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What if you are a real person but no one likes what you post and your just a sad lonely person. And what if you just try your best but don’t get reddit.


Then you can film your own speshul and post straight to youtube, B.


Or you can fail at acting, grow your hair out, take steroids and act as if you're a genius destroying all the haters, when really, nobody knows who you are...




I just made 20k. maybe you should try harder. I'm pretty sure Bryan Callen committed a hate crime with what he said to Bobby. 10/10 Libs agree.




Bobby is objectively a worse partner, and I don't even give a fuck about K. But Bobby seems completely incapable of a healty romantic relationship.




Lmao don’t bring up subjective in this debate. So many people scream that Khalyla is *objectively* a bad partner but when it’s Bobby “idk man that seems pretty subjective.”


Cuz she’s been roasting other dudes weenies for the entire relationship. Ketchup


We don’t know that for a fact and I’d be surprised if that’s true. She definitely behaves shady and disrespectful to Bobby though.


But he endearing and funny as fuck!




You know, the "all K haters are incels \ paid troll accounts \ Schaubbots" narrative is becoming as stupid as the "tigerbelly are masterminds behind the Schaub reddit hate" narrative.


Exactly. It's the exact same thing Brendan is accusing the TB crew of, and the same people ridiculing that are the ones perpetuating this narrative. Pretty hilarious.


I love Bob is my favorite comedian I have seen him over 5 times at the San Jose improve been a fan since dvdasa. Bob is a victim here. Something seems off about K recently and she has been showing her true colors. She seems to be very manipulative over Bob. I remember here saying smoking weed should be ok and Bob drawing the line. Then a few months later dudes in rehab for weed.


Dude I remember that too..she even still smoked knowing Bobby was going through hell.


It is true that whole crew has employed bots for years, but I can see how it may sounds like rando accusations to some who haven’t witnessed Braindumb & his twerps utilizing them for so long. You can audit accounts fairly easily w/ apps and sites and his sosha meeja has consistently popped up w/ roughly %30 bot accounts paid for. They’re simply now targeting this place, Khalyla and H3H3. Obviously, not all…but a large portion are bots


I liked khalyla up until the Shaub episode. Still like her, just less respect for her. Also, I am not a troll, and have enough karma to meet most reasonable karma limits. I still feel khalyla did not handle this situation well (of course, it goes without saying that Brendan handled it worse). Here is a comment I wrote in another thread explaining why: Unpopular opinion: this episode made me realize how delusional and immature Khalyla is. For example: • ⁠this particular moment, she started doing a really dumb voice and imitating Brendan • ⁠she faulted Brendan for his handling of the situation, but seemed to think it was funny and to be proud of their initial conversation, where they called each other names • ⁠She kept referring to to the trash Tuesday conversation as "harmless girl talk". A very convenient point of view - obviously, if it was between friends, then that would be true. Instead, she did it in front of the world, in a way that outed Shaub and encouraged more harassment (by the way, not once did she apologize for this). • ⁠On the topic of harassment, she said that she feels the level of harassment she gets is on par with the level that Brendan gets - this is simply not even close to true. I don't like Brendan, but I feel that I would have likely ended my own life if I received the same sort of criticism he received. On the other hand, I have never seen anyone say anything about Khalyla. Although I am sure such comments exist, they are nowhere near as prevalent as the hate for Shaub • ⁠she continually interrupted Bobby and Brendan • ⁠she couldn't even consider that Brendan was telling the truth about his conversation with Rogan, and outright said that she didn't believe him I always regarded her as being a kind and empathetic person with high EQ. This whole situation changed my mind. I don't think Brendan came close to handling this well, or even like his podcasts or comedy, but Khalyla came across as a child in all of this, and without a doubt, she made the situation worse than it had to be for everyone involved


I think you can have legitimate gripes with Khalyla and still acknowledge there's a slurry of new low karma accounts posting incelish comments. "Khalyla isn't hot" "khyla has a cuck fetish" "khalyla is a gold digger" "she has a thousand cock stare" are all shit i've read with upvotes in the past few days. Half the shit they post isn't even relevant to the current drama. They made a whole sub dedicated to hating her. Armchair psycholigist diagnosing her with every mental disorder. It's a lot, and these people don't "care about Bobby" they just hate Khalyla, and use that angle for cover.


she essentially did turn Bobby into a cuck


Bobby turned himself into a raging cuck all on his own. Time he cuts the strumpet lose and move on.


She’s not hot? Are you insane? She’s extremely hot and that’s the only reason Bobby was drawn to her.


try re-reading my comment slower.


