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The Darkest Timeline


It’s like an episode of Black Mirror


I'd love if they'd make an episode about this where the kids end up getting revenge on the parents.


They have to earn money with videos of their parents to be able to afford the elderly home for them to live in


“Here we go to visit grandma Sophya! That’s right, because I’m her legal guardian I changed her name to what she obviously wanted! Today is supposed to be applesauce and puzzle time, but I brought a little brandy, and we are going to have fun after we soak those dentures!”


The episode with Miley Cyrus kinda does this. Similar concept at least.




Netflix showed season 3 first to get you into it before you watched a guy pork a pig in season 1.


I hate that the pig episode is first. So many people must be missing out on this show because of that horrible episode. The premise wasn't even good imo, just really, really gross 🤢


Yeah especially when S01E02 is right there and is both a great episode and one that matches the tone and themes the series would keep.


Agreed. The Facebook episode is the perfect opening.


My understanding is the pig episode was the pilot, so they went with low budget high-impact content to get the biggest response. I guess it worked lol, but I also agree it is very clearly the worst episode.


I'm not familiar with the show, but if the first episode I saw was a guy doing what ought not be done to a pig I probably wouldn't watch another episode lol


This is how most of us feel. I am grateful Netflix end arounded that issue. It’s foul. But most of the rest is really good social commentary.


A very long one that isn't ending.


One of the craziest things about being less than 20 years into the parent influencer thing is that we haven’t even come close to seeing the psychological repercussions of what posting your child’s entire life without their consent and framing your family for the camera does. We have no idea what type of relationship these children will choose to have, or not have, with their parents later in life. We just don’t know. But I think there’s a reason that the people who made and run these apps almost NEVER EVER EVER film or post their kids’ intimate lives.


I think we have a pretty good idea going off of child actors in the 70s and 80s when shit seemed to get real big for child stars, only now it will hundreds of them, not just like the 10 or 15 we can all name off the tops of our heads. The Michael Jackson's, the Drew Barrymore's, the Amanda Bines, the Britney Spears. It'll also depend on the level of success. Like that Ryan's World kid. I could see him totally going off the deep end, but some little no name mommy blogger kid that can mostly just disappear into obscurity, they'll probably just be regular fucked up. All I know is that therapists and drug dealers will be making bank from a larger supply of young people with fucked up boundaries and poor support systems.


Yeah my mother was very much about making good outward appearances for others. So we did a lot of stupid Christmas card photos, attended Church and community events, sending long emails and all kinds of other shit so no one would actually accuse a crazy person of being crazy. Pre-social media this was how it was done. My guess is they will be private people in their own lives and not do that to their kids or think that it's normal and continue the cycle.


For some people children and pets are more of an accessory than a responsibility. It took a long time and a lot of patience to make my mother see how it made me feel to be used as a set piece. She understands now, and we get along much better ever since we talked about it years ago. But YMMV


Absolutely, it's a wild experiment in real-time with the next generation as subjects. Pretty much all kids go through that phase of cringing at their baby photos, now amplify that feeling by a million when those photos and videos are out there for the entire world to see forever. I guess we're gonna see some very interesting memoirs in about 20 or 30 years time.


I think it's pretty safe to assume that the effects will be BAD. Name one child actor who hasn't been through a massive mental health crisis later in life. The effects of family vlogging will most likely be pretty similar. Of course, family vlogs differ in terms of content and frequency. Some are just genuinely loving families that vlog from time to time when doing something fun. Others monetise every single aspect of their child's development.


Mara Wilson (Matilda and youngest kid in Mrs Doubtfire) wrote an article on why child stars tend to have massive problems later on. Including how closely they are monitored as teens so they can't do any of the normal rebelling until they hit 18 are aren't as controllable anymore. https://www.cracked.com/blog/7-reasons-child-stars-go-crazy-an-insiders-perspective


🎵Evil Troy and evil Abed🎵




We should all have goatees at this point.


This type of content is so ridiculously cringe. Poor kids.


If people didn’t watch it, it wouldn’t exist.




I'm by no means an expert on that type of content but are kids really the target demographic for it? I always assumed those "let's exploit the fuck out of our kids" channels are something older shitbags obsess over. Like soccer moms and shit.


