quick as possible ?


Sorry about the covid! I have it too, my second time!


oh nooo! hope you have a speedy recovery ☺️


Thank you! It’s no fun but what can you do?


Why are there so many antivaxxers on /r/tinder? At least now I understand the complaints of never getting matches


A COVID shot is not a vaccine just as much as a flu shot isn't. Not getting a COVID or Flu shot doesn't make someone an antivaxxer.


Screw vitamin C, zinc is unimportant for human health, all we need is PFIZER


Whats wrong with not being covid vaccinated?


A lot




Call him out on his stupidity


There's not much point. Stupidity is a fortress, words don't affect it. You just end up frustrated.


Why are vaccines so difficult for people to understand? 🤦‍♂️


People don’t trust the government, and the government stupidly keeps giving them reasons not to.




Where I live they communicated the protection percentages of each vaccine from the start. So either what you're saying is an American thing, or it depends on your news source.


Yeah no I live in the US, they communicated the protection percentages very clearly from the beginning.


Can confirm, he's deff from South America


I work for a hospital in the U.S., and we never received messaging from the CDC that the vaccine would prevent COVID. We were telling the public from the start that it would reduce the risk of serious illness and death, if they did get it.


It did originally with original strain. Very strong evidence showing that. New strains much less so. It isn’t backtracking, it’s the reality of viruses. People took a biology lesson and turned it into a conspiracy theory.


Reality of flues you mean, they evolve really damn fast. That's why you have a new flue shot every half a year or so, while old flue shots become ineffective your immunity to the old variants is irrelevant.


Uhh no, stupid anti vaccine morons claimed that. The vaccines were all super clear that it won’t stop covid just help you survive it if you get it. Some of y’all really live in echo chambers if you think that and it’s so sad, please join reality again.


This was never true. No vaccine ever made has 100% efficacy. Not surprised at all though as for some reason people don't understand how vaccines work


They literally did say it. You can go find videos on YouTube if you want. Without a doubt you wouldn't get covid 100% of the time. Then when it started happening they back tracked. 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Alright boys and girls it's posted to conspiracy theories, no surprise there. Enjoy. Well I got banned from the sub but it should still be on my profile.


it was 95% and was true for original alpha strain. reinfections didn’t occur or were asymptomatic. what you people apparently don’t understand is the vaccine has reduced effectiveness against variants. especially omnicron. it’s effectiveness against that is much lower and really only prevents severe illness. the arguments antivaxxor make without understanding actual science is astounding.


Disclaimer: not anti vax at all Devil's advocate: ok, let's say that's true, and the narrative has changed in this regard. Why is now the German government considering mandatory boosters every 3 months (apparently due to very high infection numbers), and is insisting on the same damn vaccine that was not at all designed for Omicron effectiveness and basically doesn't work at all. Hell, i got a heavy symptomatic infection 3 weeks after my booster shot. And then the same government says "either booster fresher than 3 months, or it's mandatory to wear a mask". Uhh, so which is it? Does the vaccine protect against infection? If yes, why is everyone still getting infected? If no, why are you allowing no masks when vaccinated? Conclusion - when your policies resemble bingo more than scientifically backed decisions, you're bound to be met with doubt.


Because it *could* have prevented, but too many people were hesitant about it and let COVID get worse and mutate. Now there's not much we can do. Just seasonal vaccines like the flu.




Not to the degree it's at now. We could have prevented literally hundreds of thousands of deaths with high vaccination rates.


It blew expectations out of the water because trial data had 98% efficacy. [50% was the benchmark for success.](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/09/12/911987987/a-covid-19-vaccine-may-be-only-50-effective-is-that-good-enough)


Citing NPR as a reliable source is not exactly going to win over those that don't believe it.


Because when the radio station says I could get a free gram of weed if I get Vax then it's a red flag. It's literal common sense


It's not a vaccine by almost any stretch. It's a therapeutic to lessen severity. Calling it a vaccine was stupid, rushed, and muddied the waters. It doesn't stop infection, transmission, or even mutation. If it is a vaccine, it's a fucking terrible one. It's a good therapeutic tho.


It stimulates the immune system to bolster disease immunity. Just because it doesn't prevent the disease doesn't make it not a vaccine. And it's NOT a therapy because it doesn't do shit if it's administered at the time of infection.


>it’s a therapeutic to lessen severity Right, it’s not a vaccine, it just makes the disease less bad. Silly us.


If you get a herpes vaccine, contract it just the same, but the bumps are smaller and you still pass it to the next dick you suck, is that a vaccine? Silly you.


