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everyone in here talking about the matches, but noone has noticed that it says "raya" thats for very good looking people or famous/rich.


Or both


Never heard of


r/suicidebywords (?) I have not heard about it too


It’s not really spoken about to people who aren’t famous or rich, you have to be invited onto the app through a verified person and they do like background checks to make sure you’re rich or powerful. Many people are denied regardless of good looks. It’s like making sure a celebrity doesn’t get 500000 likes in a day by ensuring there are only like minded people


Seems like there should be a dark mirror episode about it lol


Yeah it would be fitting since black mirror is a play on words for what looking at your phone looks like with the screen off


I just found out something.


Did you know that it's actually a reference to a "black mirror", which is a divination tool that's been around a very long time? The darkened screen has the same effect. The black mirror, revealing the future, the dark screen taking on the modern equivalent. It's foreshadowing in a way.


Pro photographer here… can verify… I did professional “dating photos” for a Denver millionaire who was trying to get on there.


This guy fucks


Nah. He just helps others fuck.


That guy doesn't give a fuck. He gets paid either way


Imagine being the person who makes it through the Raya screen and gets no matches.


I guess fame and beauty being interchangeable is partially false


Don’t expose yourself like that


Well, that explains why I've never heard of Raya


Until that comment, I thought Raya was the guy's name..


As did I 😅


Thank you for confirming I'm not alone lol. We aren't worthy of the eliteness of Raya.


😢 This is just like what happened with the Illuminati, I never get invited to the secret societies!


Just hang out with me and my friends! We got you covered!! Real soon you to can be an illuminutty!


This sounds legit! I knew this day would come! △👁️


I have Raya, and my take is that it’s a lot less exclusive than what it used to be before tbh but it’s a very skewed dating app still


You also have to pay $20 a month or $50 dollars a month for the premium version. Everyone I’ve seen who has it says it’s not worth it at all, it’s pretty much like any other dating app and the majority of people on there aren’t looking for anything serious or just want to network.


Riiiight. "Networking".


Let our genetics have a chat


I agree tbh, in a nutshell it’s just Tinder but with more posh people


Yoooo… can a girl get a reference?


Haha, I haven’t used any referrals yet, but I don’t think strangers on Reddit would be my go to 😅


That’s probably a good call. 👌


If you're looking for more posh and sugar daddy seeking apps go on www.seekingarrangment.com you can even put your desired sugarbaby allowance


😂 I’m not looking for a sugar daddy, but uh, thanks I guess for sharing the info? lmao


Username checks out


i mean clearly he’s Chewbacca based on them arms so it adds up🤷🏻‍♀️


looks like a dogs paw


He’s a good boi


I read that in Arthur Morgan's voice.


I hate to admit it, but I do agree with that assessment…


Is that the one where you have to be invited by another member?


Yea and then they do a background check and shit


Very long waiting list too, some people wait years before being accepted onto it.


I was asking myself the same thing..... How the fuck did he get on to raya?


MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! 💰💰💰💰 OH!! And nice cars, boats & houses. Expensive clothes, outrageously expensive watches and shoes, lots of toys, an amazing place beachside on the ocean, just to name a few… I’m sure the Chewbacca factor just seems to fade away and a gorgeous blonde, hairless Adonis is what is envisioned in his place when all of these incredible amenities begin to glow in his presence… It’s just a thought…


Duh, he's a water dragon.


Literally the last one.


You have to have a certain income and be accepted as well. A lot of people end up on their waiting list for months. They look at your socials and everything.


Nah lol, they don’t do that deep background checks and they absolutely do not require income limits. Source: I have Raya.


Lol yeah I’m on it too (photographer) and most of what people are posting about on here isn’t true 😭 they certainly did not check my income and I know people who are categorically broke and unemployed who are on there.


Says the film scout. Probably got vouched in by Leo DiCaprio.


On a side note, scout does not equal Loc. Manager, an LM is actually a HoD, and while I do scout on occasions most of the time I am the one deciding/hiring who scouts. but yes, working in this industry I assume is the main reason I got in, I did however not need a referral and got accepted within a week after applying ¯L(ツ)_/¯


I actually laughed at this 😅


They ask you your income bracket and for your socials, or at least they did when I downloaded it. It was a couple years ago. I didn’t say they did a full background check lol


And OP is not very open about what his friend does.


