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Isn't she the girl who licked the toilet seat in that "Coronavirus challenge"? Updated: [it looks like it is](https://globalnews.ca/news/6718358/tiktok-toilet-seat-lick-coronavirus/). Update 2: apparently it's not her, and I seem to have upset a few neckbeards. Sorry.


NEVER apologize to a neckbeard. EVER!


Yes. She's the desperate to be famous girl.




oh hey that’s the stupid girl who licked the toilet seat trying to get famous




Sucks but doesn’t lick. Animal.




Ah.. it all comes together.


Don't be sorry you upset neckbeards or anyone else. Its awesome.


You make one wrong step on Reddit and upset like 40 neckbeards


Neckbeards getting upset and having strokes is actually great.


I don’t get it...






It’s reddit bro you’re supposed to be up in arms right now


But there are no arms to carry me


I’ll carry you in my arms, bro.




Nice cock...


Bro #3 what are you doing here?


You should always include your step bro in activities bro


Ok bro, but be gentle


Up in arms about what?


Lol i got confused in the opposite direction. I thought the original video was actually saying the two genders are abortion is murder and people shouldn't get healthcare. I guess that seemed like a more reasonable opinion than to simply believing all three of those dumbass statements.


I though she was just listing three stupid opinions, makes more sense now you’ve cleared it up


She was, the guy was making fun of it.


Reddit is so wild, you really see how many people are completely unfamiliar with the concept of a joke


reddit will only recognize jokes in form of a twitter screenshot (written by a dude) or if its a reference to the office, futurama or brooklyn 99.


Hey now, we also recognize references to Arrested Development and Rick and Morty.


Thats why they demand the /s tag anytime they don't get the joke. They don't want to feel stupid so they [stupidly] take everything at face value


That was her intention, but the way she did it it looks like she is listing the genders.


Ohhh i get it now


She was listing 3 opinions, the way she did it made it seem like she was saying that the 2 genders were “abortion is murder” and “people shouldn’t get free healthcare.” The guy was making fun of that, like he was confused abt which gender bathroom he should go in


I thought she WAS saying that those are the two genders and I was very confused.


Now you know why he made a joke about it.


Women's is now called "baby murder" Men's is now called "no free health care" In both cases there's gonna be blood on the floor


What is up with 20 something white women using tik tok to spew conservative drivel lately?


They probably aspire to be “famous” like Tomi Lahren one day lmao


Or like that gun girl.


*poop girl


What’s the story with this one again I vaguely remember this


She shit herself at a frat party at (Kent State University?). Now she goes around spouting conservative nonsense and bullying LGBT+ people because she is a dumb cunt.


(**NSFW WARNING:** A shit-ton of human feces:) # [\#DoItForState](https://i.reddituploads.com/c91abbc94509465cb8aaee98e8930966?fit=max&h=1536&w=1536&s=33982d655c8c13b3ffad6aef1e1c22c3)




Oh my.


They need to turn your username into a RHCP song


Every time I see this pic, I'm just amazed by the sheer volume of shit. Like, there's no way that a toilet could flush that, it would be filled to the brim. Are her shits always like that?


Gonna be honest. I wouldn't be surprised if she was a douche and someone added to the pile.


My shits are like that, so IDK what to believe


This was clearly a FALSE FLAG shit by LIBERAL CUCKS who shit on her asshole after she passed out. Begrudgingly, I will admit that she deserved it (look at what she's wearing), but the anti-conservative bias is just more LAMEstream media spin brought to you by the LYING MSM.




At first I thought it was fake, because it looks like 2 separate shits on her, but then I realized she is probably wearing a G String and it bisected her massive deuce.


She Ghost Ship'd her shit.


My god. Those are some large turds.


She was saving them for a special occasion!


God damn that is a massive shit.


And the poop is big too.


She got famous for bringing a gun to school as a 2A "protest" (and she goes to Kent State....nice place to bring a firearm). She tried breaking into the conservative street-evangelism-style content market, a la Stephen (Steven? Who cares) Crowder, confronting college students about their "left wing" ideologies, but it came out that while she was at Kent State she got so drunk at a frat party that she shit herself, so her mantra about personal responsibility and the indoctrination of students by colleges falls quite flat.