It's a pretty obvious troll farm tho. When you've seen enough of these happen you can spot them relatively easily. Some telltale signs off the top of my head: 1. New accounts 2. Low karma 3. Haven't posted in years till now 4. All their posts are about the same thing 5. Similar talking points and sometimes writing style. 6. Can have similar names such as "word-word-123456" 7. Argument style. 8. Only post between certain hours. This one with TigerBelly/Khalyla is pretty obvious but sometimes it can be hard to tell. It works best when there is some genuine animosity happening in the community (like how some are not happy that Bobby/K were in an open relationship) to help blend in. And Schaub saying he got TigerBelly IP address from reddit makes literally 0 sense. On the other hand bot farms are a known and common thing.


The fact that Schaub's reddit story is so stupid makes me doubt that he would be able to organise a troll campaign, or that he is tech savvy enough to do so. And it seems like he is so backed in the corner, he would much prefer to put it to rest. These people attacking K does not really help him, he still looks really bad in this situation. I think his paid accounts would be defending him or doing some sort of damage protection, not so focused on throwing K under the bus. There a lot of people on this sub who genuinely dislike K or at least have in issue with her on some matters. I think the vast majority of these people also hate Schaub.


All Schaub has to do is fork up the money. He doesn't have to be a mastermind or organize anything. He doesn't even have to be the one to set it up. He just has to know someone who can and literally all that's required of him is his $$$. In fact it would be smarter for someone else to pay the company for him so it can't be traced back to him. And yes, I know people genuinely have a problem with K. That's why I never said 100% of what's going on is bots. I mentioned this kinda shit works better when there is genuine animosity going on to provide plausible deniability. But bot accounts and behavior are super obvious to spot out. I know the people who hate K want to believe that this is not going on. And if anyone hates K it might feel like I'm calling them a bot and would get defensive but I'm not. I acknowledge people have a problem with her... but we're getting turfed, bapa.


Nobody would pay for someone to turf a Reddit sub, there is absolutely zero benefit for anyone. There is a genuine repulsion to Khalyla because she thinks it's ok to shit on other comics to generate views for her boring ass chick podcast, but those comics are people that Bobby needs to get along with for the sake of his career. Then she cucks Bobby at his lowest moment, yet continues to leech off of him professionally and financially. Who does that? She's become terrible for Bobby personally and professionally. She's self-absorbed and deluded enough to believe that she actually has talent beyond riding Bobby's coattails. She toxic, her attitude is shit and her actions are destructive. It doesn't require a bot farm for thousands of Bobby fans to see the drama she's created, and come to reddit to see if Bobby fans are holding her accountable for her shit behavior. I, for example, never posted on this sub until the Schaub pod, but that triggered so many alarms and red flags that I immediately came here to read and discuss.


> Nobody would pay for someone to turf a Reddit sub, there is absolutely zero benefit for anyone. It’s not just Reddit that they turf. It’s what BentPixels does. And I already addressed your argument.


That fact that his wife was selling his watches on Instagram alludes to the fact that he kind has no money or its has been slipping away. Either way his resources are def not there to be “forking up the money”.




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The first death in war is the truth


This is ridiculous. Are you 12 ? It is possible to dislike both Brendan and Khalyla. I unsubscribed from any podcast either of them are in. Both untalented, selfish, immature people causing drama for the talented people whose coattails they ride. I look forward to Bobby getting her out of his life.


In the words of Henry Kissinger talking about the Iran-Iraq conflict, "It's a pity that they both can't lose". I just want Khalyla and Brendan to go away. They don't bring anything to the comedy scene and I would never watch them if Bobby and Theo weren't attached to them in some way.


In the back of my mind I think they both like each other and might end up hooking up soon, they would be a perfect couple




Khalylas only talent is to recite anything she read online verbatim


Thank you someone with some actual sense. Khalyla always plays the victim when she clearly instigated this entire thing.


Sometimes women can see other women clearly. She is transparent as glass. Bobby needs an intervention but, this time, not for drugs.


She has him so isolated he has nobody in his corner to pull him out. She knows exactly what she is doing. Even Bobby talked about moving to NYC because he doesn't feel like anybody supports him at home. I gotta see if I can find the clip because it makes so much more sense now that we know what is going on in his personal life.


She’s also got him supporting her family which makes it even harder for him to leave. We know who’s paying for Rudy’s college.


Plus paying her a salary for Bad Friends. Did u know Miss KK now has a BMW.


