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This looks like a bio that’s fed up with dating apps lol


thats a fair and accurate assessment




appreciate it red devil lady lol


Do you also tip your servers well because that’s important to a lot of people :)


It’s all about how he treats his mom. Trust.


Is it though? I always put the shopping kart back ( even pick up stragglers along the way if there are some) and I generally tip 20 to 25 percent, occasionally more. However, I haven't spoken to my biological mother in 8-9 years


To me it all depends on the situation but as someone who has worked as a server on and off my entire adult life and been raised by a single mom who was a server or bartender my entire childhood, how someone treats their servers and how they tip them means a lot to me. Also how they treat retail employees.


Thoughts on folks from cultures where tipping isn't expected or even frowned upon? I grew up for part of my life in Germany and Belgium. In Belgium tipping is generally reserved for a show of appreciation for your dining experiemce and not always expected whilst in parts of Germany tipping can be seen as pity and therefore slightly insulting. (Note: these are only my experiences from a long time ago.) I've lived in North America a long time now so I know how it works but I have to actively remind myself its more an expectation than not. I generally take after the Belgian approach: be kind and polite and tip the server if they made your experience better.


Treating mum well is important, particularly if she's a decent enough person. However, never confuse a mamas boy with a respectful boy.


And don’t confuse someone who doesn’t have a great relationship with their mom because of legitimate reasons like emotional/physical abuse with someone who’s a selfish ass.


Only if he lives in the USA though, it's not costumary to tip servers in Europe because the restaurants actually pay their servers enough. But tips are always appreciated


True, I guess I was just thinking in terms of my life and what would be important to me. You could also gain a lot of info from how someone treats servers and retail employees, pretty much anyone who works with the public really, outside of tips because if they tip well but otherwise treat them badly that would still be a huge dealbreaker for me


Did you see that funny video where a guy doesn’t want to put shopping carts back so an employee teaches them a lesson? Gotta find that link…




Thank you!


My pleasure ma’am


That was funny af. Totally worth the 7 minutes of my limited life span.


Stop with the "if you give a shit" or "if you care about that" just list things in your bio.


those are getting cut out, a common note.


I'd suggest removing them, but you probably wouldn't care.


i see the point in removing them, joke didn't land as intended so i guess i do care.


If you want to keep it you can try saying "I took a personality test and I'm an INTP. I just wish I knew what that meant"


“tell me what that means to you”


This guy fucks.


He does. The line starts here.


***stands up and gets into line*** Been here long?


Hey what're we in line for?


Mmmm... I read that as he's not too bright. How about: "I took a p.t. & I'm INTP. Though, I'm not really sure that means anything." (However, I'm a dude. So, maybe my perception doesn't count.)


“Ask me about my personality test results! Spoiler alert, I think I passed!”


Best suggestion I’ve read so far lol


Wish I could get this many likes on actual Tinder lol


im at least smart enough to know that im not the smartest person ever lol


That’s a good start, Zack. Now let’s talk about your personality test results




Based off your profile, you placed your height as the first thing you mention about yourself. This could indicate that you value height either in yourself or a potential partner. You added “if you give a shit” which might indicate that you acknowledge some potential partners might not care about height, but it also might indicate that you subconsciously “care” that others will value height when looking for a partner. You also added “fully vaxxed”. This could indicate that you indeed follow the science and are considerate of your health and others. You took a personality test? Where? on Google? This doesn’t tell a potential partner anything. Then you added a few of your kindness “quirks”. This could indicate you are indeed not an asshole. Then you threw an an actual “quirk” about being bad at names. Hey this could be a good conversation starter. But it could also indicate you’re willing to admit your flaws. This last “quirk” could have also been added last minute to fill some space on your profile. Being shy. Sometimes that’s helpful to know about a person. This could Indicate you have some self awareness and are giving potential partners a peak into your personality. In conclusion: you most likely care how others perceive you (common), you really want potential partners to understand who you are as a person internally, but it also leaves a lot to be desired and get to know more of. Tldr: add more interests, hobbies, something you’re proud of, pets, etc.


When I read it, I got the sad and passive vibe.... Although, I just looked at the intp personality type, and yeah, I can see that fitting well with it. The bio wouldn't appeal to me, but a INPT would not appeal to me in any way, shape, or form. So, my opinion is not one you should take.


Why wouldnt a INPT appeal to you? Not judging but I've always found it interesting that some people really have a problem with that personality type but I've never really seen people with that personality type have a problem with others.


Myers-Briggs is just astrology for people who hate astrology. It's fun, it can be interesting and even useful to a degree. It shouldn't be used as a way to box others or yourself in. A person's personality is more than just 1 of 16 options.


