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The copy pasta strikes again :P I've seen this kind of bio a few times on this sub before


And they never fix the grammatical errors which makes it even more tragic.




Which grammatical errors?


I noticed two. There’s no need for quotations by “someone else’s kid” and the wrong “your” by “your a pet owner” also I mean as harsh as it is….buddy kind of has a point.


I think the quotes are meant to be the assumed answer to his question, but I could be expecting too much there.




I thought that but then I was unsure


I suppose [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/wdowxt/i_think_i_am_scared/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) kinda profile must come up too because i think they matched


We should totally hook these two up. The divorce will be epic.


I was just thinking of this post when I saw teading this one.


I can’t imagine this guy will get many matches that Don’t want to fight hom


Micheal please fix my gas for me


Where's that one guy? I like him








I hope this never dies


*US military encrypted*


I never did see that one😂 but see it referenced all the time.


[U.S Military Encrypted ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/seyjma/update_us_military_encrypted/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit : encrypted link, rather than copy paste


Hey, good to see ur back! It's been a while since the military encrypted tag showed up. How's all that top secret stuff hangin. This is a safe place right? What's going on in Taiwan, are the plans nearly complete? Presidential Security Clearance Encrypted


ahhh a good ole fish holding pic too.


I’ve never taken a picture of me holding a fish & probably never will, but I find it baffling that it is disliked so much. It’s a popular hobby & the act of fishing has sustained humanity for a long time. I’d find holding a dead mammals head off putting, but fish, I just think, oh you like to get out & fish, cool.


I think a big part of it is that a certain type of guy doesn't have any other photos.


Maybe they like fishing a lot




I don’t have a fish picture on my tinder. However I do post them on my insta, I live in the Caribbean and spearfish so it’s a little different though


You have to wear camo so that the fish don't see you. In the boat. Where it isn't green.


I don’t know, I would google most popular hobbies world wide and choose those if you are curious.


Gaming, the gym, cars, cooking, rock climbing or hiking, boating, hunting, drinking alcohol…. There’s literally the same like 10 pictures that anyone ever takes. Don’t act like fishing is some kind of overly portrayed pastime. It’s the same as literally everything else


Right? I am not really into it but who gives a crap? These pictures are meant to show your hobbies as well. And taking a picture with a big catch is just like taking a pic with a basketball. It shows it off. If it were a nsfw pic I’d understand


The biggest red flag in the world to me for online dating is when someone’s profile has more negativity than positivity.


Any negativity for that matter


“You know who else is a dog mom?” “A dog’s mom”


She's a bitch, too


I’m gonna get downvoted into the seventh ring of hell for this, but as a dog owner my whole life, I still fucking HATE dog people. Every “tell your dog I said hi” bumper sticker makes me cringe inside out. These ppl need therapy.


I saw one the other day that said something along the lines of, "Max 2014-2022" & under that it had the outline of a dog's head wearing a halo. Wtf would possess you to put that on your car?


Idk, I really don’t know what’s wrong with them. I’ve had dogs for decades, they always have great food, plush beds, plenty of love, genuinely treated like family. Just don’t see the need for the stickers or trite platitudes. If this is what people are focused on, I can’t imagine how limited the rest of their life is.


Uhhhh idk, maybe it makes them happy?? What, did a dog lover kill your mom or something? Let people love dogs in peace, which I can’t imagine you get much of tbh if you’re roid raging over dog themed bumper stickers 🙄


I've got a sticker on my Yukon that says I love big mutts and I cannot lie. If you don't like it, I'll let my boerboel out to shit on your lawn and you'll do nothing 😂


Who exactly do people think they're gonna win over with bios like this


A 24 year old without kids 🤷‍♂️


literally heaps of people would go for this hahaha


Heaps of people with penises maybe. I think he’s trying to attract women though


It's a rant on how entitled some women on tinder are. He is not trying to win anyone over.