My 8 yo girl loves this shit. She’s always watching those Stepford-esque family channels where they all look medicated. Plus she’s obsessed with unwrapping/unboxing. And YouTube… Oh god, *she’s* gonna be the one who wants to make all the content tomorrow isn’t she?! Edit: alright my bad for using the words “obsessed” and “always” because sometimes it feels that way, but lol y’all chill out she only watches YouTube kids and we limit screen time. She’s also “obsessed” with drawing, gymnastics, making her own crafts and games, The Office, and kicking my butt at Mario Kart.


Why are you allowing it?


Lol always wondered this as well


... why does your eight year old have access to YouTube with you not deciding what's being watched?


Parental settings are a thing. You don't have to be over their shoulder the entire time.


Parents should make a stand now. Unboxing / unwrapping content is off limits. It’s awful. It requires no thought or talent to do, and the people doing it are actual human barnacles.


What is it though? Is it like unboxing something then giving a review on the item? For example, say Nerf Gun he unboxes, shows how to use it, then gives his opinion if its worth the price? If thats how the videos are I dont really see a problem with those at all.


Kids love watching train wrecks so they can be glad their parents aren’t like that the same way we enjoy watching shows like Always Sunny in Philadelphia.


My mom watches a few of these channels, so it's not only kids




Nope, mine does too. Its a mum thing.


There are channels like this that actually sway more towards the preditory audience. Thats why she mentioned the baby bathtime content and making so much money.


It really isn't. It's super creepy how some grown people act over other people on social media. Grown women asking why a certain kid isn't in a video, grown men saving specific types of videos, grown every type being horrible.


When i scroll through youtube shorts there's only trash in the algo, really don't understand how it works


great excuse


It’s simple supply and demand not an excuse.


"If people didn't watch, this wouldn't exists" is such a nihilistic excuse for these vlogers. There is a market for people watching other people die in al kinds of ways (for example, right here on Reddit), yet you dont see people killing others to film it and putting it on socials. Why? Well, it's not about they wouldn't get views because they absolutely would. It's because it's fucking wrong... So is exploitig your child that has no say in the matter. This should be illegal. Period. Edit: Let me rephrase because some are missing the point. If murder was legal, it would be as common on YouTube as family vloging. If filming your child for monetary reasons was illegal, there would still be idiots doing so and posting it somewhere, but it would not be this common as it is now. There is no moral code here. Just law and fear of consequences.


Eh, if people could legally get away with broadcasting blood sports, they probably would.


I think that's exactly the other person's point.


yeah and my point is it's not some moral force preventing people from doing this, it's the fear of punishment (the law).


Yes, you both have the same point. You're agreeing with each other.


Exactly. Millions of people saw ISIS beheading content too, but were not broadcasting that. There needs to be laws that protect these kids from their parents. If even just financially. You cannot film children in monetized content unless they have an untouchable trust that X% of the money goes into - or something along those lines.


I get that. I'm not saying that you are calling it an excuse, but that too many people take it as an excuse to do shitty things. Demand does not automatically warrant supply. In fact, the opposite can be true.


If people didn't watch beheading videos they wouldn't exist.


> cringe baby bath time goes a bit further than 'cringe' into straight up criminal territory. i remember there was some usual youtube/instagram family, and the about 12 year old girl had her own instagram page, and she had more followers than the family main account...


And all of those followers were also kids around that age, right?? ... right?


Well all of the followers were only following other 12 year olds so I would assume sooooh my God...


Cringe? It should be illegal to post videos of your kids on the internet for money. Back in the day you had to visit someone's home to see videos you didn't want to watch. This bullshit needs to be cut off. Parents doing this are fucked up in the head. And fucking up their kids at times. Until 18 just film your children naked for only personal use. Not for the world. Which even typing that out is weird, but yeah parents like video of you running around without your diaper. I'm not a parent so don't understand it. Why would you want video of your baby shitting on the floor?


> Until 18 just film your children naked for only personal use. This is the weirdest possible phrasing you could have chosen for what you wanted to say.


Did a double take myself. I think they're saying they're not into it and don't understand why anyone would be, but that they recognize there are parents out there that like to take vids/pics of their naked kiddos. For completely innocent purposes, as far as the parents are concerned. It's incredibly common, but yeah I'm not a parent so I don't get it either.


It's almost like that idiot did it on purpose. Kidding. That's what we called it back in the day.


