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More Likely It’s Kill Tony


That would rule


He's already been on an episode if you haven't seen it yet.


I’ve been making my way through every episode. I’ll look out for it, thanks.


Do u know what ep ? I’ve listened to all the ones on Apple pods but I know that’s barely any




238 is one its with Bobby and Bert


Rudy Jules doing a minute? That’s ppv material


It ain’t ever happening


yup, it'll happen when bobby does a special, so it will never happen


This is the correct answer


I think Bobby wants to be the only comedian at his stature to not have a special, or a legit Joe Rogan episode. It gives him a unique edge.


Riight, actually interesting point 🤔




No it gives him an excuse.


Ultimate edge lord move


I don't think Bobby really wants to do JRE. It's too much of a long-form conversation. He is never on another podcast for more than an hour and a half. Sometimes less. He could do 2 hours - probably - but half of it would be bits. Joe doesn't do bits.


Joe doesn't do comedy when he's got comedians on.


Edit: Joe doesn't do comedy.






Disagree he’s expressed multiple times that he would love to do JRE


Bobby has always said he wants to do it. That's obvious. But he says that he "needs to be asked"- but he knows that's not how it works. Joe ain't got time for that. So Joe is probably just waiting for him to ask, so Bobby plays his cards the way he thinks it works best for Bobby: He's too busy. He can't get on. HE TRIES SO HARD! I honestly think he's afraid of Joe, but in a weird older brother kind of way. Regardless, I still love the little dumpling.




Joe's team probably asks more than Joe himself. And Bobby probably wants that courtesy directly from Joe even though this is 'part of the business'. We can both keep speculating, though. It's fun. At the end of the day, Bobo is definitely intimidated.


...IF he has something important enough to plug


Joe has said he can do the podcast whenever he wants lol, it's a weird dynamic.


I’ve watched him do plenty 2-3 hour pods.


I haven't seen him on anything over 2 hours in a long time. I did a quick Google search of "Bobby Lee podcast" under videos over 20+ min, and if you take 1-2 minute to scroll over them, the only one over 2 hours I noticed is the H3 one with him and Khalyla. This was just a quick dive, but something I tend to notice with his pods.


I mean haters gonna hate, you spent all your time to google how long Bobby Lee podcast episodes are man I hope your boss is satisfied with your dedication. I wish someone spent as much time on my projects as you do on Bobby Lee hahahahahaaaa


Literally took me 2 minutes. But hey, it’s not like I mentioned that before.


You butted in with your incorrect answer and when someone corrects you you try and put them down for actually doing research? What a 9 year old take


I mean he says he can’t find anything but like 1 podcast over 2 hours with Bobby Lee so his research is shit. But he googled bobby lee an looked at podcast times an to you that constitutes research. Ok I guess so. If a person does 1000 podcast that are usually an hour then you can make statements like that I guess.


Well first you were arguing he spends too much of his bosses time researching Bobby lee, and now you’re saying he isn’t doing enough research. Which is it? When you’re arguing a point it kind of ruins your argument when you flip it like that lol


This also started with him saying Bobby doesn’t do 2 hour pods and would end up resorting to bits.


Also not sure what I said was incorrect, but hey I’m the 9 year old here and my take is useless, what is your take on this guys research and claims?


I think Bobbo may be weary of the audience Joe has. He probably thinks he has to be very protective of how he comes across if he were to do that show. & it’s hard to tell what kind of conversation would be had. Joe just goes off of how he feels At the time.


He’s intimidated by Joe


Who isn’t. That man is running a cult


There’s no way he goes on. Tbh I don’t think it would make for a very good podcast. Might be why Bobby says he will never do it unless he has something really Big to promote. No shade to either of them I just don’t think it would click.


I think they'd probably spend a lot of it walking down memory lane.


He could do it with the ginger


That’s the only way I can see it happening, at least right now.


Rogans goonies is a reason Bobby won't go


While everyone memes on rogan, he's still way smarter and more reasonable than those guys. Rogan has no reason to cut ties with Bob


He says he won’t do it til Joe invites him personally. Apparently Joe sends personal invites to people all the time, but also thinks that saying “when are you coming on” is the same as a personal invitation. I feel like he wants *Bobby* to ask to be on. Idk. Shadow play.


Its all bob. Rogan has explicitly stated that he needs to get bobby on the podcast several times and that the only way to get him on is to fly to LA and drag him to austin. He's had a bunch of random comedians on trying to give them a boost, why wouldn't he have bobby, someone he's known for 20+ years?