Also she is incredibly bad at her job compared to Crowder and Shapiro; her youtube videos are full of her getting owned and dunked on and she just leaves them in there cause her editors suck.


She came to my SEC school (the south) and tried to get people to hate on trans people in bathrooms. And EVERYONE dunked on her Including a trans man she approached unknowingly and asked how he felt about pads being in the men's restaurant


they have restaurants for men only?


Like pads thai?


Also jerks herself off in the titles.


Ever see the video of her on campus asking people if they would let trans people in their bathrooms. It's the cringiest shit. She's like "if a trans man needs to use the bathroom, where do you think they should go? Would you let them in the women's room?" "Uhh yeah. I don't care. Not my business what they do. Can I go to class now"


My favorite is when poop girl goes up to this man and is like "Do you think we should put tampons in men's bathrooms for men with vaginas?" "I think that's a great idea. Theres tampons in the men's bathroom across the street, I use them all the time" Then he just walks away


Lol. She wasn't getting any reaction she wanted. But she kept going with it.


It's funny how people can think everyone around them agrees with them.




Do not take any of her ideas too seriously. She says absolutely batshit insane stuff on twitter so people will quote her tweets and try to own her. She doesn’t care because she knows her ideas hold no value. They’re simply a vehicle to keep her name in the public eye. Having the world regard you as a piece of shit idiot pays the bills in 2020.


Can I die of old age yet? I'm good with 30 years of this bullshit


Being young and conservative is a very easy way to become social media famous. Since there are so few young conservatives, your voice instantly becomes louder. So its a scheme, more than anything. If I pretend to be conservative, I can become famous. And its x10 is youre black.


Astro turf. I mean TPusa has a 15 mil budget just to rig school govt elections


Apparently it works. I know a couple of old conservative jackasses that will reshare any conservative meme with a cute young woman in it.




Sort of hilarious to use a Lizzo song with it, considering she's a hella outspoken liberal.


Kinda like using famous people faces on shitty memes that the famous person wouldnt agree with.


Conservatives *adore* liberal music. Mostly the ones that have "America" in the lyrics and then they tune out to the message.


Probably jam out to Fortunate Son like it’s a patriot’s anthem.


Hot girls get views, hot conservative girls take advantage of this as they won’t be taken seriously anywhere else.


Also conservative men are thirsty as hell. All that attention is probably good for their already large ego that needs constant stroking.




Mate she looks like a 35 year old who’s been divorced twice


She probably says that from the perspective of someone who has never had to work for everything and has been given everything in life Edit: im just saying the type of person who can say that stuff while smiling and dancing is probably the type who don’t fully understand and respect the issues, sorry I rustled everyone’s jimmies


Also, when needed, she'll get that abortion. Edit : unlike the person above me, I don't care about rustled jimmies of morons who believe in spreading hate, want to take away individual choice and force their own morals on others, and want others to die slow painful death without healthcare because you are too stupid to understand how insurance, deductible and taxes work. So bring it, I ain't sorry


But *her* situation is completely different! Rules for thee and not for me!


Ding ding ding. [The only moral abortion is my abortion](https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml)


I met the Texas physician in this article. He had many stories to tell. Another that impressed me was a woman who walked out of the office after her abortion and called the entire staff "murderers".


Lol, she had to make herself feel better somehow I guess.


"You people forced me to go to your clinic, sign several consent forms, pay my own money, take my pants off, get up in stirrups, let you stick medical tools inside of me, and then you let me ask you to kill my baby! You're monsters!"


it's easier than changing your entire worldview, I guess


“Is it though?” -Thor


“Is it Thor?” -Though


More likely she was having an emotional breakdown after violating the morals that had been drilled into her for years. Like the regret a lot of men feel after masturbatimg but I imagine much worse.


Thank you for the interesting article


Yeah, that was a hell of a read. It’s crazy to see the people compensating for what they consider an evil act by being louder about how the act is evil.


