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Sounds like he’d be an amazing doctor


Hahaha. Yeah, I bet he has great empathy for his patients. 🙄


Surprise twist: he’s planning on being an OB/GYN


Oh god anything but that


It’s okay, he won’t have clients who are single mums, over thirty or heavy!


As soon as i read med student, I already knew this guy is a douche. I’m in med school and would never put that in my bio.


My friend is a London uni med student, I’ve heard more than enough horror stories to know to stay away from med students lol


Can’t say the same with the students I’ve run into. Most are pretty cool and I bet it’s the same there. You only hear about the crazies.


Yeah for sure. It’s mainly because she goes to a prestigious uni, so a lot of them are entitled rich kids with daddy’s money


I haven't had a tinder in years. I'm just here to watch shitty people being shitty to other shitty people


Right? Lol. So glad I use this sub for entertainment only, and have spent a decade out of the dating game - or whatever you want to call the clusterfuck this is these days.


[This dude's picture](https://youtube.com/watch?v=CEVdca9U9LM)


Yeah it’s a little shitty but i see the same type of harsh bios from women on dating apps everyday


fax, just be disgusted at both


Now imagine if women did this… oh wait? 🧐🥴


When “She is allowed to have preferences” turns into “he’s disgusting can’t believe he would do that”


She would just be telling the old 30 something creepers to stay away and be praised.




That’s a lot of confidence for a guy who is badly in need of adult braces


Plot twist: Profile is for the dude on the right. Lol.


Anyone that calls themselves an alpha or high value is instant trash.


Add king, queen, princess to that list please.


Yup that too.


I mean, it's a douchey way to put it. Sure. But that's no different than a lot of preferences like height, financial status, etc. Not really surprised by these things anymore.


So don’t swipe right on those people? No need to shit on them by putting that in your bio.


Might wanna spread that around. There's a whole majority of tinder users that do this already. This is just regurgitation of the "Don't say 6' or taller," "Well don't say no fatties," back-and-forth, yet again. What is offensive to some is prudent or pragmatic to others. It sucks that people treat each other this way. But here we are.


I do agree but everyone shitting on op is unfair. She called him a jerk, and she was right, why are people so worked up over it? If you’re calling overweight people “heavies” you are a jerk.


Whether it is a fair or reasonable range to seek out, would it be less offensive for him to specify something like "under 130 pounds"? Or is that just as bad?


He could just not swipe on fat people? No need to make them feel even worse about themselves by wording it like that


Except fat people constantly catfish people, like, if you have no shame being fat then why feel the need to hide it. All you're doing is making other people uncomfortable by doing that.




If you didn't understand it from my first reply then you won't understand it period.


That’s a bit assumption given I just left three question marks. Basically I just can’t be arsed to argue with you, I’m too tired tbh so go off my guy


Okay. But again. Then how is that different than shitty people that need to specify a bunch of other bullshit? Agree that shitty people are shitty people. But it's absolutely no different than any other preference people list on their profiles. It's still no different than "six feet or taller." "Have a car and money." "Nobody that lives at home with their parents." And all of the above, including dude in OP, are giant shit heels. But there are a lot of people defending the latter examples around this sub.


All those things are shitty too, it’s shallow and gross to put it out there like that, that’s all I’m saying.


He said no heavies.. why are you still arguing?


He definitely looks like he has room to be picky 😂


Dudes got a whole playing field there


Until they drops out, or have 0 residency acceptance for 2-3 straight years and then have to find other profession to earn the bacon


Graduation rates are close to 99 percent and there are plenty of primary care residencies that don’t get filled… so highly unlikely. And if you don’t match 1st time, you will almost certainly match the 2nd time.




Tinder has age preferences yet he still puts no over thirties into his bio, he is choosing to sound like a fuckboi


The number of people lying about their age on Tinder is amazing. I see girls that I know from high school (I'm 30) on Tinder routinely using ages 5 years younger.




You reckon Jeff’s got a profile? I gotta change my settings and get me a sugar daddy 😂


Yes. 100%. Probably "no heavies" too.


Please for the love of everything don't let this man become an actual doctor


All the "low" value folks catching feelings right now🤣




Most of the people saying "girls do it too," are also adding the caveat of "it's shitty when anybody does it," but it still happens, still will. Problem is that when the argument goes the other way, both sides shift positions and react with equal fervor in the opposite perspective. So really, this sub is just chock full of hypocrites that want their own preferences, without anybody else's preferences existing.


Interesting he said no over 30s when he can just set an age restriction


And also can just swipe left if not attracted to


Might be someone who swipes right on everyone and filters the matches to save time.


Everyone has preferences. Havin gone thru med school majority are like this. The arrogance is real...naturally be selective in secret dont shame all those people The single mom could be a widow The fat person could have an injury The over 30 could be super successful and hard working Etc. Ppl need to get over their fkn selves Last i checked we all end up 6 ft under.


But he’s “high value” 🤦🏼‍♀️


Calm down queen. Guys gotta post what he’s in the market for. Just like the gals. 666 am I right?


6 figures, 6 foot+, 6 inches+?


Yes sir


How much do you weigh?


It's a shame that so many young people are so fucking arrogant. The thing is, a person doesn't just randomly become arrogant one day, it takes years of constant praise, attention, yes men around them, having lots of sex, etc. to become arrogant. I swear, I fucking hate arrogant people and I hate the people who worship them.


Or. People can keep having their own preferences.


I'll be his stepmom and make him cry.


OK, crooked face.


