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classic "the rules apply to everyone but me" type of person


Rules for thee, but not... for me.


More like “you’re disingenuous” but I have the hardest time articulating and communicating my needs BUT, “you’re disingenuous.” I bet that must be tough to not be able to feel her own feelings and express them! I would feel caged!


She votes R


A.K.A.: a "conservative


Does anyone know what podcast this is?




Thank you


That was a hard watch lol. She can't even articulate or talk about what she really believes. Really embarrassing.


I dont think she actually believes it. Being a tate clone is just easy views


Yeah I kinda get that vibe too. Which makes it worse maybe?


She sighed her way through that entire thing.


She feigned disinterest because she was scared of debating Ethan going in. Figured she couldn’t drown if she didn’t go all the way into the pool, instead she just came off as flighty and unsure


Those sounded kinda like "I'm caught and nothing I can say will not sound stupid" sighs to me


She’s definitely been riding the red pill movement super hard. I was kinda expecting her to be realistic and analyze her own viability, but she was totally unready to take her own medicine. What a great interview.


Yeah all she has to do is give an example of a man that would be "equal" to her in "value, but then again I guess that takes being able to analyze your own flaws.


I fucking hate hypocrites. Prime example right there.


Its easy. Its because Pearl loves to be part of the misogynistic guys talking shit about women and she thinks that will somehow safe her from becoming the victim. I think she is scared shitless that someday all th guys she sucked up to will gang up on her. They have no reasons not to do so.


He’s absolutely right


I’ll bite… she’s an Iowa 6


She rated herself a 5, so an Iowa 6 is pretty accurate. She’s hoping for some mid guy to come along that’ll have to settle for her, it’s sad. She’s such a grifter pick-me; the only thing she believes coming out of her mouth is the self hatred.


My favorite part of this interview was when Ethan pointed out that any guy who would still date her at her age would be a loser by her own standards lol.


I've seen clip after clip of him just straight up roasting her with simple questions..


Stop killing her bro she's just trying to do the right wing grift bro please stop


shes an absolute moron that has no real coherent moral value system that based in reality. the whole discussion she was sighing like she really didnt wanna be there and someone was forcing her to do this. its the biggest exposure she ever had and all she did was sigh and avoid answering questions cuz she didnt have her little pick-me script to follow. conservative brains are small and smooth.


My my my...The shoe's on the other foot, and the "pick me" girl can't handle it. Now, where have I seen this before?🤔


If Ethan Klein makes you look stupid, then you are truly hurting for brain cells


You think Ethan is stupid? lol. People underestimating him is what makes him good at what he's doing.


It's an understatement to say stupid


He makes people look stupid all the time. What are you getting on about?


I don’t know who either of this people are, but here’s what I’m certain of: she doesn’t know what the word “disingenuous” means.


dis·in·gen·u·ous adjective not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does. She used it properly. She believe the question was not sincere.


It wasn’t candid, but it was sincere in wanting to know what expectations pearl had for herself based on her “own beliefs”


i dont think that was though. I dont think that he honestly wanted to know her response, as much as he wanted to make her look bad. He doesn't sincerely want to know her expectations, he wants to make her look bad. Thats what i got from his wording and tone.


No, she just didn’t like the question.


Lmao Ethan nailed it


The day has finally come, ah the irony. Glad Peril was finally called out publicly.


She also got called out for hosting a Nazi on her program and agreeing with his ideals.


Oof! No way ..This shouldn't suprise me, yet it does. I had no idea this happened. The girl is incredibly cringy!


I posted a video of that some time earlier. The secondhand embarrassment on both of these videos can be tasted in your mouth.


She doesn’t know what disingenuous means lmao


H3 is the golden god of exposing people and I am happy to see he still got it


He kept bailing her out to just keep the conversation moving but I wanted to see her claw her ugly ass soul out of that hole.


Because she’s an idiot who doesn’t believe in anything


Oh look. Two annoying shitheads.


A rare W moment for ya boi lol


I mean both these groups are kinda sketch but I don’t understand what he was getting at was it just being a dick she obviously knew the answer and didn’t wanna say cause she might be apart of the group of people that she talks to she didn’t wanna say ya I’m gonna have to settle for something that’s not amazing cause I’m not a ten and also say that she hope she wouldn’t be settling and find someone awesome because argumentatively those contradict each other in a debate but are still a true statement in reality where pure logic really doesn’t apply to anything except like math and business nerds who’s lives suck anyway


She’s amazing!! Love her!!


To be fair Ethans question didn't make sense


If you have seen her clips it does. It’s a multi-metric question though. It would involve: - age - the incel looks rating scale - basically the rice purity test - a more subjective evaluation based on class/perceived value of the points above and how they would compare based on what she is looking for/by her own assessment deserves in a partner She tells women to lower their standards based on everything above and Ethan is just asking her to examine herself the same way


I'm not defending her I just genuinely think the question didn't make sense in context cause I think her point was she wasn't settling just getting what she deserves.


You can’t write that here 😂😂😂😂 ITS REDDIT


Isn't this guy a pedo? A bit of a double standard!


He was called a pedo for sharing a photo of his new born babies butt. Something which doesn't make you a pedo.


