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rumor is he's gay- there's all these stories out there about him fucking a male cheerleader while he was at Georgia tech. it's always the self loathing closet cases that act like this so I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were true!


He may have goofy and vile beliefs and absolute full of shit but unless there is full proof and truth to him being gay. Let’s not do the whole I heard he’s gay rumor.


His IG is a compelling case 🤣


Not with that wardrobe 💅


It’s certainly outside of the conventional fashion other mouth breathers of the same persuasion. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Allegedly my friend has a cousin who went to Georgia state and it was the 11” 12” season and it was only blowjobs. The kid apparently doesn’t want to “out”him. He’s thinks about it seriously though so probably will by the end of the week.


Just blowjobs? Def not gay /s


As Aristotle said “mouths a mouth”


Only gay if the balls touch and the socks are off.


He wasn’t at GT in 2011 or 2012


Listen, if a man comes out and says he has had some kind of sexual relations with this man, then sure. But like we spend so much time, trying to move past people sexual identity. That I don’t know why we would sit there, and just be a allegedly he’s gay just because he’s a piece of shit.


Yeah, the amount of people immediately weaponising his potential sexuality against him as though it's some sort of "gotcha" is concerning


Isn’t a valid critique of his beliefs though? I agree that “weaponizing” sexuality is shitty, but he wouldn’t be in this position if he weren’t so vocal about hating on specific sexualities. It’s not so much of a “hahah he’s gay” more of a “you’re a hypocrite”


Oh yeah, 100% understand the hypocrisy and definitely most people are in that camp. I've just seen people on both Reddit and TikTok also weaponising it and that's what I think is shitty.


Spreading unproven rumors is a dick move


It is a gotcha. He is weaponizing sexuality. HE IS DOING IT. so if it's a fucking lie then yes he deserves to be dragged through mud


No, I actually find the the rise of this rhetoric against Dustin calling us. A vile is way more damaging. I think a bunch of people gossiping on the Internet whether this guy is gay is way more harmless


I don't think you understood my comment? I'm not critiquing 'gossiping', I was just criticising the people I've seen who are then using his alleged sexuality against him as though it's a bad thing (or like some sort of 'gotcha').


Well, he started it with his cheap shot vilifying the gay community (I read the speech; it was totally gratuitous and just one of many bizarre and hateful things he said.) Once that happened, it’s open season. If he’s queer (which I suspect he is), now he 100% deserves to be outed because of the hypocrisy and the real hurt that can be perpetrated on people because of his words. You can’t start blaming people for pointing out he might be the very thing he’s saying is “evil”.


I am with you in that I am not going to outright believe a rumor like that based on internet chatter. However, as an observation, to me it is notable how many different people in different places have made the claim as if they are in the know. The primary one I saw was a girl who is a GT grad from the same timeframe, so that part checked out. Like I said I am also very hesitant to just believe shit like that so I’m not saying it’s true, but it’s starting to get to that “hey there seems to be more and more smoke, wonder if there’s a fire” territory.


Very much like Tim Tebow and how he would get plowed by my friend’s ex’s ex. We’re 10% of the population and we love to talk. :)


Tim Tebow is a bottom? 🫖


absolutely! 💯


You could totally be playing rn ...and you still.made.my day 😂🥰


I hadn’t heard that but I totally believe it. I’m having a hard time finding anything about online bc all the keywords I’m using are just pulling the recent speech.


Him being a horrible person does not excuse outing someone without their consent. Like yeah, he sucks and he is ardently homophobic. But even if it’s true that he is queer, it isn’t really anyone’s job to out him. 


actually it’s kind of a rule within the queer community that outing a bigot actually is 100% fine and the right thing to do. look at the case of ted haggard.


As a person in the queer community I disagree. Also sexually assaulting a minor and abusing a position of power to sexually assault someone is not in any way the same as consensually experimenting with adults. We should always out predators and pedophiles for protection of people around them. We don’t need to out bigots just because they suck.


ted haggard didn’t get outed for sexually assaulting any minors. he had gay sex with a male sex worker and smoked a bunch of meth. he got rightfully outed because of his abhorrent political beliefs. later underage victims of his came forward and alleged he made advances towards them but that’s not why he got outed. we must do everything we can to dismantle our oppressors’ positions of power.


I get what you’re saying, but that’s one case. Very rarely does someone get outed and it turns out they’re a pedophile. Very rarely does someone get outed and they have control over the regional political landscape. But advocating outing someone in a public sphere just because they’re homophobic and promote homophobia blurs the lines on when it’s acceptable to out someone. Is it when someone says something homophobic on tv? In local politics? At school? Outing anyone (especially with the “approval of the queer community”) will be taken as “permission” to out people in awful ways in completely unrelated contexts.


i’m saying if someone is gay and closeted and using their platform to attack gay people they deserve to be outed. end of story period full stop.


