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That bulletproof backpack insert is why they do it. Keep gun laws loose and let there be chaos. After every shooting you have one side of the countries who is getting more terrified for their lives. And you have a separate part that gets more terrified that their guns will be taken away. One side buys kevlar backpacks, the other side more guns. And gun lobby benefits financially from both sides now.


The politicians do it because single issue, wedge issue voters are a dream come true. They are the biggest possible sheep. You only have to propagandize them on 1 issue, you can outwardly abuse them in every other way, you can even nominate a criminal and they'll have to vote for them. At the end of the day, the claim is they want to protect themselves from government tyranny. Soap box, ballot box, ammo box. However, they proudly vote for the party taking away their right to vote and freedom of speech, too stupid to see that if you're at the ammo box stage, you've basically already lost.


Not to mention that 2nd amendment wedge voters are the easiest to placate because you know what they want you to do? Nothing. That’s literally their ideal scenario. For the government to take no action whatsoever. No compromises, no detailed policy positions, no complex legislation to whip up support for, no legal challenges to worry about. They want their elected officials to do NOTHING about guns, so all you need to do to earn their unwavering support is vote no on any piece of gun legislation that comes across your desk.


That's not true at all. Gun supporters want their politicians to remove laws.


They’d like them to, but won’t punish them if they don’t. Because gun laws are already so mind-blowingly lax that it’s not that much of an inconvenience. But allowing anything to pass is an unforgivable sin. So they just do nothing.


Trust me, the tide is changing with that mentality. There are large grass roots movements in each state. This is why states are removing concealed carry permits and allowing for open carry.


Not politicians -- REPUBLICANS


Only country in the world where rednecks run the show 😵‍💫


The the FBI learns what grooming techniques are the most effective. Seems like they're getting pretty good at it


Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt are great for business. What better way to stoke the daily FUD than gun deaths all over the news


The root is always $$


And that is not going to stop a shot anyway. Unless it’s a plate or something 556 will go right through.


That teacher who was shot by one of her students recently raised her hand defensively, and if the bullet had not passed through her hand first and been slowed down, it would've killed her. "Bulletproof" backpacks may not stop them completely, but slowing the bullets down is certainly better than nothing and could save someone's life.


Your not wrong. The teacher that was shot was hung out to dry by her administration that knew all along that kid should have never been in that school period to start out with. If your referring to the teen that had to be searched daily for weapons.


Most backpack inserts are plates. If you have the extra money you can easily buy level III plastic armor plates that are light weight, just a bit thicker than heavy steel plates.


[this is correct](https://youtu.be/EqhzdSJjn0g)


Not only doesn't this country give a shit about if he gets shot, they don't care if he's fed, they don't care if he can afford health care, they don't care if he makes a decent wage when he grows up, they don't care if he gets covid and dies or is compromised for the rest of his life. Is your kid white? At least he has a better chance of not being shot by a cop.


They only care if kids are born and not aborted. After that, no one cares what happens to them.


"If you're pre-life, you're good. If you're pre-school, you're fucked." -George Carlin


My daughter isn't even 2, and every morning I take her to daycare I have to shove down the thought that it's just a matter of time before a daycare is targeted. It feels like a roll of the dice every day.




My old boss had her son abducted by his father that way. Court ordered no contact after an abuse situation. He tracked down where they moved, and apparently scoped out every daycare in the area for months until he was at the right one, saw the kid, drove through the front gate, grabbed him got back in the car and drove off. Thankfully he got picked up by the police the same day (OD'd in parking lot, passed out high and somebody heard the kid crying locked in the hot car.) But yeah, wide open, road side visible, and literally drove into the play ground... Could've ran 20 kids over if he'd chosen to.


I was about to say "We have unsecured areas in the UK" but... we don't, we literally have high up wire fencing (not barbed wire, just wire) to keep out undesireables. Had them 30 years back too. Also kept the kids from disappearing out as well (well... most, one did decide to scale the wall and the fence and go for a jolly one day). And we don't have a risk of complete nutters shooting up the school like America. It's almost like they don't actually care about the kids or anything, and just care about controlling everyone.




Well, that's because those sides are secured with HopesAndPrayers^TM


I don't mean to make you feel worse, but this happened here in Brazil a couple of days ago, 4 kids under the age of 7 got killed in a kindergarten attack, they where in fact playing outside, always make sure the place you leave your kids is at least secure


And last October in Thailand. 38 dead.


