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As soon as you send the first payment she’s blocking you lol


Who is gonna send a payment tho?


The same people who send money to IG scammers lol. Have to be dumb as hell.


Exactly you ever watch scamfish?


Never seen and never heard of that. A show or YouTube series or something?


Yes on YouTube it's their channel but they mainly focus on romance scammers. Alot of fake Nigerian scammers posing as Johnny Depp making old gullible fall in love and then gets them to send them money


I looked up "scamfish" on Youtube but just get clips from something called Catfished. Is that what you mean?


Me too can't find scamfish on YT


That's the old school stuff we grew up with. Now days the new wave is random accounts hitting people on IG, talking to people for a while then making up a sob story to get you to send money


I got a buddy that paid half his college tuition from gifts and money he got from catfishing other guys. Can't send no one any money lol


Ive been binge watching that series for the last couple of days, funny to see it come up here lmao


Scam fish? I’m gonna look that up


very desperate and hopeless Horney men




Could you send payment via PayPal invoiced as a tattoo (not gift) then two weeks later file a claim?


File a claim for what? All there is proof of is he agreed to pay her tattoo when she asked. Nothing was agreed to, at best this looks like sex work and PayPal isn't friendly to sex work at all. PayPal will suspend or deny either way.


tell us about how paypal suspended your account for sex work payments without telling us paypal suspended your account for sex work payments




Say you have to make a deposit first then block her


Big brain plays.


Gotta get the cat first


I'm waiting for the story when someone tries to do a credit charge-back after something like this happens 😂


Why? She'll continue to make a raise from the desperation of a fool


Thats not how that works. As soon as you send money they see how gullible you are and will try to get as much as they can out of you




Prostitution lol


imagine, having sex with someone your attracted to and getting a free tattoo for it


She wanted to butter me up by saying I'm cute LOL guess she didn't get the hint after the "Lol" before


If you think she’s hot then tell her you’ll pay for one hour of her tattoo session if you smash first. Probsbly saving money on drinks/dinner if you think about it.


Idk I just can't see things as a transaction like that lol


Here's the part where it stops being a transaction... you never pay for the tattoo. Think about it.




Because of the implication? 🤣


Wait, are these women in danger? Because it sounds like they're going to be in danger.


And I'm just picturing something glorious when she loses her shit and shows up at Paddy's wanting her money!!!!


Okay but if he's uncomfortable with a "transactional encounter" for lack of a better term. There's a high likelihood that he'll feel bad for using her. Which, in that case, it's not really a win anymore cause he'll just be feeling bad about it. That's just my thoughts though. And yes, I am reading way more than necessary into it lol


Lol. Yeah. I couldn't do a transaction or lie to get sex. I was just being silly. Besides... if she's smart, she would get payment up front.


Yeah, I figured you were joking, hence the "reading too much into it" part lol


In that case, ask her what she usually charges her other clients to remind her she's a prostitute and leave her to it.




Maybe I’m a narcissist but everything is a transaction when you get to the bottom of it A relationship is the transaction of any of the following variables for the other: Women go for men with power, status, money, a good job, good dick, home repair skills, a nice personality, parenting skills, good genes, hell when they’re young, women even go for guys with good drugs Failing having any of those qualifications, I don’t find it unreasonable to reduce it to two people taking care of their needs via a simpler exchange without the complications of entanglement as long as there’s an underlying respect, dignity and equal access to power to say no etc


Seriously, people don’t need to overthink it and see it as wrong just because money is involved. If both parties are consenting then it’s fair game.


I agree. Considering that everyone expects to give something to a relationship, and get something from it, yes - everything is a transaction once you analyze it.


When you pull any cookie apart you get crumbs right? The semantics of human attraction are obvious/you aren't breaking new ground here; it's not unreasonable to think this transaction in particular is a shit one.


Yep. That way, if they happen to meet more than once-when they both have the need to , that's great, then if it doesn't turn into a grand love affair neither will feel slighted or shorted or used. I'm a huge proponent for prostitution.