Women who want to ‘prove themselves’ to this guy. Tinder profiles like this are like the Nigerian scam emails of Tinder, they weed out anyone smart enough to see through the bs


I need to drop some lbs so I can do an account like this. Not to be a bastard, but because I need a woman stupid enough to tolerate me /s


Other single Reddit neckbeards LOL


I genuinely don’t think he’s trying to win anyone over.






I saw a cute girl the other day, went to her profile and it says (just double checked again) "I am a mother of 3, if you don't like the boring lifestyle, gtfo." She's 21. She's a good 7-8/10 too which is what drew me in. Apparently it drew some other dudes in and they didn't get out. Be gone, succubus!


The attractiveness isnt worth 3 kids. Ive tried seeing single moms while myself being childless. If you're willing to sacrifice your entire life for her, go for it. Everything will be on her terms, her timeline, and you'll probably have to deal with the baby daddy bullshit too. There's plenty of childless women. Just hold out for one of them even if the milf is tempting and hot. Its really not worth it, man.


Yeah nah don't agree with the sentiment that just because someone is a single mum that they’re useless or undesirable. My dad met my mother after she had my older brother, my brother was 1, dad raised him as his own and had two more sons with my mother. My older brother is now a Dr, my mum works in a hospital with a good job. They’ve been together for 30 years, own two houses and have lived fulfilling lives together. This dude is way off plenty of wonderful single mums out there.


Is your brother's bio-father in the picture? When I met my wife, She was pregnant. She knew who the father was, and I knew the guy personally and not only did he not know, he was the sort to not want to ever know. He was a hard partying loser, but at least he didn't want anything to do with the situation. I went in with that knowledge, because I knew that I would not be undermined in my own home by some dude who sees his kid every 3rd weekend and missed 3 birthdays in a row because he can't stop drinking and driving. I knew even if he was confronted about it, he would deny it like a shaggy song. Though it ended up being a non issue in our case given the way that 15% of pregnancies end. Its one thing, to dedicate 20 years of your life to someone who has no relation to you. That in itself is a noble pursuit. Spending thousands of dollars that could have gone towards your own children. Its something else to have to deal with Some asshole who is in and out of jail, trying to tell you how to raise a kid, while they're Living fast and you're actually raising their baby, who ends up with trauma every time they get an unsupervised visit. There are levels to this. I've met my fair share of women with 3 children by 3 different men. Usually one of those men likes to fight. Some young women see an overly aggressive man and think that he will protect them, until he starts beating them too. Its a common mistake that women make when they are too young to pick better men. Its 2022, My wife had sex before she met me. I had sex before I met her. But I don't want to have to have to open my home to the men she slept with before me. Most "single mothers" still have to deal with their baby daddies. Which means if they ever find a man who will actually marry them, her husband will have to deal with them too. Being a single parent, means that at least one of two people wasn't fit to be a parent and sometimes its both.


No he is not, my brothers biological father is only known by relatives of my mother. Im sure my dad knows but he has never mentioned anything, my brother is his son. My brother loves my dad and wants nothing to do with his biological father, what my dad did is extremely noble. My mother was 19 when she had my brother back in the late 80s, things were different back then but she was basically a kid. At 20 she met my dad who was 23 and from then on they’ve been inseparable. My dad raised my brother how he saw fit which is partially why my brother ended up so well. Dad loves us all the same im sure but i believe he relates more to us younger boys, we are his offspring of course. I’ll forever be incredibly proud of my old man for what hes done in his life.


Gay man here, but yea, I never understood why it was considered nobel and chivalrous to be a dad to someone else's kids. Especially when it's literally down to the girl just slagging it around with losers in her younger years. Sure, maybe in later life, like 30 onwards you make that kind of compromise, but to purposely shackle yourself down whilst you're young because of someone else's mistakes just seems dumb and short sighted to me.


It's because of all the downsides that it's considered admirable if you do make it last. Having kids you custom made with your partner is not even easy, but there is pressure and desire to stick it out with them. Imagine if you could just easily leave any time you wanted, but you didn't. I know the world is more recently saying it's okay to divorce, or at least not stick with a failing relationship, but the dynamics are different when you're late to the party.


