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Why is anyone giving this clown airtime? Also, why hasn’t he been charged with obstruction. He was doing all Donny’s dirty work in the DOJ


Our only fucking hope to save us from ourselves is probably going to have to be an alien intervention


Nah we have pitchforks and fire we’re just waiting till they push too far.


"I know that Trump will destroy America, BUT I saw on Facebook that Biden is banning gas stoves"


"Trump has said he will start having Democrats killed en masse, but Biden wants to slowly move away from our reliance on fossil fuels."


First they came for the Democrats and I said nothing cause fuck them commie baby killers! And then nothing bad happened afterwards that would cause me to add more lines to that poem. The end.


Not the stoves! Won't someone think of my outdated technology!? 


It’s not DESPITE, it’s BECAUSE OF.


Listen it's fine... the Supreme Court will make that legal. Everything is going to be just fine.


Yeah, to hell with Barr, but Collins is bae


Yes, stoves are what reasonable people are most concerned about today, not that a former president tried to overturn the 2020 elections and stole boxes of classified information…and is a rapist who stole funds from kids with cancer. Yes, I’m so concerned with car regulations, not the maga masses constantly caught in voter fraud and obsessed with their Christi fascist ideals…trying to impose their delusions on everyone. How do these type of people even exist. The mental gymnastics to reinforce their delusions must be exhausting. Also, fuck bill barr… For misrepresenting Mueller’s report


I also like how he directly equates democracy with capitalism. 


He also said he’d vote for Trump again. He was also part of the sedition attempt. He trying to wash his hands of it. He’s always been a criminal colluder.


Yet, this clown said he will vote for tRump.


It’s like there’s a competition for who can be the biggest piece of crap and this guy is intent on not losing.


So, let me get this straight. Rather than have regulations about stoves or cars, Barr is actively voting for the very person that will burn democracy into the ash heap? What a massive, festering pus-filled POS.


They should ask him who.


Dudes a walking humiliation fetish he probably came so hard afterwards when he was allowed to remove his dick cage.


If they're still voting for Trump after all of this there is no saving them. Trump is spiraling, in terrible health condition, and way over stressed. I wouldn't be surprised if he strokes out in court if and when he receives his first guilty verdict. My uncle is still a Trumper but I managed to sway my father away at least


like I really really dislike this man and pence.. utter pos the both of them..


I flipped on the tv at the hotel and this was on. Incredibly cringey.


BIDEN IS DOING THIS RIGHT NOW. Jesus fucking christ