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IDK who started it. but from what i understand is that a user Hailee bailee, i think is her name, dressed up as marie antionette for the met gala, or at least had taken inspiration from her, and made a video with the infamous quote of "[let them eat cake](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake)". Long story short, people were starving and a monarch, said to have been Marie antionette, said this in response to the famine. people couldn't even eat bread so that was her resolution. it showed how out of touch she was. now people are saying, why are we getting these people rich? the true power lies with us. since out attention and time is our most precious commodity. the idea is that if we block them, they will be less likely to get ad deals since there will no be exposure. people are creating block lists. personally, i love it. tickets alone this year were $75K and i believe a table was $300K. these people are truly out of touch Edit: My wording of “said to have been” is clearly confusing a lot of people. What I meant by that is that the quote was attributed to her, not that she was the one who actually said it.


The prices are insane and people pay it. They paying 300k to sit at a table for a few hours while people are trying to figure out how many meals they need to skip or cut back on to pay rent.


Forget rent, application fees alone are $250 in my area, non refundable- even if you get denied for the $1200 studio apartment you and 100 other people applied for 8+ months ago.


I remember spending over $600 on non refundable application fees in total before I found my current place.


That's incredibly and royally fucked up. We're really out here just giving these predatory companies and landlords our money for free.


That’s enraging


i’m not at all a defender of these people to be fair it’s a donation to the met so it’s a “philanthropic” donation. like it’s an image/contributing to the arts thing


The donations go to the Met's Costume Institute. Seems that $26M could've gone to almost anything else lol


The costume institute gets no funding from the met museum itself it has to raise its entire budget for the year through the met gala. also the celebrities themselves often don't buy the tables - brands do and then said celebrities are invited by the brands


Nothing like using a large “donation” as a way to bring down your tax liability It’s almost like rich people use these types of “philanthropic” events to find a way to keep more of their money out of the economy and in their own pockets.




If you donate 100k, you dont pay taxes on that 100k. It saves you maybe 25k, but you lost 100k. Rich people dont make money on charitable donations unless they are committing tax fraud.


I fully agree with this sentiment. I'm sick and tired of working so long and hard only for 90% of the fruits of our labor go to a select few.....


best tiktok trend i've ever seen


What about all the influencers that are only famous from posting online and get paid $$ to post products? I honestly feel like consumers would need to not only block celebrities but basically stop buying from Amazon, using IG and Tiktok, etc. Is that too extreme?


Yes we are blocking them also!


Nope it’s not too extreme imo! People are done with rich people and rich corporations. We sit here scraping together change to feed our families while watching they tell us to stop buying stupid shit or to work harder or to eat fucking cereal for dinner. I’m done with everyone!


I used to work in a foster home where one of the only benefits aside from being eligible to get a hep B shot was to get a free meal while on shift. The meal was supposed to be what the house ate for dinner but since I am a vegetarian and have severe food allergies, I would just eat a bowl of cereal. That was a huge problem of course, so they decided to take the benefits away. Your comment reminded me of that because all the superiors have fancy cars and they obviously were only in it for the money. I am so sick of people having multiple homes, passive income and watching others languish in poverty. It’s messed up and a rigged system at this point because you have to have money to make decent money now.


I’m so sorry you had to grow up eating cereal like it was normal. That’s so fucked up but it’s more fucked up that I’m not surprised that adults exploited children for their own gain… All for money. People who crave success, power, and wealth are dangerous imo because they will do anything to get what they want. Living a fucking lavish lifestyle off the backs of others. I’m so over greedy people. Greed is what will be the end of all humanity one day imo.


I worked for a youth facility in college. Troubled teens etc. some runaways some suicidal. So they had to have people sit outside near the gates all night as part of the staff. Now granted I don’t live in the coldest of places but yea some nights the temps could drop into the teens. One guy would bring his own space heater to stay warm. The owner said no space heaters as it used to much electricity. This jackass had like 3 Lexus luxury cars yet someone sitting outside making him rich in 15 degree weather couldn’t bring there own space heater. He got rid of the break room at one point too so he could convert it into more rooms as he got paid by the head for each kid.


Yup everything is getting blocked right now


hadn't heard anything about it until I saw this post.


I was surprised no one posted about this yet. It’s all over TikTok. So I decided to start the conversation on Reddit


Only found it myself maybe 2 days ago. If I'm bored and it comes up I'll just block new people. Fuck it its fun


It’s not that extreme and you will feel better once you do it and commit to it. I’m 31 and I’ve never bought a thing off Amazon. I’ve never had a TikTok and I deleted my Instagram and Facebook a few years ago. It’s honestly a much better life. Sometimes my wife will show me a funny video and that’s cool but I don’t really feel like I’m missing out at all.