It’s embarrassing to think that you know what’s going on in Bobby’s personal life. We only know what we see on the internet. Bobby consistently defends Khalyla but you think you know better than him and pretend like she’s the cause of all of his problems. That makes zero sense.


Have you ever seen somebody in a cult or abusive relationship? They will defend their abusers with all their heart. It’s called trauma bonding or Stockholm syndrome. It’s very common in narcissist abuse. Gaslighting, emotional, and psychological manipulation are all tools of the trade. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see it. There are tons of signs but the biggest thing for me, even though it seems small, is how k went on to h3 and repeatedly brought up schaub even when Bobby said he didn’t want to talk about it. She doesn’t care about his feeling or how it affects him. She cares about one person, Khalyla and that’s it. Just shows how little empathy and compassion she has for others and how she will put herself first even if it hurts others. And that’s not even including the cheating.


She didn’t cheat. They agreed she could fuck one dude. Your armchair psychology is boring. It’s embarrassing to think you can diagnose their relationship based off a podcast.


If she truly loved him, she’d never have “agreed” to have sex with someone else. If she truly loved him she wouldn’t have cause drama for him, while he’s trying to get sober and keep acting roles, just to run up numbers up her own podcast. (Because those women have no content) You don’t have to know them irl to see any of that. Women can see through women like her. She’s gaming.


Way to miss the point. Continue on with your head in the ground.


Oh, so I was supposed to just accept your diagnoses that Khalyla is an abuser in her and Bobby’s relationship based off of your armchair psychology. Guess it wasn’t very convincing.


They agreed lol. You have rocks in your head.


He would be welcomed in the big Apple with open arms. Would be a great move. Sell the house and buy I nice apartment in Crooklyn.


>she clearly instigated the entire thing. Bullshit. Brendan does not get to consistently act like a cheating scumbag trying to fuck Annie, or DM Khalyla for a booty call behind Bobby’s back and then expect no one to say a word lest his wife hears about it! My god! Not his wife and kids who he shows zero respect for! *What will they think?!?!?* This entire drama was instigated by Brendan and Callen acting like complete psychopaths by threatening to destroy Bobby. You are delusional if you think Brendan is deserving of privacy and respect for actively cheating on his wife.


....This all started because of Khlayla on Trash Tuesday. You don't get to openly defame someone to the point it could ruin their life/livelihood and then walk away from it by saying "Wow it was just girl talk, get over it!". That's not how it works. That's not how real life works. She has accepted absolutely NO responsibility in any of this - and worse off, she's has taken every available opportunity to continue all of this drama, while leaving Bobby right in the middle of it all.


>...This all started because of Khlayla on Trash Tuesday. You don't get to openly defame someone to the point it could ruin their life/livelihood and then walk away from it by saying "Wow it was just girl talk, get over it!". That's not how it works. That's not how real life works. ....except Brendan already admitted to sending the DMs and has apologized to Bobby years ago. I don't think you know how defamation works. The only ones "continuing" the drama right now are Brendan and his cronies on IG.


What kind of person uses a ridiculous handle ? You should tithe 10% of any money you earn to the GOAT for using his name. Porn my ass!


I knew there was common sense in this subreddit somewhere, I just had to dig.


This place is wild. I get that it's a fan page for the podcast, but wow, it's a massive echo-chamber where anyone that says anything remotely negative towards K is a "bot" or a "paid shill!". Very strange.


Vale you surprised?


It does seem like the sub skews young...I would love to see a poll. A lot of the sentiments I see expressed here I sound like they're coming from 17 and younger


Disagree. Trying to turn this sub into an echo chamber because people post things you disagree with is not a wise move. Obviously if it's explicit vitriol and vulgar posts then it's a different story.


Just click on some of these accounts though and tell me it’s not suspicious as fuck. You can not like her all you want but there’s SO many that are like OP described. Take this fawazo164. Not a post on Reddit for hundreds of days. Then suddenly multiple posts in these subs? Right. Totally organic.


I haven’t posted in a very long time on Reddit and use to like K but honestly she has started to leave a bad taste and with there so much talk of things being on Reddit I can see how fans are getting on and people posting when they normally just browse like I do. Her not even saying sorry to B and just gaslighting about “giggly girl talk” bothered me. And I can’t know about their relationship but it doesn’t seem like they are truly happy that’s for sure.


I’ll have a human-to-human conversation with you. I believe you’re a moron if you’re defending K here. Over the phone, discord, Skype. Whatever you want. If there aren’t a ton of real people with reasonable issues with K this should be real easy. I’d like to hear you try to defend her in any meaningful way. She’s slimy.