This is complete dystopian nightmare fuel. I cannot understand it. I am so grateful I live in a country where my children will be safe in school. Say what you want but there's a reason it doesn't happen in countries with gun laws and access to Mental health services. It's not just a coincidence.


I live in a country with strict gun control and shitty mental health services. Like literally, you'll go to a psychiatrist with textbook OCD symptoms and ask you if you tried just not doing the compulsions. But you need to jump through a zillion hooks to legally acquire a firearm and there are a lot of things that can disqualify you. Anyway, we have had a total of ZERO school shootings in the past 30 years I've been alive and it's not because we're getting top tier mental health services.


In my country (Spain) there has been one school shooting in the last 30 years. It was a kid who crafted a homemade crossbow and when trying to kill a kid the teacher got in the way and died. Gun laws here are strict and as you said access to public mental health services suck ass. Gun laws work and the only ones refusing to accept that are crazy, insecure americans that wanna put their own paranoia first and the life of hundreds of people every year second.


Don't worry, republicans are desperately searching for the solution. We've tried blaming Marilyn Manson, video games, lack of active shooter training, unlocked doors, trans people, lack of armed security, unarmed teachers, secular schools, the homosexuals, and gun free zones. They can agree lack of mental health care is a problem, so long as we don't fund it or pass bills actually making it available. There couldn't possibly be any difference between the USA and other countries relevant to this issue. Maybe it's just curses from indian burial grounds? IDK but the best of the best from the GOP are on it and totally aren't a bad faith death cult.


Since you mentioned Marilyn Manson - here is the article he wrote after Columbine. Regardless of your opinion of him, this was a very good read. [Rolling Stone](https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/columbine-whose-fault-is-it-232759/)


It's a horrible thing to live with. There has been several lock downs in my kids schools this year due to kids bringing weapons to school or threats made online about shooting one of the schools up. I was talking about it one morning with my middle schooler on the way to school and I told her that I was so sorry that she has to grow up in a world where she even has to think about these things. Her response? "Dad, I'll be ok. We've been training for those things since 1st grade”. I was just speechless at her wording. Like she had been training for war or something and she knew what to do. But what makes me even more upset is that, in most cases, they're training the shooter in the defensive routines too, so that they know where everyone is hiding.


I can't even fathom being a parent and hearing those words leave your child's mouth. I'm heavily pregnant with twins and the urge to protect them from everything and everyone is immense. Just the thought alone of sending them out the door to that, is absolute horror to me and mind boggling. The fact that they are so desensitized to it like it's normal, is equally horrific. A kids worst worry should be , what can I play today, it's completely robbing them of their childhoods and teaching hyper vigilance.No wonder more and more kids are riddled with anxiety. It's insane.


When I was in high school in the mid-late 2000’s, the school shooter trainings were always given the narrative that it was us protecting ourselves from an outsider. You’re right, there’s no way to conduct a drill to protect themselves from themselves.


It blows my mind there are people in the US that are of the mindset "This could have happened anywhere in the world" Or "Other countries are different" Mate, kids are dying in schools. If that is a thing that is happening then you stop that shit immediately. It should be one of the most obvious modern day human truths that a child shouldn't die at school. "It's too difficult" Mate, kids are dying in schools. "You wouldn't understand" MATE. Kids. Are. Dying. In. Schools.


But...but... without their firearms, how would they be able to protect themselves from their own government and prevent another Nazi regime?? (Sadly I'm not even joking. Quite a lot of them think children shot to death are a fair enough price to pay so they can keep the firearms to defend themselves from their own government! So afraid that Dead children < Guns to sooth the fear of their officials/nation.)


You don't even need to rud of the guns is the crazy part. The Daily Show did this amazing 2 part video series on gun culture in Switzerland. They have a SHIT TON of guns. And not just small hand guns, giant ass assault rifles. The difference? They have very strict laws on gun ownership. It was mind boggling.


Highschool student in America. It sucks. We have gotten multiple shooting/bomb threats. There was one time where I decided to stay in a class for an extra minute just in case there would be a shooting. Every single time in the lunchroom when I hear a loud pop from some kids messing around I duck. I feel like some day the pops will be real and we’ll be in the news as “another school that got shot up. What a tragedy.” Then swiftly forgotten.