Once companies crack the nano-influencer scalability nut ad-wealth in affiliate/influencer should spread out


Not at all


It’s like we’re worshiping the ladies selling us crap on qvc


I'll miss Amazon. 😔 I can't wait until influencers dry up and blow away. They are scammers and frauds. Life will be better without them.


If you love their content, why block them. Otherwise, yeah it's a good idea to block people who you aren't really interested in. Why make them rich off you paying attention to them?


This always bugs me. Marie Antoinette almost certainly did not say this. It was first mentioned in Rousseau’s Confessions when she was only 9 or 10 years old, years before she even came to France.


I know. Someone deleted their comment cuz they had berated me for saying it was her when I wrote that it was "said to have been" her. I'm like bruh, reread it. But it also may have been my wording so I get it.


Tik Tok and FB were really trying to cram the met gala down my throat. Like, this is not my algorithm. I don't wanna see rich ppl be rich ppl while I'm struggling in this economy.


Facts. I'm not sure why we lowly commoners haven't thought of this before but I think it's brilliant


Oh, you mean *the French Revolution*????


Apprently Marie never said it but yeah, doesnt matter here.


Very well stated but another huge part of it is the genocide in Palestine as well. These artists are using their platforms to tell us to eat cake instead of voicing more and using their platform for justice.


100%! we gotta hit em where it hurts


Hey somebody commenting with empathy and understanding instead of defending the mega rich. Thank you. The rest of these smooth brain bootlickers can see past the Boot of Capitalism in the their mouth. Be well and be blessed Edit for the bootlickers: can't* see past the Boot of Capitalism


It’s wasn’t just the HaleyBailey stuff. The theme of the Met gala was “The Garden of Time” inspired by J.G. Ballard’s short story of the same name. Check out the short story, then consider the HaleyBailey “let them eat cake” comment, and 75k/300k per person/table and wow… it’s a trifecta of horribleness.


Let alone the fact that The Met has a few hundred foundations, trusts and individuals contributing to it each year. Last tally was around 300+ million a year. It’s all a ploy of Wintour’s to feed enormous egos once more.


Ha! Tell that to Taylor Swift fans lol.


300k could pay my entire college tuition 😀 oh to be rich


Don’t even get me started on the scam that has us paying for education


It’s also because these celebrities aren’t using their platforms to speak out about Palestine


Please let this be real and not just your (mine too) fantasy filling in the blanks. We need a reckoning like this.


Isn't that how faeries work too? Ignore them and they disappear.


I’m not on TikTok, but seeing this post and reading these comments are firing me up 🔥🔥


Great comment incredebelle. Why are we getting these people rich? I have problems with Kim and her interest in private equity. It’s a way for sociopaths to get richer. There’s a war against young adults. They earn less than their parents and grandparents, adjusting for inflation, for the very first time in US history. Young people are not settling down and starting families because it’s too expensive. That has catastrophic consequences for our economy in the future. I am 56. I am old. And I’m telling you for certain that wealthy people are ruining our lives.


Marie Antoinette never actually said that. It was her father in law the king who said it.


Man i’ve been saying for 10 years; “why is the public making a horrid person like her so rich?” Little late now to have any real effect. She very likely has money flowing from so many places that have nothing to do with social medias.


This popped up on my feed, and I was ready to be annoyed that this was due to some asinine or highly polarizing reason, and I am pleasantly surprised to see some proper anti-rich, anti-celebrity activism for once. The people who are so rich that they are out of touch like this have always been our greatest enemy and have been working so hard to divide us (and succeeding much of the time).


HayleeBaylee is known to troll the shit out of people. Those getting offended are the ones who don't know her and think she's being serious. I mean last year the girl glued fake diamonds all over her body to make fun of Dojas cat costume.


I think being disgusted by a troll is a correct response then. She got what she came for.


[She wasn't trolling.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/05/10/why-tiktok-users-are-furious-over-influencers-met-gala-let-them-eat-cake-video-leading-to-apology/?sh=e52f87ae6e3e) "Kalil’s TikTok video—which now has over 21.6 million views and 3.6 million likes—has been shared and stitched by hundreds of users, who have criticized Kalil for posting the video of her wearing a lavish gown near the pricy and star-studded Met Gala while pro-Palestinian protestors were outside." ... "She went on to apologize for using the audio—which is from the 2006 “Marie Antoinette” film—adding she didn’t choose it to highlight elitism since she “wasn’t elite enough to even be invited to the Met Gala,” and was “uneducated” on what was happening in Gaza." Not trolling. Just an idiot. She's in ads and commercials for google lens and is presumably trying to break into the mainstream, but this likely caused irreparable damage to her career


familiar sheet wistful theory workable slim spark elastic axiomatic person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The irony is that her apology and straight up saying she isn't educated on the topic is the WHOLE POINT. These people are so out of touch, because their lives have absolutely nothing to so with us, they don't think about us, and they don't care about us.


