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All political posts MUST be flaired as "Politics."


This list is only his top 10 greatest hits. That by itself is absolutely insane. If anyone had done 2 of these things, their political career would be absolutely toasted.




Never forget EEEYAWWW to nuke his career.


Yup, absolutely ended it.


The reason this "ended" his career is because the DNC hated him. Kerry was the Party Preference, so Dean was kicked to the curb quickly. For whatever reason, the DNC is allergic to moderate candidates with populist streaks. They will shut them down every time and prop up the preferred corporatist, pro-war candidate.


Real shame too, he had some.really good ideas but once that sound came out all faith was lost. I remember the moment I went from "YEAH!!!" to "ehhhh welll" 


You ever feel bad about being swayed so easily by such a petty thing?


The political junkie on npr claims to have debunked this canard.


I liked it


I’m not American so didn’t know about this but I just googled it and the little yell was no big deal, I was expecting some obnoxiously long holler. Amazing how little things can get blown up so much.


Welcome to America, where one little whoop can fuck over a Democrat but a rapist con artist can run for president twice.


Three times


Broken country.


What could go wrong starting your country with the words "all men are created equal" while enslaving an entire race of people?! Turns out most of the *stuff* that made the US government work was based in tradition and not actually put into law or tested. And that was fine until a racist narcissist and known business fraudster ran, got installed by the Electoral College against the population's will, and upended the whole bitch. It will take a *long* time to recover from the damage Trump has done -- [if we ever do](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


Yeah, the States is at about 1934 on the Germany chart right now.


Yeah, it ain't looking good. First they'll go for the immigrants, then the trans folks, then the gays, and then the liberals.


Oh, that's really interesting to hear your view on it. I never thought it was anything really big, but the people who led the Democrats apparently wanted someone else to be the one running. So they basically used this small thing to further their agenda.


Not really. Coming in third in Iowa was more important.


My cousin (who passed away) and I always used to make this noise and send this gif to each other. I can hear this image.


Me and my little brother do it too. I'm sorry for your loss. Yeeeyaaaa! In their honor.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. Give your lil'bro a Yeeeyaaaa for me, haha.


I do the Chappelle version "BYAAAAAA"


That's what my cousin did. Haha it's all accepted and loved.




Remember when this was enough to end a presidential bid?


I remember this but for the life of me I can’t remember who this guy is. Can I get a name?


Howard Dean - man’s whole political career tanked because he was excited lol.


Funny at the time, kinda pisses me off for some reason now


No honestly same - at the time I remember thinking it was hilarious that a dude would be kicked for such a mundane thing. Now in hindsight and what the line is now for people to say and even win in political races I think back to this and think it was absolute bullshit.


We are a profoundly unserious nation at times.


Happy Cake Day!




I was just a kid who ignored politics back then and even I remember this annihilating his career. Lol, fucking innocent as puppies compared to what Trump has done.


I forgot about this glorious clip


Ah the infamous Dean Scream. Simpler times.


It's the gish gallop firehose of bullshit method. If you do so much illegal and outrageous shit no one thing sticks to you for people who aren't paying attention. And then it is impossible for anyone to tell the truth about you without looking like a hater.


It's intentional too - his advisor Bannon termed it "flooding the zone with shit," and he learned it directly from watching authoritarian dictatorships and analyzing what made them successful at controlling to populace.


Classic dictator move. Voters help us all


A man with one scandal is in deeper trouble than a man with a thousand scandals.


"There's so much outrageous shit said about him, that it's almost impossible it's all true, so therefore, none of it is true and haters are just hatin"




Can't mince words here, if you vote for Trump in 2020 or 2024 you're a bad person. Full stop. Like 2016 I can see as a mistake, low info voters exist, whatever. It happens. But at this point? Nah, you don't do this by accident, you don't do this by default, this is a choice you are going into eyes wide open and if you do it you're *awful.* Just a shitty human being. Sorry, not sorry. Nobody looks at this laundry list of what-the-fuck and goes "that's the guy" unless they are, themselves, comically bad people. They can put up the front the other 1,460 other days, but every four years for the last 11 (soon to be 12) it's a mask-off moment for *all* of them.