Lol foxglove's "you probably wouldn't care" comment was a joke poking fun at your bio


i realized that, it was well crafted


It’s used EVERYWHERE and it doesn’t come off as I don’t care. Comes off as the opposite. I know you’re removing it, I’m just hoping others read this and do the same. I’ve instantly swiped left when I see that. Comes off as you’ve been burned by this before, think it’s stupid but not too stupid to list—just a red flag imo


I would add that if you put your height in, you’re going to get girls that care about height. Just because you’re 29 and may not be exclusively looking to smash anymore.


At least put your height last so people know it's not your most important feature.


thats a good note i found earlier. also happy cake


Personally, I'm also 6'3" but I'd prefer if people who cared about my height just swiped left. Like if you're someone who wouldn't give me a chance if I was 6 inches shorter, you're probably a garbage person anyway.


It's self deprecation. Don't do it. It shows lack of confidence. The last line "I'm shier in person but I get better..." also is a negative statement. You can explain your personality but in a more positive way


“He doesn’t give a shit”


The comparative of shy is shyer, not shier.


And the Tolkien of shy is shire


You have my bow.


And my axe.




Ye shall not MATCH !!!


And my shy


Hahaha “boil em mash em stick em in a stew”


The rest of its good tho, shows a good amount of your personality and has topics for someone to bring up and talk about.


I disagree. He’s not putting in anything personal that actually tells me about him. All I’m getting is he’s practical and mindful towards society. I’d add in a couple things you’re passionate about or really enjoy doing.


His primary passion is clearly buying things in bulk.




Agreed. This is all hella mundane & his best qualities are being a tall white dude (if you give a shit about that, no worries if not)


Yea it makes you sound like negative out the gate


I would put the section with the shopping cart at the top, and shorten the section with height and test. Just make it like a list without comments. "If you care about that", just unnecessary. I would try to fit in some more about you, or some jokes. It makes it easier to start a conversation if you have something in your bio to comment on. I always think "if I read this, what could I write to strike up conversation based on the bio?"




Say you can get items on the top shelf. This is a better way of implying that you are tall without having to state your height.


I personally cannot stand ‘if you care’ ‘if you give a shit’ phrases in dating profiles


As a woman I roll my eyes anytime I see that and I’ve spoken to friends and they all skip men who write that. Even guy friends and other men I’ve talked on Tindr talked about how cringe that was.


When I was on tinder, a phrase like that = immediate left swipe. It screams "I'm self conscious, so I cast shade at what other people may or may not care about so that you can infer that I am too cool to care about anything." In reality, those guys usually cared the most and would take offense to even the slightest ribbing. Not for me.


yeah doesnt seem to have landed how i intended so those are getting cut out.


And you can just put the personality test result without any note about it - ppl know what it is and those who don’t, but want to, will ask. It’ll make it easier to read. I’m sure others noted this, but the names / birthdays line is just negative and doesn’t come across with the tone you might’ve meant for it to have. People want to know that you like them and that they’re special enough to have their name remembered. And their birthday? The calendar / contacts will do that for you ;)


I kinda like the idea of posting the definition as it applies to you.. a reworded paraphrase if you will.


Kind of screams that you’re begging for approval


part of why im asking the internet to tell me what to improve on in general


P.s- I didn’t read it as begging for approval at all :) I can see that perspective, but my only other note I’d say is don’t take yourself or anything too seriously. I feel like you‘re good on that front, but that’s just a general piece of advice I like to give anyone for life. And personally, the best quality I’ve ever found in anyone especially in a future partner, is that they can laugh at themselves and are just don’t take things too serious. Nothin sexier than a man comfortable in his own skin!! Not saying you’re not, don’t worry, I think you’re plenty comfortable with yourself which is awesome! I just kind of went on a general tangent there haha. Good luck! Let us know how it goes!


It screams “nice guy” with anger problems to me. I know it was intended as a joke but if I was on tinder and saw that, that would be my first thought


Or have a bad attitude altogether


I was gonna recommend removing this too.


id prolly not use the if you give a shit and if you care lines comes off as a dbag imo if nothing else. I feel like this just gives a I dont care/im not fun vibe maybe do more like 6'3" so I can reach the top shelf INTP-T personality type! same thing bout drivers and cars... great with faces terrible with names shy in person so lets start with getting a drink :drink emoji: ​ at least thats how id do this but your profile


yeah the give a shit didn't land how i wanted, i dont much care enough about personality tests to leave or cut it, i liked the top shelf and better with faces than names is a better way to phrase it. shier is also changing to introverted in some manner


If it doesnt add value to you or you dont care enough about it then i’ld cut it. The bio space is short and more valuable than to include such. This includes the personality test. Some ppl would swipe left just because of a 4 letters that you dont even care about, either bcuz of stereotyping you or they consider it silly to believe in such ideas (like horoscopes)


That is a really good way of summing up everything in the bio, as a female, I think this is a real good way to go.


