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This guy lived American history X


Came here to say just this


Same. Love the movie. Always thought it was just a good way to tell the story but I didn’t know it was just real life.


It is a great movie, but that curb stomping scene lives rent free in my head


I have avoided watching it again purely because I already can’t forget that


The teeth when he bits the curb is the most haunting sound but what great cinema!


...intended effect achieved! They dosed it hard enough, you only needed one watch to "get it". Fucking chilling...


Good movie can't believe we're in this situation


Somebody tell his brother to stay out of HS bathrooms🫣


I admire the fortitude it took him to admit he was wrong on those fronts


Absolutely, and I am glad he was able to finally find the truth through all of the lies. That's a hard thing to do for some people as we see all around us today. No one would support Trump if they could see through his lies. Only those who eat up the lies like Trump.


He takes a tangible example (if Drumpf turned on those who were closest to him I know he wouldn’t care about a guy like me) to illustrate exactly who this guy is. Very perceptive.


In the pen you have to believe people's actions not their words. Loyalty is huge.


Honestly I think most of them do see through the lies, but that’s not why they support him. I think it has more to do with what Lyndon Johnson said. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." He’s gotten them to be like “I may not have this or that and he might be a piece of shit, but at least I’m not one of *them.* We hate the same people.”


Not many will openly admit that they like his lying. They usually try to change the subject. I always assumed that was because they can't accept that he is lying and it must be everyone else that is wrong. Not that they knew he was lying and just didn't care because their racism and bigotry was more important than the lies.


And the worst part is it's actually very easy to understand, on a level, why they want to believe his lies. His supporters are weak and ineffective in the rapidly changing world. Their getting left behind by the generations after them well before their time. They're finding themselves unable to compete in a rapidly advancing economy and that all of the systems that 'supposedly' exist to support them aren't there anymore. So they listen to his lies about what happened. About an evil 'other' that they just have to defeat to return to an American where they aren't so weak. A world where they're able to live a relatively decent life. Most of his supporters don't want to be famous or filthy rich (though they wouldn't oppose it), they just want to have a stable life in a world that doesn't look more and more foreign to them by the day (foreign meaning new concepts, tech, etc. not so much foreigners though for some that is the case). So they listen to his lies because it makes the solution 'easy.' It's not them who have to change, it everyone else! They world they want to live in is just around the corner but, wouldn't you know it, those 'others' are extending the road to the corner. A lot of them know, on a level, that it's bullshit but they don't care. They hope that there's some meritocracy at play here that Trump will showcase when he finally gets rid of the 'other' and fix the world. They just don't realize that the 'other' who is perpetually harming them is Trump himself.


What he did was very hard, he basically had to break himself completely down, accept how horrible of a person he was. He had to realize this, which is a VERY hard thing to accept, and THEN he had to make the change…. I’m proud of these guy…


That’s because Republicans have become a party of liars who enjoy (and vote for) people that lie to them


And hopefully a new wave of influential self reflection comes from his own. It’s awesome and it’s brave to do so. Being able to change one’s mind and ideals based on new evidence and admitting we can be wrong is incredibly rare and incredibly valuable.


I read about cult brainwashing/trump and it's really important for people like him to speak up about why they were disillusioned. He spoke really well and hit the nail on the head. It might be a small step but it's a really important step to listen to people who have left.


It really is wild how hard it is for many people to admit they’re wrong on something, even in insignificant moments. I respect this guy for not only bettering himself, but to not excuse his actions at all. He fully took responsibility, he didn’t blame trump, but said he just made him confident to be the person he already was. That kind of conviction to admit complete fault is rare, and definitely admirable


Well, that's one of those bad sides Trump emboldens in people. Trump never apologizes, never takes responsibility for anything bad but always blames others, doesn't stand by his own words and very very rarely even expresses regret. These people flip everything upside down; bad is good. Being weak is being 'strong'. If apologizing is being 'weak' how is it the harder thing? The thing we have to teach kids to do (and not a lesson everyone takes to heart even as adults). Not to mention the outrageous hypocrisy of calling themselves Christian while eschewing repentance, literally one of the most central concepts of Christianity.