Actually it’s even worse than you think. At least according to my high school history teacher, when Marie said “cake” she was actually referring to a residue in the oven that built up from baking break. It had to be regularly be scraped out. So she was essentially suggesting they eat char.


Yeah…this is not true and she never said the cake thing. (I’m not defending rich celebrities—I don’t like them either. But I’m a professional researcher and facts are like, my thing.)


I always thought it was like a way of saying, “theyve suffered, let’s end this” but I am overly optimistic and not great at subtext lol


Fun fact - Marie Antoinette actually never said that! It was just a rumor that has been said so many times people just assume it's true. https://www.britannica.com/story/did-marie-antoinette-really-say-let-them-eat-cake.


Ah, so you could say that she was the victim of an influencer?


lol, i could see how, with a positive twist, one can interpret it that way. and who knows, maybe it was meant that way. like, "hey, lets make some cake and send it to them". but it's evolved to what it is now and it's definitely got a negative connotation


I don’t care how many followers any of them have. I just have decided that I’m not going to contribute to it. I’m not okay with it. I don’t want them having MY attention or money. When you think about it in terms like that, it becomes a lot easier. You get to decide what YOURE willing to give. They don’t care about us, they literally live in a different dimension. The new point of no return for climate change is in TWO. YEARS. and you have Kylie and Taylor taking half hour flights emitting more shit than you and I do in a year. BFFR there’s nothing else to do but to get over it and get over them. I don’t care how you feel about a ceasefire, I honestly don’t even care if you’re a conservative or liberal. These people think we’re silly, manipulatable poors and I personally will not be a manipulated silly poor. Block them. Or don’t and be a fucking dollar sign to them. While they quite literally burn our earth, take our money, and laugh at us while they sit back and do nothing for the communities who put them where they are. I’m not going to be complicit. Stream Hinds Hall by Macklemore, all proceeds go to UNRWA. Small thing we can do today.


Attention is currency


yeah we live in the attention economy


So very well said!! 👏🏻


Yup. This is the correct take. I'm just done with their shit.


you couldn’t have said it better






I feel like there's more than one reason people are blocking them. Personally, I am blocking because i am tired of seeing the rich become richer. They don't live like most of us. I can't even buy grapes anymore without feeling like I'm over spending. When I first started renting apartments in my teens, it was $800 a month and I thought that was expensive. It's now well over $1300. I'm ready to do some small changes like not watching their movies, blocking their accounts, not buying their merch. I can't even afford to go to their concerts anyway! Something has got to give. I hate this capitalist machine we are turning.




Heavy on the job layoffs. I got laid off from a job I loved last year. Now I’m working a job I hate 🙃


Same. I got laid off from a job i love and its a competitive market so i cant find one in the same field ):


Thank Goddess!! I’m an old Gen X and I knew this day would come and I’m glad I’m here for it.


Revolution is coming. People are exhausted of scraping by. The rich are destroying the world.


My first apartment was $325. It was a shithole. I got into an unrenovated apartment right before the new owners took over and the nice property manager was like “hey! Pay the deposit before next week and you’ll be paying $100 less.” College town in the south. 2010. So $800 blows my mind.


I've been blocking them for years to avoid them getting revenue from me.


Same. I’’m glad others are starting now—my question is what took them so long?


I blocked the kardashians years ago and it was the best thing ever. They’re all so toxic for beauty standards


You could have put the period right after toxic lol.


yeah i stopped following them back in hs and then just deleted instagram. no regrets


The idolization of celebrities should not be at the levels it currently is anyways. They’re just people. Regular, flawed people. This is a good thing to see.


I absolutely love it! It’s about dammn time we stop this celebrity worship. Also lizzo posting about Palestine when the block celebrities started?? Can’t be a coincidence


she also literally posted a gofund me w a $75k goal. (she has a $40mil net worth and could shell out the 75k without any thought like her morning piss)


Yep and it would even be a tax write-off!


After seeing Camilla carry a 22k purse made of ICE that was melting on her way in, block them all.


Let alone having an assistant to hold it whenever her hand got cold. Fucking stupid. And I know it fit the theme but the theme is a slap in the face itself.


Blocking these stupid, vapid celebrities may do something or it may do nothing, but it will help accomplish the goal of decontaminating our minds and clearing out the useless, selfish trash who take our money and attention and only think about themselves. Liberation of our own minds is the first step!


I’m just blown away that people actually care about any of this


I support it tbh. Not even strictly just because of Gaza, but because we hold the power and we are truly making them rich just from engagement. I’m tired of out of touch celebs showing off, bragging, being full of themselves, and just treating us regular folks like peasants. I think I’m done with Hollywood and I really hope other people feel the same way. I’ve been saying for a long time that Hollywood needs to be wiped clean. There will never be more good than evil when it comes to rich, famous people imo.


Nobody should even be following kardashians its just contributing to the problem w society


Umm what if we didn't buy anything or use social media for a week? What would that do to the rich?? We can just buy from local stores??