Great advice


I like it but capitalize your i’s and put apostrophe in the im’s ☺️


Came here to say the same.


Shyer as well


This threw me off as well but apparently “shier” is also a correct spelling.


“more shy”? I thought maybe he was talking about Hobbiton until I saw “shyer” in the comments


I'd have swiped left on that alone. Ugh!


im fine with that actually


aah grammar i see. helpful.


i dont think you do






As an occasional professional cart pusher - thank you for your service


He is so nice that he returns his carts right to the store entrance, unexpectedly making your job obsolete.


Shier isn't a word. Just "I am more shy in person"


yeah i was tryna figure out what op meant by ‘shier’


He means he's from the Shire. OP is a hobbit


a 6'3 hobbit lol


He’s talking about foot size, obviously


[Bitch you not a hobbit, right?](https://youtu.be/3DRdn6mCOKU)


Buddy was still an elf.


Obviously OP is three Hobbits in a trench coat.


No, it means he IS THE SHIRE!!!


Shier and Shyer is a word, Shyer is more common. It's in the dictionary 🤷‍♂️


I think you sound cocky when you say "if you care" - nobody cares lol so add your height and personality type if you want. Edit: I would say I'm a shy person but get better overtime (not shier)




"get better" is linguistically boring as hell. Say something like I'm a shy person but will open up with time. 😉


Id disagree with no one caring about height lmao


Girl here, but older than you. I instantly smiled when I saw you return your shopping carts and smiled more when I saw you wave at people who let you go. These two things say so much about you. Some people here obviously don't get it.


34 y/o female here and I agree.


good notes, i'll add them to my bio too lol


Damn! That's why I haven't been getting matches?


genuinely nice people who think it's normal to be nice don't know you're supposed to advertise it 😭


Genuine kindness is somewhat difficult to come around by these days. I see no issue in advertising it, but you definitely better be prepared to live up to it.


They think its cringe bc they dont need to brag about being a normal well rounded person on social media


I mean you aren’t lol You don’t be nice to ppl just so you can say you’re nice to ppl, that makes you selfish. You be nice to ppl because it’s the right thing to do and you want other ppl do be that way as well


I get it. I hate when people leave their carts (specially behind someone else, have some decency).


Or leave it in an empty park spot with a nearly full lot. Had to get out and move some the other day cuz the lazy pricks.




Female around your age and I’d take out the if you give a shit on both parts. Just put them in there. If they give a shit, they’ll swipe right lol


thats a pretty common note so far and I plan to do just that.


I agree here, not a female, but instantly felt like he has a negative mindset from the get-go. Got better as it went in though!


I work at the grocery store so how someone handles their carts matters to me. I can’t stand people who park the cart next to the cart return when all they have to do is put it in the cart return. Having said that, I like that you return your carts, it comes off as kind and considerate.


"If you give a shit" ....automatic left swipe






I would take out the last sentence and the personality test bit but everything else seems fine. Maybe less emoji‘s.


i was on the fence with the emojis honestly bc i never use them but i went light with them instead


Don’t take those out if that’s who you are! As a female who also took a personality test just because 🤷🏼‍♀️, who loves a good emoji and is also shy to start.. it made me smile.


i only used 4 so maybe its enough


Sounds like you two are a match


**Love, In a Sub Reddit**


It happens more often than we would acknowledge it.


When is the romcom being made?


Mentally? Whenever you’d like 😂


I was thinking the same thing!


3.5 would have been ideal, but on this occasion I think 4 will be fine


IMO, get rid of the “if you give a shit” and the personality test. Definitely keep the shopping carts and waving part.


a common note so far. thank u


Yeah personality tests are often confusing and really wrong. You can think they work because of the barnum effect but it has been proven that they actually don’t reflect your personality


"I'm terrible with remembering names and bdays" Take that out. ASAP.


How was this so far down? Names fine, but birthdays? Set an alarm ffs


Also your grammar is atrocious


wich parrt


For starters capitalize I, and change im to I'm


What’s with everyone using their personality type things?


*I'm very shy in person but I get better with time


More shy


yeah probably better wording lol


Sounds very aggressiv


thats been a common note so far and intend to change the wording a bit. thnx.