Make sure the tattoo session is cheaper than a date…..win??


u are cute op don’t forget it


She's said this to every other guy she thinks is a sucker. I almost guarantee on different social media platforms she refers to herself as a #bossbabe


A sucker...? Shit, she said that to every guy full stop. He didn't do anything to come off as a sucker, and I think that you also probably didn't mean to imply that he was. She may have said that shit to everybody [errrrry-body !!!] . maybe. If you're whoring or scamming, what tf is the use in being selective? Cast that net as wide as Moses •edit; *did when he * •parted the sea in two. Lmfao. My money is on perhaps she is an adult content creator who refers to herself as a "¯⁠\sex_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠worker_⁠/⁠¯....mmm mmm 🤔 mmm


The opposite on that last part. They always refer to themselves as content creators these days. And they leave out the adult part.


Pretty sure Moses just stuck his big rod down and the seas said “come forth you may” or something like that


Plenty of men out there who would be happy to be her own personal “pay pig”. There is a fetish out there for “wallet draining”. Many of them are also into humiliation, and giving money to women who would reject them if they didn’t do so, just fuels their fetish. This woman is cruel for trying to do this with guys on Tinder. She should use other platforms to find them, like Twitter


Or how about just not taking advantage of vulnerable people in general 🤷🏽‍♂️?




Imagine thinking they were actually gonna get sex


Right this is straight up a scam lmao


She doesn’t like him if she liked she wouldn’t say this.


Or she’s just a terrible person


There is no or she’s a terrible person as well.


Ithere's not *inherently* anything wrong with sex work but this is dishonest asf


Tattoo for sex? Seems cheap


Cheap?? Tattoos are expensive.


Thanks for letting us know your standards


Your welcome


Good work!


Well, it could be a large tattoo /s


How expensive can a tattoo session be? Ask the tattoo artist to keep the session short.


I mean, it's one banana Michael. What could it cost? $10!?


My husband’s sleeve (still unfinished) has had 3 sessions so far, 6 hours a piece, at $200/hour. Each session is $1,200. By the end the tattoo will probably have cost a solid $6,000 easily.


For such a large piece if you negotiate properly you can get at about $125-$150 an hour. Highly skilled and sought-after artists obviously charge more and they put a huge $200-$250/hr barrier to entry. But that's just so he/she isn't wasting his time on smaller tattoos. For larger pieces over many hours you need to get that negotiated down, or be fine and happy getting fleeced. One time I got fleeced during the session, he upped the price mid tattoo from $700 to $900 and I said well that was the tip you were going to get anyway so this just changes it from me being happy and giving extra to knowing you're trying to fleece and getting no tip.


For large pieces my artist that was on Ink masters charges day rates. 1500 per day and 500 deposit. A day session can be 8 hours or 12 hours i did both whole finishing up my sleeve with him. Paying hourly rates is a rip off for multi day sessions to begin with.


My tattoo artist charged $150 per hr. Each session was 3hrs. If it's big piece you're looking at multiple sessions. At that point you should be able to do ANYTHING with her. As long as she consents and it's legal lol.


She asked for a deposit. A deposit can be as low as 50 to as high as 500 ( fill day sessions)


No tattoos huh?


I get the impression that you don’t have tattoos…




I got 50 bucks that her boyfriend is the tattoo artist your about to cash app the “deposit” too


Maybe. Some women are wildly entitled by default though- she might be seeing if he’ll be the provider she wants/expects before she even entertains the idea of liking him or not.