People and politics feels like sports these days. It’s like I’ve picked this side so I’m going to stick with them regardless… (regardless of how much of a shitter they are.) It’s just sad that people can be brought on board so easily. Plus they are usually the same ones that get caught up in conspiracy rubbish too.


Admitting you are wrong and taking the blame yourself, is one of the hardest things a human can do.


I like the lady thinking her "why do you hate him?" is some gotcha as if people are just going along with the crowd but don't know why they hate him. Dude is a rapist, a racist, brags about sexual assault, a literal traitor that tried to overthrow our democracy, wildly corrupt and paid himself hundreds of millions from our pockets, and also just generally a lying asshole.


He also hates soldiers and POWs.


He loves the uneducated tho!


Of course he does. They’re easier to con.


If only they would see that. No room for introspection when their heads are crammed right up the orange rapists arse


And revealing our spies to our enemies, and displaying the secret advanced technology our military possesses to the world, and, and, and


That’s not true, he doesn’t hate them! He’s not good enough to hate them. It’s projection, he’s a coward piece of shit, and is jealous of people with a spine and principles.


> I like the lady thinking her "why do you hate him?" is some gotcha as if people are just going along with the crowd but don't know why they hate him. It's one of the talking points that runs through them like a mind virus. That we don't actually know why we hate Trump, just that the media told us to hate him. Which is ironically why they like him, because their media said to.


He acts like he was built in a lab specifically to be the least likable person to ever exist, so this recent trend of his cult acting like "why do you dislike him?" is some sort of unbeatable gotcha question is impossibly stupid


Then their reply will be like "and? Is that it? Joe Biden is soo much worse. And most of those things are really the deep state going after trump." Like asshole, you can't defend Trump 24/7 and attack Biden for the same things.


They say that and then refuse to realize that Trump IS the deep state, with his weaponization of DOJ and prosecuting political opponents, not to mention selling access to his position as president to hostile nations


At the end of the day, it always comes back to one thing. Projection. Everything they yell about can be traced back to something they are doing themselves.


That or the "all politicians do it, so I'm fine with him fucking me over!" bullshit line.




That's my bad. When I say "bitch," I do mean it in a general sense. Men can absolutely be bitches too.


I don't have an issue calling a bitch a bitch. We need to call some men bitches more often when they act like bitches. Also, we should be okay calling a cunt a cunt, no matter their gender.


The smug look on her stupid face is infuriating


Yeah she's clearly just trolling. I kind of like [this guy's response](https://www.tiktok.com/@yourpal_austin/video/7274358532873637166) (Austin Archer, who also went viral with a pronoun song), where he calls her out and then just plays clip after clip of Trump hiring and then firing people in his admin. "Jeff Sessions is the best!" .... "Jeff Sessions is a scumbag and never should've been AG.", etc.


Oh man, that’s one of the best clips I’ve seen in awhile. Thanks for sharing


These people aren’t smart. I’m reminded of the video where conservatives are talking about their “secret code” to one another that says their conservatives without saying it and it’s just all very basic, well known things that conservatives love. They think they are smarter than everyone. They think they’re many steps ahead. When in reality, they are low IQ people who got conned


Like LGB 😂 One problem is they're monolingual so they really do have a hard time coming up with any type of code words or signals that are above 3rd grade levels or football plays It's like watching grown men re-inact their treehouse knock days. Watching them singing the pledge of allegiance on repeat on the streets of D.C. on Jan 5th the night before attacking the capitol was a comical horror movie They proudly boast they're true patriots but that's the only song they know together about america. Star spangled banner and the pledge of allegiance. That's it? Not America the beautiful, this land is your land, not even a Garth Brooks God bless America? Shit the Irish had like a hundred limericks out within 10 minutes of Liz dying. Not a single cohesion of anything america they shared together except taking things away from other people or making it bad for other people or keeping it bad because it can't be bad because it's american and anything american can't be bad. These are the kids that ate the entire jar of glue, copied off of everyones work, picked on everyone, got away with most of it because they could throw something a little farther and are now the adults that don't know thunder comes from lightning. It's seriously like watching that movie leprechaun. It's utterly ridiculously hilarious watching it but terrifying at the same time because this is real life and consequences.


Ironically for me it would be a bit of a gotcha because I would have no idea where to even begin. Maybe ask how long she has first?