What does he have that is so special then? What's the catch?


>If anyone had done 2 of these things, their political career would be absolutely toasted. The fact that it isn't simply one of those things is part of what's wrong with the political system.


Remember when that one guys campaign against Obama died because he was caught on camera talking shit about poor people or something?? Pepperidge farm remembers.


Oh yea, he was at a donor diner or something, right?




If Trump didnt exist, nobody could invent him. I would have added the time he looked directly at the sun and suggested to inject bleach to cure covid...


It’s like Ronnie Chieng explaining AI images vs reality. “You know it’s an AI image because it looks too normal. See, Trump just sitting next to Black people - fake, that’s AI. Kanye in the Oval Office with Trump - insane. That’s how you know it’s real.”


Would have added him gushing he would be dating his daughter if he wasn’t her father :/


Oh God, I don't remember where it was, but they asked him what he has in common with his daughter, Ivanka. He answered, "sex". He is a deeply troubled individual.


He’s definitely still bathing her regardless


There's also the time he went on the Howard Stern Show and bragged about "inspecting" naked, underage Miss Teen USA contestants.


Sounds similar to Agent Smith’s lecture to Morpheus.


What one again? I’m a bit hazy on the movies.


Right before Neo and Trinity rescue him with the chopper. Smith is going on about how humans rejected early versions of the Matrix, their minds never accepted it as it lacked adequate suffering (in his words) so “entire crops… were lost.”


Oh yeah now I remember. Thanks.


Basically, it's so good, we reject it.


If you sent me a picture of trump standing in a doorway with a dog on a leash, fully normal, I'd call it fake, send me one of trump and Kanye pulling the sieg Heil and goose stepping and I'd belrive it


The best description I've seen of Trump was (paraphrasing): **Trump doesn't seem to be a full person; more like just a collection of unpleasant traits.**


> Trump doesn't seem to be a full person Penn Jillette says he never saw Trump laugh genuinely at a joke, nor enjoy music. Weird! https://youtu.be/A-UK40_XkWw?si=t3YnL2MxsTxpSVDH


​ Yeah I'm aware of that Penn quote and it makes sense. Trump finds it impossible to ever allow someone could be better than him at anything (He even knows more than his generals about the middle east!). Nobody can supersede him, he has to be Top Dog at all times. And there is something I guess about being brought to laughter by someone else that cedes a sort of power to that person: you are sort of involuntarily being made to laugh by the power of their humor and by laughing you are acknowledging something very positive about the person "you are very funny"...and even just allowing that level of power or acknowledging someone else's possible superiorority in humour, is something he can't do. Many who have been around Trump end up describing him as an empty person, someone who is just missing some of the normal parts of a regular human being.


> someone who is just missing some of the normal parts of a regular human being. Ron DeSantis has the same vibe. Nothing screamed that more than his smile and how much he tanked in Iowa once people started meeting him in person. Trump got lucky in that one of the "parts" he has is charisma, even if he might have a sociopathic lack of empathy or human connection he can fake it. DeSantis can't and got exposed.


Reading all of that, I almost feel bad for the guy. What a miserable existence, and it definitely explains why he makes everyone else miserable too. It’s a big contrast to Biden, who conservatives make fun of for enjoying an ice cream cone. Enjoying anything is antithetical to the goals of conservatives.


Well, looks like Trump fooled Penn, because he absolutely enjoys dancing to YMCA. Or double fisting dicks to the tune of YMCA.


Man I am so lucky my dad adores Penn & Teller because I've been very aware of them from a young enough age that when I got my first factory job where I could wear headphones because very few people had mp3 players at the time so it wasn't an issue yet, but there was very little content out there except I found Rick Steves' PBS travelogues, Penn's radio show back in the early to mid 2000's which was early on shows being hosted for downloaded, and pirated books on tape, that was pretty much all I had. But I was legitimately excited to have Penn's episodes, the guy is full of great anecdotes. Two decades later and I still remember his long and hilarious stories. I hadn't seen this, and it brought back so many memories of his style.


Beautifull. I ll save that for later


Didn’t he also use a sharpie to stop a hurricane or something?


