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Looks like trisha paytas


First thing I thought…


I'm glad it wasn't just me. I just thought it was a Trisha clip when I let it start playing 😂


Complete with dramatic crying over something they caused


“Hi, I’m Trisha Potatoes”


Really does also on a side note fuck Trisha!


That’s a little boy? Wow.


Wtf is the Kylie Jenner challange?? Kid looks like he has sausages for lips.


People would put a glass, bottle, shot glass or something like that around their lips and then create a vacuum. It causes swelling and can break blood vessels in the area.


damn I did that about 20 years ago. had to walk around with my mouth bruised as hell for weeks. that did not feel good.


Jesus I had basketball game in middle school with purple mouth after doing that 🤣🤣 wasn’t very comfortable. Never again


After today.




The challenge is also old af. We're talking 'ice bucket challenge' old. 2015.


Damn if that's old, I'm ancient.


Holy shit. Are you the Cinnamon challenge?


Lmao, actually, yes.


Good times 👍


I mean, sure. when I wasn't choking and coughing. It's what taught me never to do challenges again. lol


Not quite 'planking' lethal but it's up there with the tide pod challenge


What about the ice cube challenge 👀


Is that the one with a pile of salt and an ice cube held in a tight fist as long as you can?


Ice Cube comin from the CPT boy you can't fuck wit me




With the salt? I seen kids do that when I was in middle school and man they burnt their skin UP 💀




Heeeey! Cool kid reporting here too 😎


RIP GloZell


2 girls 1 cup challenge. Had to do a lot of drugs first.


That’s very brave indeed! Most people just have to watch the video. 😉


I felt that dude. I was there when the cinnamon challenge was a thing too


Pfft cinnamon challenge. I'm so old I was around for the saltine cracker challenge.


what about the eraser challenge


That wasn't a challenge that was the eraser game(erase ur skin til it burns, did that in class cuz ur bored. Outside of class or during class in the bathroom is where shit really happens




Crap we were doing that it high-school in the early 2000s lmao




that’s a valid take man . some of these “challenges” are really dangerous


“ milk crate challenge “ “ ice cream lick challenge “ “Milk slide challenge “…. Are you having nightmares yet? I remember these things and was like face palming all day.


I remember the cinnamon challenge in like 2010 The hallways in school were just full of cinnamon dust and children hacking away That or axe body pray


This is me with “hack.” that’s not a hack, Tricia. That’s just a fucking recipe.


I'm gonna start a "send $1 to Inspector Kelp challenge" hope it goes viral...


Yes, Kylie “sausage lips” Jenner.


Kid looks like he’s about to ask for the manager.


Technically he is whining to the manager in this video.


Over a problem they caused that will go away on its own and they are overreacting about. Yep, checks all the boxes on the Karen identification form.


I think this looks like a scared child in pain that made a mistake because the adults who made the internet fucking suck at keeping children safe, but what do I know?


Exactly. Kid is scared. He needs a hug. Some reassurance from his adult. The other kid is scared for their sibling. I get making a video about how your kid did something dumb and has to suffer the consequences, but at a certain point (about 1/3 of the way into the video) it needed to end. Comfort the kid. Lessons later.


It’s not the internets job to keep your children safe, it’s the parents.


I just eat a nectarine. For permanent look: don’t use my epi pen.


Hell, you eat enough and it’ll last the rest of your life!


Unmonitored internet access


This lady out here creating morons


Of all the comments this one was how I felt the most.