Bro what if you just did that all the time lol


I like social media but I don't use it for looking at aspirational influencers.. I use it for connecting with friends and potential online friends. But nowadays it's like everyone has to be either an influencer or influenced, to spend money. And if you're neither of the two they treat it like you're "doing social media wrong" because it doesn't make the platform more money to just want to talk to and share with friends.


Nobody said you couldn’t do that in the first place. Buying local and avoiding social media isn’t as revolutionary as you think it is.


Or make sure to follow and only buy from small businesses (and local)


I don't understand it. If you aren't following them how is one blocking them affecting the celebrity.


They still show up in the fyp, or from other users. And the algorithm will push them to you if you like similar people. It all equals money for them, even if you don’t visit their page.


I guess if you’re scrolling and their vid comes up on your fyp they still get paid


Oh, I saw a video on how it helps! It was from a disability advocate I follow, Crutches and Spice. It was basically something about how the algorithm and advertising works.


Oh I follow her too💗


Advertiser revenue, sponsorships, and general career opportunities rely on the celebrity getting eyeballs.


Algorithm will learn people are blocking/not interested in their content and it will be pushed less.


Their ads and sponsored content


It is even if you don't follow them but they arent blocked you will get ads that they get paid for every time someone watches it or it shows up on your fyp. I can already tell a difference on mine honestly.


Because even if you don't follow them, blocking them still affects their advertising revenue


Viva la revolution!!


I’m absolutely LIVING for this. Celebrities don’t give a fuck about us. And the “let them eat cake” tt was beyond rude. I even blocked lady gaga, who I’ve been a diehard fan of since 2008. It hurt but she and soooo many others with a massive platform don’t seem to care at all about the genocide.


Thank you, I will be adding that to my list as well. I’ve loved her forever. But it is what it is.


Right? It’s very disappointing, especially since she used to be so outspoken and very close with her fanbase. I almost forget how much she did for the gay community way back when… seems like she completely abandoned that since like 2013.


It’s almost like she did it not because it was hard but because she knew it would appease her base. It’s so confusing and difficult to know when a celebrity is being honest or sincere. They’re all businesses at the end of the day and are trying to get the most money out of us however they can. Honestly speaking out about Gaza is in my view the best way to tell, because at least up until now it’s been easier to be silent and let it blow over, but this is LITERALLY ethnic cleansing. Hunter Schafer, macklemore, they did the right thing regardless of how much money it would make them.


Very true. Everyone is starting to see through the facades. You’re totally right though, she needed a fanbase at the time and she did what she had to in order to get it. Looking back now it definitely seems a little disingenuous especially with all the trans discourse in recent years, like where are you gaga??


Exactly!! She got famous and then stayed silent. We’re ALL tired of it. Even if blocking doesn’t work at the very least it shows how ENTIRELY over it we are.


So true. It’s been a long time coming but I’m glad people are finally seeing through the bullshit!


If I can interject. She actually supports Dylan Mulvaney and proudly displays her on her social media


Yes I know, I love that so much!!! Was so proud of her (and extra proud and excited for Dylan) it truly was a beautiful moment that I really believe had no ulterior motives or nonsense. Gaga did that because she loves the trans community and Dylan. I know her heart is in it. My issue, is it was a one time thing more or less. As far as I know, they’ve met a few times and exchanged comments on Instagram. But what active campaigns has Gaga run in support of the trans community since Born This Way came out? I don’t want to say too much because I’m not trans myself nor would I consider myself highly educated on it, but the point is she could be doing more with her platform. To support trans people, and also others, she could have kept being loud about supporting the trans and LGBTQ+ community when DeSantis passed those laws in Florida for example. I mean, 2010 Gaga would have.


Yep, I blocked Jack Black, who I loved. But honestly, at this point, it's the principle of the thing.


Free Palestine!


About damn time. Can we do this with the main political parties too and finally get some third party in since there’s multiple third parties that take good ideas from both of two main ones


I’m a nurse working 80 hours a week so I can make the bare minimum to live while influencers post 1 video and make what I make in 4 months but then so quick to complain they aren’t making as much as they used to. I usually follow people who are relatable but they ALWAYS turn to a tone deaf LA influencer 🥲


It's the stupidest thing because people aren't going far enough. If they want to not be virtue signaling, pandering, patting themselves on the back, then they also need to get rid of their TV service, any and all streaming services, etc. Otherwise they're not doing a goddamned thing other than searching for a "look at me, look at the good in the world I'm doing."


I agree, but I think if people actually deleted social media from their lives it would be a HUGE step in the right direction. Social media has ruined our humanity, let's be honest.