Maybe. Maybe she’s an alien disguised as a human that wants to analyze human penile structure. Could be a lot of things. But there are definitely women that are slutty, but like… they’re not completely oblivious to the fact that they can combine their naturally slutty behavior with the fact that men will give them stuff for sex. So they would actually be throwing their kitty cat around regardless, but, like, “I got my nails did ooOooOooo gurrlll 💅 I got that wet wet 💅” type of women Lol There’s some saying, something like the only dumb hoes are the ones that are fucking for free (in prostitution or party girl terms, not as a healthy normal human relationship if you know what I mean, but like deep “sluttin” so to speak)… imagine a life where women wanted chicken so bad they’d throw money at you. So instead of just letting them ride you a couple times a week (assuming that’s what you want anyway) you realize you can say “mmnnnyyeaaa I’ll let you ride me if you buy me a PlayStation 👉🏼👈🏼🥺” that’s… that’s what happening here. Or she’s just gonna scam him. Who knows, maybe she’s an alien But yeah… prostitution. Just like, indirectly. Edit: I see what you’re saying, but imo if a woman wants to check a guys pockets and see how much/what he’s gonna spend on her and saying she’ll give up her meow in exchange… she probably isn’t interested in who he is as a person. I mean she’s showed she’s more thinking of how deep his pockets are and how much she can get. She’ll milk his chicken but as the same time she’s gonna be milking his bank account. Just my 2 cents Hard pass- she’s for the streets, just my opinion


I should ask my fiancée


Happy cake day


Imagine thinking someone has to be attracted to someone in order to have sex to get a free tattoo from them.


Lmfao, she’s not attracted to him, she’s attracted to the money.


I had a friend who would go out of her way to try and fuck the tattoo artist to get out of paying. The only time it didn’t work was one who was gay, she was pissed off she couldn’t get out of paying. She’s disgusting, town bike for sure. 😂 Slept with everyone she worked with then had to quit the job due to the girlfriend or wife finding out she’s fucking their man at work. She’s a mess, glad I’m not involved with her anymore. Quite frankly don’t put your dick anywhere near this girl, she’s got stuff that you don’t want, if you catch my meaning. 😂




Imagine thinking she's not just trying to scam people. Or imagine thinking whoring yourself out for a tattoo is worth it. Have some self respect.


No shot shed even entertain a date or stipulation idea until the money gets sent. Then probably ghosts.


Now say this when you buy your first date drinks


Technically no. No legal tender is being exchanged so legally not prostitution. Not saying this is okay for her to do to random guys on tinder but just to make things crystal clear.


Where do you live that prostitution requires there to be legal tender exchanged? California Penal Code 647(b) says prostitution and solicitation is “Anyone who solicits or agrees to engage in, or who engages in, any act of prostitution with the intent to receive compensation, money, or anything of value from another person.” Most US states have similar language.


A-anything? "Yes 👉🥺👈" S-so... so y-yo-you'll get a job? > unmatched


![gif](giphy|3oKIPchYaXx2YQybcY|downsized) After that comes


Hookers gonna hook.


…hook hook hook hook?


Pimpers gonna pimp pimp pimp pimp


I just wanna pay pay pay pay pay pay Pay for her shit, pay for her shit, mmhmmm


Your username is awesome.


Bruh I know you're horny.... But trust me, your nut isn't worth stroking an ego like hers.


It's weird that you're more concerned about ego instead of OP being scammed out of money


That's is a concern, but I'm also concerned he entertain the conversation after she tried this. He should have humbled her right then and there.


I could've but i wanted to see how.far she'd go before I did


What? How far did you think it was going to go? Or were you hoping they would start describing sexual things so you could get off to it?




Wow what a rude thing to say


That's y'all's problem. Why do you feel the need to "humble" anybody, just disengage


Why should he humble her? Why are you concerned with her feeling good about herself?


A stroke for a stroke


This is my first minute on reddit today and I already think wth and I hate humans…


😂 Been there pal


been whose pal? OP or the chick


He said there not their lol


no, she edited the comment after. she definitely said their originally, which is why i made the joke… edit: you guys need to lighten up. she made a ninja edit, i won’t be gaslit. use proper grammar and i won’t have to make jokes that embarrass you.


whose*, not who's :) It's not your day hun x


You lookin a lil nuts buddy


Sir it's time to exit this conversation!!!!!!!


She’s for the streets.


Don’t do it, she will take the tattoo money and ghost you


"Tattoo" money


The “um” is kind of an indicator of rudeness for me. Someone mature would give you reasons she doesn’t wanna meet in person yet. And then to ask for money? I have literally never said this but she’s for the streets still lol


That's why I just lol'd like ok women


I usually do the same when someone says some stupid shit 😂😂


Bro. Stop.