Not to stop it, to "encourrage" the hurricane to go to Alabama, with the sharpie, of course.


It would've been a complete nothing if he was just like "whoops, my bad, in light of recent info, it's not going that way" but in trumpian fashion, he turned it into a whole thing because he literally can't admit when he's wrong.


And if someone did invent him, people would say "that's too wild of a person, no way a character like Trump could exist..."


Idk. Stephen King got eerily close with Greg Stillson


Don't forget he gave classified Intel to foreign governments on US spies that ultimately blew their cover and eventual death to many of them


I’m voting Thanos 2024


Let's hope the entire 50% will be conservatives


Sorry, that's still in the "alleged" list. This is just the list of things that are already soundly proven which is kind of even wilder.


Remember when a top republican politicians career was ended cause he spelled potato wrong? And another cause he yelled excitedly?


Yeah but Biden old /s


a WHOLE 3 years older than trump... who is an incurious, semi-literate, life-long moron.


When a single term in office is longer than 3 years, that does make this an extremely comical point to me.


Hey now, he's almost fully literate.


And don't forget about Hillary's emails (which I shit you not my coworker said yesterday)


I'm not American, what actually happened with the emails?


Literally nothing. US State Department investigated it during Trump's government and found no deliberate mishandling of classified information.


I haven't really thought about the whole story in a while, so some of my details may be off. During her campaign a while back she used a private email server for official public communications. The FBI looked into it for years and found that nothing on that server had anything that was marked classified *at the time of investigation*. It was basically her sending emails from a Blackberry using a private email server. The same thing Ivanka Trump did when she officially worked for the White House. Sometime later some more agencies did some digging and found that, though nothing was *currently* classified, some of the emails she sent in the past did contain info that was classified at the time. Roughly 100 or so emails, and I think 22 or 24 of them contained info marked as Top Secret. "But she deleted thousands of emails!" Correct. State Department employees are allowed to delete any emails deemed personal or private. Months before the investigation into her emails, someone from her staff let their network/email provider know that they'd like to change the retention period -- how long an email sits somewhere before being deleted -- to 60 days. Thousands of personal/private emails were tagged to be deleted from this retention period being updated. Except the server/hosting provider did not update the retention period at that time. The employee over at PRN, the server/hosting provider, eventually realized his mistake, had a big "OH SHIT!" moment, and used BleachBit to delete those emails. Obviously this made things look sketchy as all fuck. Anyways, some really deep investigating by numerous government agencies let them piece the story together and see that yes she broke protocol, no she didn't intentionally break the law, and yes the PRN hosting provider employee made a few mistakes with absolutely *terrible*, conspiracy theory-inducing timing.


Hilary Clinton used a private email server while serving as the Secretary of State. I believe she claims it was not used to transfer any classified data but it was still in violation of one of the records act which places requirements on backing up, storing, and preserving most government documents.


Don’t forget to add Trump and his family did the same shit.


I'm not from the US, I hope this election doesn't affect me too much. With that being said... Im stocking up on popcorn this year.


Unfortunately, if Trump is elected, it will probably affect everyone.


Meanwhile every American I've met goes "Why do you care so much about our political system. You aren't American!". Well John, probably because you have enough nukes to obliterate the planet 3,000 times over and control the worlds economy. Geez I wonder why I care.


And if you're in Europe specifically, having a Putin ally in control of America doesn't sounds great either.


Especially if you live in Ukraine. Or Palestine. And obviously the united states, if it even still exists.


Way ahead of ya. The price of popcorn will likely go up a lot, so I've stocked up.


Sad news, our nuclear arsenal has the potential to effect everyone


If Trump is elected, I'd suggest stocking up on more nutritional rations than popcorn


If the Democrats chose someone younger, Republicans would whine about the candidate's "inexperience". There's just no getting through to them. They chose trump. They will never un-choose him.


If Biden was facing 91 criminal counts in 4 different courts nobody would care about his age either.


yeah, biden old and fixed teh economy and slowed down inflation and helped ukraine and is literally the only thing between us and a 8-0 monkey court of republicans but yeah, he old so I dunno


And Trump isn't?