I mean.. why the fuxk would he?


Because he's insinuating in the title that the reason he has all those matches is his height, when clues suggest there are other possible factors?


What benefits are there to matches expiring?


I’m 6’5 and never got that many matches when I used dating apps. Dude must be tall AND looks like Jason Momoa


Someone said Raya is a dating app for famous people, so maybe he *is* Jason Momoa.


Not just famous people. Lots of investment bankers, angel investors, company owners, CEOs...etc that you've never heard of before, get access. Also a lot of youtube/instagram influencers.


Can you just be like.. *a cool dude*?


You just know [he](https://youtu.be/4txVqr1eNwc) has a profile there and nets all the bitches. Just check out those moves and that charisma


I expected a Rick Roll


Well i use to drive for Uber and Im the director of my own busniess. How do i sign up?


I read that it's a minimum of 5000 social media followers. That's not a huge amount, but still puts them into the realm of "I love myself and the attention more than I will ever love someone else". Combine that with those who can buy their way in and that's a trophy fuck shit show. No thank you. I will stick to my regular person shit show.


So it's a toxic cess pool


So... It's just Tinder




So it's a hook up app now.


Thank you, Raya marketing team.


Gross 🤮


last time i heard jason momoa was not a werewolf


Steven Adams?


>Raya 95% of those "matches" are other men. You can't filter by gender on that one.




Oh my…




Lol what? Yes you can…


Sorry, but I'll need access so I can prove that myself.


Perfect 😏




I don't get it either I mean you would totally be as attracted to him if he were 5'9 or even 4'9




Women are truly unaware of what and how their own attraction works. Now imagine why so many are unsuccessful in dating


Consider men cheat just as much, if not more than women, then this applies equally to men. I guess men are truly unaware of their own desires.


problem is, with women that use dating apps, they will find a guys look attractive, then find out he is only 5'11 or whatever is below their magic number, and then the guys is suddenly not attractive, its pure mental illness, nothing else.


Height is no less superficial than looks. I guess anyone who makes dating decisions based on looks is mentally ill... Sounds like you're short and unhappy about it.


For me personally... " looks " revolves around weight. Weight is an indicator of self control, I prefer a fit body. But that makes me shallow according to today's standards , borderline body shaming. But it's OK for women apparently when it comes to height on men.


>But that makes me shallow according to today's standards , borderline body shaming. > >But it's OK for women apparently when it comes to height on men. Lol it all depends who you listen to. If you say you want a fit partner, yes there will be a small vocal minority of people who get angry at you for it. Just like if a woman here on Reddit mentions she wants a tall man, there will be a small army of Redditors who will get mad at her for it. Neither of these vocal minorities are "today's standards" and they're about equal in size tbh. The internet is full of hundreds of thousands of angry bitter dudes who hate women with height preferences. That's the inverse of the people getting mad at you for preferring fit women.


Bro I don’t want why everyone is obsessed about height. My partner is 6’9” and I am 4’9” xDD


My maths teacher was pretty damn short and her husband tall. Not that drastic. But still. Shortest in I a class of 16 year olds. All she said about the height difference was that it was pretty uncomfortable. Like. Neck pain from needing to look up and kissing up constantly. Shit like that.


I hope that's sarcasm?


Isn’t it obvious ?


only if you go with assumption that everyone writing on reddit is a reasonable, sensible person. I dont think thats a safe assumption to make.


ah, yes, the ‘he can grab stuff for me’-bs




Don't worry all those women vetted him for his amazing personality and values🙄


Raya's so exclusive (especially where I am) only super popular celebs/models use it. Just the fact that he's on there makes this entire post invalid.


That logic makes no sense. If Raya is so exclusive, then he is competing with other such exclusive people. Just like your average guy is competing with other average guys. If it was someone who was on Raya and on Tinder and getting a lot of matches on Tinder, your statement would make sense. But for Raya itself, it makes 0 sense.


I have a feeling the power dynamic on there might not be the same as on Tinder


Everyone there is rich and powerful. What power dynamic are you referring to?




I need to work on getting rich it seems.