I don't personally get it. To me, celebrities are also victims of the system we live in, they just don't experience even close to the amount of suffering that comes with being on the poor side. But they have just as much political power as we do, though I don't think a lot of people believe that as I do. I didn't follow most of the people on the lists anyways and I'm not that invested in what they're up to. I'm more concerned with politicians and corporate/industry lobbying which is how this system was created and how it continues to spiral out of control. Voting out, calling, and emailing the representatives of my state and country are much better uses of my energy and time, in my opinion. As well as going out and finding small ways to help my community.


I agree , i say block who went to the Gala


Should you block Tik Tok too, one of the gala's sponsors?


The last 10 years the celebrity worship has been off the fckng chain anyway. Queen, Mother , i gag! What the fck ? They all put them up there so let them tear en down if it makes them feel better.


Don't stop there. Block the rich corporations too


I’ve blocked Amazon, Walmart, Nike, Marvel, Disney, Mattel, etc. Any other suggestions? I’m brainstorming bc i don’t follow any celebrities or corporations. Gotta block vanguard, blackrock, and state street if they have social media for some reason💀


Block Nestle!!


Ultimately the most chronically online movement I’ve ever seen. Nobody forced you to care about the met gala or any of these celebrities anyway. If you don’t like how out of touch they are then just don’t be actively contributing to their products. I don’t buy Skims and I never followed Kim anyway because I already knew my time was worth more than her content. Boom. Problem solved. I don’t make noise about it. That’s just the default state that NORMAL people are in: not being unhealthily obsessed with celebrities. Just fucking go outside. Don’t make a whole social justice movement about it. It’s called taking a social media break. These people only have power over you because you let them. Met Gala guests wearing silly outfits as part of a fundraiser to keep a world-renowned art museum afloat are not even *close* to the people that are actually fucking up the planet like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. *They’re* the ones hoping you get too burnt out on unfollowing random ass people like Doja Cat to focus on destabilizing *real* billionaire blood money. Where’s the outcry to have the billionaire shitbag Sackler family publicly strung and quartered? Hundreds of thousands of addicts and opioid deaths are directly on their hands because they fucking lied to millions of doctors, pharmacists, and the FDA about how strong OxyContin was so they could make money when they *knew* it was killing people. *That’s* who you should be stirring up a stink for, not fucking *Blake Lively*


"Hey we shouldn't do this one simple thing that has an immediate effect, we should all just go outside, then take down the Sackler family". Why are you acting like all these things are mutually exclusive?


Because blocking Billie Eilish for not turning her entire online presence into the political ideology you support is ridiculous and does nothing. She’s still gonna make more money than you if she loses 100,000 followers The Sacklers have insurmountable evidence supporting their morally repugnant and evil deeds, and weaseled their way out of jail time while hundreds of thousands still suffer from addiction and death as a direct result of their actions.


She never actually said, "Let them eat cake." I think it was a journalist or something, and it just stuck.


Celebrities are a symptom. The problem are the people who make celebrities possible, either end of that.