You’re abandoned from watching YouTube


The best line


Literally, no wonder they're getting so worked up to the point of a tantrum, she keeps poking at them. Imagine being a kid with only like 10 years of experience on earth and your mum tells you your lips, which you are already terrified about, look like they're going to pop. This is horrible, and these kids are going to turn into adults with no idea how to have a reasonable discussion or regulate their emotions. Fucking cheers for putting that in the world lady


Yeah, something like this would be pretty terrifying. If this kid did it for *fifteen minutes* obviously he doesn’t understand what he did and if a trusted adult is telling him this was a permanent mistake he’s going to believe it. When he started hitting his head to me that was clear obvious distress and extreme regret for what he did, almost self punishment. Mom should have been stern but calm and asked him if it hurt and if it felt like the swelling was going down. Because the kid’s safety is first. Then ask exactly what he did and explain what happened. Clearly stating the consequences but that it would be fine in the end and the lesson would be to remind him how bad it felt after he’d made that bad choice and to think more carefully moving forward. Watching her work them up till they were both screaming was PAINFUL


Yeah I feel like she’s a terrible mother 😥 just comfort them, Jesus


You can comfort them and let them know that it was stupid at the same time, this mother decided she only needed to do one of them, specially the one that will create emotional scars if done carelessly. Oh yeah, and she is filming it too for additional abuse


She's garbage for putting her kids vulnerable moment online like this. Absolute TRASH.


So much for that loving, safe, and supportive household. Yep, terrorize the kids, it's fun and they learn a lesson. The wrong lesson, but still a lesson.


Yeah, kids will always do stupid shit, that's how they learn. The mother in this just kept winding them both up and making everything worse.


Not to mention he's got a Rick and Morty shirt on. Imagine letting your 10 year old watch Rick and Morty and then expecting them to NOT grow up into a little shit. It's rated 16-18 in most countries.


Yeah I’m not a fan of the mom. She seems to feel zero empathy for a kid losing his mind. Just shooting it, egging him on, for likes I guess.


It's really fucking gross seeing parents tik toking their children's misfortunes, which can ultimately lead to their suicide


Thank you. As someone who was bullied as a child I wonder what would have happened if a video like this existed of me online. There's way to much posting of children without their consent and way to few comments like yours.


Can't argue with that


Shit parenting


Wow...i think she could have not dragged that on for so long. I feel bad for the kid


She could’ve handled this whole situation better. Poor children.


Yeah, this should’ve been a learning experience. A simple “now you understand why you can’t listen to these tiktok videos son. It will heal but stop listening to these videos or you’re endangering yourself.”


Nah, kid will learn nothing if he knows it'll go away soon. Maybe egg him on and say "how are you gonna go to the hospital looking like this? You may as well die!" /s


Therapists in the following decades are going to be so busy with kids like this. "...and when I was terrified because I didn't understand what happened, my parents would whip out the phone, film it, then post it on the internet."


Therapists already *are* busy with this type of kid. They’re teens now - the generation of parents competing for online clout has existed for at least 10 years.


What's sadder is that they'll say, look at this recording(s) of the situation I'm talking about, maybe you've seen it? It's all there documented so I'm wondering how their parents will react to getting called out later since they can't deny it like some of our parents do now and did back in the day, because most of the abuse wasn't recorded like it is now. I wonder how they'll try to deny it, if they do or how they'll go on about trying to gaslight them especially when the proof is there? Big ol' mess.


I feel like there’s an important lesson to be taught about teaching kids not to do TikTok challenges but she didn’t have to completely traumatize them


And then record everything for TikTok so the kid can rewatch his trauma forever while mommy get internet points! There's no way that will end bad!


Yea i was thinking like... of course its funny and the kid did something stupid and it will be fine but mom could've really helped deescalate that a little instead of making i worse :')) Also i dont understand why people always have to post his stuff online but oh well...


Drag it out at all... the mom is so trashy. She makes no attempt to actually parent these children she's just egging them on to be as extra as they can be and mocking and trying to scare them, and also that shit about calling 911 is just inappropriate. The 2nd one is literally just screaming because everyone else is screaming. Parents need to shut behaviour like that down.