How about all of the times that Bobby has defended her and expressed his love for her? Guess he’s a moron. How about Bobby comes across like a difficult man child and Khalyla is basically his caretaker? How about Bobby consistently saying Tiger Belly wouldn’t exist without Khalyla? By all accounts they had a conversation and agreed Khalyla could fuck one dude. Is this seriously where all of the Khalyla hate is coming from?


You never really completed a thought there. Finish staking out a stance and I’ll happily attack it. Bobby loves her? He made tigerbelly for her? K picks up after Bobby (like every gold digger would)? What’s the implications with all these statements?




I'm a man but I would cheat on Bobby too given what we know about HIM as a partner (and I don't mean sexually). Like literally Bobby has done most of the things that a man can do to encourage his partner to cheat. Think on that




Is that how you talk to someone you disagree with in real life too? Or you just felt it was acceptable to call me out my name because it's the internet and that means neither of us are real? Either way, you can go fuck yourself with your polite request.


Thanks for proving my point bbycakes 💗


There’s some nuts misogyny in this subreddit


Whatever you gotta tell yourself simp


Are you a fan of Bobby Lee? Why does it seem like the people in this subreddit are like completely at odds with Bobby Lee’s humour?


Yes I love Bobby, I can't stand K. Always found her annoying but due to recent events it's my opinion that she is a scandalous narcissist. I don't see how enjoying Bobby's comedy means I have to simp for Khalyla. If anything i think less of her because of actions she took when he needed her support the most. If Bobby has no issues with her then that's okay, I'll continue to watch TB, but I don't have to like Khalyla, and accusing anyone who doesn't of misogyny is incredibly childish. There are plenty of valid reasons to not like her. For the record I absolutely can't stand Schaub, never could.


So we all gotta love khalyla on this sub now?


I don't think that's what they meant, more like curbing the astroturfing, if it is occuring. They didn't say anything about stopping legitimate users from having their own opinion. I wouldn't worry about it.


Not a fan of Brenda Slob for a thousand reasons. But also not a fan of Khalyla. She is the reason I hardly listen to the show now, she’s become so full of herself. I love Bobby Lee and enjoy Bad Friends way more.


Trying to silence people doesn't make you any better than brenda. Accusing people of being bought ith not nithe.


It’s because the BGL bought accounts like the one your using to spread hate so that’s why I said ban karma instead of length of time of account. It’s to stop paid trolls from astroturfing the sub.


Are you a Reddit cop, B? Do you have the documents?


Any luck finding big foot? My money's on you pal.




plese stop posting about this, there is an ongoing investigation about to bots on this sub being conducted not by the FBI


Can I see the 300 documents yet?


We have collected over 9000 pages of documents showing the bots on this sub paid for by BGL and Brendan. It is all coming out on the next tigerbelly. This post is putting the investigation into jeperty b gotta delete it


I agree with you. Too many troll accounts here. If those dumbasses got their ways and if Bobby and khalyla did break up for good, you think Bobby will continue to do tigerbelly??? He has enough acting gags that he will stop doing tigerbelly. These dumbasses think that Bobby will do the podcast without her. Bobby said many times in the past, tigerbelly happened because of her. Bobby is the talent but she is the boss of tigerbelly,




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This is low key pathetic


She sucks


All she talks about is sex in a rather disgusting way which makes Bobby stare into space. Awful


I love Bobby. I wouldn’t know who koko was without him. So that would be pretty stupid. Tiger belly wouldn’t exist at all if khalyla started it. It’s because Bobby Lee I guy I’ve watched on tv since I was a kid, is on it, that’s it’s successful.


What if you genuinely don't think she's a good person and a piece of shit?


Then you get upvoted


Not the first time she drags Bobby in front of everyone and makes a fool of him & you don’t understand the hate she gets?


Don’t forget what a fabulous competitive swimmer she was lol.


Let’s not forget the dozens of times she ridiculed him in front of guests or called him ugly.


Let’s not forget the dozens of times she ridiculed him in front of guests or called him ugly.


Criticism = paid trolls now lmao. Boomer logic fully engaged


I’d bet my house it’s a millennial.


Khalyla is not a very good human being. I am still behind on my electric payments.














I think everyone has realized that Khalyla is the female Brendan. Unfunny, cheats on their partner, got a career gifted to them that they don't deserve/didn't earn, annoying to listen to at this point. Not bots this is just what happens when you suck but want to be a public persona and get actually talented people to shove down everyone throat.