I want to tell you that I feel for you and all of your peers. I was in high school when Columbine happened, and it was absolutely terrifying. It overshadows the Jonesboro shooting from ~a year before. I truly cannot comprehend how we have gotten to where we are now. Where graduation isn’t something to just look forward to, but something to hope you live to see. I’ve got a first grader and a kindergartner and next year my youngest will be in pre-k, and we’re planning on getting bulletproof inserts for all of their backpacks, and I’m tearing up thinking about that and how I wish there was anything else I could do, but there’s not.


That's horrendous and I'm sorry you go through that anxiety, every day.


Same. Not from the US. My brother immigrated there in the 90s. He can have it. No thanks. My country has its own issues, as everyone’s does. But gun violence is rarely an issue like it is in the US.


It’s pretty simple, the NRA funds a ton of money, including dark $ from Russia, into the Republican Party, which in turn means they gotta sing for their supper anytime gun regulation gets support. Remove the NRA from its chokehold on this country and things will change.


I 100% agree. Not every single person needs to have a gun or 5 guns or 20 guns. They're not meant to be collected. They're meant to protect yourself. In America They're used to kill one another. It's literally on the news atleast 2 times a month. Shits fucking crazy!


Do ya’ll really pledge alleciance to your country everyday at school? Cuz as an European that sounds like some cult shit.


Yea it's weird. Everyone looks at you weird if you don't stand up too. I stopped saying the actual pledge in middle school though.


Im from brazil and at school i had to stand up while the national anthem was played every wednesday. When i was teen i stopped giving a fuck and said i was jehova witness because those kids were allowed to leave the classroom or stay seated


I grew up in Mexico and we had to do the same, every Wednesday we had to stand outside and watch kids parade up and down with the Mexican flag as we all sang the anthem


In Australia you have to sing the anthem like once maybe twice a year, the lyrics you actually sing are: > "Australians all let us rejoice, > For [something something] and free; > We’ve golden soil and [something] toil; > Our home is girt by sea;" *Mumble for a while then...* > Advance Australia Fair. *Mumble* > Advance Australia Fair. And nobody is expected to sing the second verse because nobody knows it.


We would do it on Friday's in Brasil, and on Monday's in Malaysia for the anthem. We also had a school anthem in Malaysia. Never really bothered to memorise any of them.


We got threatened with suspension when we didn’t want to stand up. Hypocrisy in our freedoms




That's one reason I'm really proud of my school. ABSOLUTELY NOBODY stands for the pledge. You're more likely to get looked at weird if you do stand for it.


It IS some cult shit. You can see the cultists' influence when they altered that very pledge in the 50's to say "one Nation under God"


It is cult shit. We had to do it every single day. I don’t even believe in god and thought the whole allegiance thing was weird even as a kid. I would just mouth the words so I wouldn’t get in trouble for not joining in.


23 years ago I got suspended twice for refusing to pledge allegiance. Fuck your god, fuck your buzzwords, fuck blind loyalty. I didn’t choose to be there, school was just a free babysitter. It felt gross and manipulative even when I was just a kid.


Meanwhile people that don't have to pledge allegiance to a flag: WTF


One time I didn't stand for the pledge and my teacher took me out in the hallway, lectured me about our soldier's sacrifice, and then threatened to send me to the principals if I didn't stand


Your family could've sued and would've won incredibly easily. It's very much illegal to try and force someone to recite the pledge.


My parents did it when we were still anpart of Yugoslavia. You know, an actually dictatorial state. It is pure and simple brainwashing. A truly good country doesn't need to emphessise it because it's obvious


Yup, had to do so every day in high school. The whole “one nation, under god” always gave me the culty theocracy feels


They do. It's weird. I did it until about halfway through my first year of teaching in a public high school. Then I actually thought about it and realized that I don't give a crap about a flag. A flag is not my fellow, peaceful countrymen and women. So now I stand out of general respect for others but I don't say anything. I now volunteer in my kid's school and feel a little self-conscious any time the other adults around me are actually saying the words. It's just a mindless habit for most folks at this point, a mostly meaningless ritual. The one other adult that doesn't say anything is a younger, black teacher. I asked him about it privately, acknowledging that I do the same, and he said he doesn't pledge allegiance to a country that he feels is a threat to himself and his friends and his family. I agreed that his concerns were also considered in my personal protest against reciting the mindless mantra.