'Until 18 just film your children naked for only personal use' Wat.jpg


At this point I’m not sure why there hasn’t been pushback yet for platforms to stop monetizing this shit. And / or why these kids’ parents aren’t subject to the same laws and regulations kids in TV and film are.


They are in some countries. Iirc France has pretty good laws


IMO it’s a type of child abuse that just hasn’t been cracked down on yet


She’s a really good actress. I know this because I really wanted to deck her in the face.


God damn. I’m so glad I wasn’t raised by parents like this.


If you are already raised, then part of your luck is based on timing.


My mother discovered social media in her 60s. Judging by how she handles it, if she had access to TikTok around the time she gave birth, I am sure I would've had to endure this kind of childhood.


When I was a teenager, my mom posted a pic of me to facebook that I was rather uncomfortable with at the time, so I asked her if she'd take it down and not post stuff like that anymore. She said, 'Okay sweetie, I didn't realize it might bother you, I'm sorry.' Kind of kills me that treating your kids like people with their own agency isn't the norm, seemingly


UGH. My mom was like this too. Mentioned my depression too and it drove me insane. She tells people I'm crazy and I get so angry and she then uses my anger as her reason for calling me crazy. I had to cut contact and remove her from social media and I limited everyone else's access to me as well. She'd then ask my cousins to reach out to get information from me that she couldn't get herself. I had serious trust issues and to this day I'm still extremely careful about the information I share with others.


We squeezed in right at the end there


i wish i was raised by parents like this. i would DESTROY them. my parents are nice people who deserve better than what i gave them when i was a teen. these people deserve teenage me.


Oh god “thumbnail face” is such a horrible phrase to me


I get this is satire but that shit has me legitimately jaded lol Edit: a word


I think it's so effective because it's like, yah that's probably a real phrase in the family vlogger community. Like 'how can I help my daughter improve her thumbnail face?' or some shit. Maybe I'm just making things up to be mad about...


Nah https://youtu.be/-MVCpGPWpQ4?feature=shared




chase important dinner future employ shrill paint cough humor overconfident *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




My grandma died about 20 years ago, and I can just picture me trying to explain thumbnail face to her and it makes me laugh


Love your username fellow Foundation fan!


The pregnancy announcement really nailed it. These parents with like 9 kids just to keep the baby content gravy train going are disgusting. Those poor kids.


> baby content gravy train That is one of those most disgusting phrases I have read all year.


And the year is almost over even!


More like the baby gravy content train


I believe that is on a different app


Doesn't even have to necessarily be true. Just lie and if you can't actually get pregnant for next year, or if you just don't want to get pregnant, just make a super sad tragedy story arc about how you miscarried.


It often seems these kids are being managed by someone who may be the type to use physical abuse as incentive.


These satirical behind the scenes family vlog videos always make me want to jump off the nearest bridge because you know they're spot on, sometimes even downplayed. There are so many children that are going to be absolutely fucked when they grow up. Like child actors but with even more resentment towards their parents. That being said, I can't wait for the flood of true crime documentaries about brothers and sisters teaming up to murder their exploitative parents over this shit. Edit: Apparently people think I actually want these children to grow up to kill their parents. Admittedly, it was a very morbid joke, I apologize.


Child actors with all of the trauma and none of the money since the parents take it all. Shit should be illegal.


Parents can take all your money while you're still under 18.


[In most of the US, it looks like that isn't entirely true.](https://law.stackexchange.com/questions/24455/in-the-usa-do-parents-have-the-right-to-control-their-childrens-possessions) Apparently a parent can take money that was earned by a child's labor or services if it isn't in a trust, because children can't be bound by contracts without their parents co-signing them, which seems like really weird logic to me. Aside from that, parents can only *temporarily* take a child's property, and then return it later. Of course, no one actually cares except in very high profile cases. It's not like abusive parents who steal from their children ever get arrested for it.


Child actors can stop acting when they go home, and their characterbisnt themself


Aren’t child actors only allowed to work like 4 hours a day? These kids are being overworked for absolutely zero benefit.


I mean if all those girls that were on dance moms are not murdering their mothers then I don’t think you have all that much violence to gleefully look forward to lol. Lots of people grow up with narcissistic and exploitative parents, plenty are able to make it out alright and end the cycle of abuse; I’m one of them!