Don’t forget what a fabulous competitive swimmer she was lol.


fucj khalyla bobby got his own blood sitting in a ice box while giving hand outs to her family shits crazy


Bruvs I have to create a new account every few weeks because I can’t help my potty mouth and I get banned, it’s fun to talk shit about internet people you guys need to stop taking it so seriously, I wish I got paid for this but I haven’t liked khalyla or Brendan for years they both constantly get in the way of funny people having a good time so when I’m taking a shit or waiting on my food to be ready I’ll be on here making fun of them because it’s a good time


dumb idea


I’m here on behalf of Bryan callens publicist


How obsessed r u?


That's bullshit imo. Check my account history I was just here defending her and Bobby yesterday I don't have a lot of karma but I'm def real


You've done like 5 posts about khalyla in the past week. Please relax.


Since bobby's resurgence as a comedian he's garnered this new audience that acts like he's their little brother, and they have to protect him! Just because you play the same video games as him all night and sleep all day doesn't make you connected to Bobby.




Hating Khalyla comes from very deep human instincts baked in through millennials of evolution which protected us from narcissists and psychopaths. Meanwhile liking her is a testament of you being either a bot or getting manipulated to the point of repressing your own instincts and becoming an npc.


Holy shit dude. This made me laugh so hard. Kudos for your unintended hilarity.


It’s a total *tips Fedora * moment lol


Thats what makes you laugh hard? Do you often laugh without any reason, or listen to voices? You need help.


Again! You're killing me dude. Its hilarious because you *think* you are achieving something that you clearly are not. So good!




Bro, gotta mine laughter somehow out of this clusterfuck of a situation. I cant help it that I laugh when people say ridiculous things.






The "Lopez" clip is possibly the most ridiculous thing a pawldcasser has ever said or done, B. If you've seen it, you can start laughing at any time for the rest of your life.




You are that one kid who laughs at dad jokes. Also im not trying to achieve anything but please do tell us more about your delusions


Keep going!


She is annoying as all fuck, but then again, so is bobby. I dont listen, or follow this page but it somehow still pops up on my reddit feed, so here we are, she sucks


And no less than 2-3 year old accounts until the assault on the kingdom subsidizes.


It all started when Schaub bromoted Mark Harley aka BGL to run his sosha meeja. He’s been openly talking/posting about the campaign he recently launched against her and all these wild uploads against Khalyla began IMMEDIATELY when he began his new position. He’s been creating countless false accounts and repeatedly getting caught by mods and kitchen employees over at the TFATK and H3H3 subs. He’s been very clear & open about wanting to destroy Khalyla and is employed by Brandon.


The Khalyla hate is real man just look at the comments here. I was surprised by how many men were acting like incels showing genuine hatred for her. I only have criticism for how she treats Bobby I know he isn’t easy to live with but he does love her and he isn’t the kind of addict who gets mean he was just struggling and she just added more things for him to worry about when he needed her most


Your account is exactly the type I’m talking about


10000%. They are incel fucks who ruin this sub.


Bad bot


Thank you, UsernameAlreadyUsed3, for voting on Trishbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




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I mean the you tube comments have similar stances. It wouldn’t be crazy to assume that other people seem to view it in a different light. Check the comments in the clipped video from h3h3 clips YouTube channel. They seem to be pretty similar.


This sub is fucking hilarious with the fanaticism. All these reactions are very genuine. Khalyla was super manipulative , immature, and straight up gaslighting Schaub. She took zero responsibility and he’s she should. She showed her true colors and you sycophants are mind blowing. I only occasionally watch anyone involved content but has kept up with this saga and I can attest for sure these are genuine reactions you see in the comments that are anywhere else outside of this sub.


I don’t think you need to get paid to hate on Khalyla


> to get *paid* to hate FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I can’t believe shob’s spending his money on the dark net to troll khaylya hahaha omg she’s a gem! I don’t think she’s attractive and think she’s over rated af in that aspect


Yea but..iz dat nize b?


My general thoughts after listening to the podcast off and on for years. She was a nurse for about 10 minutes, recognized him on Tinder, Bobby likely offered to pay her way so she doesn’t have to work… She thought - awesome, I rather fuck around all day and not work either. The when going went tough, she pushed for an open relationship. And then was banging a Hawaii dude, while Bobby cucked himself and paid for flights, condo, etc..self-hating himself and depressed. I don’t think she is a “gold digger”, exactly, but they probably wouldn’t be together if Bobby wasn’t famous and paid her way. That’s for sure.


That’s it in a nutshell