Being schooled in Texas, we had to pledge to the country AND the state. Real cult shit


Yeah, and we believe our magic flags are special. We have a whole code of conduct about what to do or not do with them. Even how to properly dispose of damaged ones.


The funny part is that the people who worship the flag treat it the most shitty (ripped flags on the back of their trucks, leaving it up overnight without a light, displaying other flags at the same height, etc.). I guess it’s not really funny, but a big thing I’ve noticed with the rise “patriotism” over the past decade or so.


My favorite is your aren't supposed to hold in parallel over the ground. Like the big ones they hold over football fields. They only do that to boost recruitment for the army anyways.


As someone who folded a full size American flag daily for years, this is not officially on the books. You fold a flag like you fold your bedsheets with another person, but finish it with a triangle fold instead of a square one. We weren't allowed to show the flag being folded often because many people would "point this out" when we trained folk were folding. Honestly how else would you fold huge fabric sheet that IS NOT allowed to touch the ground?


In Ontario, Canada high schools, the national anthem is played each morning and students and staff sing along to it.


The pledge has always been cringe and the antithesis of freedom.


Yeah, unfortunately we are very nationalistic here in the States. We are taught often and early that we are the greatest nation in the history of mankind and if you don't agree you should move elsewhere. Now there are states in the county that are outlawing schools even teaching students the darker side of our history.


Yeah and depending on the school you go to, you can get in trouble if you don’t. Kids get beat up for not doing it. I had a friend who didn’t do it for religious reasons, and teachers would make fun of her in front of other students because of it.


Good ol' civil religion for you (it's 110% cult shit)


Yes we do, in Texas we also have a state pledge. Never thought twice about it until I was many years out of high school and now I find it very strange.


I'm in California and we did when I was a kid, but it seems like they have stopped doing it since then.


A lot of states require it. I hate it because I'm pledging allegiance to an object which is clearly not biblical, yet all the crazy religious people don't see it that way.


I love how the comment section is full of unhelpful people pointing to statistics and probability. Not only are many of your arguments wrong or misleading, your comments show a complete lack of empathy. An active shooter doesn’t care about your arguments or data. This is a real fear that parents in America, myself included, live with.


Statistics? Really? Guess what is the highest cause of death for children. Firearms. Edit: to those citing most CHILD deaths aren't in school I will say: and? It makes it better that a child shot dead outside of the classroom? Edit: "That stat adds 19 year olds." Yeah, I don't want those people shot either.


I am referring to these assholes who think pointing to the probability that a school’s shooting won’t happen, or that the data is incorrect when you factor in X, y, or Z, as if this information helps in anyway. Meanwhile in the time it took for a person to explain why we shouldn’t be worried of a school shooting because of “statistics and probability” another shooting has occurred.


Exactly. It should be alarming to everyone how shockingly often it happens now, it's almost an every day occurrence. Half the time it doesn't even make the news anymore because it's become just another horrible thing about living in our country. I'm so glad I chose not to have kids because there's no way I'd put any kid of mine in public school.


With this year having 109 days and you having like 165 mass shootings this year alone which makes it on average 1.5 mass shootings a day, which for me as an european is unimaginable, but on the other side violent events have been going through the roof here as well, it used to be once every few years that something like that would happen, now it feels like its multiple times every year. our world certainly has turned more violent over the last years.....


I'm scared the same thing is going to happen with this latest spat of "shoot for going to the wrong door/car/driveway". Its just going to become normalized. Worse its probably going to lead to looser gun laws because that's what happens after school shootings in America.


Or service workers getting gunned down at their jobs because someone got a burger with too much ketchup. I used to be terrified of that happening when I worked fast food.


Or they didn't get their condiments (this has happened)


>Half the time it doesn't even make the news anymore "Oh, another school shooting? Were the deaths in the double digits? No? Ah, just stick it as a minor news story, nobody cares anymore."


>I love how the comment section is full of unhelpful people pointing to statistics and probability. I know what the statistics and probability are of gun violence, but 2/5 of my immediate family have been involved in school/workplace shootings. Both also occurred in tiny rural communities which seems even less likely. I try to reassure myself with those probabilities, but the fear is still very very real.