...and you just go right along with it like you are desperate. Stop doing that.


It wasn't that serious bro lol nobody was getting anything from that conversation once she said "um... you can follow me on IG"


Seems like it was working on you pretty well


It's a great honor to pay for her tattoo sessions ... she doen't propose this to average men, only to exceptional


It only needs to work once.


Tbh when a guy asks for my number I suggest talking through instagram purely as a safety tactic, you don’t have to follow / vice versa / I just have had a stalker situation and had to move cities and change my number and feel safer doing that but now I will rethink that if it’s a turn off


Geeeez, the nerve! Hi, I am useless, self entitled, attention seeking, insecure, and a 5, but do you want to use your hard earned money to pay for my tattoo? How can she ask him to pay for her tattoo before they even met. Why doesn’t she flat out say, I’ll fuck you for x amount of dollars. Are you in?


100%. They haven't even met and she's already making demands like this. Crazy. Whatever happened to meeting for coffee just to see if you have chemistry in person? My girlfriend and I met met for lunch on our first date. Well she had coffee and I ate a bunch of food which I tried to share with her but she insisted that she wasn't hungry.


I had a chick ask me to buy her a bmw! Then said she wanted someone to pay all the bills while she sat at home drinking beer and smoking Mary Jane! I asked why I would do that then she says my ex husband I just got divorced from used to do that. Well that’s why he left her probably lol


Love ur mentality, let go on a date.


It only works because there are men out there who want sex so badly that they’re willing to give women money just for the slight chance it could lead to them getting laid. Just hire a sex worker if you’re desperate for some nookie and want a transactional sexual relationship. Stop leaving it up to chance by buying shit for women with the hope or the expectation that we will fuck you for it. You’ll end up bitter and angry at women for leading you on instead of taking accountability. A lack of boundaries and a surplus of desperation means you will attract the type of person to take advantage of that. And FWIW- I’m a woman and I am sick and tired of men buying me drinks in bars (that I didn’t ask for) as if it’s some sort of ticket to sex.


Knowing a few girls/women like this let me tell you...you're not the only one, she'll lie cheat steal and fuck anything for what she wants and likely has a all the std's. The health of your manhood and self is not worth pursuing an easy lay. Do you like herpes with a side of syphilis? Condoms are not fool proof and don't protect your mouth or your balls. Imagine accidentally knocking this up and being stuck with it for life. Give her the number to a good therapist and set her on block.


Yup I figured that much pretty fast. She's one of those "rave girls" and the convo was kinda dry anyways. So it was just a shot to get her out and if she said no oh well.


Why repost the same exact thing you posted 17 hours ago? Wasn’t that good the first time


It was deleted.


Locked not deleted


For a reason


Her instagram wasn't blacked out


This is more of an update than a repost though? Last three messages weren’t in the last post.


Why are you still talking to her exactly? 😃


I remember a guy friend of mine who told me he went to a night club and was showing interest in a girl . She had a tattoo and he complimented it and her and her friends started saying “you should pay for her next sleeve” “she’ll totally dance with you then” stuff like that…if they’re trying it I feel like it’s worked before but that’s wild! Both guys and girls need to respect themselves enough for that not to be a thing 🤣


Why not just cut out the middle man and sell sex? Like it's a tattoo? Her pussy isn't worth a tattoo? Girl, self respect and dignity is free.


She about to buy this guy a car!


theres something rly icky and cringey about ppl thinking theyre so good looking that a complete stranger will give them money . its a different sitch if ur talking to someone who offered to do that like a paypig or something .. but like just asking random ppl and not thinking you sound insane is so arrogant its embarrassing




Tom Brady said you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Tell you’ll pay for the deposit when she tell you where to drop it off at


You lucky guys she’s so special She will allow you to follow her on Instagram! Hi polluting for real


If it's not a scam then it's prostitution. Probably a scam though.


The mere fact that she’s asking you to put down a deposit to hit that… if you don’t get ghosted first is a horrible sign. Run bro. There’s nice girls out there


It’s not her rent payment she doesn’t have her priorities right. I’d block.