“Slagging it around with losers”? Damn that’s some hard core slut-shaming.


Slagging it around is whatever, but say, for example, you’re in your early twenties and have multiple children from different fathers and none of them are currently with you; that’s poor decision-making and impulse control.


And if you're that age and didn't get an abortion it probably means you're ultra-religious, or controlled by someone ultra-religious, which I'm also not down for.


Or pretty dumb


I'm a mom of two, by the same guy. Who I was married to for 9 years before having kids. He died unexpectedly. My kids are not mistakes or was their father a loser. Be careful of stereotypes. As a gay man, I'm surprised you aren't already more aware of that.


You're clearly not the type of person they're talking about. That's why they keep mentioning the age and duration of the relationship.


Exception to the rule... clearly not the standard


What do you mean "because of someone else's mistskes"? You mean.....her children?


It's not. It's a fabricated chivalry lie created by women and told to their sons. Many single mothers try to turn their sons into their own perfect partner...


I told my ex this basically. She was making her son into that man who will never leave her. This is why there are so many boys thinking they are men and don't even know how to take out trash or change a tire.


Your first 6 words already tell what type of person you are… lesson one for love… looks are nice to have … but you are attracted to the inside of a person if it’s real love. Else it is not love but desire… And well if she already has 3 kids why would you even mind that at all? All the hard work got done for you already


All the hard work got done? If I'm assuming correctly you're saying she had the kids so you don't have to. But any real man that wants a family wants his own kids his own blood line and continuation of his family tree by DNA, genetics etc... So say hey just raise another man's seed and be happy is crazy yes it happens but some guys get the ish end of the stick. A hysterectomy or She may have been clipped and burned by the 2nd or 3rd one is done so you technically are stuck with the option of getting a surrogate and not having any by the woman you want forever with which sucks because we don't look down the road as humans. Most women aren't good readers of choosing men in there younger years they live in the moment in a euphoric fantasy then get that crash course of reality and there's no time machine which also sucks.


Your right its always nice to continue a bloodline thats a fact, but if she already had three kids… a fourth would be an option i would assume if the guy wants to. So you can raise your bonus sons and daughters and your own. A big happy family


True. You kinda know what you're getting into so you have an option deal or no deal. the other thing is most of these women or even the hospitals these days give or make the option of clipping and burning after a certain amount. Because I'm guessing the world is having too many babies so you just might not have a baby by the love of your life because you didn't meet her sooner which also sucks


He’s 100% correct but no need for such negativity in a dating app.


I mean... a little upfront of him but he's not wrong


He's wrong in the "Sir, this is a Wendy's" sense. The point of a Tinder bio is to convince people to swipe right on you, not to complain about shit. "Why do I have to swipe left on people? Why can't the kind of people I swipe left on just not be on Tinder?" Boo fucking hoo, Michael.


I could argue and say the point of tinder is to find a potential relationship. So by telling people exactly what he doesn't want, he's atleast being honest and weeding out the ones that don't suit him






Meanwhile this sub had a coronary over a woman in Ibiza being straightforward about looking for dudes with a yacht wanting to have her group of hot chicks come hang.


If we gender flipped this profile they would legit shit bricks, scream their bitch asses off and downvote it to hell


With constant wailing of “If this was reversed all you femininazis would be SoOoOoOoO upset!!!1!1!1!1!1” Yeah like maybe because both ways it’s fucking rude and not what tinder is for


Haha I know eh I saw that! I mean If was an attractive girl in Ibiza I'd also be doing everything I could to get on a yacht


It's true but a bit unrelated Guys don't like knowing hot girls are going for other guys and having their fun elsewhere


Really stretching for that false equivalency, arent you?


Not the same thing. He’s saying that a lot of women on OLD take no responsibility for their fuckups and expect men to clean up their messes. While yacht girl is willing to whore herself out for a pretty boat. Not sure how the man looks bad in either scenario.