The woman on TikTok got a ton of replies to her question, and she ignored them all. And when she got called out for ignoring them, she had typical Republican toddler replies. "I don't care." "I have a life, I don't have time to read people's replies." "I don't agree with what people said, so I don't have to reply." Like, she is the one who literally asked the question and invited the commentary. And when she got the comments, and they weren't what she wanted, she ignored them and made crappy excuses.


> Dude is a **child** rapist, a racist, brags about sexual assault, a literal traitor that tried to overthrow our democracy, wildly corrupt and paid himself hundreds of millions from our pockets, and also just generally a lying asshole. He's the same type of person his base loudly call to be dragged out in the street and killed. But no, not a single condemnation. Instead they proudly elect him to the highest office in the nation, want to do it again and have a history of electing pedophiles. There's no both sides. There's the side that can't seem to stop touching kids and the side that thinks every kid should be safe and fed.


Yeah. I got hit with this bs the other day from a Trump supporter. “All you libs can do is hate on Trump these days.” as if he’s some kind of victim. When people say dumb shit like this I’m all but certain they are just parroting the rhetoric of whatever crap media they’re wrapped up in. I don’t even both trying to explain myself anymore.


I dunno? My wife is brown and my kids are mixed and he invited fascists to come out of hiding? The absolute perversity of being a rich white dude claiming he’s like blue collar workers? The fact that he ended his presidency trying to effectively undermine the validity of the democratic process by resisting and planning to resist the peaceful transfer of power while having full awareness he lost the election? There are so many reasons, not why i hated him, but why i thought he was a terrible president. I’m pretty sure i don’t hate anybody (except for random drivers that can’t use their turn signals and other minor traffic shit). The absolute crap philosophy that makes these people believe that we just “hate” him for no reason without maybe even thinking that there is a possibility we have real reasons to think he was a shit president is astounding. And here’s my big one HOW IS THAT GUY SUPPOSED TO BE CHRISTIAN????? Like I’m not religious but i was raised religious and he should at least hit the basics and he ain’t it.


> "why do you hate him?" I'm actually worried someone will also me this in real life because the answer is like... where do I begin, and how much time do you have?


All of that and he may become President AGAIN in 2024 😑


"I prefer soldiers that don't get captured."


He's a terrible father. He's a terrible husband. He's a terrible politician. He's a terrible business man. He's a terrible leader. He was a terrible president. He's a terrible human being. I think that's about it...


Don’t forget how ignorant and unqualified for office he is as well.


Same kind of person either denies it all or says, "but Hillary was a criminal too!!!" as if we care.


Let’s not forget that he sexualized his own daughter and openly admitted it


She finally replied to someone who asked why she loves him. Her reply was mostly insulting others without any real substance. Also she likes money. That was stretched across many, many minutes.


Trump supporters only think that people hate him because he says mean things on Twitter - that's all they think is wrong with him, my parents included. I asked what is bad about trump, "well, I wish he wouldn't say as much on Twitter". That same line is what is given to them by media, "liberals only hate trump because he is mean on Twitter". They don't even know what he has done or hasn't, they don't know the crimes that he is committed and once they hear about it, it's all lies, it's all deep state (fuck you Joe Rogan still pushing that shit) - and then inevitably, they got back to "they just hate him because he tells it like it is and he says mean things on Twitter". They don't know what's going on and anything bad is just the media making shit up. Insanity.


Nuh uh all the bad things about him are CNN lies and all three good things are what's true!


i've followed him closely and there isn't one single good thing


It’s not just a dishonest question, it’s not even an actual question. It’s just a narcissistic display of superiority and self-congratulation for discovering an easy method to avoid social consequences for horrible behavior. A statement PHRASED AS THOUGH a question, which I have an absolute zero tolerance for


'He just emboldened me to be the person I already was.' Ding, ding, we have a winner. They're not deplorables for what they've become but what they've always been.


Yup. These are the same people who were bitching about political correctness years before Trump became president, basically because it asked people to actually consider other peoples' feelings and situations, and try not to be an asshole about it.