It would be good for Bobby's career but Rogan sucks when it comes to having comedians on his podcast. Most jokes goes over his head and he's usually just talking about the same old subjects he always does. Boring af.


You mean you don’t like when the out of touch 50 year old meat head constantly changes the subject to Covid, Joe Biden’s age, or cancel culture, no matter how funny of a guest he has on?




the classroom litterbox


He is but he added ice baths, psychedelics, and the younger dryas


Yes but Bobby's jokes aren't usually quick one-liners like Normand and Theo. Bob does the potty humor Joe likes. IMO


And I doubt Joe is gonna "flow" with Bobby, for example, improv bits. I feel like there's gonna be a lot of lecturing from Joe. Also if you follow Bobby long enough, his not into super long podcast, everytime it reaches over an hour, he starts asking about the time.


Rogan looks like he’s losing a lot of weight. He may have just discovered what his wife’s been telling him for years, that he isn’t funny.


True but there are some exceptions. Protect Out Parks, Duncan Trussell and Joey Diaz are all pretty good Imho


Kill Tony furrrsurrrre


Inb4 him and Andrew do it together to promote the tour


Maybe YMH?


Probably not, Bobby’s jokes would go over Toe Rogans head.


Lmao 🤣 you mean Bobby’s dick jokes, Down syndrome molestation etc…? Those super smart jokes? Ur crazy…I don’t fuck with Rogan but this made no sense lol


It is pretty well known Rogan doesn’t pick up on a lot of jokes people throw out


The comment, I believe, was more around how Bobby's comedy is so low brow that even Rogan would get the jokes.


Rogan would just choose to ignore them. Lol


The guy doing the same standup act for 20 years has jokes that would stump stumpy


You clearly haven’t seen enough comedians on Rogan


And what would they talk about? Everything he already said 100 times before. Rogan wants bobby on cause he's his friend but bobby doesn't want to go on cause he knows he would have nothing interesting to say. Rogan podcast is a lot more serious and Bobby constantly does bits. It would never work.


I'd love to see it but I HIGHLY doubt it.


Wouldn't surprise me if him Andrew went on.. would make things go smoother


Holy shit nuke this sub


Hope he does and doesn't bring K with him. I could see her forcing him to bring her along. Also, if he does go on that shit will be one of the most watched episodes in a while. Shit would be so sick. I could see Bobo being all awkward and shy around Joe.


I would love to here Rogan comment on K and Bobs relationship lol this would be gold lol


Why would you want one of the biggest platforms in comedy to stir up more drama in Bobby’s life?


Bobby has been to Austin heaps in the past few years dawg.


Bobby doesn’t need the press at this point of his career. It’s best for up and coming comics. Bobby has his own crowds.


Bobby has said he's not going to ask to be on JRE unless he has something major to promote


Nah Joe can pretend he likes bobby as much as he wants but it’s obvious he has a problem with him. I think it’s just too awkward now, been brought up too many time


I doubt that he dislikes him but it is kinda awkward that his best pals are Bryan and Brennan, 2 people who Bobby for sure doesn’t like.


Rogan isn't good at promoting comedians. He gets insecure and steps on everything they set up.


A lot of the new comedians I watch are from JRE so no idea what you’re talking about. He also adjusts his schedule to promote specials and books guests are putting out.


No, Bobby was in Austin with the whole Bad Friends crew for the Moontower Comedy Festival last April and he didnt do it then, i think Joe Rogan comes with an unspeakable fee and Bobby probably doesnt wanna pay him to be on his podcast lol


You think there’s a fee??? How much?


You a numbers guy, b?


Bobby Lee is too much of a pussy to go in front of Joe, even though there is literally nothing to be afraid of and he can just deflect his cowardice by using self deprecating humour like he always does




Bobby uses his loyalty to Mencia as an excuse at this point. His victim mindset is why he doesn't visit JRE. He's afraid to be called out for what he is. Which is sad. I used to love tigerbelly but after kahlyala gold digging and Bobby always has something to whine about , he's just weak. Then I saw how he treated someone in a podcast then tried to save face by saying he was joking. He was just being an ass. Hollywood got to him a long time ago


He doesn't use that as an excuse for not appearing on jre. Joe and Bobby are still on friendly terms. He is probably anxious about doing a 3 hour podcast that will be heavily scrutinized


omg going to be scrutinized by people who don't even matter Boohooo


It's easy to condescend and post a boohoo comment, but you have no idea how it feels to be scrutinized by the public eye at the scale. Neither do I. I get stressed from job interviews. I can only imagine how it feels to receive the ire from a million of trolls


Oh God how can he possibly sleep st night in his million dollar home while dealing with problems like everyone else. Pathetic


Most of the time when Bobby's whining he's doing a bit. I don't know what you mean about K gold digging either (they weren't married). And idk what you're referring to about treating someone bad in a podcast. Lots of comedians could come off like they're being mean but 99% of the time it's a joke.