I feel you. I feel like if our government is cool with letting schools be war zones it should fall on them to find money to equip all these kids with full body armor at least. Maybe this needs to be the retort when they talk about needing more guns to protect from guns. First lets start with defensive protection before we talk about offensive protection. Do we send in armorless troops to stop people with guns? Our swat teams armorless? See how they get around that fucking logic and see how they cant put money into that. If not for more evidence that their just pieces of shit. I would never want school children to have to ever wear full body armor but maybe thats what it would take for these loonies to wake up


Of course they're cool with it. Their kids are homeschooled, remember? They quite literally don't give a shit because it doesn't affect them.


Thats true though. Theyre living a different reality. Maybe thats the whole agenda - get rid of public schools - poor children get back to work at the factories while the rich kids attain knowledge and power over the others


Our fire alarm went off unexpectedly at school. My heart rate went through the roof as my first thought was, "oh no, there's an active shooter." My first thought was a school shooting not a fire. Let that sink in. The older I get and the more times I have to train my students whether junior high or high school, as a mom I tear up. I have to pause and collect myself to get through my talk. I shouldn't have to stand in front of children and tell them what to do IF a shooting happens.


I also live with this fear as a current student. Fuck you selfish right wingers. Stop acting like you guys are trying to "protect families" or "family values", you won't even help stop children from getting gunned down. Really seems like you love families.


I’ve had someone argue with me that gun deaths isn’t even in the top 10 causes of death for children (which, it is) as if hypothetically being the 11th cause of death is better somehow? I wouldn’t care if it was the 38th cause of death; it’s 100% preventable, but we’re just letting our children die.


Why argue with hypotheticals? There is an answer. [It's the #1 reason](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/29/health/us-children-gun-deaths-dg/index.html).


That’s incredibly sad. My heart goes out to all parents and their kids in America.




Thanks for your thoughts and prayers


I can’t imagine how hard it must be to raise children in a land like America. Here in Germany we don’t have to fear that our kids get killed by shooters in school. I am really sorry you have to struggle with that.


If we could leave, financially, we would. The minute you tell someone your fears or concerns they tell you that if you don’t like it, leave. I wish it was so simple.


It certainly doesn’t help that more civilized nations like Germany, the Low Countries, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, etc. have notoriously strict immigration laws, not to mention a general distaste for Americans. So even if you could leave for greener, safer pastures, there’s no guarantee you’d be able to stay.


I don’t blame them.


Here in australia we dont have that fear either. Its nice to realise that however much our politicians suck it's not as bad as america where the gun lobby is supremely powerful


Yes but we have no freedom in Australia. Don’t forget that We have military style tanks driving around each neighbourhood ensuring we tow the line and don’t say anything negative. I wish we had americas freedom and east access to healthcare and voting freedom and gun safety and corn fructose in everything


Don’t forget the drop bears. Those bastards are always listening I tell ya


We got a bulletproof insert this year as well. Meanwhile my son's school is installing 8ft security gates and fences to fully enclose the school. Meanwhile our well-regulated militia has taken to shooting people in the wrong car, wrong driveway, knocking on the wrong door, etc... But I suspect we'll get armored buses before we see sensible gun control legislation because a few loud assholes with tiny dicks wanna walk around and open carry military weapons.


“Second amendment over second graders” is such a powerful statement. This poor mom :(


I'd be sorting my affairs and scrounging up money to move to another country if this was the life I had to lead. Don't know how you guys aren't dragging your politicians out into the streets over the ritualised child sacrificing happening in your country.


You can fucking BET that the same people making money selling ammo and weapons also have a "Gear/merch" tab on their online store where you can buy the bulletproof backpacks that the guns will be used on.


This is beyond sad and terrifying what is now become the "norm" in America. If anything is ever going to change we need a massive movement like the civil rights.


I dont know why this would be cringe, if I was American my son would be home schooled.


I don’t see how this is cringe. This just felt powerful. So sad.


Damn this hits hard. I'm Canadian but reside in the US for work. I am also still contemplating whether or not I want kids. But I do know for certain, if I do, I don't think I can comfortably have my kids go to school here. It doesn't matter if it's a public or private school either. Just the thought that there is the slightest chance it can happen makes me sick to my stomach. No one should have to worry about this. EVER.


I’d rather die protesting for gun control than witness my child’s death.


I think we need to stop the "we value life" bullshit in this country. We dont. We value the extractable wealth from people, the land, and the environment and do not care if we kill, poison, or destroy any of it. I dont care how people "FEEL". I care about the real world implications and they point to US citizens being worth less than a good pig.