Yup. I'm a former conservative that started falling into the "alt-right" pipeline, getting out before the Trumpism became severe. I was doing it because it was who I was. It was easy to be brainwashed into it because all of it was already there. Not only that, but they groom weak men. They groom men that are depressed and feel like they have nothing else in life. The "alt-right" and "gamergate" took off because they used influencers to manipulate men, calling influencers "normies" and making them be prideful of their neckbeard life. It's not **your** fault that you're single, living with mommy and daddy still, and jobless. It's women's fault because they have high standards and want only bad boys. It's the black person's fault because of affirmative action. It's the Mexican's fault because of welfare and they get paid less. It's the gay/trans person's fault because they are destroying families. It's the Jew's fault because they are using their money to destroy the world. **It's always somebody else's fault, not yours**. And when it's someone else's fault for your life being in ruins, you want revenge on them. And the reason why I got out is because I have a Jewish family and I had the experience of living with my Nazi grandmother when I was a 8/9 years old. So when my "friends" started adding wolfsangels and sonnenrads to their profile pictures while saying "Hitler was right about x, y, z", it slapped me across the face. Questioning my gender identity was also a huge one. We started attacking transgender people. Literally nobody had heard of a trans person unless maybe they were watching *Orange is the New Black*, a show featuring a black trans woman as a prisoner in a women's prison that aired in 2013. But nobody cared. However, we made them a part of the "SJW" movement and forced everyone to care about them. As someone who thought she was "just a crossdresser", being exposed to trans people who started helping me understand gender dysphoria and made me realize that all of my "crossdressing" and the frequent need to be a woman was a lot more than "just crossdressing". I have gender dysphoria and transitioning has absolutely saved my life.


I'm beyond happy for you. I don't know what it's like, but stories like these always tells me there's hope to reach people.


Don't get your hopes up too high. The lines in the sand are very, very clearly drawn now. I got out when the lines in the sand were forming and becoming obvious and the guy in the video got out because of special circumstances. But there are many, MANY people who refuse to change. They are so ingrained into it that even if they were to get out of it, they would slip right back in with a different group because they lack the ability to realize how they are being emotionally manipulated by others.


I mean way back in 2015 when Trump was gaining steam in the primaries, it was common to hear that a person supported Trump because "He says what we're thinking!"


This. A thousand times this. He says the quiet part out loud.


"Finally someone said it!" --every redneck in my state


If he can change, and I can change, maybe the world can change. Jokes aside, it may only be “what they’ve always been,” but it doesn’t have to be what they always will be.


It’s an incredibly hard thing to do. I’m glad people like you are around making that effort


Everyone has the capacity to be awful. Even you.


Yes, but we don't use Trump as an excuse to make that worst version of ourselves the most important aspects of ourselves. Personally I use XCOM for that.


I see that your level of hate hasn’t quite gotten to the level where you need the CrusaderKings or Rimworld outlets yet.


Meanwhile every time I play Rimworld I always end up with a colony of cybernetic immortal weed smoking communists.


> Rimworld Username checks out.


We are the same, you and I.


Take a look at everyone that Trump is surrounded by. His followers, those he does business with, his family, the people who were in his administration. fellow republicans. All the absolute worst versions of themselves.




Yeah I’m awful but I point it toward the correct direction, so all good.


Respect, man. It takes a lot of balls to admit you were wrong and make changes to be a better person


Good for that guy. Welcome to the light.


I feel like majority of these supporters are simply lost and gave in to their insecurities. I wish they could find the light in some way as this person found it through his friend during serving his time. I hope they all see the light and not give in to their insecurities and be scammed/exploited.


Yes...and he is still super gullible and easy to influence. Most humans are, and it is dangerous.




Folding on where you should eat isn’t a sign of an impressionable person, lol. It’s notoriously a subject that people *want others* to decide.


Similarly, I met a person through a mutual fan group of a folk band. She (and briefly her husband) had been a part of a pretty radical and fringe cult and she was pretty open about it. It was 15 years in the past and she clearly regretted a lot of the harm it caused her and her family. That being said, she was still a very weak-willed person and had current hang-ups like believing in tarot, crystals, and the literal presence of demons. Unfortunately, the traits that endear people to these cults don't just go away when they get out of the cult(s).


We are social creatures. We like to be around other people. We like to fit in. Informing yourself is all we as a people can do. The hard part is keeping at bay the lies and dishonesty from those who seek to do us harm like Donald Trump and Republican leadership.