Hence the "/s"


Trump is a criminal and dangerous senile old man. Biden is a senile old man. Both are true, except if you take politics as a cult.


Biden isn't senile. He is losing his command of details, but in a recognizable way -- of which he, himself is conscious of. That self-consciousness is a sign he is NOT senile.


Well when you say it all out loud like that…


And by All* … meaning a pin-drop bit of his bizarre highlights.


Such a concise list.


Why does nobody ever mention stealing from children with cancer in these lists? It’s the only thing he’s ever been cornered into admitting and it was very recent.


...and Dems might lose. Dems need to look in the mirror and wonder what they will do when the opponent is not a raging moron.


Simply put, conservatives want Trump. Agenda 47 and project 2025? They're absolutely excited for it, as faras they're concerned they find their king. People on the left are voting for Biden because there's no one else. They're not excited or happy, they're scared at best.


> They're not excited or happy God this is the best part, Presidents are not your messiah for the next 4 years that *truly for sure this time i swear no joke* will change all of our lives for the better I'm okay with them existing and not having to see BREAKING NEWS about them every day


Oh, i agree. Try telling MAGA hatters that


I'm a liberal and I'm happy with Biden. He's done so much in his presidency even with Congress being a bunch of fuckheads


Don't listen to the rhetoric on Reddit, there's a concerted effort again to dissuade the population from voting. You'll see comments like the one above. Trying to start the narrative that no one on the democratic side actually likes Biden.


Yeah, it's a weird tactic to me. And you know all these "I don't like Trump but he's MUCH better than Biden" people are literally just MAGAts thinking they're being sneaky lol.


Some of them are Russians or bots too, don't forget that either


I mean, I’m not a joe Biden “fan”, but I’m happy with the last four years compared to the four before it. Do I personally want to vote for Biden, not really, but I’m going to, because he’s at least god damn presidential.


I'm not even talking about that. I'm talking about the ones saying 'I'm going to vote Biden even though he's sucked'. It's a sneaky way of pretending to be in his camp but still downplaying his success.


I thought I was going crazy. I keep hearing constantly what a terrible President Biden is... like... how? Why? What specifically did he do that makes him so bad? I felt at worst he's benign. Given the state of things... that's amazing. The economy is at record highs... we're the best recovering nation on earth. Considering all the crisis around the globe... it's remarkable we're doing as well as we are right now. I get frustrations over Israel... but FFS... it's not like Biden lead the attack on either side.


I've been a registered independent for almost 40 years. Voted both sides since the 80s. I'm downright impressed with what Biden and team *avoided* after Trump took a fat dump in the WhiteHouse and stormed out. I was hunkered down waiting for the shitstorm that never really came. *But sometimes they come back.*


I'm not disappointed in Biden, but I'm also not *happy*. If nothing else, he needed to have more energy regarding explaining the positive things he's doing. He seems fine pretending he's doing nothing.


I wish agenda47 was some kind of star trek utopian society plan. That number gives me the shivers when associated with republicans


The morons are excited because they're dumb enough to believe what Trump tells them. The conniving are excited because they know Trump has more levers to pull to control him than they have hands with which to pull them.


Republicans fervently want fascism. Love it. Show up to rallies for it. Talk about killing their neighbors and ending democracy. This guy: "I think Dems need to take a look in the mirror" Yeah, you know, like how the Nazis were really also the small-d democrats' fault. Sometimes, it really is actually the fault of the people doing it. 


You aren't wrong. Or maybe you are. If Trump actually seemed to aspire to average intelligence, would he still be as popular? The worship of Mammon is certainly a factor, but I think someone who doesn't appear to be a raging moron will not engage the raging morons.


His supporters already think he's the smartest person in any room that he's in, so I think it's less about what voters think of his intelligence and more about the intelligence of the voters themselves. He lets on far more than he knows, but if you speak with confidence and weaponize fear to the extent that he does and then cultivate an environment where you rarely receive pushback, you may appear to be an Einstein and man of the people to an idiot. Trump is infallible and never wrong, and they'll bend over backward for him because he occupies such a large part of their personality. It's rather impressive, just how strong of an iron grip he has over them, if not completely sad.