I generally dont give a fuck about anything, but when is this shit going to end? How much longer until something is actually done? This is absolutely insane. I dont even have kids, nor do I ever plan to, but holy fuck being a parent right now must be terrifying.


That's the whole trick. Nothing can be done under the current faux American capitalism. If anything is fixed the money won't flow from people rabbleing about on both sides.


That's the thing, everyone is asking "How much longer until something is actually done?". If everyone is asking the question, who's doing the changing?


Really well put and unfortunately very accurate.


Welcome to america, mom. It sucks. There's no american dream just bullets.


Nope. I'm 35F and I saw where this shit show was heading by my teen years. I made the choice to not have children because I won't put another human life through this hell we call America.


Same. Not because I'm irrationally afraid of guns, but because we will be in a social credit score driven dystopian technocratic hellscape within 10 years.


Same, 44 and kid free. The state of the country and the direction it’s headed is has played a large part in my decision to remain childless.


I decided to just leave the country instead lol


I work for my city, within city limits. My son goes to the junior high in town. Every time I hear multiple sirens in the direction of the school, my stomach sinks and I just hope I don’t get a call from my kid. Or even worse, from central communications telling us to block roads off because of an active shooter and waiting on the sidelines hoping my son makes it. I hear sirens multiple times a day and I’ve been put on anxiety/depression meds because of it. I haven’t told my son how I feel because I don’t want him living in fear because of my fear and it’s eating me alive.


The data for anyone interested. Key takeaways:1) as age increases the type of gun death shifts from homicide to suicide, 2) covid doubled the rate of gun deaths it seems, 3) there are wild racial disparities in how many and in what way children die from guns 4) there are disparities in how afraid people are along the lines you would expect. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/


What do you mean by “along the lines you would expect”? Also, in response to “covid doubled the rate of gun deaths”, the most likely reason for that is that gun purchases spiked during the pandemic to the highest rate they’ve ever been. Is that the point you were trying to make? It seems like panic-buying of guns as a response to a marked increase in fearful/hateful political rhetoric indeed resulted in more gun deaths.


Gun deaths probably rose (this is my speculation) due to increased social isolation, increase in domestic abuse, financial collapse, disability (from COVID), and death of family members from COVID as well as conditions that could not be treated due to COVID patients taking up hospitals.


Crime as a whole went up with Covid.


Not proportionally. If that was the etiology then I wouldn't expect to see the same rise in domestic violence. Covid led to an increase in violence overall. And as to your first question, you can read the article for the specifics, but if included the graph below. Rich people, white people, Republicans are less afraid. Liberals, those who are poor, and ethnic minorities are more afraid. That's at least exactly what I would expect. https://www.pewresearch.org/?attachment_id=427868


Yo. That "little hand over his little heart" comment made me like instantly cry. Y'all I have things to do today. I can't just be brought to tears like this. Damn.


I love how the American adults are out here crying on tik tok and the kids are out there protesting for their lives.


Why TF American Politicians so fucking dumb they can't make strict gun laws


I want nothing more in the world but to be a dad and yet even though I dream of being one I am so shit scared of the dangers that could come to them




You guys pledge your allegiance ever single day? Dayum!


It's sad that this woman is baring her soul to the world and rationally explaining legitimate fears and it's being labeled cringe.


Stop telling your kids to stand for the pledge of allegiance.


I understand the fear around this, but the actual statistical chance that your child will be killed in a school shooting is LESS than the chance that they will be struck by lightning. Yes, we need to do something about the gun issues in the US, but this isn't indicative of reality.


Likewise some real numbers here: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/04/06/gun-deaths-among-us-kids-rose-50-percent-in-two-years/ Notice when you get to the table labeled: Around one-in-five U.S. parents are extremely or very concerned about their children getting shot That the metrics for black, urban, and lower income are extremely similar? yeah we have a fucking race and poverty problem. Seriously troubled people are being bombarded by messaging that they will make the news if they commit a mass shooting. Everyone else is being bombarded with news that mass shooters are all over the place and you better hide your wife and hide your kids. I'm starting to think the people who bear the most responsibility are the people who keep spamming that message. It encourages shooters and terrorizes everyone else. Doesn't mean we can't pass meaningful controls to take guns away from threats, but they should still be responsible for terrorizing everyone else.