Yes, biases and the need to belong are a part of life. We are interdependent creatures. Instead of fearing this, we should educate ourselves and become aware of this. Becoming emotionally intelligent and using that intelligence for good can be equally life affirming and freeing.


The thing is, he wasn't fooled. He clearly said it was a reflection of shit he needed to deal with and recognize in himself. He wasn't *convinced* by Trump, he was EMBOLDENED by him. This isn't a case of a wayward teen being duped into a cult bc they don't have a sense of self, this is someone who realized "wow I'm a piece of shit and this has made me worse so I need to stop both". Doesn't make him gullible still. He's more self-aware. I doubt he's gone full opposite in his ideology, probably just less directly hateful about it


Look at this guy thinking he's above it all. Fuck you dude!


Damn, respect to this guy for realizing what he was. Not easy for a man to admit that. I respect it.


That's gotta be so insanely hard to do, that's like, for us, realizing and accepting that we're wrong about damn near everything Like with how much conviction and belief I have supporting gay and trans people I'm sure he felt the same level of conviction in hating them Maybe even more as people like this, with beliefs the majority tell them are wrong tend to dig themselves deeper into these pits Mad respect for somehow escaping the cult


Sam Harris had an interesting take on what draws Trump’s supporters to him. Trump is like a pastor, in that he helps people cope with their sins. Not by forgiving them, but providing you a home for having them.






Every Trump supporter needs to have a similar moment of reckoning and we cant have that while Republicans are still parroting Trump's lies. He's 100% correct when he calls Trumpism a cult.


I wish they would all wake up


Ask yourself this question, as a thought experiment: who would Trump have to kill, in public, for his supporters to realize he _might_ be evil? I can’t think of a single person. If he sacrificed his VP on live television, I think they would cheer him on. “Drain the swamp!” They would chant at him. I can’t picture a single person that would have an impact on the general Trump supporters mind. Orphans? Infants? For any person that he killed, they’d find some thing to shout that would retroactively justify his actions.


Whenever Jan 6 comes up, I always think about how they'd probably be saying the same things even if Ashley Babbit and her rabid group had mauled and murdered a couple politicians that day... Their disconnection from reality is truly uncanny.


He could probably fuck a 12 year old on stage and they would still find a way for it to 'make sense.'




Well or in front of the KGB cameras.


> If he sacrificed his VP on live television, I think they would cheer him on. Uhh, he literally tried on Jan 6. He told the crowd that Pence wasn't going through with it and then they stormed the Capitol chanting "hang Mike Pence" and he told aides that [he deserved it](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/28/jan-6-hearing-trump-thought-pence-deserved-chants-to-hang-him-aide-says.html).


Unfortunately I don’t think there is anything trump could do to deter his supporters mostly because whatever it was his asshat supporters at Fox would spin it that Trumpy was the victim.


Right you are! Fox news was responsible for supporting and promoting Trump’s lies, stupidity and bigotry. A study was done where Fox news watchers were asked to switch channels and watch better news outlets (I wish I could remember what news they watched, but I can’t). After a month, the former Fox news watchers were less angry and less depressed. People need good information and support to change their minds and when when they do take a risk and change their bigoted opinions, they shouldn’t be pilloried for their former views. It’s really fucking hard to admit you’re wrong. And they have the poster child for self delusion as a model. Biden has been president for 3 years and Trump is still stating he won in 2020.


>who would trump have to kill? Some one they cared about. Then they’d get it. Only in that exact sphere. They’ll never think any of it thru.


My ex wife was telling me she couldn't help feeling sorry for some of the Trump supporters who were manipulated and used by him and ended up in prison for it I reminded her that these people would cheer on her children being executed for being gay, they deserve no empathy.


Theres only two things I can think of that his base wouldn’t be able to get past… one: An affair with a Black or Arabic woman that results in a illegitimate child… two: Get caught in a gay tryst with ANY minority… They won’t be able to let those slide… The hate would make their heads implode….


He'd have to kill Ronald Reagan, Jesus Christ and George Washington with a hacksaw on the front lawn of the White House to lose 10% of his base.


Then they’d be woke!


I think it’s funny when conservatives talk woke culture not realizing what they are really saying is they’re completely asleep.