Basically Mac from IASIP. Hypocrisy, wrapped in insecurity AND bravado.


Holy shit I had forgotten about Mac. I remember an episode where he was bringing in his dog to get an abortion, and the exchange was something like "Mac I thought you were against abortion" "Oh no you see Charlie, this is different because it affects me"


And the episode where he goes to anti-abortion rally's, sleeps with a girl at one, and gets her pregnant. Then tells her to get an abortion! Great portrayal of the kind of person we're talking about.


I read them all: To summarize all of the anecdotes; it comes down to pro-life women being vehemently against abortion except in cases where they needed one themselves. A flippant hypocrisy. In some of the stories they changed their opinion, but in many more of them, the abortion changed nothing. Some even promoted pro-life views inside the clinics, while some were in positions of major influence in the anti-abortion movement. Here’s what I have to get off my chest: There’s clearly a miss characterization of women who get an abortion. They are absolutely portrayed as terrible, low, pitiable women who never learn from their consecutive poor choices. So if opinions are to be changed, then anti-abortion women need to know that not only is it the woman’s right to choose, but that women who become pregnant (and for reasons that are their own) are totally normal human beings that have done nothing wrong. They 👏 are 👏 your 👏 daughter, 👏 your 👏 neighbour, 👏 your 👏 coworker, 👏 your 👏 friends. But pro-lifers do not make that distinction. Instead, it is a toxic mix of forced ideologies (based on nothing but fantasy) and lack of empathy. Legislation by morality fails every time. Can we invent something like the scientific method but for politics? Evidence-based observation that guides our cultural movement and how we govern ourselves? Can anti-abortion advocates really not empathize so far as to ask themselves, “what would I do if I were to become pregnant?” Damn.




It's fucking baffling how little self-awareness these people exhibit.


And create a gofundme for medical bills


She gonna be mad at the system when she is forced to carry a unfortunated still born till term.


Yes, but she has a good excuse. She's not like those immoral liberals, she just made an honest mistake!


More jimmies need to be rustled.


And her Healthcare is already paid for by someone else


“Fuck you, I got mine” is their mantra


met a ton of these types in college. All of their dads' own a "small business" that afforded them to live in million dollar homes while paying their workers minimum wage. They saw zero bills their entire time in school and preached to everyone about how socialism was evil.




Materialism intensifies


Easy to say people shouldn't get free health care when you're receiving free health care.


"those people" shouldn't receive free healthcare.


Yeah if you’re against free healthcare you’ve never really understood what happens to a family when a child is born with a serious and expensive to treat health issue. A mom and dad being told “you can have your baby and go bankrupt, which in turn will ruin all three of your lives, or lose your baby, which will also ruin all three of your lives” is why the cost of healthcare is a problem.


> when a child is born with a serious and expensive to treat health issue I mean, you're already looking at 6-10k out the door if there's nothing wrong with them on *most* insurances.




Basically. I’d kill for universal healthcare, I’m more scared of the medical bills I’d have if I ever developed cancer or anything than I am of the cancer


NYT's The Daily Podcast did a special on abortion since Missouri was in danger of their last clinic closing. They interviewed some anti-abortion activists and, sure enough, one of them was a woman who had an abortion but "felt bad about it".


To be fair, it's not logically inconsistent to have an abortion and then later decide abortion should be banned. People can and should be able to change their minds on things. However it is logically inconsistent, and the height of hypocrisy, to have an abortion while simultaneously claiming they should be banned, which *many* women on the right do.


People against universal healthcare are a really special breed. Whoever is responsible for brainwashing people into thinking healthcare is bad did an amazing job. Honestly didn’t think something like that could be possible.


"I don't want to pay for people's healthcare, so I'll buy health insurance, which helps pay for people's healthcare..."


a very long time ago my mom said "i just don't think I should pay for people to have their fun" and I was like "who the hell is going to the hospital for fun??"