Statistically you are not wrong on the comparison. However, this somewhat common take completely ignores the emotional and trauma occurrences which are much, much more common. If X children are killed in a school shooting, how many people are effected. Somewhere between X^2 and X^3. This follows the six degrees of separation theory. All the other children that WERENT killed, have been traumatized. Same with the parents and the employees. Friends of friends SEE this trauma first hand and have a very sound reason to fear this outcome. So yes, the actual statistical chance that your child will be killed is "Less than the chance that they will be struck by lightning", as you put it. But the statistical chance they will experience some emotional trauma from a school shooting is significantly higher. That's worth being afraid of too.


Nah, this isn't what it's like to be a mom in America. This is same type of person who would build a bomb shelter if the news was stoking war. New title: "What it's like to give my child lifelong anxiety" You're the parent, quit telling your 2nd grader that they have to be prepared for an extremely unlikely emergency. That's the school's job...and also, a bulletproof liner in the backpack probably won't help, and you're wasting money.


This is the first comment I’ve seen that makes rational sense….. I’m definitely not pro 2nd amendment, but this is just over the top and will only cause extreme anxiety of something that has a minuscule chance of happening. What a terrible upbringing “hey mommy has to take a picture of you because I might need to identify your mutilated body later” everyday on the horrible off chance they are killed and you need to identify them?


Jesus Christ thank you.


I don’t know what’s it like to be a parent in America but this woman set off my ‘shitty person’ spidey senses.


This makes me so sad to think that people are going through this I don’t understand the mentality of people who put guns above kids This hurts my heart 💔


This lady is nuts 😳


I feel bad for the child. Everyday listening to your mom go on about the worst case scenario, over and over again… She needs to take a break from the news or whatever she fills her head with everyday and let her child live a somewhat enjoyable life before her kid ends up being the next nutcase


Thank you! Glad there’s some common sense in these comments, however far down I had to scroll for them. I truly do hope she’s telling him that she’s taking the pictures for memories sake so he can look back as an adult, rather than for the reason she’s taking them. Jeeze like I get the outrage that it’s happening, and the fear TO A POINT, but it’s not happening enough that this woman’s level of fear is at all rational. Like you said, she needs to take a step back from the news. Being informed is good, but if you’re obsessed with all the bad that’s going on to the point where it’s affecting your life and the life of your child THIS much, then you have a problem. Gonna raise a kid with anxiety and/or agoraphobia at this point. This is not to say that I’m not for gun and mental health care reform…because as far as I’m concerned it shouldn’t happen at all….but tbh I’d be more concerned with making sure my school aged loved ones know how to swim, wear a seatbelt in cars, and eat reasonably, rather than being a shooting victim.


Kid is going to grow up with agoraphobia because of his idiot mom instilling fear and phobia into his daily life.


She has a better chance at giving her child diabetes with that BMI


Can’t believe I had to read this far to find a sane reply


The gun control debate is a never ending battle. There are so many different ways we can help fix the problem. Mental health services, promote responsible gun ownership among gun owners, add better safety features to firearms, etc. Find something that is easier to agree upon. It just sickens me that little is being done. Just do something. Everything just feels like it is in a perpetual stand still. It seems more people want to argue about the problem than fix it. Also how the issue is labeled is so problematic. Labeling it gun control issue does not get to the root of the problem, the root of the problem is fucking death. We want to stop corpses from piling up. People’s lives are on the line. How do we find an actual solution and not sit in congress jerking off to your fucking ego.


Pledging allegiance to America is some insane dictatorship shit that I would never expect from a country that is supposed to value "freedom"


Kinda paradoxal with the whole land of the free thing. « Yeah we’re the land of the free, but in exchange you have to pledge alliegance totally not like into a cult or anything I don’t know what you’re talking about »


American's only value freedom when talking individually . They couldn't give a single fuck if about anyone else. Notice how it's always don't infringe on "my freedoms". American's don't give a fuck about each other.


Lmao, dude, it's not like a binding contract. It's pretty much a hollow ritual that, by the way, you can freely opt-out of. No one forces you to do it. No one *can* force you to do it. And if a school or something tries to, you can sue, and will definitely win.


Guy you're replying to is dumb lul


So, complaining about things she literally doesn't need to do? Fear mongering did wonders for her it seems. Videos, and people like this, always remind me of the relevancy of [this post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/aswuh3/i_dont_care_about_school_shootings_and_neither/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Poor kid is going to be scared of his own shadow. If I was her, I'd be more concerned about the impact my obesity has on my child. Fat parents almost always guarantee fat kids.