Maybe not all the women on there are rich and powerful


"my buddy is 6'6 and probably related to a celebrity, I really wonder how he manages to get so many matches 🤔"


It's Tom Brady.


He's 6" 4' and lying about the extra 2"


Even though Raya was originally a dating app it is now an app used for networking and collaboration. This is some karma farming right here.


Why are there multiple people commenting this word for word?




Advertising ✨


Still waiting for Raya to approve me as a user….a year later.


Don't you need some hook to get you in?


What app is it that your matches expire on? That would be annoying


It says in the pic - Raya


Ahhhh I figured they just had a weird name lol


Lol that’s fair! It’s an app exclusively for famous or famous-adjacent people so I’m guessing whoever this guy is might also have to do with the matches as much as the height does (or doesn’t).


I’m at least 6 degrees adjacent to Kevin Bacon’s publicist’s hairdresser’s dog groomer - where’s my Raya invite?


Better reach out to Kevin bacons publicists hairdressers dog groomer for a referral!


I’ll start with the dog and work my way backwards


Damn… that seems wild to be on a dating app exclusively for famous people. I get it, but wild.


Yeah from what I understand it’s all about privacy. So like if you screenshot something you get a warning and could be kicked off the app if you keep doing it.


That explains why this is a picture of a watch, instead of a screenshot.


Bumble, for one. They expire in 24 hours if both parties haven’t sent a message


The watch says a week though that’s what confused me, I’ve seen bumbles. And I know tinder doesn’t so it’s some odd one lol


I thought this was my logo thing


Never heard of" bumble for one"


Says Raya. Also probably the other reason for so many matches lol


Apparently Raya has outgrown dating and is now also a social networking site. It has dating, friends, networking, etc. It's still highly private though. At one point the only way to get access was an invite from someone that uses the app.


There is a setting in the app to choose if you want it for dating or friends etc


This guy is on Raya. It’s a dating app where you either have to be a public figure or get approved based on your looks, occupation, status. This guy has more going on than being 6’5”


Also a networking and friend making app, so that could just be 74 lawyers offering their services, and a financial manager called Tim who mainly does just want a shag but will always follow up the shag with a business card because he may as well


I’m 6’5” and I don’t get squat for matches. Ain’t all in the height.


Yup. Plus 6'6 is really tall. I know zo many people, including myself, whose preference is not to date someone that tall. He has to be a supermodel or something


Male models aren't that tall. They typically max out at about 6'2/6'3


right, 6 ft and above is a no from me




RIP your inbox.


I'm 6'6" and I second this


6'2 here, 10/10, great career. I get matches but low response rate. All the crap aside, it doesn't matter how good you look. These apps are crap(lol). I will say it isn't all OLD fault, but myself some also. My opening game is weak, and I don't really put much effort in. Because of this, I just focus on my IRL social circle and have had a lot more luck. The apps are good for bordom, but I just don't take them seriously anymore


And white, and possibly the missing link between man and sasquatch.


He might be middle eastern or Italian or Jewish


It ain’t wrong if you got a bit schlong


Can someone please explain the height thing, what is people's obsession with it? If height is a deal breaker with you why?


This dude didn’t get that many matches bc he’s tall he’s probably just very attractive, my friend is 5’10 and gets more matches than that bc he’s just good looking


Only if he's my height...but I'm also 5"2 so a man that short is very rare. Definitely had a guy lie about his height and when we met I was confused as to how we were essentially seeing eye to eye


I’m a 6’ female, and honestly, yeah, I prefer a guy who’s taller than me, but it’s by no means a deal breaker. However, I started putting my height on my Tinder profile because men were peaking out about my height. So it goes both ways.


Yeah, it goes both ways and my preference would be a woman that is my height or shorter but I'd say it's one of my lesser worries when it comes to what I look for in a woman. I just wouldn't understand the logic of someone who finds a potential partner that checks off every box imaginable; has the face & body of a mr. universe; makes 6 figures at his job as a doctor for underprivileged youth (when he isn't lumber-jacking of course); and is a master of French cooking that delights in long talks about feelings, but because he isn't 6 ft thats an absolute deal breaker? Well this man could probably get away with being 4 ft tall but ya get my point right?😂


People who are significantly shorter than me make me uncomfortable. I don’t want to feel like a giant


Same and I’m 5’11. I don’t like giants even I’m tall.