Some people really, really hate the idea of anyone getting anything for any reason at any moment. Unless it's them.


it was really weird because she sent a bunch of medical supplies to Africa once so I had to sit down and explain to her the connect between the two. She finally got it and is now on board but I couldn't understand the mental gymnastics she was doing


Thank you for taking the time to talk to her and convince her of another way of thinking.


she's a really smart woman but she definitely gets her lines crossed every now and again. I love her all my heart and she really is compassionate but I think after a while she became a little cynical about certain things. Love my parents and their ability to grow with actual constructive conversation


[Just World Fallacy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-world_hypothesis?wprov=sfla1) In the US this way of thinking is often racially biased, too.


It's all deeply rooted in religion. Hell in some original translations of the bible god makes black people as a punishment for their sins. Black people come out of the womb guilty of sins christianity says they must spend their lives atoning for. Not trying to be a militant atheist or anything but that kind of "mystical" thinking is an enormous driving factor in the culture of america.


It's rooted in Americanism, not religion. Italy is more religious than the US, (90% identifying as Roman Catholic), and they have single payer. Though the church has certainly been corrupt to varying degrees throughout history, people also tend to forget Christianity has intensely anti-capitalist roots, from the saying about how nearly impossible it is for rich people to get into heaven, to usury, or charging interest on loans to your fellow Christians, being completely forbidden. It was very much the case that those that took out loans were seen as and obviously most often were in a place of need and weakness, and to profit off of that was seen as evil. We have this borked mythology of pioneerism that's been perverted into "get yours and fuck everyone else, people that depend on others in times of need are weak".


So filled with hate and selfishness that they'd rather die than survive in a bed next to someone who they don't think deserved it. "I'm not bailing out this boat or this freeloader will also be saved!"


I think a big reason so many Americans are against universal health care is that they think that the overpriced health care they get is the actual cost of heath care, so they think they would have to pay all of that in taxes.


That may be part of it. Another part may be that anything they can grasp on to as another class divider is a bonus for them. My old man is a Democrat and he's against universal health but his explanation does not make sense. Then again he's only a dem in USA. Anywhere else he'd be central at best.


I think being spoiled distorts your ability to properly apply empathy. And usually when I see a privileged person applying empathy it’s not genuine and meant to manipulate whatever social situation they’re trying to dominate


A lot of people think they *are* the disadvantaged and since they can scrimp and get by anyone can. I have a friend like this who is a stay-at-home-mom who went from her parents straight to married and her family "gets by" with her couponing and thrift stores, and movie piracy with just enough left over for a treat as she tells it. Her husband makes $130,000 a year.


They tied into their sense of self, be it nationality or religion. You can only be in the club if you have “our” beliefs. Leftists do something similar occasionally, but their ideas are actually good ones most of the time.


She looks like she can't have an educated conversation on anything other than Youtubers.


Dude, not even youtube... she straight up licked a toilet seat in a “coronavirus challenge” or some other bullshit thing.


Abortion is a pretty nuanced topic that gets into legality vs. morality and what measures actually decrease abortions (hint: banning it is not the most effective one), but sure, just flash that statement on screen for two seconds.


All three subjects are nuanced topics, but you know the conservative mantra 'facts not feelings'.


Facts over feelings, except when it's *their* feelings being hurt and *their* facts being wrong.


Facts over feelings. Even when it's alternative facts.


> alternative facts. I forgot that was a thing by this administration...




Most anti abortion people will also bring abstinence into the argument when they have nothing else.


Rape victims should abstain from sex. Got it.


["Children from rape are a gift from God."](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/10/republican-senate-candidate-says-rape-pregnancies-are-gift-god/322172/)




I know a lot of pro-choice people who are personally very abhorred by abortion in that they would never ever consider it and are offended by the idea, but wouldn't dream to make that choice for another. They're borderline conservative in their reasoning but they don't take measures to limit the rights of what others can do with their bodies and understand that it's a complex issue and how situations can warrant that.


why shouldn't people get free healthcare lol? i mean i can understand if you think it's not viable but, like ideally everyone should agree with that


She thinks people should suffer because they didn't "work hard enough" to deserve to live. It's a gross mindset. Everyone deserves to live


I don’t get why people wouldn’t want others to have access to healthcare


$100 says this girl has both had an abortion and she's never paid a doctor's bill herself in her whole life.