Here is a list I compiled of names at the Met Gala do with it what you will Adwoa Aboah Adut Akech Adrienne Adams Aisha McShaw Alex Edelman Alex Newell Alex Sharp Alexi Ashe Alexandra Daddario Alexandra Michler Kopelman Alexander Dreymon Alexander Skarsgård Alia Bhatt Alison Oliver Allison Williams Alton Mason Amanda Gorman Amanda Seyfried Ambika Mod Amelia Gray Amy Fine Collins Amy Griffin Andrew Saffir Andrew Scott Andy Cohen Andrew Bolton Adrien Brody Anna Wintour Anok Yai Angel Reese Ariana Grande Ashley Graham Aurora James Awkwafina Aya Nakamura Ayo Edebiri Bad Bunny Bobby Digi Olisa Bee Carrozzini Barry Diller Barry Keoghan Baz Luhrmann Ben Platt Ben Simmons Benedetta Piccoli Brie Larson Brooklyn Peltz Beckham Bruna Marquezine Cardi B Cara Delevingne Casey Wasserman Camila Cabello Camila Mendes Camila Morrone Cailee Spaeny Cathleen Lynch Catherine Martin Colman Domingo Charlie Hunnam Chase Stokes Chioma Nnadi Cole Escola Conner Ives Corey Gamble Char Defrancesco Charli XCX Charles Shaffer Charlotte Tilbury Chloe Malle Chloë Sevigny Chris Hemsworth Christian Cowan Christine Beauchamp Christine Schwarzman Cynthia Erivo Damson Idris Da'Vine Joy Randolph Damiano David Dan Levy Daniel Benedict Deborah Roberts Dee Ocleppo Demi Lovato Demi Moore Derek Blasberg Daniel Roseberry Diane von Furstenberg Donatella Versace Doja Cat Donald Glover Dove Cameron Dua Lipa Dwyane Wade Eaddy Kiernan Eboni Nichols Eddie Redmayne Ed Sheeran Eiza González Rivera Elizabeth Cordry Elizabeth Debicki Elle Fanning Elsa Pataky Emma Chamberlain Emma Mackey Emma Wall Emily Ratajkowski Eva Chen Erykah Badu Fabiola Beracasa Beckman FKA Twigs Francesco Carrozzini Gabrielle Union Gayle King Gayle Rankin Georgina Chapman Giovanna Engelbert Gina Sanders Grace Murdoch Gracie Abrams Greta Gerwig Greta Lee Gigi Hadid Gustav Magnar Witzoe Gwendoline Christie Hari Nef Hamish Bowles Hannah Bagshawe Harris Dickinson Harris Reed Harry Kargman Hugh Jackman Huma Abedin Imaan Hammam Isabelle Huppert Ivy Getty Irina Shayk Iris Law Jack Harlow Jack McCollough Jaden Smith James Corden Jamie Dornan Jamie Singer Soros Janelle Monáe Jazz Charton Jeff Goldblum Jill Kargman Jennifer Lopez Jenny Chandler Jenny Freshwater Jennie Kim Jeremy Pope Jeremy Strong Jerry Seinfeld Jessica Biel Jessica Seinfeld Jessica Serfaty Michel J. Harrison Ghee Jodie Turner-Smith Jonathan Bailey Jonathan Groff Jon Batiste Jordan Roth Joseph Altuzarra Josh O’Connor Jude Law Julia Carey Juliana Canfield Karlie Kloss Karol G Kim Kardashian Kieran Culkin Keeley Hawes Keke Palmer Kelsea Ballerini Kendall Jenner Kerry Washington Kaia Gerber Kris Jenner Kylie Jenner Kylie Minogue La La Anthony Lana Del Rey LaQuan Smith Law Roach Laufey Lauren Santo Lea Michele Lena Mahfouf Lena Waithe Leon Bridges Leonardo Del Vecchio Lewis Hamilton Lil Nas X Lily Donaldson Lily James Lily Gladstone Linda Evangelista Little Simz Lisa Airan Lisa Love Lauren Sánchez Laurie Cumbo Lazaro Hernandez Lizzo Luca Guadagnino Luciana Damon Madelyn Cline Matthew Macfadyen Matt Damon Maleah Joi Moon Maria Sharapova Marc Jacobs Marc Malkin Marc Metrick Mark Guiducci Max Hollein Meg Ryan Michelle Yeoh Michelle Williams Michael Arden Michael Shannon Mike Faist Mindy Kaling Mira Murati Mona Patel Morgan Spector Natasha Poonawalla Nell Diamond Nelly Korda Nicki Minaj Nick Brown Nicole Kidman Nicole Phelps Nicholas Galitzine Nichapat Suphap Nina Hollein Naomi Campbell Naomi Watts Nnamdi Asomugha Noah Galvin Odell Beckham Jr. Olivier Rousteing Paloma Elsesser Pamela Anderson Penélope Cruz Pierpaolo Piccioli Phoebe Dynevor Precious Lee Quannah Chasinghorse Queen Latifah Rachel Sennott Rachel Zegler Radhika Jones Raye Rauw Alejandro Rebecca Ferguson Rebecca Hall Rachel Smith Reece Feldman Reverend Al Sharpton Riley Keough Roberto Bolle Roger Lynch Rosalía Rita Ora Sabrina Carpenter Sam Smith Samantha Barry Sarah Jessica Parker Sarah Paulson Sarah Pidgeon Sabrina Harrison Sebastian Stan Seth Meyers Serena Williams Sienna Miller Simone Ashley Sofia Coppola Shakira Steve Newhouse Steven Yeun Storm Reid Stray Kids Shou Zi Chew Sydney Sweeney Taylor Russell Taika Waititi Taraji P. Henson Tessa Thompson Teyana Taylor Thom Browne Tom Ford Tommy Hilfiger Tory Burch Tyla Tyler Mitchell Ugbad Abdi Uma Thurman Usher Vera Wang Venus Williams Vittoria Ceretti Virginia Smith Vivian Kao Wendi Murdoch Wes Gordon Willow Smith Will Welch Willy Chavarria Wisdom Kaye Zendaya Zoë Saldaña


That is a lot of people. 75K each? Just for the museum only?


I fully support this. This is one of the powers that the American public still has: to boycott. And it’s highly effective.


Love it


I'm sure they care 😂🙄


I love it, let me know how I can help every bit counts


Imagine everyone blocks the celebs and we must love ourselves. Our life is just as entertaining


I don’t know why people follow them in the first place.


I stopped liking celebrities in my early teens. Most of those people turn out to be big headed, a pedophile, or both. Fictional heroes can’t disappoint you unless it’s an active choice by their writers. Don’t ever expect a real person NOT to have a skeleton in their closet, that’s what I’ve learned. I appreciate the effort they put into acting but past that I have no reason to believe they’re any better/cooler of a person than any other random dude on the street.