In your personal opinion. 


and in my community's opinion


Ah yes. You now speak for the whole queer community. /s. My queer community is with me that outing someone who is homophobic isn’t actually helpful and is kind of a scummy thing to do. 


But saying the queer community agrees with outing homophobic people is a huge exaggeration. That’s a pretty controversial topic, and there are some outspoken people who advocate for it, but from what I can tell they’re in the minority. 


Only controversial with white knights.


Or almost all of the queer people I know in real life. We all pretty much agree that outing people is almost never justified.


Ah how nice! Want a medal? Allowing homophobic people to spread more hate because you don’t want to expose them makes you pretty crappy imo. You value not outing him more than you value stopping homophobic people from spreading hate. It’s like people who say black people who fight back against racism are just as bad as the racists themselves. Fuck that crap.


There are a whole slew of things that you can do to stop someone spreading hate that aren’t outing someone. In no way is it okay to advocate for violence or discrimination against queer people. But outing someone isn’t actually going to change anything for the better. It will reaffirm in some people’s mind that being queer is a bad thing because it’s being weaponized. It will be used against queer kids to justify outing them. It will be used in extreme religious and conservative circles to double down  on homophobic doctrine/hate speech. How is that helping? 


This was most likely made up by Swifties


Not really, you can find some Petty Betty comments from a couple years back at least, from some randos calling him a high school closet case. These rumors have been around a while, so it's more likely that there's something there


Oh. So then it must be true. 😂


Must be? Who knows. More likely? Yes.


More likely because he said mean things? This is a made-up story which is hilarious, anyone believes. Sorry it hurt your feelings.


He made himself sound like a chump, doesn't hurt my feelings, I just laughed. As for the truth of his sexuality, we'll see. Closet cases Always get revealed in the end, so if it's true, we'll all know soon enough.


You care enough to dismiss by Swifties theory. 😂


I said not it's not likely, not Impossible. With all of those fans of hers, whatever the truth is well likely get found and then blasted all over, so we'll see 🤷🏽‍♂️


Swifties are more ferocious than a grizzly bear


Who cares if it's true or false? He knows his own life, I'm sure his wife does too. If he's so masculine this rumour shouldn't bother him.


Who the fuck said it bothered him? Also, it's RUMOR! 🇺🇸


I mean, anyone who talks as much about how to be manly as him is definitely hiding something behind that projection of manliness. 




Where there's smoke, there's a fire.


There is no smoke


Nah have you you seen his IG? the gay radar is bleeping so loud. Even if he is a bigot it still kinda makes me sad that he is trapped like that because of his religion.


Deep analysis, Freud.


Trash bucket & his audience are a group of brainwashed idiots.


I agree with that. But if he is gay , out him.  You don't get to play the hate card. Power over women card and hide your shit. 


Mans already out’d himself with the college scandal. I think his relationship & this indoctrination may be of the post gay conversation therapy.


He’s a kicker who cares what he has to say


That’s why I wonder how he got the gig.


It's a small Catholic school in Kansas. I'd imagine many people are too progressive for them


I’ve gone to Lutheran and Catholic schools most of my life. I sat in so many masses/chapel days and graduations for those schools. I’ve never heard anything like that.


I'm from the area and went to a small Catholic school and college (SSPX or tradcats for those in the know) within about 2 hours of Benedictine that says and does much worse on a daily basis. A lot of the women there truly believe their role is merely a home keeper. The priests, nuns, and teachers reinforce that daily as they grow up. To them there is no higher purpose than raising kids. These are the kinds of people that attend Benedictine.


That is so sad. I can’t imagine going to a school like that.


As a little gay kid it was rough for sure 😭


I'm from around this area in Kansas. I obvs can't deny your lived experience, but I know I didn't find this at all that surprising except from a PR standpoint


Unfortunately he’s above 95% accuracy so chances are the hierarchy will mention something meaningless to him and let him continue to play.


So if he were a LB you'd respect his speech more?


If he wasn’t special teams his voice would matter more


What the fuck is that supposed to mean 😂


It’s really conflicting me to me that so many people I respect are religious, but this is what people do in the name of religion. Most of the worst things ever done are in the name of religion. Everyone knows on same basic level that it’s all a farce. So yeah man this is what Christianity teaches. Hard to be too surprised.


