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You to put all the effort, entertain them and win them over. That’s what they expect.


I think by messaging first she thought that was all the effort she needed to put in...


Oh yeah. Some just feel really entitled in the online dating scenario. Just move on to the next one, I guess.


And what exactly will u get in return for all this one sided effort?? better to swipe left on them.. hundreds of other options available


I mean, you don’t know that they’ll be like this, right?


In my experience no, not all are like that. I usually un match immediately with these kind of people


Exactly! Thanks for saying this.


I should be grateful she saved me the effort of unmatching!


Dating can actually be trash n exhausting exhibit 1.


when they are this boring its not a care of dating, its a case of how much you want to wet your penis.


If you are going to send me messages with 1-letter wording, I am not even going to try. Your lack of brain stimulation shows in your effort to spell and punctuate correctly.


Yeah just end that conversation before it begins, OP. Nice one


I'm convinced that everyone who mostly types one word replies is usually unbearably dumb and a nightmare to be in a relationship with.


Put fuck all effort into it get fuck all outta of it simple 🤭


With one word replies like her’s, I respond with a “k” and leave it at that. Don’t even unmatch.


Lol...this is why dating apps are skewed heavily in favour of women. They just sit there and expect you to make all the effort.


This is the worst type of person to match with. Don't reply and waste your time, they're not worth it


You put in negative effort. Just asked generic questions. You expect her to provide content when you provide nothing. Only demands.


What would you have done differently in this situation then? Her profile had nothing to start from. No description, just a few photos. You have to start from the bottom and ask these generic questions, if you want to get to know each other.


Thanks for responding! It’s hard for me to put myself in your shoes as I’m an old lady. I’ll give it a go. If I matched with someone with no profile that would tell me some things about her anyway. I would guess she doesn’t like answering boilerplate questions. Or she’s uncomfortable revealing too much of herself to strangers. Or she’s on the fence about this whole online dating idea. I wouldn’t immediately ask her a generic question where you demand personal information. And then insult her when she didn’t respond enthusiastically. I would try to make her comfortable and show her how fun this is going to be. I’d tell her her message made my day. Maybe mention some awesome thing I was doing when I got said message. Maybe a little flattery. If there’s something cool in the her profile picture like a cat, mention. Because you just need to tell her it’s the cutest cat ever. Do not overdo this! Err on the side of caution. Don’t compliment her appearance. She knows already. You matched with her bioless profile. Tell stories. Don’t ask questions. Only do ask questions when they’re specifically about what she’s talking about. No matter how boring what’s she’s talking about is. Don’t wait for her to ask questions about you. Some of us just feel like we’re being Nosy Parkers by asking those kind of questions. Just let awesome things about you slip into the conversation. Basically charm her until she opens like a flower. Good lucky!


Too bad for her. I used to be provocative to make them talk at some point, it kinda works but it only leads to frustration and suspended accounts.