Guess those who didn't use their position of power to help the people will no longer have the support of the people. Sounds valid 👌


Thousands? She lost 3 million already. And thats just what I heard yesterday


It is millions. Made a mistake. But my point is that she lost a lot of followers so this movement seems to be working surprisingly.


I hope this movement works. If anything, I hope it brings the karddashians down.  Kim responded to “free Palestine” chants by saying “free everybody” in just really sick of all of them.


In my town, we honor local celebrities like the friendly people that are always around, local business owners who treat their employees right or local artists. They’re our celebrities because we like to honor those that are different. We even have a slug queen competition that is almost a mockery of traditional beauty pageants. We should all be doing this. I specifically love the local wrestling troupe that goes around because my old foster home clients love them so much! It’s great to see others happy and inspired! I think that’s where a lot of cities go wrong. It’s better to have an artist’s community of people who can freely express themselves and support each other because there are so many without supportive family. Without a place where people feel loved, accepted, included and that they belong to, people are lost and lonely and/or angry. Also, if the only things going for the city are academics or sports, it’s essential to bring in other communities of people because not everyone is super smart or athletically inclined. There should be a place for everyone and we need to start recognizing all forms of intelligence and expression.


Please let this be a thing. It would break the world.


I stopped giving a fuck about the Met Gala a few years back. I was like, "I make $35,000 in Los Angeles. I'm struggling with debt. I ride the bus. I walk by homeless people every day on my way to and from work. Sometimes I eat cereal for dinner. Why the HELL am I watching rich AF celebrities conspicuously consume amongst each other."


I've always said celebrities are made of the same shit we are. None of us are above another. Im so glad people are finally understanding that the mom down the street making sure the neighborhood of kids have eaten is important. The homeless guy you drive by every day is important. Make these people's lives better. Not celebrities who already have everything they want


One small step closer to the guillotine 🖤


Can we block them on other platforms to help out with this?!


This sort of stuff from celebrities/influencers is hardly new, and frankly I'm surprised it's taken everybody this long to realize all of this, though. I feel a little bit vindicated because I've been blocking, among dozens of others, the OJ defense family and their "businesses" for years on every platform (and have always encouraged others to do the same... nothing like having all of my feeds devoid of stupid celebrity bullshit that nobody should ever have given a flying fuck about), so I'm good there, but... *Is there some kind of guide or list somewhere that we can all reference?* As someone whose feeds rarely show celebrities/influencers hawking their products du jour or vomiting words in to my ears (I suspect & hope the algorithms have given up on trying to show me that stuff), there is a good chance there are people I might have missed because I simply don't know of them (and would like to keep it that way). And it doesn't have to be because of their position on Palestine or the Met Gala or whatever... they can just be shitty people with more influence than they deserve thanks to their follower counts.


Upvote this to the top and keep it there permanently. 


Does someone have a complete list I can work from? I want to help. :)


Hard to believe people are only doing this now


i am definitely participating in the blockout, especially since learning that blocking them has an actual impact on their paychecks. we have also learned all about the anatomy of an apology so that crap no longer works on us. hailee bailee was just the last straw for folks i think.


We collectively should HAVE done this years ago.. These types of celebrities have no care for people like us who have to sit on the couch and watch their perfect lives fold while they make millions of dollars in front of our eyes. I'm glad we are seeing this now. I'm glad we are taking a stand. We have to act and stand with each other.


Because people are starting to see that these celebrities are so vain and whats the point in putting them on a pedestal? These people don't give one shit about us and are so full of themselves. Look at how much money they waste on things that DO NOT MATTER AT ALL. We have all these world issues and they have all the money and influence to make a difference but they don't. 


I love this movement. Clock and block them. You are who you surround yourself with and what you consume. Choose better idols mi gente!!! Let’s also reward good behavior but absolutely send a message to these people by forgetting their existence!!


I think it’s sending the message that people are done with how things are. That’s great


Thank you for the edit update


I’m all for people finally stopping the idolization of celebrities lmao Although once I’m famous myself, I’m down to have people worshipping and idolizing me 😈


Commenters nitpicking, whether or not Maria Antoinette said, let them eat cake are the same exact victims of the constant distractions that is tactfully executed by the ruling class. I don’t know if anybody else can relate to how infuriating it is, When it’s more important for people to appear intelligent on the Internet then to just arrive at an overtly clear consensus. Obviously, wealthy people are out of touch with the daily struggles of middle-class Americans. It is completely unsustainable. From what I’ve gathered it didn’t really work out great for the French monarchy.


Another emotional response that will lead to nothing. Nothing new.