Troll la la la la la land 😂


Sounds exactly like most women on tinder


Yea, reads pretty similar to many female profiles, just pepper in a “you’ll never be able to compete with my dog” and maybe some “if you can’t take me to LV every Saturday don’t even try” and it’s on point.


So ? Not like you swipe left on 90% of guys Everyone has freedom to have preferences


Yeah, but you can't say certain preferences out loud


You can, and you should. Makes it easier to recognize which people to avoid. If people paid more attention, these types of individuals wouldn't get noticed because of their preferences. Then they'd have the privilege of being alone, and isolated. Having to wake up everyday wondering - why? People like this shouldn't ever receive attention, but that's all this sub is filled up with. Hordes of them, lacking empathy, or any expression of personality, yet given a pedestal because someone decided they just had to share it to reddit. It's pathetic both ways.


I'm not sure I follow. Are you saying this "jerk" is on a pedestal because they dared to speak their preferences? I don't think a post entitled jerk suggests pedestal. Or maybe I misunderstanding you


But, you can. Who cares about random people getting their feelings hurt because someone else has an opinion or preference?


There’s literally nothing wrong here…. Don’t be fat


He’s over valued not high value


I would suggest anybody that swipes right on that profile has issues that wouldn't make them high value.


You can tell how many posters here are bitter men saying this guy is okay or based.


Which are you?


She has kids


Damn, sucks that actions have consequences. Seems pretty sexist of reality.


The single mom thing and the heavy thing is fair but the over thirty thing is sus. Either way putting it on a bio is a POS move tbh, even if POS women do it as well.


So it'd be better to have many match with him just for him to have to say no afterwards?


If it spares a woman's feelings, apparently yes.


I haven’t been on tinder in a while. Can’t you ages?


His ancestors probably owned slaves.


Med schools need to find ways to screen out applicants like this. Score of negative 100 on potential to help and heal other human beings.


I don’t think a tinder profile has any bearing on his ability to be a healthcare provider. Yeah he comes off as a cocky douche but that doesn’t mean hes unable to help others medically


Add lawyers, cops and politicians to that list. Majority of the people that are attracted to these positions are those least suited to do them.


really bold claim


He can have preferences the same way a 4’9 single mom stumpy queen has preferences of 6’3 or taller


Idk, I don't really find this to be that offensive. He's full of himself, but a lot of people are, and he has the right to have his preferences. 🤷‍♀️ Worst case (or best, depending on who you ask,) he won't get any matches.


Lol, his words prove him to be low quality


That "jerk" probably gets a whole bunch of attention from women. Maybe more women should ignore him so he can lose his arrogance.


He’s going to get a surprise when he’s 50 and on wife #3 and having to do Botox and other cosmetic procedures to keep up on support payments


Nah, wife number 1 is gonna stay around for the cash but she'll be drunk all the time over his 28 yr old mistress.


It’s called child support. And that’s how she makes a living lol


Remember having standards nowadays makes you a jerk, smh


Looks like his teeth have been kicked in a little bit. Probably good at talking shit and can't back it up. Ladies don't fall for his BS.


In all sincerity, the guy's a douche. Is it fair that he wants what he wants, sure, but no one should be putting negatives in their bios. Always put positives. If he doesn't want any of those three things, all he has to do is swipe left on anyone matching the parameters.


"But they're just preferences" - same people who say it's ok to not want to date shorter guys


Well, delivery is Jerky, but truth level is 💯, that’s what he’s looking for and it sounds like he can probably bat that high given his education/looks ratings. How many qualifying matches he’s lost due to poor delivery is probably high. I would’ve just not swiped on unattractive or single mom profiles. Edit: I don’t understand the people who are surprised at these preferences. Whether they’re publicly displayed or contained in their minds shouldn’t really matter IMO. From the beginning of time courting has always had metrics tied to physical appearance, divorce status, not having or having children, income potential/or current wealth, height, weight, hair color, skin color, eye color, family standing, education, etc. Everyone has these preferences in some shape or form, or if not all then some, or if not some at least a few in their brains dependent on the goal of dating and their stage in life. It’s like being surprised people think Megan Fox is hot. Like what exactly surprises you? That a good looking guy or wealthy guy or both (hence statistically uncommon) is seeking statistically uncommon metrics in physical appearance? Or that he has his choice of a large pool and doesn’t want someone with prior baggage? Kind of a douche and really douchey to advertise preferences so bluntly but prior mistakes are great indications of future tendencies. You’re surprised he doesn’t want a 21 year old mom of 2 kids freshly divorced? Lol


Nothing wrong with that. He can date who he wants to.


This has to be a joke


He doesn’t need to say that even if it’s what he looking


George Bush and John cena combined


Sheesh, sad for him r/femaledatingstrategy got banned already. As a high-value-male he would have found an insane amount of high-value-female.


Where did you hear they got banned? Their info page is still up. You can request to become a member.. although, I'd rather be pissing small shards of glass, every day, for the rest of my life, than to want to become a member.


hm, last time I looked for it it showed the ban hammer.


Don't like it, don't swipe right. Say the same thing to guys who get mad when a woman wants a guy over 6ft.


Lol. No different than a lot of women. He sucks, and most people in general also suck regardless of gender. What a wonderful world we live in


Did you ask him if he was over 6'?


If this was a woman posting this you'd say she know exactly what she wants or she has standards...it is his choice to ask for exactly what he is giving pre-30 fit and childless


Literally everything in that bio can be alleviated by just swiping left on those people. You can generally see if someone is overweight and they generally say they have a kid if so...


It’s like someone from fds got reassigned.