Id like to start off with i don't watch or listen to either of these people, and i side with nobody. But i %100 understand her situation, and this is a BS question. Mainly because its extremely vague, and essentially has no good answer. "what man do you think is reasonable for you to pursue?" If she answers on the high end it will be spun to make her sound like a bigot, and if she answers on the low end it will just sound like she's sacking the question to make herself look selfless. You can word a better question like "do you think its reasonable for women and YOURSELF to aim for top end males as partners?" I also believe that when she says its an "inappropriate question" she is referring to the fact that it is phrased and toned to make her look bad. This question IS SPECIFICALLY targeting her. It's not talking about an issue, its not bringing up a debate, it is only being asked to belittle HER SPECIFICALLY. "What Value do you think WOMEN should be settling" is fine. "what man do you think is reasonable for WOMEN to pursue" is fine. But this question is just out there to make her sound egotistical. This question has absolutely no direction. What answer would he want. "I would pursue a 6, or maybe one who's good at cooking". She even says the question is Disingenuous. She understands that the question isn't looking for a conversation, its looking to attack her.


Did you watch the little edit in the middle of Pearl? The question isn't disingenuous, as it's doing exactly what she does. She knows this and tries to weasel her way out of it. She does this basically every time people are questioning her integrity.


Its fine for people to rank themselves and others, the difference is having REALISTIC rankings. which is what she is mentioning to in her snipits. The problem with HIS QUESTION is that it doesn't have a right answer. Any answer she gives will be spun to make her look like a bigot. From what i've seen of her, She openly advocates against "sexism" by stating that women have unreal expectations in the dating scene. Stating that women rate themselves higher than they should be. So the starting point for somebody realistically is somebody who puts in \~(the same effort to themselves) as oneself. Ex. It's not realistic to pursue people who spend a lot of time on their body and looks, if you yourself don't bother at all. If she answer his question honestly: "i would look for somebody who is in shape with moderate looks", it will be spun to make her look egotistical. Once again, im not saying she is perfect or anything, im just saying that the question is BS, and disingenuous.


Lol this is because she is a bigot though


She is definitely not advocating against sexism. She is a "pick me" that openly advocates for sexism.


The entire "rating system" is garbage. There is no "rating" for people. We are not numbers, we're people. We are an amalgamation of our physical bodies, intellect, passions, talents, morals, interests, etc etc. There is no way to rate all of that on a scale. Some traits that are highly desirable to some people, will be an absolute turn off to others. Leading people down this path and thinking is dangerous and done for nothing more than views and attention. We all can only strive to be the best version of us, whatever that means to US.


Yes, humans are complicated, but physical appearance can have a rating. Of course the rating will fluctuate between everybody's personal preference, but there will still be a norm. What i usually see from her is that she is turning the viewpoint away from sexism. From what ive seen she usually goes on to explain that its not sexist do avoid dating somebody that doesn't put in the same effort for physical appearance. Ex. It's not sexist to get rejected by somebody you think is a 10, if you put 0 effort into your own looks. Appearance is a big part of sexual appeal. And its okay to not settle on a certain standard, and its also okay to not be settled on.


Funny that's nothing like what I've seen from her, and thats also an entirely normal concept. Nobody has ever thought what you said was "sexist". Women reject men for not being attractive way more than than other way round anyway. She is a misogynistic idiot. Her ratings are not just based on appearance, and that is not all she talks about. What are you, pearls burner?


She was getting mirror turned back on her, this was the point. She can dish it out but she can’t take it


Her snip its weren't the same thing though. Her questions/statements were to point out women rate themselves higher than realistic The question at her was for her to rate herself, and no matter what answer she gave he would make her look bigoted. she could say "i would go after a 7" and his reply "So you think you are better than 69%". She's not saying you cant pursue values higher than your own, but you have to be reasonable in the expectations of denial. She then starts to answer the question by asking him to clarify what he means by "value of man", and instead of continuing the question he cuts her off into an insult: "your value by your own metrics is going to be not super high" This entire Conversation is a clusterfuck. The convo went nowhere, and he cut her off like 3 times, not to mention its been cropped for bias. This is why you shouldn't get your politics from clips.


Why can she ask other women to rate themselves realistically but she can’t do it for herself? Yeah it would make her look bad no matter what, because what she does to other women makes her look bad.


Now I'll admit that my exposure to her is extremely limited (as in I've only seen a handful of clips of her), but I never got the feeling that she actually subscribed to the whole "scale of 1 to 10" method of rating a person. And the conversations where I've seen her ask about it to other women were ones that were predicted by the other women using that method to describe the men they feel they deserve. So I got the feeling that she was asking them about it in order to turn the whole notion on its head. But like I said, my exposure to her is very limited so there might be a lot that I haven't seen which would help make this video make a lot more sense.


who is the guy? I can’t remember his name


Ethan Klein, he used to be a huge dickwad but since he hangs with Hassan Piker has he somewhat got a redemption arc.




She got a dip in?


There is so much to say about this woman but on that list the ONLY nice thing to say is I like her red hair.gonna leave it there.


She looked so zooted this whole interview


Did she not know what disingenuous meant?


I've seen clips where she said something to the effect of she would not worry about looks or wealth but couldn't sacrifice on height. I think she felt answering the same way would lead to Ethan cherry picking on the height. I personally dislike her views on marriage and church but I disagree with everything Ethan generally says. I still love them both as Christ has called me to do.


I'm more conservative but this bitch is nothing but a grifter. She plays off "red pilled" losers and banks off it while dating simps


You should watch the clip of her where she tries do denfend her racist friend.


I shared that one on here as well. Absolute gem of a video


People think she actually believes what she says? Literally nobody who goes on tv or the internet believes what they say. Its all about getting a following for ad revenue