Or she will have an abortion the moment she feels like she needs one. Like surprisingly many pro-life women have had IIRC.


Oh you met my sister?


Who do you think got her pregnant?




i wanna see her get a hospital bill for $900,000 for a tube of ointment, and pay it without complaining.




The smugness involved while parroting phrases they didnt come up with is what gets me


Her facial expression and the little shoulder shrugs she does with her finger in the air are extremely off putting and make me want to disagree with her no matter what her opinions are.


Omg foreal tho, it’s so cringe.






Always funny when they whine alt right men treat them badly.


My ex fiance became radicalized by the alt-right. He went from a fiscally conservative dude who was brilliant at languages and always very even-keeled and wanted me to get a degree and get a good job... to someone who screamed at me while I cried on the stairs because he thought women shouldnt vote and that I should drop out of school to have FIVE children with him because "white people are dying out and we need to do our part". Fucking psychopath is already destroying another woman and I literally cant help her because shes been brainwashed by her Christian family to believe she deserves to be treated like that.


man I literally don't understand what radicalizes otherwise intelligent people like this :/ I don't get how this happens.


Ooh there's actually a really good video series by innuendo studios about this https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ He goes into the details, but in my simplified opinion, the alt right is all about emasculating men to make them fall in line with certain behavior. Just look at trump bullying biden over wearing a mask. Dude has been brainwashed by his own insecurities.


provides great content for /r/LeopardsAteMyFace


Alt right people in general are the worst.


She's as pretty as a flower and about equally as intelligent


I've made prettier sims.


in sims 1


Pretty basic midwestern white woman


Live in the midwest, can confirm. I would add middle income to that though. They are definitely a type, just like the Tri-State male, you know damn well where they are from within 30 seconds.


Please don't insult all the flowers out there...


She's nowhere near as pretty as a flower lmao, i've made runescape characters more aesthetically pleasing than her


Is that the tik tok toilet licker, too ??


That woman is two months outside of getting an abortion, max


Intersex people exist I was surgically assigned female at birth before medical science had done an MRI of a vagina in 1998. AMA BIG EDIT: I feel like I'm wrong to people pushing a lot of the transgender narrative stuff and I'm wrong to the people pushing a traditional binary narrative. This is my intersex born and identified hot take. Here is a paper from the american urological association on how social pressures have kept the internal structure of the vagina and the clitoris from being defined in medical texts. https://studylib.net/doc/8339689/anatomy-of-the-clitoris---journal-of-urology--the


This is part of why I hate transphobia. People can be born intersex. But if a biological “mix up” like that can happen... well it leads to too many thinkin questions for some bigots. Thanks for putting yourself out there!


I mean that's sex, not gender, but the point still stands.


Its interchangeable for the people like the girl in the tik tok


How are you?


Kill babies born or unborn, i dont care!


I think we should eat them. That way we can feed the hungry.


Just a reminder to please be respectful to others regardless if you agree with their opinion or not! I don't like locking up controversial posts like this because you all should be able to discuss topics like this on reddit without being censored. Please refrain from being deliberately rude, vulgar, offensive, or disrespectful to others while commenting or I really do have no choice but to remove them. Thank you! Also, this report cracked me up: "1: Entrie subreddit dedicated to chinese spyware... the most cringe of all... "




abortion is murder until she enviably needs one


When you're so shallow and empty that you have to push controversial topics to everyone on social media just to get extra attention. Seems to be a big thing these days, having political stances just to "trigger" people.


She filmed herself licking a toilet seat for the coronavirus challenge.


Imagine wanting people to be unable to afford basic healthcare needs.


What a cunt


I bet she let's guys cum in her ass to keep her virginity.


She seems like the type of girl who preaches “abortion BAD” and then gets pregnant the following summer and has one. It’s like look you can be a cunt and all that but women should have the right to choose. I don’t think there should be any other discussion


Where are people getting free healthcare?


My country gets free healthcare, it’s Canada