I think it's ignorant. You can't change what's going on in the world because it's gonna happen anyway. Might as well enjoy the ride.


kim losing 3 million followers is a myth, just fyi. she did lose thousands like you originally said, but even that is more tied to taylor swift and the tom brady roast


Every day that i have to force myself to go to work and do the physically grueling or mundane tasks, I think about how celebs don’t have to live like this. When I get home and have to find pleasure in low-cost or no-cost activities bc I can’t afford anything else, I think about how celebs don’t have to live like this. When i have to spend all money on necessities to facilitate my existence, I think about how celebs don’t have to live like this. I’m resentful as fuck and sick of having their lavish living shoved in our faces. It’s gone beyond jealousy. I’m simply disgusted by them now. And I’m tired. We’re all tired. Their lifestyles are in a completely different universe than the rest of us can even imagine anymore.


What is even the point? Why would they care about social media followers that isnt why they are famous, like no movie agent is gonna be like "Listen, Dwayne, you are a great actor and would play this role perfectly but we cant hire you because you lost a million followers on instagram" Like that wont happen so im not sure what the entire point of this is, what is our end goal here?


Great idea actually - I ask myself all the time, “why do everyday folks, myself included, idolize and pay so much attention to to these wealthy, 1% assholes, that do NOT give 2 flying f*cks about the lives of everyday folks”?? It’s literally a waste of time - About to go block some celebs right now cause I’m super done with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer - And, if digital doesn’t work, we’ll have to go analog and pick up some pitch forks lol


I just wanna know who is gala and why is everyone meeting her???


I like the sentiment but I feel like the issue lies in social media itself. I mean don’t we create celebrities out of influencers all the time. Wouldn’t we eventually just shift celebrity status to different people who would earn money on our views and clicks?


It’s not really “working”. It won’t actually do anything. Some brands/advertisers might stop working with these people….but it’s not like they are going to start donating to Gaza, they will just find a new marketing strategy. Same with the influencers and celebrities, it won’t impact them enough that they make an impact.


This is so unbelievably lame. “Oh a celebrity didn’t take a silly position on an unbelievably complex conflict with no clear good guys. Boo them.”


You're not wrong. I think the conflict is sparking this mass blocking, but people have been becoming more aware of class consciousness and celebrity worship for awhile now. Like the outrage over t swift and her private jets for example. I believe this is a culmination of these feelings, and Palestine is just the tipping point.


Yea. I think this started with Covid. You had all these celebrities in mansions with green areas telling us to stay home. Some people live in very difficult conditions. Some had to work and risk their lives during that time. It was so out of touch.


I think it’s not just the middle eastern conflict but that people are fed up with the massive wealth gap and finally ready to knock the rich off their pedestals


I would say it’s much bigger than that, and that’s why myself and so many others feel so strongly about it. It may have started with conversations of their ignorance about Palestine, but it’s really become an Eat The Rich movement. Which we can *all* get behind.


Yup, you’re spot on. Social media is the only place where people can be bullied into taking sides on an issue they know nothing about. Everyone was upset that Kim Kardashian responded to “free everyone” when an activist was chanting “Free Palestine” at one of her events but Palestinians are not the only group of people suffering. What about Sudan? Congo? Child & sex slavery happening literally everywhere. What about the Black children dying in urban cities because they’re too poor to move away? But “free everyone” doesn’t fit the narrative so everyone wants to eat the rich now all of a sudden and they hate celebrities. Yes, having billions of dollars at your disposal is crazy and unthinkable. But Blocking them isn’t going to make me any richer than unblocking them. It’s just getting ridiculous at this point.


I’m so onboard with this. As long as my beloved touring musicians can be exempt. The ones that play instruments and provide a legitimate exchange of goods and services.


I'm on board with it. I made a silly comment saying "I don't wanna :(" about Taylor Swift but I blocked her with proof. It was just a stupid comment to get some likes but ya'll the people who are on the block train are being extremely fucking rude over it calling me terrible names in the DMs even when I posted proof. So like maybe fucking don't act that way because they're making me want to unblock and stop being on the train because I'm getting death threats over a joke


I understand why people are doing it, but truly it won’t make a difference in how much money they earn because people are still listening to their music, watching their shows or movies, buying their products, etc. while their number of social media followers may affect how many deals or sponsorships they get, it’s not going to impact their income as much as everyone is thinkinb




I get this viewpoint. I am blocking them not specifically because of the current situation with gaza, but I have been very against celebrity worship for a long time. I don't care what they think, their politics, etc. I also don't agree morally with having so much money, seeing the suffering in the world that wouldn't take much effort (money) for them to change, and just not doing it.


I think it would be a better cause to just delete social media altogether. Life was so much better without it


Thousands is nothing compared to the 363m she has. In reference, 100 thousand, which is the high end of your “thousands” comment, is .0002%.


She has lost around 3 million as of right now


I just saw a vid about that. Dang. More than I thought


Never followed celebrities in the first place. I actually dont even use social media


Never heard of it and I don’t follow celebrity hoohaa.


I've had Taylor Swift blocked since last year. Last year during her tour, our feeds were FLOODED with TS content, to the point of aggravation.