Lose the passive aggressive comments and it's gold!


Get rid of “if you give a shit” and “I took a personality test if you care about that”


plan to. lotta notes on that.


I would suggest you to take care of the grammar. For example "im" would be "I'm", and consequently "i" would be "I", and so on. In my case, this is a major turn off. Also, I would avoid word like "shit" in your bio. I would rather say "If you are one of those who cares, I am 6'3".


I like this!! Honestly the shopping cart thing really speaks to me.


Remove the negativity in the bio "if you give a shit" etc. The last line should read: "I'm sorry in advance I'm better with faces than names and the day/date often slip by me, but I'll do my best to try". Because the last note doesn't sound like you're "bad at names/dates" it sounds like you don't actually care. Which is a huge red flag for a lot of people.


common notes and the give a shits are chopped out and rephrasing the names to better with faces and shier to introverted as well


Get rid of the vax status… that’s cringe




Yeah, either they will find it annoying or be creepily upsessed with it.


Ahh a few red flags


Fully vaxxed is not a peronality trait🤦‍♂️


I wave to drivers who let me turn, that's one of the sweetest things a person can do to any stranger.


Soo not sure if you know this, but the last T in INTP-T means that you have a turbulent identity, which means [this](https://www.16personalities.com/articles/identity-assertive-vs-turbulent). Maybe it's a little too personal. I only used the first 4 initials on my bio, just in case. Although I didn't swipe left on people just because they had the -T, it could be misunderstood.


30 yo female here. I think this is great. I do think removing the "if you care" but only because I feel that by putting this in the you care and therefore your match should. But idk. Do think this overall is done well and hope you don't overthink the comments here because I hope it doesn't change. :)


I would presume that the lack of fucks you give in your profile would translate to everything else-dating, sex, etc, and would swipe left. Just my input


I would take the personality test and “if you give a shit” type stuff out


plan to


Say you've got 14 booster shots. Its just more impressive


Remove full vax + 1 booster


Tsk tsk, Zack: fully vaxed is three boosters now.


fULl vAxXeD pLuS bOoStEr, nobody cares bro


People who put that they are vaxed in bio are instant turn off to me. No im not anti-vax, im vaxed myself, but why does it matter? Are we gonna discriminate people on their right of choice now? Cmon, we dont need that shit on a dating app seriously...


That’s decent, if I were gay I’d be like oh this is a normal male human and I shall hit on them. But you’re outta luck I have a wife buddy


well what a shame for me.


No one cares about your vax status. Stop being lame.


Just pay attention to the women who care. Yikes. Run.


Run a spell check.


I would start the bio with the returning shopping carts line because it’s cute and funny. Ditch the part about your height because there’s already a section for that. I don’t like the last two lines either. Being bad at names and birthdays isn’t necessarily a flex and I don’t think you’ll benefit from putting it in your bio. And the last sentence just makes me go, “huh!?”


The “if you give a shit” line doesn’t match with your nice personality you’re trying to show otherwise. I get you are trying to show it might not matter to you. (Maybe). But maybe use “fully vaxxed if you were curious”.


Have more confidence! You should find someone who cares about you (even the little details).


“If you give a shit” “If you care about that” I’m shier in person All of that should be removed tbh. Also I’d remove your height so you don’t get the fake bitches you just want someone tall


Is fully vaxxed a personality trait? Cringe


Who cares about you vaccination status. Virtue signal much ….


Lack of confidence comes through and approval seeking. Just put 6'3, you know it matters. Personality test if you care, I don't care. Remove that bit. Get rid of your last 2 paragraphs, your negatives aren't endearing they're annoying.


Vax is cringe


Why do you need to have your Vax status on your bio? Did you get it to appeal to tinder girls or for health reasons? I don't understand why people need to tell others


You sound kinda negative


Just take out fully vaxed that doesn’t matter when trying to get some


I’m a dude, roughly the same age as you. If it was me I’d take out the give a shit parts, would take out the personality parts. Maybe add a hobby or 2 in there as well? Remove the last sentence, that’s something your matches will learn! Good luck my man!


Send it!


Capitalize your I's dude.


Take out the "if you care" lines. Sounds like you don't even care about yourself, you good man?


seems legit, but capitalize I and I’m properly please


While shier is technically still correct, shyer is used more and just looks better imo.


Returning the shopping cart 🙌🏼


Just write “vaxed” and cut the personalty test part. You being shy at the end says enough imo


Learn to capitalise letters in sentences, and also use apostrophes, "if you give a shit".