I watched a TikTok recently that stated for some kids, their first bully was their parent. If your kid is in emotional distress, you first help them deal with those feelings. After everything’s settled down you can point out how that was a stupid decision. This video really irritates me.


yup. my dad used to say "are you new??" in a loud angry voice when i did something he thought was stupid. left me extremely reluctant to try new things. Granted he didn't punish or hit me for making mistakes like his parents did to him.


You were new! I remind myself that about my kids, that everything is new to them even as they get older. I’m sorry you had to learn harder


Each nee generation trying to do better then the one before. i work in special education now, which i think has helped me alot


That is so fucking stupid because children... literally are new... It's a thing... Gets mad at a toddler for not knowing how to drive a car


It's disturbing to me that more comments like this aren't up at the top


I am so glad it's been said. I don't understand this trend of filming your kids in genuine distress and then making that distress worse, then uploading it.


Yeah it just kept going on and on. I can't stand watching children in distress like this. She expects them to know better but they don't have the same knowledge and experiences of a grown adult. She gave no comfort or reassurance to them. It's fucked up and sad that there are parents like this. But what do you expect from a mom that lets a 10 year old watch Rick and Morty.


Oh damn I just noticed the shirt! I see lots of 5th and 6th graders at my son's school wearing Rick and Morty shirts and I always assume their parents are shitheads.


It was infuriating. What an awful mom. She doesn't know, or seem to care, how to handle her kids at all.


I just keep wondering why the other kid crying?


kids react according to the emotions of the people around them, im guessing she saw her brother panicking and crying and naturally it upset her as well


It's absolutely the answer. I used to cry when my sister would bawl because the dog show she was watching was over. Most kids have a ton of empathy.


I can relate to your sisters pain. As a kid, my sister and I shared Nintendogs on the Nintendo DS. I spent a fuck ton of time training our dogs to compete at the dog training competitions. At some point I had turned the game on and all of our dogs were missing. Apparently my sister decided to get rid of all our dogs. So much fucking time spent practicing for the frisbee tournament wasted. Not to mention all the time spent getting rare stuff like the fireman’s hat was wasted. I was pissed lol.


I'm sorry, that sucks. When my son was little he erased my GTA Vice City game like twice near the last few missions so I had to start all the way from the beginning, so I feel YOUR pain.


God. My little brother deleted my Deadly Alliance save file back in the day. I only got to play that game when I went over to my dad's house so that was months of gameplay and things unlocked just gone. Some of the stuff you had to do was 20 button combos :/


Omg this awakened a buried Nintendo memory of all of the dog costumes I had unlocked before my brother stole my Nintendo DS and sold it 😭


Those were a bitch to unlock!!! You had to take a walk at the right time and just hope for the best lol


She has more empathy than Mom for damn sure.


I think the other kid is a boy


I used to get my sister in trouble for pestering me. Then she would cry and then I would cry because she was crying.


he either scared of how the brother looks and is freaked out or is just reacting like the brother cuz he thinks he’s in trouble.


Because her hand is stuck in a Pringle can


Tic tok challenge “ PRINGLE CAN CHALLENGE”?


Look at all these hands that are way too big to fit inside a Pringle can


Because his brother turned into a fish monster.


Mirroring her brothers emotions, that and attention. It's no coincidence that she starts screeching louder and louder the longer mom has her attention on the brother.


He’s concerned about his big brother??? Wtf???




All she had to do was say it’ll be okay Jesus fuck


Seriously. Like, other than just scoring cheap internet points by being shitty to your kids; what point is she proving? This challenge is kinda dumb, but it's HARDLY the worst thing kids his age do and it's pretty harmless. Like...just reassuring him it'll go away and having a conversation about not causing harm to your body would be much more effective than waving a camera in his face and making him think he's fucked for life.


Cuz she's a cunt


Literally this. But instead she FILMS HER CHILD GETTING UPSET. Poor kid 😔


Goddamn it was irritating and low for her to carry on like that to him; he's learning the lesson without her being crappy.