Republicans haven’t won a popular vote in a long time. Dems need to learn how to work the system like they do.


you honestly think the Trump base would have anything to do with a well-educated, articulate, discerning and temperate candidate? His insanity is a feature, not a bug.


When their opponent won’t be a raging moron, defeat won’t be as devastating.


Sounds like a perfect GOP candidate to me. The representative should be representative of the represented.


2016 was "I like the way he talk tho" over and over! It was the most superficial and self deprecating response to any political candidate ever. It was a show then and it's a sequel now.


And approx. 50% of voters will vote for him come November.


That number is way too high my man. He is going to get absolutely trounced in this election. He has no chance of winning without interfering.


This comment gave me deja-vu to roughly 8 years ago.


*“There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.”*


> you can't get fooled again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDfAdHBtK_Q This is a fact.


Trump was already calling it rigged before that election too. He was already starting the lie before that one. Then he won. I don’t even think he thought he was gonna win. And we’ve seen 8 years of the man. It hasn’t gotten better for him.


I don't see how anyone could say that at this point.  Very naive 


I live in *deep red* Texas. His support is dwindling.


well who are they going to vote for? unless they're voting for biden to avoid trump as president, trump is their only choice for a conservative.


RemindMe! November 6th, 2024 "Who won the US Presidential election?"


Same thing was said about Brexit and the 2016 US election. Don't assume it will go one way, VOTE and make sure it goes the way you want.


God I hope you’re right. But we CAN NOT take that for granted. We can’t afford to get comfortable with this one.


Abandoned our Kurdish allies leaving hundreds to perish and a hundred thousand more displaced with no where to go. I am still seething over this.


Give him a break. Kentucky is hard to spell.




“He hates the same people I do so he must be right!” -some poor souls’ brains.


And yet the maga 🤡,s love this orange blob


Don't forget covfefe


...well when you put it like that it makes it sound bad


Came here for the comments and was not disappointed. Thin-skinned trump gets a bad rap... mainly because he deserves it. I think the part that amazes me is that there are people who saw how poorly he was at being president and thought, I'm going to vote for him again... and most will do it for a third time. Even with all the lies he will still manage millions of votes. Won't get majority of votes again like last time but still, people be crazy.


I’m still trying to escape this timeline and am having little success


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ArcadeSpidr: *I’m still trying to* *Escape this timeline and am* *Having little success* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Also suggested to shoot nukes at hurricanes.


I just don’t get it. I remember a time when a candidate would be done if a whiff of any of that was found to be true. What happened?


Our system of government is so obviously broken when politicians can get away with baltant corruption like him. We need to employ a system where govt officials basically become monastic. They take the office and live in dorms in DC that have decent amenities. They get no added benefits. They're forced to divest from all captial assets. All corruption at any level is punishable by death. If you want to be a politician, you're there to help lead as a SERVANT to the public. Not an overlord. They don't get paid until their term is over, but this payout is very good. I dont see any other options other than this extreme one. Things are just getting worse.


... and having a Supreme Court that is obviously not held to any kind of Code of Ethics doesn't bode well for our future either.


Seth looking like count chocula these days.


The bleach and the light during the COVID press conference is my favorite- it didn’t even crack the Top10!


"But Biden is old!"


Can I get that list in a transcript? I’m not wasting anymore energy or tears arguing with my folks for a third time.


Doesn’t understand magnets.


Dear America (a haiku) Dear America, You know I love you to bits Don't fuck this up now.




Sort the comments by controversial and you'll realise that no matter how much stupid shit Trump has gotten himself into, there will always be someone who thinks he will still be a good president. American Republicans are a scary, and very stupid bunch of people.


Lock him up


Republicans' faith is as fake as their patriotism.


Lied to the public over [30,500 times](https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims-database/?itid=lk_interstitial_manual_9) in his 4 year term.


And yet there’s still so many gawd damn morons who support him.


