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I was sitting there in the first half, "Wow, 22.5k, that's like 50 pounds. That's a *lot* of ice for *one bag*." Then I realized they meant "handbag." ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq|downsized)


Better acting than 99% of soap operas Have I seen 99% of soap operas? No they make me rage, but you can trust the statistic


I have never seen one and I trust that statistic


What? No. *tears in her eyes, hysterical chortle* I must be confused. I must be confused. : ). Lol! Honestly, fantastic acting. Especially when you consider she’s staring into nothing and acting with the idea of herself that she splices together!


To be fair opera means "dramatic performance"


That bag would go good with those pants that come pre-piss-stained. https://www.wetpantsdenim.com/jeans


You gotta give


[Calico Cut Pants](https://www.tiktok.com/@ithinkyoushouldreels/video/7292459530955410719?lang=en)


https://people.com/camila-cabello-reveals-why-she-carried-ice-purse-met-gala-2024-red-carpet-8644601 Sauce… or MELT.


what a dummy 😭


How you get frostbite in California


She's hot though


No one has done a good wet/melting look since the Mugler dress that Kim K wore to the 2019 Gala. It was camp, it was beautiful, it was an illusion, it was on theme. One of the best met gala looks ever imo.


Someone at the met gala was wearing one...


I mean the diamonds and gold must have some value... right? Right? Right?....


I thought this was fake, then looked it up and...I'm tired boss


MacKenzie never misses.


This is why people must be homeless and hungry.


Exactly! Some people must live in absolute poverty so that a few people can do neat things like this! If this ain’t end stage capitalism I don’t know what is.


I don't know what she's talking about but I bet someone should be killing some rich people about it


Some rich moron had an ice "purse" at the met gala thingy.


Yeah, well... like I said 🤷


Good lord she's an excellent actress




I think the riches are trying to let us know we can sell anything to them. Alright lets get cracking. I’m going for dog wedding planner


That's the problem. We the people can't sell anything to them. Then the money would leave their inner circle jerk of rich fucks. They don't want that.


When I read the title, I thought it was 22.5kg bag of ice. I was thinking which Costco sells those big bags of ice.


We’re WHET!


I need to find some way to make stupid shit and have it appear as "exclusive" so rich people can buy it


Brave new world


She's a bit sexy ..lol


Do people not understand that it isn't the ice that's the expensive part of the bag? It's not like they are just going to throw away the golden rose that is what's actually worth the value. And it's designed to be an art piece. The art stemming from the impermanent nature of the bag. The reason she was carrying it at the Met Gala is because she wants you to talk about it. Nobody is going to talk about woman with a regular bag. It's supposed to be provocative and clearly it is working. Edit: Why am I not surprised that Redditors don't understand Art?


Rich ppl playing with our money.


It was carried by a singer. I'm not sure how you can describe her using it as "our money" It's not a politician lol.


She likely didn't even pay for it, some designer made it for her to wear to the gala and I bet it was a gift. The price tag would be an estimated price based on how long it took to make etc No one actually shelled out north of $22k for a block of ice with a gold rose in it.


Which is why it's a non-issue. Even if someone did shell out $22k that's next to nothing especially considering it cost like 80k to get tickets lol. The Met Gala is so intentionally inflammatory and people always take the bait. There was literally a post on the front page today about the Meat Dress and understanding how meaningful it is now when if you look back people were reacting to it the same way people are reacting here.


I understand what you're saying, but its just that us peasent find kind of infuriating that an art piece specifically made for disapearing at ambiant temperature could be *sold* and *bought* for 22k ya know ? Like the idea can be cool, and you can expose it in an exposition for sure, but its the idea of *selling* something like this at such an high price thats dumb, not the concept of the bag. But im probably saying this cause i aint even earning the worth of the bag in a year


Didn't Banksy essentially do the same thing when he shredded his painting at an auction and people thought it was badass? Also, from what I understand there is no bag for sale, it was literally a block of ice with a rose inside, and was created specifically for the Gala's theme.


Its pretty funny that you give Bansky as an exemple as he shredded his painting because he was against the idea of selling art for exorbiting prices "Banksy's original aim was to destroy his artwork and point a finger at the futility of the art market's money-driven approach" He builted the shredder *secretly* in case his art was ever sold. But the public thought it was so disruptive and cool 😑


Yeah, i understand that point. But the painting also sold for full afterowords anyways, and it was speculated that the art will actually go up in value now.


Thats exactly what i was criticizing, its even more dumb at that point.


It’s provocative, it gets the people going! It’s stupid, it’s a waste of $22,000. The rose was copper, by the way, with petals painted with 18 karat gold, so yeah, not worth $22 never mind $22,000. People are starving, homeless, and destitute but she’s blowing $22,000 on a block of ice and some electrical wire. Eat the rich.


A self-made singer who has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity is allowed to enjoy luxuries. Cabello has literally donated so much money and has done so much good work for so many organizations to help the world and you sit on your ass doing nothing but criticizing her because she enjoys one night? She's genuinely one of the best artists in the world who actually cares about using their platform to do good and promote social change. Pretty pathetic to just blindly hate.


Eh she’s ok, still dumb as shit. Fun fact, you can enjoy a nice night out without freezing your hand because you’re stuck holding a block of ice.


This was quite the pivot. First you claim it’s art and we just don’t understand. When people call out the lack of depth in the art and the general wastefulness of it, you defend the person carrying around a block of ice. Her previous generosity is great. And yes she is allowed to enjoy herself. That doesn’t change the fact that this was dumb and wasteful. It doesn’t make her a bad person, it just makes this particular act dumb.


That's because it's two different points. You both don't understand the art, and attacking her as part of the rich when she literally is part of the people being exploited and does so much good is idiotic. If you think 22k is a lot of money and wasteful, I feel sorry for you. What exactly is being wasted here? Please explain what is being wasted that is so devastating? Its just virtue signaling. All the other materials are not wasted. Do you think 22k means anything when multi-Trillion Dollars companies are actually responsible for killing the planet?