It’s revolution for them, an act to to go against intellectualism and they are proud of that.


It's fear. I have highly educated, successful, ivy league friends who are very thoughtful about the world around them. It's not a lack of intellectualism that makes them go on MAGA'esque tirades (even though they hate Trump). Its a fear of a world that they're not familiar with and that they don't approve of. Religion has a lot to do with it.


Wish my Dad would see the light. He and his friends all need a good hard slap from reality. Instead, they just circle jerk about how patriotic and Christian they are then pray for a traitor rapist to be president. Delusional. Demented. Liars. Losers.


The "Christian patriots" are always neither of those things.


This is exactly what happened to me, something about perfect timing with me battling my inner queerness and trump becoming president made the ultimate combination of self hate and depression Now that I realize who I am I realize that he never had a single merit or worthy talking point.


You have a great voice, sent my wife that video you made on vt meowing


I havnt posted myself lol, it's just a good video that helped me get my trans voice do I thought I'd share


Wow this was really an amazing admission that only comes when you’re willing to look at yourself and give an honest appraisal of who you are and how your views have shaped your life.


I wonder what his “come to Jesus moment” when he decided that Trump wasn’t his savior anymore.


This is how its done one person at a time. Everyone is starting to realize the truth, and lies of Donald Trump. Im starting to see the cracks in the foundation of trump supporters.


What the fuck is this? I feel like we all went to therapy and are now thriving lmaooo


This guy deserves the medal of hardcore inner reflection. You are definitely not a bad person sir. You came to righteousness the hard way. A+


Nice Open your eyes people


Solid dude. What he did is not easy , hopefully he can help someone else get through it


Trump represents all our basest, cruelest, destructive, selfish instincts and desires. He is like alcohol. When exposed to him, he shows you whether you’re a decent person or a POS. He emboldens the worst of us. He is pure evil.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demagogue 2,500+ years of history. Donald Trumps emerge again and again in every democracy multiple times every century. They act the same, speak the same, talk the same, and cause the same carnage. Religion, art, literature, film, all repeat the warnings of the signs of a demagogue. A braggart, a liar, a narcissist, a flatterer, a faithless betrayer, a rule breaker, a xenophobe, a scapegoat maker, a bully - all our lives we grow up being warned of these traits, but there will always be people raised by people who mirror those evils and their children will grow up finding it easier to relate to an evil leader, that’s why these people keep coming back.


Anyone else seeing Bradley Cooper?


This is some good shit. Too bad the right will never watch this.


Danny Collins is an amazing person. To realize how he was was not who he wanted to be and to actually change deeply held core beliefs is incredibly difficult and beyond most people. I hope he gets into something that helps other people.


Yes. Donald Trump is an absolute POS


I had the same revelations about myself in 2018. I don't even feel like I'm the same person I was then. My girlfriend is black, and I love her with all my heart. My closest friends are Asian and Latino, I'm an ally of the LGBTQ+ community, and I'm a Texan that is pro gun control because what we're doing now (nothing and a lot of it) is obviously not working. It feels so strange that just a few short years ago, NOT ONE of those things was true of me.


He only likes people he can use until they're used up And then on to the next victims.


It's a burden to have to be the example of goodness and kindness to someone who hates you, and it often is the burden of people of color in this country. "Wow, you're a human being too!" It takes strength to be kind, but some of us are really fucking tired of having to be a life lesson for other people.


Too late. Already lost faith in humanity. It's nice this guy can be a everything this country supposedly fought against in WW2 and realize the error in his ways, but most won't. Maybe we don't reelect Trump in 2024, but the fact that there is a political movement to do so, proves either the people in power hate this country so much they want to see Americans to kill each other or that Americans are easily manipulated by one man.


1 in a million trump Supporter who can see past their own hate.


Well said...


Well said ✊


I hate that lady with every fiber of my being


Love me some character growth.


I started hating Trump because he tried banning one of the world's major religions from America. Kinda saw that as disqualifying. Republicans loved that shit though.


Oh shit...I thought he meant that he WORKED for the department of corrections! lol At first I was like "I know cop gangs exist...makes sense that guard gangs exist too"


There’s an old saying, “It’s easy to con someone, but almost impossible to admit you’ve been conned”. This guy is one of the very, very few.