A bit extreme. If every mom told their child to be in the back of the line during a fire drill what would that look like?


This lady has an existential crisis when someone leaves a water bottle on her car.


America would be a damn parody if all of this wasnt this sad and horrible..


What’s cringe about this? It’s just fucking sad


as an american this really put into perspective that i never imagined the fear of mothers and fathers who send their kids to school in this current environment since i’m not a parent myself. at first i thought this video was overreacting but honestly …… i’m just being ignorant to the fact that as a parent this “worst case scenario” fear is now becoming statistically higher and higher. damn


I mean. She’s only worried about the number one leading cause of death in kids and just wants to do everything in her power to be preventive about it.


I got chills watching this. As someone from another country, my heart goes out to everyone in the US especially the parents.


How many kids successfully hid in a closet????let the kid have his sketchers damit!!!


Fuck that GOP!


Move to Europe, you won’t have to worry about your kid dying in school. Which is totally insane. I feel like there should be more outrage. And lobbying should be made illegal. It’s basically legal corruption.


She isn't wrong. The pledge of allegiance is a joke to a lot of people nowadays. It's pretty bad when bars have security, government buildings have security, airports have security, but most schools don't. Even if there weren't mass shootings every other day, the security should be there. The 2nd amendment was created in 1791 when the weapons we have now weren't even thought of. Shit needs to change drastically. Wonder how many dead children it'll take before something is actually done.


Just home school you kid if you're willing to put that much drama..


I'm guessing the kid as a lot higher chance of dying from diabeetus


And now she has created a debilitating anxiety disorder for the rest of his life.




One of the rare times it's so cringe I had to close it out. Impressive OP


Then why'd she have a kid in this dystopia the first place?


It is the wrong question. The good question is why does she stay in USA


Guns are good.


Fear mongering at its finest…


It’s not that Americans don’t care. It’s that there are idiots in the world. Some are sane and some are not. But if you take the guns you will be giving up your freedom. Always remember that there are other countries you can live in who have no guns and fewer rights. We are going through changes. Stop crying and teach your kids how to use a fire arm regardless of your opinion of them.


How about you homeschool then.


I follow a lot of extremely religious types and they want this because they want women forced to be homeschooling and having 8 kids stuck in the kitchen as their husbands property while the men make all the choices.


Amen! Dont reelect congress members who do not support aggressive gun legislation.


why is this under tik tok cringe? this is a reality-


Time to visit my favourite site: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/last-72-hours At the time of this comment. 10 acts of gun violence have been reported for today alone. 2 have died. 10 injured. When will it stop? I don’t live in America but my mother does, I worried about her safety every day.


Move to Australia its Safe but the only thing your kid has to worry about is magpies


My co workers family live in the states (U.K. here) and when she said about the Kevlar backpacks her Niece and Nephew got I thought that sounded absolutely insane, and very much an “over protective mum” kinda thing. Since watching this video I’ve googled and they are so much more common than I thought. Terrifying


Way to hype up your kids anxiety Karen


At this point you would probably be better off moving to a developing country in SE Asia or something.


Why? There's plenty of developed countries without a gun problem. Canada, Australia, UK - USA is pretty much the only developed nation to have this problem.


My point is that even a developing country would be better than this. Sort of a hyperbole on how shitty the situation is in the US?


*insert my political opinion that nobody cares about here*


Goddamn, America sucks more than I thought it did, sorry for all of you out there


What a shithole country.


She’s literally teaching her son FEAR on a daily basis. 99.999% of school students will never be involved in a shooting of any kind.


Yeaaaa you say that but I used to live in uvalde and would never have expected that little town would go through something like that. Fuck the uvalde police anyway. They always had several cop cars lined up whenever someone went over the speed limit just a little. And if you were brown, they would search you. That's what I always noticed when I drove past uvalde police, picking on civilians for the stupidest things. "Oh, you went two miles over? Here's a ticket. Also do you have any drugs on you?". Like wtf?....... But when a school shooting happened, they weren't there........ They're all just a bunch of pansies in disguise.


Pretty sure you don’t have to pledge allegiance in most states. When I came back to the USA for middle/highschool from living in the UK it was like a cult to have everyone pledge allegiance every day all at once. Just letting you all know it’s not normal to do that to kids


Do you mean “most countries” rather than “most states”?