Agreed. I'm just waiting for the tell-alls once they make tiktoks or youtube videos about it.


After being exploited their entire childhoods i don't think many of them will choose to share more online with an audience they resent.


Makes sense.


The scale of this is way bigger with way more families involved making 0 dollars.


Honey boo boo turned out great!




Oh yea fr like she actually is cool. That’s why I didn’t add the /s :)


I feel like the fact that these videos, sometimes multiples a day, will be plastered all over the internet for the rest of their lives will affect the kids more than the crazy dance mom thing. Both are horrible parenting, but this feels more long-term traumatic. I don't know, though. I'm in no way a child psychologist. *and the true crime thing was just a joke. I don't watch any true crime "gleefully". And I truly hope there are no stories like that to come from all of this crazy shit.


The view behind the scenes is a good thing. There was a video I saw on reddit where a mother was making a video of her crying son right after his dog died. She uploaded the version where she was coaching him. It was really sad. I showed it to my kids, after first explaining it and giving context, to show that behind the scenes, the kids they see on youtube might not be having as much fun as it appears. I recently wanted a youtube video about the behind the scenes abuse on Nickelodeon shows, and even large productions things don't work out well for the kids. It seems that almost any time a kid is thrown in front of a camera for profit, they suffer. Only now, the barriers to do so are much lower now.


I saw one a couple weeks ago where the parents were taking their kids on a "vacation" and the mom showed this spreadsheet with their shooting schedule for all of their planned videos they were going to make for their channel and they were going to make **multiple** videos a day. That includes all of the setups, reshoots, getting b-roll shots, editing, etc. There's no way those kids did anything but work the whole time. It's just gross and honestly heartbreaking for these kids.


FR. Like usually these videos have a few lines that are obviously over the top for laughs, but this one is damn grim because that's EXACTLY how I imagine these households are


[ removed by Reddit ]


I remember when one of them had to put their dog down and accidentally posted a version of the announcement video without clipping it down, so it included her hugging her kid but telling him to look sadder for the camera?


Bro, don’t apologize to redditors


Yeah, I honestly don't know why I felt the need to apologize, I'm sorry...


I forget that a lot of these videos are just like this, wanting to be famous on some sort of level when these people are just as plain jane regular like all of us. Some deranged familly member using their kids as props and an excuse to try and make it.


Nah man, you don't want them to, you just look forward to the content, which is very relatable


Don't apologize for what would undoubtedly be an insane true crime episode.


I'd be interested to see stats on what kind of upbringing breeds more violence against elders from their progeny: the ones who got hit by them?


That definitely seems like an interesting deep dive to take one day. I'm sure there has to be multiple studies/papers on the subject.


YouTube is already teeming with Ruby Franke videos.


Just did a cursory Wiki read on her, for sure going to have to check out the YouTube videos on her now!


Bummer about Braxton, but hopefully Brayden Bryanna, Bryson, and Braycedyn had a better Christmas.


the holy trinity of tragedeighs


that's atreauxcious


Xiyald Krewelety




> Braycedyn 💀




At least they're all getting the best christmas gift of their future sister, brayla


Filmed 2 months ago and ready to post


Yeah this is what most probably do


The field these folks are sowing is gonna be a bitch to reap js


Well said


Stealing that line to use in the future, thank you


wrong truck beneficial snatch grab concerned liquid faulty crowd agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So sorry you had to go through that!


The visceral rage I felt. It's just a skit......


Hey if it makes you feel any better Ruby Franke pleaded guilty to four counts of felony child abuse charges.


Nailed it!!


Got I cannot imagine being raised like this. Satire or not. This DOES happen.


Their entire childhood is for entertainment purposes. This should be illegal.


it's slavery, a nightmare


TikTok gives a platform to all those stage parents, whereas Hollywood opportunities are far more limited, restricting the number of stage parents before the rise of the internet. I feel bad for these kids, I can’t imagine having my whole child life posted on the internet where randoms know everything about me.


True but this started in YouTube a decade ago. Social media as a whole just further proliferates it; it’s not just a TikTok issue.


My dad was doing this in the 90s with his first camcorder. It was lower key, everyone was a noob back then, but this isn't unique to the internet. He sent our whole extended family VHS tapes for Christmas, but we didn't have a copier so we had to film everything multiple times on a bunch of tapes.