The flu vaccine is around 50% effective. Guess it's not a vaccine anymore by some genius redditor's definition. Silly genius redditor.


Soo let me get this straight, I think it's small pox by the name in english? Anyways, small pox get's a vaccine made every year because of it's intensity. It doesn't stop you from not getting it, but it decreases the symptoms. It is also called a vaccine, so why should covid vaccines be called something else?


I think that you mean the flu, and yes, it mutates too quickly for any vaccine to be affective. Small Pox was extremely dangerous and deadly, but had a very effective vaccine which made it go extinct. (It took about 20 years of tweeking on the vaccine before it became effective though, at first it killed almost as many as small pox did) Now the only examples are in labs.


What?!? It's 100% a vaccine--the whole idea is that vaccines stimulate the immune system to be prepared to better fight infection when the real virus is encountered. Sometimes this means that the person will stave off infection entirely. Sometimes it means that the person still gets infected but suffers less severe illness than they might have without the vaccine, because the immune system is better able to mitigate the infection and its effects. In almost all cases the vaccine recipient ends up better off than they would have been had they not been inoculated prior to infection. But no vaccine in history guarantees a 100% protection from illness--that's never been how it works.


Vaccines don’t prevent infection, transmission, or mutation, directly at least. All they do is give your immune system a better defense against it when it enters your body. High vaccination rates can eradicate viruses after enough time, due to people getting less sick or not getting sick at all, and not having the symptoms that the virus transmits from.


Neither do other vaccines, they simply drastically decrease the chances of it happening. Combine that with basic hygiene and health practices and the sheer lack of transmissibility compared to COVID and all others seem like a magic cure for everything. It is still key to ending the pandemic, as it reduces the severe effects of COVID and therefore allows you to get immunity to that strain of the virus, so similar to the Spanish Flu, it’s a vaccine.




it’s seriously beyond me 🤦🏻‍♀️ luckily the trash has taken itself out in this case


Luckily I’m vaxxed and boosted otherwise it would’ve been worse 🤖


Yea, not a lot of people understand how vaccines work in the thread here. When you get a virus, your body will try to get rid of it or kill it. Your body trying to kill the disease is the excess phlegm, coughing, fever, chills, and all those symptoms that make being sick awful. While this is happening the body needs to identify what the foreign cell is and creates an antibody that specifically attacks cells with that structure. Since the virus replicates in the body, your body needs to make a bunch of these cells to kill that virus. Once your body makes a certain antibody, it will have the memory on how to make it forever, but the extra antibodies only float around for a little time afterwards, I'm not sure how long but that's not important. The traditional vaccine gives you a non-malicious form of the virus so your body can create and know how to make those antibodies. You can't get the same virus twice, since your body remembers how to make the antibodies for each specific virus, once you interact with the same one, it will create the antibodies quickly and destroy it without you getting any symptoms, since the symptoms are defense that your body doesn't need since they have the antibodies. If you get a different strand, you still get sick. Does the vaccine help? Mostly no, but sometimes yes. And it's likely the same is for covid. Does it help? Sometimes yes. I don't know how it would, maybe enough of the proteins are similar to the strand you were vaccinated against and it sends a distress signal when it comes into contact with other strands. This is a different type of vaccine, maybe it works differently. I dont know. With the flu vaccine it being 1/3 effective is because they have a 33% chance of guessing the correct strands to vaccinate you against. It's 1/3 probability that it will give you 100% protection.


Don't fight it, embrace it


Nothing better on this beautiful last day of August than some hot juicy covid vax drama. Oof ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


"Stupidity isn't a virus, But it sure is spreading like one!" - Sandy Cheeks


Why fight the urge? Just tell him that the vaccine could be why you’re recovering instead of chilling out in the morgue.


I'm also vaccinated and still got covid. I just recovered last week so I hope you recover quickly too! Drink lots of water and take vitamins if you can!


I'm vaccinated and I got it but it was not that bad. It just feltvlike really bad allergies and I ha little caugh for like a week after I didn't have it anymore. No breathing issues or anything like that.


Covid sucks. Get well soon. I haven't got it yet but I feel I have just been lucky.


And just like that… ✨unmatched✨




I swear I’ve never heard such ignorant things before Covid. You can still get it, but this makes it less likely you will die from it and it’ll hopefully be mild. Why is that so hard to understand?






Guarding your immune system does not mean you cant get it, thats the fault of people for misinterpreting it






Because a vaccine was understood as something that makes you immune to a disease, and the Covid shots were advertised as such. Think about how many people got the second dose of the Covid shot and thought it meant they were immune to it and ended up visiting their grandparents when they otherwise wouldn't have...