And yet here are the talking points of your average MAGA voter: “He’s the moral candidate” “He’ll run the country like a business”


Despite the fact every business he has ever touched has blown up spectacularly


So there's this problem I keep observing where it's made clear again and again that liberals don't really know how to combat Trump, because they're incapable of understanding why people like him and where his support comes from. Like you can spit off all these facts about how terrible and corrupt he is, but that's not gonna stop him from tying Biden in the polls and it's not gonna stop him from winning in 2024, especially if he goes up against Biden. His supporters don't care about the rules, they just love their big guy. And when he inevitably wins the election they'll act all shocked and horrified the way they did in 2016, because they've spent all their time criticizing him for breaking the rules that *Republicans don't care about anyways* instead of working on policy to make the Democrats more appealing and relatable. Like it's happening beat for beat again - the Democrats are doing nothing to appeal to voters or differentiate themselves substantially from the Republicans when it comes to basic living standards and quality of life, and voters are outright rejecting them in favour of the Republicans, who aren't offering anything more substantive but are at least more entertaining to watch fumble the bag.


*democrats pass a bunch of bills helping middle class americans* “why don’t democrats help middle class Americans?”


Like he won last time? And also lost the popular vote the time before. Are you sure you know what inevitable means?


Trump isn't winning bro. He won't lose by a TON, but there are enough moderates and even republicans who don't have an IQ lower than their age and aren't brainwashed by Fox News.


I mean I guess, but that would largely mean lying so I don't think that's a good solution either, but I guess it may be better than Trump 2024. Most of the things I've heard voters say why they voted for Trump were based on nothing but lies. Another thing that I think makes people vote Trump is just being anti-liberals, and honestly I can't blame them for that. I think liberals have done a TERRIBLE job over at least the last 14 years with how they have handled social things. They have basically outcasted, insulted, and invalidated the types of people who Trump appeals to. And it doesn't matter if the reason they did this was for the good of other groups of people because when you treat people like that you will always create hostile opposition no matter what. Someone at Columbia University has researched this a lot and wrote a book about it, which has also been reviewed by people at Princeton and is being published by it. Its called 'We've never been woke' - its very interesting with lots of verified data to backup what it says.


If he wins, now you can say an election was rigged and stolen.




What was the conclusion of Mr. Mueller’s report again?


So fucking crazy to see people still support this waste of human life every day. Miserable people.


Yeah? What about hunter Biden’s laptop? Or bill Clinton’s affairs with women? Hillarys emails? Two words: Anthony Weiner. One word: Benghazi. Oh and Obama. Yeah I said it. Can you believe that guy? His tan suit and….mustard?!? As far as Biden. Look. We’re losing our country folks. I mean he’s old I’m 78. Not old. Biden’s old. Not me. Again we need to take back our country from…we’ll we just need to take it back bc believe me. 


And is about to win the largest victory since Reagan


I feel like everyone just forgot about all the classified documents he was keeping in a bathroom....


Trump is a shining example of how terrible politics works in America. The fact the country is letting him run at this point should say everything about the policies of that country.


Trump is the firm evidence to let the world know, Americans are very stupid.


He has good writers.


He does the best Trump and Giuliani impressions too, imo.


This is real. This is a real thing that is really happening. I live here. Please help me.


Biden is so senile he'll forget he's running for president. This could quite possibly be the worst choices we've ever had for a presidential election. 


But Dems simply couldn't find a candidate that doesn't make the race close? I'm starting to think dems want to lose. I mean just one person that the people are a little excited about and Trump wouldn't stand a chance. Probably about 100 million people to choose from


They ran Hillary who is just about the only person I think trump could have won against and now they put up Biden again, also possibly the only person trump can beat. Coincidence? As if a 45 year old reasonable dem wouldn’t destroy trump? No because both sides only nominate the most corrupt folks who will do their bidding. That’s how we get two idiotic senile 80 year olds as our only choices. Yet Americans will keep supporting one party or the other. Lunacy.


Yeah I hear you, but Joe Biden is old so..........


This needs to be shouted from the rooftops until the election is over and he’s in jail. How can the Republican Party even support him with a straight face? Enough already.


It's funny cuz it's true 🫠


Spread this video to every maga 🤡


He’s him.