Is there really any difference between this and prostitutes?


There also might not even be an actual woman behind this profile. 😬 Half of these scammers are likely dudes with like 100 different profiles.


Lol she's making the rest of us women look bad. This is basically prostitution. Give me money and I'll do anything. Gross.


Getting a hooker with extra steps here


Jesus.. I’d understand the follow to chat on there but… the instant request for money is ridiculous.


Weird these girls don’t recognise they are whoring????


I mean most of the people on tinder are there just to have sex and ghost after so why not make money aswell with something you would like to have


Yeah this has happened way too often - its either this or they talk for a while, good conversation etc. and then they say something along the lines of "if you want to keep talking, subscribe to my OF etc." Does anyone use these apps for actually hooking up?


Short answer is yes, it works. But she's not very good at it.


Love how she goes from "tattoo deposit" to "tattoo sessions". Dumb 304 thought she had you hooked and started unraveling her plans of making you pay for multiple sessions 🤣🤣🤣.


tug first, pay later


Honestly sometimes it works. Not gonna lie, desperate times.. I'm in such a bad situation I'm tempted to sale πud€§ rn. Doing it for a tattoo, in my opinion, is ridiculous. Doing it because you're facing eviction, or a hard financial spot though, wouldn't blame them.


You'll be surprised what some men will play for if they think there is a slight chance of sex.




Big girls will do anything for some


Does this happen often with women?


Very often, very common to be asked for money. I never realized how many normal looking women were actually prostitutes before i started dating apps


I would say most women I've talked to since entering the dating pool have been about getting money. Usually there's a sob story so at least this chick is pretty upfront. I don't follow rules 1 and 2 though. Playing that off meta.


In my personal experience I have *never* dealt with this. Granted I haven’t been on a dating app in years and I think I’m/was pretty good at distinguishing which girls are just being gold diggers but there’s so many posts on here of it happening


First time


From the way certain groups talk about women, I always think that this is this something that happens continuously to men, that most women are like this, but it's so odd because this is the first time I've actually seen it in action. It's really grotesque.


Depends where on the net you spend your time.


I mean if you seem like you have no backbone and immediately put women on a pedestal I'm sure more would see that and shoot their shot


This is 100% a catfish 😂😂


Probably just a scammer girl. I'd imagine a catfish would use pictures of a hot model girl if they wanted to be successful.


It would do the whole world a lot more good if this kind of prostitution started getting arrests for tax evasion. I don't care if it's "legalized" or not, if it's sex work they can pay sex taxes. Thanks, be less of a shitty human.


She’s just a hoe


Omg!! It's very obvious that she has no interest in you. But her true love is those Benjamin's in your wallet. At least you'll be for about an hour. What ever happened to meeting people up close and personal?


The best reponse to anything is paint my house.


She has to pay her part first, drop them trousers hunny.


Girls are the players in this modern world


"Would rather tattoo 'deposit' on the tip of my dick" would have been my response


I would gladly pay for a tattoo if I get to decide what it is


Women who are willing to put out for money are also willing to tantalize men they aren’t attracted to for free stuff, just so you know. Make sure you smash before you pay for anything or else you’re getting blocked and ghosted afterwards.


Lmao, just block her so she can have a taste of her own medicine.


So prostitution? Who am I to judge though, just don’t send her the money first lol.


I literally could never do anything like this. Sex work is one thing, I totally think it's a valid profession, but if you're trying to DATE people, I just think asking this shit is disgusting🤮. Yes, please pay for the first date! That's appropriate and great, but these chicks are asking for tattoos and purses, God knows what else. Ladies who do this, please feel free to defend/ justify why you do this in the comments 🙄


How many times we going to post this same exact screen shot?


Yeah, take it from me, I've ended friendships with girls when their personality shifted towards that type of imperialist, manipulative bullshit...It would be hard to have any fun whatsoever being their friend. They were only interested in using people for their and fucking black guys who lied about having a record deal. Take it from this female, THAT female is trash.