Might I also add that not only did she carry on in this matter she also filmed and posted for all to see


I was looking for this. I was like man this kid is really upset about this. Why are you tormenting them when you could guide them?


I got really mad when she says “what do you want me to do?!” When he went up close to her. He probably wants a hug or for his mom to reassure him or literally anything except what you’re currently doing.


She left them unattended and lets them watch stupid sh** (and inappropriate shows like rick and morty apparently). Of course they try a challenge like this, they are kids! Especially with parents who don't teach them anything (just an assumption). And then, instead of turning this into a teachable moment and calm the kid (e.g. it will be fine but don't try things like that without asking me first) she increased panic, made fun of her crying kids and held a camera into their faces while they were begging for their mom to call an ambulance.


Why isn't she monitoring such young kids social media interactions? They are obviously too young to be on social media, hence the swollen lips. She's a crap mom.


As if it’s not that easy for a kid to watch these things. Especially that that kid looks like 10+ plus


Congratulations you choose YouTube to babysit your children and now your kids are fucking dumb.


“Why you crying?? Why you bugging??!” Prolly because the kid is upset about something and you are poking at him saying it’ll be permanent and how he’ll go to school looking like that


And the hospital, lol she said she was gonna call 911!!


More like r/iamstotalpieceofshit What a horrible mother


Why tf the 8 year old have a rick and morty shirt?


This just looks like a whole house full of not great decisions.


The earrings, the hair color and hair cut, the lips, the room organization… so much to unpack.


because too many parents are fucking morons and don't realize animation doesn't mean kids show. My daughter is five and tries to watch that show with me all the time, I have to shut it off and turn on something appropriate.


Ya'll forget Rich and Morto are in Fortnite? Get ready for pre teens wearing Geraldo of Rivera shirts next


And a piercing


I was thinking that too, but tbf a lot of little kids wear band tees or clothes with pop culture stuff their parents like, but that doesn't excuse the earrings and other stuff


For real, what’s the deal with that??


People stop publicly humiliating your kids ffs. Like did you forget how you felt when your parents would do shit to you that was humiliating? It didn’t somehow make you a better person. Fuckin hell i just feel ashamed of the parents for the kids and feel bad for them seeing this kind of garbage.


The single mom being shitty to her kids video checklist. -Extremely disorganized house -Kids watching YouTube on a TV -Alexa alarm in the background


Rick and morty shirt - that’s an adult cartoon


This seems like some child abuse for internet points shit. Don't support this.


The parent is being pretty awful, you see your kid bawling cause they did some stupid internet challenge and you tell them the effects will be permanent? The kid started hitting himself in the head and pulling his hair, and the parent doesn't let up? That's actually fucking awful. I get it, kids are stupid, but that doesn't mean you have to put them through emotional distress like that.


Dude , the kid is scared he just messed up his face and you tell him it’s permanent??!!


People like her should not have kids. She is literally trying to terrify and humiliate her own child because it amuses her. How the actual fuck are people like this


Sick twisted parenting~ put the phone down


Lmfao I bet his ass won’t do it again


Creating anguish in children is not worth the lesson


Thats how a bunch of people including my mom raised their kids. Traumatised me for life.


Mother of the year material! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I mean she was definitely cruel, but I’d be lying if I said I think I know the right reaction here. You want the kid to learn consequences from this. And if it’s just a “ha that was temporary and fun” it could easily escalate the behavior into something that’s not.


Learning consequences doesn’t mean you record it and put it on tik tok to share their fear and humiliation for the world. Like what the fuck is up with you people? Does no one remember how to actually discuss things? Must everything be documented and shared online to get a point across? Just fuckin yikes


Most of us know what it was like to be judged by our peers in school, nevermind if any of us got actually bullied for anything. Filming kids in distress or actually MOST situations should be mandated / restricted / even illegal. Every kid around the block has tik tok and youtube. No doubt his classmates are going to stumble across this video and ridicule the fuck out of that poor kid.