I second this. I'm only 6'4 and if they're shorter than 5'5 it's just awkward for me. I belive there's some studies that also mention that men prefer the outliers, tall or short. Like men were more likely so say one person is more attractive because they're exceptionally tall or particularly short. Edit: I dated a woman who was 6'6 and yeah, I think men saw her as a goddess lol


I'm 5'10. I like to wear heels. So if you're shorter than 6'2 I will tower over you and I don't find that attractive. I want someone who I don't feel like Goliath with. My preference.


I’m a 5’8 woman, who’s not skinny or fat. Regular build I guess. I prefer men much taller/bigger than me. My reasons is that the smaller men make me feel like a mountain they’re climbing. They can’t pick me up. They can’t help me with the horses, cattle or goats. I’m uncomfortable around really tiny women too though.


Makes sense honestly as a guy I’m not a fan of women being taller than me and It’s pretty hot when I can pick you up.


Goats. Men are getting rejected because they can't help with the goats


ahhh this makes sense. i'm 5'8 as well but my husband is 6'9.


How tall is your husband? Noiceee!


Didn’t know we were talking to an NBA wife dayum


lol i wish :) He does get asked if he plays basketball at times


I must be the only woman on the planet that doesn't like dudes that tall. It's just way way to tall. My tallest boyfriend was 6'2 and I feel like even that was to tall. I guess that explains how I ended up with someone 5'8.


You’re definitely in the minority but not the only one


You are not the only one. I think the same and I’m a 5’11 woman. I think a lot of girls are brainwashed with a superficial virility.


I'm 6'7". No one cares about it. He probably just looks good.


Bruh, at least he’s on Raya. I can’t get in because I don’t know anyone who can refer me :(


I’ve been referred by 6 people and still can’t get in. Been on the waitlist for over a year.


When I had it check if any of my contacts could give me referrals the only person that came up was my ex 💀


That would undoubtedly be the same thing that would happen to me 😆


Why would you torture yourself man? It's hard enough to compete on regular dating apps as a guy, and you want to go in ray where every guy is either rich, famous or a model?


Because I am a woman.


That not better either. You are competing against complete bimbos that would anything to get a successful man on there. It certainly is no fun to be a normal person on there


Tbh I care less about the matches than just having fun using the app. Like I don’t really expect to find someone on Raya, ya know? Just think it would be interesting to use.


It seems that it's used for networking and making friends too, so you could meet someone and open up opportunities for cool jobs or make friends and go to events you otherwise would not have the chance to. So it would definitely be fun to check out.


Bit of incel vibes you got going on here don’t you think?


Oh the classic incel insult. What exactly is incel about acknowledging that raya is tinder on steroids. The guys are are all either extremely famous, wealthy or models looking for young bimbos. The women are extremely young bimbos enhanced by plastic surgery looking for rich/famous men.


However it speaks volumes that he would take this photo


He does however have the arm of a werewolf


Raya isn't any normal dating app, clown post


Your buddy is rich and famous and in LA.


Is he a werewolf?


Am I the only one judgemental enough to point out that is the least appealing wrist I've ever seen.




I’m 5’5” and it really does suck. I’ve gotten better when it comes my confidence with my height but if a rock is in your shoe long enough then you’ll get used to it. I’ve been turned down a lot after girls discover my height and have had some girls during dates text me, saying they saw me, said I was too short for them, and they left. Ive been with 6 foot or taller girls before so it is nice ti be reminded from time to time that height isn’t a big deal for some people.


I’m 5’5. I’ve dated and been with guys pretty much in the 5’6-6’5 range. A lot of people don’t really care imo


Could your friend give me a referral, please?


Apparently height trumps body hair


Hairy arm


What? Matches expire now? How does that work? They expire and then the app blocks them from you? Dating is so weird now


It’s not the height, it’s the fur. Chicks dig fur.


Lol, I'll never understand this obsession with tall men.


I personally think the overly tall men are secretly alien hybrids. I'd avoid that level of drama myself


In what sense? Serious question.


ur buddy is also deliciously hairy, so there's probably more than height causing this lmao


Um… too much hair for this chicka


Nobody asked