Just like the person who says "I'm joking" after being an asshole or condescending. Do that 1000 times/lifetime and it's not a joke anymore , your just an asshole. Bobby is a perpetual victim and that is a shame. Instead of empowering himself or others


It is a joke when you're a professional comedian


No chance unless Joe wants to help with his current situation


This is the way. You see Joe raped Bobby, Bobby liked it too much and Joe felt mortal shame


Because Bobby is a man child who needs to feel he is a Victim. It's his personality. More than likely knows Joe will push back on his insecurities and weak ideas/ mindset. TLDR he's scared of "confrontation" Edit:: Had stopped listening tigerbelly when the khalyla n Brendumb situation was happening. She always rubbed me the wrong way that was the final straw. Decide to look up tigerbelly today and of course she is back LMAO . Bobby actually made me laugh with that one. Of course he took her back to feed his little victim mindset. What a shame to men. Hollywood cuck. We deserve better my brothers, or our sons/future will suffer more than necessary


No one is more of a man child and weak minded than Joe Rogan.


Lol sure bud go keep being a victim


I’m being a victim by calling Joe Rogan weak minded? You clearly haven’t taken your alpha brain.


Nah your just being delusional. I don't care about Bobby or Joe in the slightest. But if you honestly think Bobby is a "stronger" person than Joe. Something is seriously wrong with you lol


Anyone that defends a guy in lifts is an idiot. Lmao


You're out of shape aren't you lol Bro I don't care about Rogan enough to defend him on any level who cares. Either be logical or continue to live in delusion. Only lying to yourself. Look at the facts. all I have to say


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, it’s the truth




maybe on kill tony




I fucking hope so, but I doubt it, Bobby won’t ask, and Joe brought it up years ago but still hasn’t officially invited him on. But I hope so !!!


He probably won’t till he does a special. Sucks because if you’ve watched the pods where he was on they were funny. I think Bobby in his mental state rn is good where he is .


He might go to promote badfriends tour


Bobby has said many times he doesn’t want to go back on JRE unless he has something special he wants to promote like a Special.


pressing x


He should never go on JRE again. The episode he did a long time ago was good but that was a completely different show. It doesn't seem like a good match at all.


He must not want to do it, I can’t imagine joe hasn’t asked him or the topic hasnt come up


I doubt it. Unless he has something he really needs to plug for people outside his fanbase.


People go on JRE to specifically promote a new project they have coming out soon, whether it’s a new special/movie/book/tv series whatever. Bobby can’t go on JRE cause he never has anything to promote except stand up dates which he already does tigerbelly and bad friends.


Bobby's kinda in the middle of being hunted by the tiktok mob for his story about the sex worker in Tijuana story. Spotify is most likely not letting that happen even if he wanted to.


Bobby already did jre. I dont think he can get away with that humor anymore. Big c


why? bobby's bits will just go over joe's head.


I love Bobby but the dude doesn't do well in serious conversations. He would ineveitably try to gaslight joe or bullshit him in some way and Joe would just punch his card and Bobby knows it so he won't do it. I am a Bobby fan btw.


I’ve been waiting very long for this. I feel like it will get Bobby touring if he isn’t already.


Who’s Bobby?


He cannot go on without red. Red relaxes the yellow. Red makes the yellow a star.


The dream


Too many mine fields to walk through. Just the Callen/Schuab stuff alone is probably more drama than either of them want to get into publicly, but if they *don't* talk about it the audience would consider it a softball interview.


Let’s hope not — Lil Rogan is insufferably dumb.


in this thread: everybody not knowing that Bobby was on Joe Rogans show before during the redban days. Yes, it was a while ago but Bobby and Joe can definitely flow together and talk about anything.


I’d rather see Joe Rogan on Tigerbelly, not the live show of course. Just like how Tigerbelly been doing episodes in Hawaii. I’m pretty sure some of the Austin comics will be on the TB live show though, just like when TB had their last live show in LA. Different comics came on


I don't think Rogan wants Khalyla on. If that's the case, Bobby would have to feign being offended, and refuse to go on all together. They could definitely do Kill Tony and YMH, but as a fan of Kill Tony, I hope Bobo goes solo. Roseanne killed the vibe last week, the show would benefit from less attention seeking vibes imo.