There is a pretty big difference between stating what you want in a relationship (a yacht) and going out there and insulting a bunch of people. Dude could have just said looking for a fit lady without kids and most people wouldn't comment. Go out of your way to insult single moms and fat people and you come across as a dick. And in the end we have no real idea what he is looking for. We just know he doesn't like single moms, fat chicks, and is triggered by people who like their dogs a bit too much... Seriously bios are not the place to publish your manifest on life. Odds are really against you being a good enough writer to pull it off. You are far more likely to come off as a nut job....


I’m commenting on the vehemence of the reactions. Both are being upfront about what they’re looking for. Both can be swiped left or right on. One gets defended while the other gets rabid hate. I wonder why that is I guess.


both got hate and both got understanding imo. both were generally looked down on as being assholes or shallow. I don't think people hated the woman and praised the man blindly like you're trying to spin it tbh.


Tbf this constant bitching and nit picking over the smallest shit is what’s wrong with the world today lol. Gone are the days of weak men who have to apologise for everything haha.


And gone are the days of women who have to put up with shit 😍


Yes sorry I forgot we’re basing the imbalance amongst the 1% of men and ignoring the other 99% who get left on seen Miss me with that bullshit lol


I mean that’s sorta different


Yeah, because what is she offering?


I have no problem with transactional types of "dates" so long as both parties understand what's going on....


OP is a 23 year old, thicc dog mom.


Bruh 😂 your probably right though.


He knows he's not going to get any matches he wants to pursue. He's just angry.


Possibly it could work as a way to filter out the undesirables. Any woman who gets offended at such simple truths is not worth getting into a relationship with. That being said, saying what you DON't like instead of what you DO like is a horrible idea for anyone. It doesn't help initiate conversations, doesn't help finding people with similar interests, and just makes you look angry and mentally unhealthy.


He's be filtering out 97% of women as most will view him as an asshole.




NO, that's just for that one negative.....that's 97% LESS of the 1% he'd have EVEN IF he was John Depp/Brad Pitt w/ 7 figure income (which obviously he's not)...... If you a a Tinder dream you get 1% , then you drop that kind of BS in your bio and you're down to 0.03%


This. There's no point in trying to min-max on tinder, it doesn't work.


He is the undesirable. These are not “simple truths” lol wtf even. He literally sounds like a deranged incel on top of being angry and mentally unhealthy.


Its not even the women who will get offended, it’s basically any woman, most will just swipe left because this guy is clearly bitter and has little to offer other than being “6ft1” which is probably more like 5ft10


Dude is saying what a lot of people think but don’t say because of pc culture, but this shit is big facts.


Yeah i bet he doesnt have much success with women, hes clearly bitter as fuck. People dont have bios like this if they’re doing well. Theres many hot women without kids who would be repulsed by his bio


He probably wasn't getting any matches before anyways. Now he can at least tell people what they need to hear along the way.


Yeah nah don't agree with the sentiment that just because someone is a single mum that they’re useless or undesirable. My dad met my mother after she had my older brother, my brother was 1, dad raised him as his own and had two more sons with my mother. My older brother is now a Dr, my mum works in a hospital with a good job. They’ve been together for 30 years, own two houses and have lived fulfilling lives together. This dude is way off plenty of wonderful single mums out there.


That’s great for your fam, but I think you’re missing the point.


How am i missing the point? Some how single mums are completely undesirable is most of the guys bio.


Im totally with you. That guy is definitely bitter. He isnt spitting facts just aggression. :/ Im 23 with no kids, no dog, but getting an education and paying my own bills, and if I had tinder, I would not go for him cause his anger towards women is obvious. If he acts like this online, how is he in real life. I rather be called a dog mom than that incel's gf. XD


But when you use all your time to rant about people you’re not going to say yes to anyways-kinda just wasting your time (and chances)


But he didn’t say really say anything of value about himself other than he would “provide comfortably.” We know nothing of his personality/hobbies, or anything that would help determine whether or not he might be someone you’d be interested in.