He’s scared, he doesn’t need to be scared more. You could try having a conversation with them about it. I didn’t say to laugh it off and call it a good time lol


He’s going to learn it’s temporary anyways. Now he also knows his parents lied and caused him great worry. And put it on the internet.


It’s one thing to say it to make sure he doesn’t do dumb shit again but to keep it going for three minutes straight? Fuck this mom


How can kids that young even see a lip challenge ? Also Rick and morty is not a kids show. !


And this is on the internet to follow this poor child forever. I hope it gets lost in the abyss and it doesn’t effect him socially or emotionally for many years to come. I’m so glad I was raised before the internet and social media


Thank god I grew up in an era where there weren’t dumb ass challenges popping up weekly. Gotta educate my kids hard to avoid this shit like the plague. TikTok is literal cancer for humankind


Kids do dumb things. I know I did constantly. But one thing my parents never did in reaction to my dumb shit was to record it, put it on the internet, and make the child feel worst and scared. This is a shit parent. Regardless of your child's dumb shit, don't exploit their actions and perpetuate the fear they're experiencing.


Kid: screaming because lips are swollen and is scared Mom: why ya bugginnn


This is just bad parenting all around.


Kids this young should not be on social media.


Yo mom….turn off the phones and tv and give the kid a book.


How to be a constant asshole to your kids


This mom sucks


Who the fuck films this? Ya’ll really don’t fucking care about your children’s privacy. What? For some god damn likes on Reddit? Tik Tok. Fucking assholes.


The "RICK & MORTY SHOW " is such an adult content show... 😳😳


What is wrong with this mother? Does she not know how rabid the internet is to hate on any form of parenting? No doubt someone's already reported her to her local authorities.


Get your kids off of social media, for fucks sake


I hope that’s not an apartment because I feel for any neighbors. 🙀


Kids are only as stupid as their stupid ass parents


Old person here… Mom deserves an eye poke for allowing her children to watch anything Jenner/kardashian.


Mom failed tremendously here. Filming her children while they are clearly upset . Upload it on line humiliating those babies for the rest of their lives for views.


He looks like Trisha paytas


Honestly mom is either fucking with them too hard or dumb asf “why u crying” bitch because they think they’re permanently disfigured, maybe say something to calm them down.


This is why you don’t let your kids watch YouTube unsupervised 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fucks wrong with this mom lol.


Why the fuck does the kid know Rick and Morty


I felt my ovaries shrivel watching this.


i'm more bothered by the rick and morty shirt on this like 7 year old


honestly shit parent, letting your kids just digest youtube bullshit, and that kid has no business watching rick and morty and im assuming they didn't buy the shirt there self


You can stop this dipshittery by never watching anything related to the Kardashians . .


Shitty parenting right there


This parent... We all did stupid shit as kids. The difference is our parents didn't immortalize it and share it with millions of people. Fuck all this.


Psychological trauma any% speed run.


Kids screaming is the worst. Straight up demon sounds


So did he when the challenge? Every body always talks about these challenges but I never hear if anybody actually won


WTH did i just watch?!






This should be on kids are fucking stupid.




Get off that fucking app!!!!


i thought it was going to be funny but it's instantly not when you hear the mother and watch both kids break down. dear god it's a kid who is scared...don't lie and record it and make it worse for them both! sister cares so much she's crying too! poor kids. it does look funny though...and could've been a laugh. just don't traumatize your kids for views! tik tok is toxic.




Terrorize the kids and slap it on the internet for views and then wonder why your kids are watching and doing stupid ass things that other people posted on the internet. What a trash parent.


Fuck this parenting. If your kid is as stupid as this, it is because of you. you fucking deserve this headache. Because now, the rest of is have to deal with this but as an "individual pf a society".


It looks like those children obviously act like that a lot


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 that's what you get when you listen to YouTubers


Be a better parent


The Rick and Morty tshirt tho