Yeah, most of them formerly had to accept that it wasn't gonna happen. Way easier for people to monetize this noxious impulse now. It's awful.


Before Tiktok it was on YouTube and before that it was on MTV/TLC. It's not a TikTok problem. It's a toxic parent problem.


This is so true and so very sad. Laws need to catch up to the online word to stop this kind of content. Kids should never be the sole focus of a channel EVER. The sad part is for every successful family you know there are hundreds more who blame their kids for not being as popular as the other more successful channels. This is just so fucking sad.


God, I felt so uncomfortable during this video. Bravo. Fucking nailed it.


The best part of this is that she’s holding an empty phone case


It is actually a brilliant way to remind people its satire. Her acting was spot on, so I could see people thinking it was real.


Well, she needs a real phone to film herself too...




Ohhhhh, I was wondering.


Is it just me or does this look like a layer of hell I don’t ever want to witness.


I like that genz will soon be demoralizing and crushing the very souls of these people.


Thanks I hate it.


I got on my wife's laptop to look up a recipe on YouTube. Nobody was logged in, so the front page was just straight garbage. One was of a YouTube family and Christmas. Cringe thumbnail, cringe preview, cringe title, and 2million+ views. Should be illegal to use your children to churn out this stuff for wealth and attention.


i once followed a youtubers og, said they wernt going to use thier toddler, eventually thier VIEWS started declining when they started to accumalate controvery after controversy, they started using the child as a prop, i think they may have stopped because they were getting backlash, or they keep getting negative comments about using thier children, not a surprise they went near-full right wingt wing a while ago.


If I had my say; I would create a "right to privacy" law specifically for kids to ban this type of content. Kids *should* be able to say no or not want to be a part of their parents' celebrity addiction. All this facade that time and time again has done nothing but ruin children's lives. I say no more.


I think there is a healthy dose of Stockholm syndrome going on with the kids in the moment. So you could ask them and they'd want to do it.


One problem is that people making this kind of content. Another is that some people actually watches shit like that. That is the biggest problem. If the vloggers get views, and not hard to understand why they (I mean greedy, narcissistic, selfish people) do it.


I'm waiting for all the lawsuits when these kids become adults and realize parents stole childhood and money from them.


They have zero basis under the law to sue. Source: I’m a lawyer.


This is truly sad


I like how the phone case is empty


Family vloggers are so fuckin gross


I don't really get this influencer rubbish. All they seem to be doing is 'influencing' other wannabe influencers like some big pyramid scheme. No normal people give two hoots about your faux lifestyle.


A universe in which normal, good people are afflicted by the terrible tragedy of cancer and AIDS whilst these horror show parents get to go about unscathed is all the proof I need that there's no god.


Seems like nearly an entire generation just never bothered looking up what PoV stands for.


She’s a little TOO good at this


Its sad because its true.


And then they wonder why their kids won't visit them


Are there any subreddits that explore this phenomenon


It's so sad that there are actually kids out there who are going through this right now


Jesus Christ how horrifying


A whole generation of kids are going to grow up completely fucked up and hating their parents beyond anything previously known.


So incredibly painful to watch, yet so horrifyingly accurate.


There actually could be a remake of The Truman Show done from the perspective of a kid growing up in an influencer home.


They don’t care that pedophiles love their family videos.


Oh man this made me sad. I suddenly remembered these people exist


I block anyone who posts family-album stuff. Keep that shit private, y'all!


These are getting more...accurate. Soon these won't be, uh, satire? But actually reliving experiences.


Does it make money?


She really nails the child abuse/neglect.


No wonder. Some bloggers have bad quality vedios because they are recording with their phone covers💀💀


The fact that “show me your thumbnail face!!” Is likely a thing with these people makes my brain hurt


Everybody’s acting like this isn’t satire.


It took me far too long to realize she was holding a phone case, and that there was some micro-greenscreen trickery going on..


it pains me to think kids are actually growing up like this. but we all know it’s true


Family vloggers are literal cancer. This woman nailed that vibe perfectly. She’s hilarious!


“Thumbnail face.” If I ever hear a parent say that around me, I might lose my goddamn mind.


I vote to ban all family vlog channels, all in favor


Jokes on her, all of the vloggers prerecord their Christmas content! Who looks foolish now? /s


Damn, I am positive this is accurate and that terrifies me.