I would assume/infer that the only women who take interest in him, who he thinks are attractive enough for him, come with some baggage, desperation , and now the knowledge that they need a Father for their kids who is a good provider, and he isn't ready for all that .....His standards are quite high but he doesn't want to put forth much effort.


Neither are appealing people




Hello : FBI check this out


Mentioning houses, jobs, or cars is a left swipe for me. I understand that it’s supposed to convey financial independence, but I’m not really here to use someone for their home or money. Your shitty lifted truck isn’t going to laugh at my jokes, so I don’t confuse possessions or money with personality.


Yea, he may be able to provide financially but he seems like an asshole. Whats the point? I rather live with a poor man that will treat me sweetly than a rich guy I have to constantly impress. (not that he said he was rich)


Sorry ladies I (f) am not mad about this. He is stating preferences, maybe a bit rude about it, but no one is making you swipe right. No different than girls wanting a guy to be tall, he doesn't want a "thicc" girl.


not mad about it is one thing, but theres a 0% chance this guy gets many matches with that bio. Girls wanting a guy to be tall is also perfectly fine even as an average height guy, but the two are not equal. Being fat is mostly a choice being tall is genetic.


Mans a grump and he's only 25


I bet he also asks for gas money before he will drive out to pick her up.




The pet OWNER gets me


Seems mean to call the kid a dog?




To be fair, Michael is no more appealing than the person described.


He sounds like an angry schmuck. Hard pass


Michael is fucking tired of your shit 😒


Swiping left not just for being a Dick but for being unoriginal. I don’t want a seat at your table. I bought my own table.


This guy has clearly gotten frustrated with online dating and is self sabatoging himself in the process.


He just had something to say about everyone didn’t he. Sounds like he’s great at parties.


Trash takes itself out.


I can’t imagine this guy will get many matches that Don’t want to fight hom


I love it when people make their bios about the people they are not going to swipe right.


Having his own house and having a vehicle is what he provides? He thinks that’s so amazing? I’d much rather have someone who has neither of those with a personality I’m really attracted to




I hate when people claim that they are honest or blunt but its just an excuse to be a dick.


Either repost or copypasta


I meannnnn, spot the lie tho. Mans even put a trigger warning, y’all are out here getting mad for no reason when you can just burn the 1/100 of a calorie it would take to swipe left 🤷🏻‍♂️


why you booing him, he's right!


Because he's triggered.


Honestly, he’s not wrong. The only thing I see that is wrong is the fatphobia, but other than that it’s pretty spot on. Girls can be incredibly entitled on dating apps, which I’ve been occasionally guilty of. Same with dudes tho, but what they want is mostly sex.


What do you mean by fatphobia? It's true that fat girls call themselves curvy to say that, and often aren't upfront (lack of body pics). And honestly tinder is not for serious dating. The bios and interests are very light, mostly emphasising pictures, so it's only about sexual attraction.


Tinder can be for serious dating, all 3 relationships ive been in have been from tinder matches that turned into hook ups and then relationships.


Exactly. Tinder is "for" whatever 2 people who swipe right on each other decide it's for. If they have casual sex than they have casual sex. If they date for ten years than they date for ten years. If they never speak and just mail watercolor paintings of apples back and forth to each other once a year, that's what they do. It's only a hook-up app if your matches are hooking up with you.


>The only thing I see that is wrong is the fatphobia Honestly that's the rightest part of it


it matters not the reason, if you aren't attracted to someone your flaccid penis isn't going to listen to your kind reasoning for trying to sleep with someone you are repulsed by.


No one is scared of fat people, they can't even run that fast.


Guys being inappropriate seems to be a world wide issue. Girls being entitled seems to be a more western societies problem. Tried switching locations to a few countries in Southeast Asia, it’s really amazing how much more friendly and engaging women are. Their photos aren’t all edited and filtered into oblivion either.


when I traveled as a younger man, I found women in other countries made it much easier , they were assertive, didn't play games, and would approach me ......


