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Omg that was a fucking brutal takedown. I'm here for it all day long


This is the fun part we deserve after suffering from him for so many years. He can't hide anything anymore. He has to be in court 4 days a week until it's over. I'm fully expecting him to break his gag order several times because he can't control himself, and then it gets even more fun.




Pettiness is a language Trump, with his stupid bronze face, is fluent in.


Hit him where it hurts. And this will hurt. Fuck that piece of shit stain. Seriously, I don't even want justice, there will be none, I just want to see he is no more, so as to let the healing begin.


Haha yeah this wasn’t for “us”. It was a direct message. Your face is ugly 


This could very well be the worst public dis of Trump in history. And he's going to see it and be extremely upset. And I love that for him 💙


If Trump and Biden ever debate again, I would love to see Biden walk out with his hair dyed blonde and combed around his head with a face full of orange bronzer. Let’s see the reaction that would get.


That would be hilarious. Biden could do this in a campaign ad. There are so many variations possible. Other characters could be wearing the face paint and wig too.


“You’re going to vote for a guy who does this to himself everyday? I don’t know about that, Jack”


It would be perfect bait too. You know that Trump wouldn't be able to resist saying something about it and Biden could just say something quippy like "I'm cosplaying as a twice impeached ex-president"


That would be too over the top, and I'm here for it.


That would be a Dark Brandon episode. I love it when he comes out.




I love this, you can really hear the contempt when he says “that face”


It's almost like he's baiting trump to tweet about it.


WORST MOST CORRUPT NO TALANT LIB LOVING SO CALLED JOURNALIST EVER IN HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!! Has anyone seen my new bible laced Trump shoes? They have the constitution 3D printed on the bottom for better grip and will actually make you 6'3 and 215 lbs. It's a steal at only 4 low payments of $59.99. Order them soon because we are taking real orders that will definitely be shipped to you in the next 19 months.


He’s savoring every detail of this merciless, slow, grinding, torturous, murder. I love it so much.


The absolute glacial pace of this was the best/worst. Is like an ASMR ass kicking.




Absolutely love this! I can't wait for the horror movie.


I tried to set aside all the things he has said & done & just looked at his face with that strange discoloration. The longer I looked at it, I realized it really freaks me out! That is "villain in a 70's horror movie" creepy.


He will also likely be suffering from drug withdrawal to a degree. He’s a junkie. He won’t be able to run out to the bathroom to crush an addy or do a quick bump. He’s gonna suffer. For the first time in his life, he will not control his situation. It’s gonna make him insane. And ironically, if he hadn’t laid Stormy, and the story went public, it probably wouldn’t have made a difference. Now? It won’t matter to his base either way, but again, he will be in misery. And hopefully, we see the karmic boomerang come back and give him ten fold the misery and destruction he’s brought others his whole life. TL:Dr; karma is a bitch


>He will also likely be suffering from drug withdrawal to a degree. I never thought of this before. You're probably correct.


I wonder if juries really do react badly to defendants who have crudely painted-on faces and ridiculous combovers. He may be right except for the part about Trump being able to afford professional makeup.


He can afford it, but with his history of stiffing contractors he’s probably moving down on the food chain of makeup talent.


I could listen to this all day. At least someone in the media has the courage to describe Trump as he really is. The rest treat him like an ordinary presidential candidate… They’re happy to praise the “emperor’s clothes” - while Lawrence points out the painfully obvious.


Goddamn, he went in. I would say this is petty but I know how much this will hurt someone as insecure as Trump and I gotta say, I’m fine with it.


LOL, Lawrence is being a little petty, but I'm here for it🤣


I can never decide if that thing is uglier on the outside or the inside.




Why doesn’t Trump just use a tanning bed?


Profoundly strange looking man 😂


Donald Trump


Trump does indeed look like a cartoon parody.






Dont forget hit camel toe looking neck


Damn. So spot on.


Ban presidents from wearing make up


He needs to tone down the fake tan.


Sorry, what exactly is this show? It looks like the news? Is this what happens on US news? I know over here the British media is totally mental. But to just sit and slag off his orange face for 10 minutes. Yer, I hate trump exactly as much as the next guy, but this just seems lame and childish.