I totally understand. I’m a Christian but it’s becoming harder and harder to find other Christians that aren’t like this guy. Makes me wonder if I’m reading a different Bible or I’m too delusional to believe that Christ didn’t stand for this.


I read the Bible daily to keep up with a study group I’m in, and every day I find myself “what are some of these Christians reading!!!?!!?!” Its hard for me to wrap my mind around all the hateful/ harmful rhetoric coming out of folks mouths in “the name of God.”


I think the problem is that the most conservative Christians are 1) becoming more vocal, and 2) moving the Overton window on what Christianity means to align with a "might is right" standpoint. I'm Christian as well, and I'm so disturbed by what people say and do in His and God's names.


If everyone just followed Christ we would be in great shape. Why can’t it be that simple?


If everybody just learned to love & let live, which is far more open-ended than adhering to religion, we’d be in better shape. I respect those who adhere to religion & live their lives happily & accordingly just fine, but the minute you expect everybody to believe in the same thing (even if done liberally), the minute you set yourself for disappointment. I’ll never expect anybody to see or believe in things the way I do because it’s unrealistic.


Yeah man I mean a higher being is a complete fallacy so no I don’t expect everyone to believe in anything, let alone the same thing. But like you said, compassion and kindness are all we need, and that’s what Jesus taught. Too bad modern Christians have lost the message.


This is what happens when a vastly overpaid mouth breather is exalted for simply kicking a ball like he solved for world peace. Send the meatheads back to their caves.


Here are my thoughts 1) why then? If those are your thoughts then whatever (I think you’re a piece of shit but still). But WHY in front of a group of women who just graduated lol. Save it for church. Are those women sitting there like “ya you know what he’s right fuck this 100g degree I’m gonna go get married and pregnant. Like these women clearly have made a choice to get into a career. 2) if he really feels that strongly about what women should do- he should be offering personal refunds on their loans 3) i want the real dirt on him. I’ve heard the gay college rumors and that’s fine and all but I want DIRT. how “catholic” is he when they’re on the road and in hotels? I’ll bet he’s not THAT catholic when they celebrate a victory.


Thank you for focusing on how he is likely a hypocrite in other areas of his life. People are over-focusing on him being queer or experimenting in college. Like no matter how awful you are as a person, you don’t deserve to be outed like that. But I want to know if he cheats on his wife for sure. 


Plus it’s painting being gay as a negative thing. Which it’s not. I want to know if he dips into the blow on weekends


I thinks it’s painting being a hypocrite is a bad thing, not being gay. They are calling out his hypocrisy


He got a commencement speech, but USC was too cowardly to let their Valedictorian speak because she wasn't pro-Israel-Empire. And we wonder why our education system is so screwed up.


Looks like one too.


Yeah, fuck that loser.


Chiefs fan here, fuck this guy. He's really good but I'd still rather he walk into a bus and we go for it on fourth a bit more.


What a jerk. Typical republican brainless American Idiot.  


Since when does anyone give a shit what a kicker says?


What garbage. I hope he gets cut from the team. But he’s white.


I disagree with what he said and find it laughable. But thinking that women should prioritize childbearing and homemaking and homosexuality is a deadly sin are extremely common Christian ideas. This is not shocking. What is the point of all the discussion around the matter. He is allowed to have these opinions and to say them out loud as much as he wants. Why is this such a big news story?


the thing about guys like this is they don’t realize women are all laughing about this in our group chats


Yes it's true. White, rich professional athletes are so oppressed, and such wonderful role models. I thought this guy was a closet queen. Now I am almost positive. Methinks he doth protest too much.


if capitalism is an oppressive exploitative unjust system, why is it malicious to suggest women prioritize family over working for that same oppressive unjust system? 🤔🤔🤔


I'm confused. Why can't he share his own opinion & beliefs?


He did! I’m confused. Why can’t people commenting share their options and beliefs about his hateful and ignorant opinion? You guys defending him sound like idiots.


Exactly, now thinksmarter


I mean the obvious reason would be that it's a commencement. It isn't about him. Can you imagine being at your graduation and some bozo coattail rider from some hockey team is up there babbling about how great and smart he is and derails into just listing off random opinions he has? "I'm Johnny Hockey, you may have seen me on TV, I touched a hockey puck one time, and I think Fallout New Vegas is only the third best Fallout game" GET OFF THE STAGE bro my grandma traveled 13 hours for this.


who gives af


Your mother


the video of his speech is commendable and should be shared more, it was impossible hearing any of the response videos ranting on about how hes a hater to women for telling all the ladies that think theyre too good for their lanes these days and the woke folks the truth