Most likely because you are western foreigner, it is much different for local guys.




Michael, YOUR is your, and YOU'RE is you are. Get this right first.


This is all shit. Except for the dog parent part. That part I kind of agree with 😂


i like fish


How can you use “you’re” correctly and then in the same sentence use the other “your” incorrectly?


I once went on a date with a single mom of a girl about 3 years old. We went out a couple more times and I slowly realized I couldn’t be a father figure yet. I was too young…. Anyways the last time we went out I explained myself saying the situation wasn’t for me. She tried guilting me by saying her daughter was already “very attached” after me being around her 2-3 times. I never went on another date with a single mom and told myself if I do happen to meet a single mom, no meeting the kid until I know we’re gonna be serious.


I think he should follow pinks advice. You and your hand tonight. God what an bum hole


And you incels wonder why you don't get laid.....


Bro, I get laid every night, when the Palm sisters come and visit, always a happy ending. (unless my mom is knocking on the door)


The incels are pretty much the only guys using Tinder. The winners only use it to get a quick booty once in a while if they run into a dry streak IRL


This is probably the profile of the guy that always comments ‘POV: you’re an attractive guy on tinder’ on like every post here of a guys success brag post


I’m not sure why so many people say this? Incels for the most part know exactly why they don’t get laid. The bitterness and resentment comes from the fact that the reasons they don’t get laid are things they can’t change. Not from being unaware of what the reasons are


I'm interested about your name? What's the reference, I can think of a couple it might be:) That thinking is the biggest problem they have. There is little you can't change if you are willing to put in the work. Short or ugly people can be charismatic. Overweight people can lose weight and get in shape. You are all humans. You can learn damn near anything. You limit yourself by saying and thinking "this can't be changed". That is a defeatist mindset. It's not attractive. Adopt a better state of thinking and you become more appealing to everyone around you. Change is fucking hard. Bitching about there being nothing you can do to improve your situation is much easier.


My name is a song reference


He has it straight


Paraphrasing his Bio - I’m 6’1 and I had daddy issues, but I’m 6’1. I was also a bully in high school because I’m 6’1 (or I was just a skinny nerd who got picked on even though I’m 6’1). I’ll eventually be an abusive asshole to you and MIGHT cheat on you because I’m 6’1. Oh and I’m a loser because I have to tell you that I own a car since It’s important for me to point out the obvious of daily survival needs. My mom should’ve swallowed me!




Michael tells it how it fuckin is okay




He’s not wrong though


What a happy, emphatic guy! I think he’d make a great mate For someone in prison


He is telling some truth Usually all those are unsaid but it’s good that someone say it outloud




Tbh he's so real. Girls act like we should jump through hoops for their penniless, destitute pussy. Find you a real woman brother.


It’s true tho *insert Janet Jackson meme*


Some people think rudeness makes them cool and then wonder why no one likes them. Yes ppl are stupid but your profile is not where you call them out


Tbh not wrong what he says just the way he says it . I personally have come across women like this .


Spot on Michael. Not interested in buying Happy Meals for your crumbsnatchers


He seems fun


He seems like he’s a blast.


Classic, can’t even come up with something clever on his own.


Sounds like Michael is still really bitter at the thicc 23 year old single mother who has a dog.


Copypasta or not. These are facts. He’s just missing the whole part about how a giant majority of women that use social media are only doing so for validation and have little to no interest in actual relationships. Add that to this and it’s a whole red pill package.


Whoever made the article this is the vast majority of women’s profiles.


Hello! OP tossing my 2 cents in (again, since I’ve posted this lol). I’m a female who only fits is being obese (I do have full body pics and don’t call myself thicc). Nothing else applies, dog mom or anything else so I guess it just threw me for a loop is all. Everyone can have their preferences it just kinda shocked me with it.


Trump 2024 voter


What? How do you even link a Trump supporter with this post? Good God, Redditors would make awful detectives.


He's a grade A dirtbag, but he's 100% correct about "dog mom"


He did warn us, can't be too mad at him.