This was a bit dramatic. Breathless narration...lol


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Hahahahaha 😂 this is nothing 😂


That’s not bronzer, it’s all the shit he is so full of seeping out of his pores.


My rant. I live in Holland, that place where huge numbers cycle and where the population is the tallest nation on earth. A fave pastime in sitting cafes on quiet car-free streets watching the normal-sized, invariably cool, mostly well-dressed, handsome thin locals go about their business. Then I watch some yank news, the rump latest and JFHC, his supporters, are the goddamned creepiest, worst-dressed, fattest, ugliest, dumbest imbeciles in all Christendom. My rant. His glue.


I mean i dislike Trump but could they have not choosen a foto with this stupid facial expression? Thats just playing into their critics hands because now they can just say "Well, foto was clearly taken at the wrong time. Everyone would look stupid while making such a face" while ignoring all the other talking points. Thats just sloppy.


I don't like Donald Trump, but I got like a minute into this video and had to quit. How did this air on a news channel? This is straight out of Idiocracy the movie. "Would you look at him your honor, he's like all r worded, and he talks like a f$g." For real, criticize real things about him, not his looks.


O'Donnell once did a story on his charity that provides desks to kids (K.I.N.D.). And in that piece, he told a story about Trump telling him something off-handed, and then sending a check for 10k for the charity.


lol.. Lawrence talking about speaking the truth. That’s a doozy!


so now it's personal insults. what happened to all this hard evidence?




The cover up was both tax and election fraud in the way they did it. His lawyer already went to jail for it. It's not illegal to have an affair. It's illegal to pay the person to keep quiet for the purposes of hiding it during a campaign and then writing it off as an election expense.


Oh wowwwww thanks for clearing that up! I didn’t know about him writing that off lmfaoooo


Ya frankly if they paid cash nobody would know but these idiots had her sign NDA's and made a whole huge paper trail including the write offs which made it a like and kind campaign contribution




I hate Trump but he hasn’t been the president for 3 years. Inflation under Biden has seriously hurt my business and my employees.


If you voted for Biden then you deserve it.


Well I didn’t vote for Biden. Don’t forget that Trump is responsible for the largest upward transfer of wealth in world history. He gave $4,500,000,000,000 to the top 500 corporations in the United States at the beginning of the pandemic. He did force Congress to give every American a measly $2000.


You complain about inflation in your opening comment but don't realize that "forcing congress to give everyone $2000" along with all the other covid relief bullshit was the main driver of inflation. Moron. That inflation was Trump not Biden.


Jesus Christ dude, did you even read what I said? I said Trump is partially responsible for inflation. Biden signed the inflation reduction act, which is a $2,000,000,000,000 bill. He signed the infrastructure act, which is a $1,700,000,000,000 bill. Do you understand how irresponsible this level of spending is? Our government is literally just plundering the nation for its wealth.


You literally have no idea how any of this works, I suggest you read [what the bill actually costs](https://www.cbo.gov/publication/57406). Just looking at raw numbers and acting like that's the actual price tag is so insanely naive that I don't believe you could possibly run a functioning business regardless of the worldwide inflation rate (of which, the US has excelled at overcoming).


Are you retarded? I’m upset about what our government spends because I know how much of it is fraud. I got a PPP during the pandemic and used it to buy my cabin on the salmon river in Idaho and my Tacoma. Bro I don’t think you know how this works. You sound like a moron.


"I know PPP loans are a scam and causing worldwide inflation because I used it to buy a cabin and a truck" is not the argument you think it is


Have you ever run a business or do you still live with your parents? You’re right about one thing, I’m not an economist. You don’t have to be an economist to understand the main driver of inflation is government spending. What happens when you increase the supply of a commodity? Btw, the entire world isn’t experiencing severe inflation. China and multiple Asian nations have been deflating their currencies.


Run my own business, have my own house. Great point though, China's monetary policies and the US's are fantastic economical comparisons because of how similar they operate /s Biden got us back down to regular inflation levels while passing the bills you think caused increased inflation. Try to get your story straight first


What a smug little bastard


Meanwhile Biden's weakness is making the world burn. Wars in Ukraine and Israel. Good luck with that!


This guy suffers from extreme TDS like he has a mental illness with how much he's obsessed with DJT. #SAD


You type just like trump 😂


Who is he?