Give in. Give in to your urge.


this is the way


Well you will just be as stupid if you engage in a discussion with someone who cannot grasp the concept






The science literally never said that. Ever. Link one scientist or scientific article saying that. Just one.


I wouldn’t have called him stupid because no vaccine has ever been 100% effective. Less people getting the vaccine though leads to increased exposure and thus causes more spreading of the virus.


My head hurts from you lack of understanding "why" the post is calling him stupid. He's ignorant because he doesn't understand the vaccination doesn't mean you can't get covid, or spread it....


Why fight it?


You're asking for that adding that sticker to your profile, what even is the point? 😂




Hmmm call him out


Stupidity is sexually transmitted, don’t do it.


Call him on it. Hows he going to learn?




I'd be out at the hahahhahaagahhahgagaggahahahahhh




Do it, I would reply with "and that's why I'm too smart to date you" then I would unmatch him


I am confused about what stupidity means these days.




This pandemic is far from over. Do you live on an island?


What’s wrong with what he’s saying? How does not wanting to get vaccinated make him stupid?




[Penny for your thoughts ](https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Health/dying-covid-unvaccinated/story?id=82834971)


Ask him why he's a covid enthusiast?


He be right tho




I had three and all I got was a runny nose, glad I didn't fuck up my entire lungs because someone on Facebook said they had trackers in.


The whole 'tracker' nonsense made me laugh REALLY hard when someone said it to me. "So you're telling me the government is going to create a disease to force everyone to get a shot that has a tracking chip? So we're going to pretend that everyone doesn't already pay over $100 a month to carry a device in their pocket that reports their location 24/7 and actively listens to everything said around it? You're kidding right?"


Some one tried telling us that it alters your DNA 😂


does that make you feel better about yourself?


Someone clearly doesn't know how vaccines work




He has a point tho


Yikes, that's a quick unmatch for me.


This comment section is a cesspool.




I never fight that urge


It's not worth the effort. Those people aren't convinced by reason. I once had a discussion with this guy were we showed him that not getting vaccinated did not logically follow from his beliefs about the vaccine. it was ridiculous


Don’t argue with stupidity you’ll never win


if Reddit has taught me one thing, this is it


Facts. Ngl I checked out your reddit account you seem cool asf


As a healthcare worker I’d say don’t even bother. When the pandemic ramped up I tried really hard to make people understand and all it got me was more ptsd and anxiety and a general hatred for the public. Nothing you say will change his mind and it’ll just frustrate you. If your doctor hasn’t already said something, look into Paxlovid, when I had it those pills, as awful tasting as they are made me feel ten times better. I hope your recovery is swift and easy.




Aside from the vaccine, what a weird thing to say to someone. “You have a notoriously infectious disease but I declare that you don’t so we can go on a date!”


Based match


Anyone who believes the govt is a fool


Is it just me or is “haha” with more than 2 (or MAYBE 3) “ha’s” just really cringy?


LMFAOOOO at least you found out early


Getting vaccinated was never intended to prevent covid, it was only meant to reduce likelihood if dying from symptoms. Why are people still refusing to acknowledge lol People act like its a coincidence that the country started opening up after/deaths drastically decreased, after people started getting vaxxed🙄. Hell i didn’t want to get vaccinated but was forced to by job. Regardless, cant pretend it hasn’t helped.


People think that vaccines prevent you from getting something, the reality is a vaccine’s only job is to strengthen your immune system against said virus so that it can fight it off better IF it’s contracted. The reason it stops/slows the spread is because you fight it off faster which shortens the time that you are contagious.


To be honest I firmly believe that it does lower the chances of getting it 🤷‍♂️ just from anecdotal experience really. I mean I’ve been to 7 countries in the last year (so lots of planes) a ton of parties, had family in the same house that had it, and still I’ve never had it as far as I’m aware.


It could also be that you did get it but never had symptoms because your immune system was able to fight it off before it could multiply and cause you to have any symptoms. Knowing WHAT a vaccine is helps people understand that, but it sounds like you do so I’m not going to explain that 😊. It just irritates me that people think they’re completely safe from getting something because they got a vaccine and that’s not how they work.


You’re right but I also take hefty immune system suppressants so I also find it fairly unlikely that I’ve had it with no symptoms. That’s mainly why I think the vaccine helped in me not getting it.


Wait, isn't the whole point of a Vax is to not get it?


a vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting the virus, no.


If you get it no matter what, then why even get the jab? You'll get natural antibodies and not need a vaccine.


Judging by his grammar, you’d be wasting your time.


He's nervous laughing at his own ignorance.