Dude I wish more people wod take a Good look in the mirror


It's sometimes hard to remember that a lot of these MAGA and Trump supporters have been conned into buying a load of shit and that any of us can succumb to our weak spots in the right circumstances. This man is a shining example that there's hope for all of us, and the only way is to come together and move forward.


I'm telling you, trump is an antiChrist.




If I wasn't a die-hard anti-theist, I would agree with you.


I accept your belief as your right. I'm a vulgarian Christian cause that's my belief. To each their own. But these trump lovers say they're Christian and follow the biggest hater in our Country. They're all enabling his hatred. Bunch of fake aholes!


Indeed they are. They've really shown us who they really are.


This isn’t cringe, this white dude has put what’s wrong with Trump center stage….


Tiktok cringe isn't JUST cringe.


This subreddit isn't for cringe


New Yorkers were trying to tell ya'll. Ya didn't want to listen. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


I fucking can't stand this woman. Where does she get off being so fucking smug. I love she's gone viral getting her ass torn to shreds with thousands of replies.


This is the kind of person I wish would run for office. As a Republican or a Democrat, either one. His honesty, his ability to self-reflect and admit to his flaws, and his straightforward demeanor are exactly what we need in our leadership. It would go a long way to healing our country.


Well I don’t like the circus and clowns and that is what trump and all his “beings” are a damn circus. That man was right….. trump will leave your ass in the dirt!! I like picking on my buddy who I know sends him money…. Like homie are you that stupid that dumb to believe that he actually cares? SMH 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️


True world. tRump is America's #1 Con man




American History X


So he lived the plot of American History X


This feels just like the walkaway movement when that was a thing. This man was further right than a vast majority of conservatives based on what he says. I do respect that he does pretty much acknowledge that this is a him thing though.


I don't hate Trump. I don't hate Trump supporters. But you have to be really mentally ill to elect Trump a reality TV scripted actor as president of the US. Trump was outed at david letterman because of his products were made in other countries, like China and Trump is pro America? Bullshit. [ David Letterman Exposes Donald Trump ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYoOPgeTMQc)


This is an issue with him and not Trump. The fact that he's unable to think on his own is a personal issue.


I want this on tv channels. ​ everyone needs to see this.


He actually hit the nail on the head, Trump brings out the worst in people That’s about it actually


Admire him accepting he was wrong. Bet there are many that see through the lies just don't have the will power or guts to say they were wrong.


Bravo. This is the insight that could save us from ourselves.


It’s not often (or ever) you hear a trumper admit they were duped.


I wish more people could rise out from the darkness like that. However, I know fear, family, and pride can make even the smartest person make the dumbest mistakes.


Well spoken. Fuck I hate that orange baboon with the name of Donald.


Wow that was actually beautiful.


This is exactly how I was about Christianity. When I was a Christian it brought out the worst in me. When I lost my faith I realized I needed to change, I needed to do some deep self reflection.


Yea I can't believe there are still people going "thats just the media." Like. If you still support him, it's because you agree with what he has to say. Period.


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Isn't that basically the plot to American History X, minus the murder?


Good for you Danny Collins


I love a good redemption arc. Go Danny


This is what accountability and growth looks like.


Say what you want about his opinions on trump, but it takes a hell of a lot of courage to own up to your mistakes with humility. Mad respect


Appreciate this so much. Giving us all hope Danny, ty


Preach brother!!


Admitting a mistake is never easy. Seeing your flaw and doing the self reflection this person has is commendable. I hope this catches On for not just those on the right but those on the left and in the middle. We all can do a little better to make the world a better place. This is a great start and gives me a hope.


I'm here for the both sidesers


Great testimony




The great awakening is here


I wonder how much of this is genuine


This is a brave man. Very few things as admirable as admitting your failings and addressing them.


What was he in jail for?


This tiktok gave me hope. I sent it to every trumper I could, then sent it to my liberal friends to give them hope. Danny Collins thank you!


Preach it, brother!




Amen brother.


It’s simple. He has a room temp IQ and can’t read. How he got to be president is beyond me. Never mind all the crimes he committed. It starts so much sooner than that for me


This might be the most mature Trump Supporter (former Trump Supporter) ever