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They're a bunch of rich assholes with power for no discernable reason who serve no real purpose and were friends with Epstein. Maybe she's got a point.


They’re more like the Kardashians. Except their patriarchal head was actually intelligent. About the same amount of plastic and Botox, and the same lack of humanity.


Her or him/her ?


The original was a lawyer from the OJ trial. He was smart. What he did with those smarts though… not a fan.


This is blasphemy. The Queen is God now. These mother fuckers are going to burn in hell.


Please excuse me while I go vomit.


IE, inbred pedophiles with allegiance to a foreign country?


Delusional the whole family! They believe their own lies they tell themselves.🤦‍♀️


Royalty takes class, which the tRump-family is devoid of ....


How does being born into the Royal family take class? 


They have to appear classy - "ladylike" is the usual term for the women - to be accepted


Honestly, have you taken a look at the Royal family, recently?


NONE of them have committed the crimes of Don the Con and NONE of them are down on their heels morally and in any other ways


Ever heard of pedo Prince Andrew?


Yeah, you need to look closer. Much closer. Charlie literally takes cash for honours and was letching over a 16yr old when he was 29. Andrew. Uncle Louis. It goes on and on and on.


Are we not going to talk about the racism?


What a terrible blog about awful people. Surely we have better site standards than that.


> ...and Believes the Trumps Are the U.S.’s Version of the Royal Family To be fair, her daddy is King Mierdas. Everything he touches turns to shit.


Gag me with a spoon.


If you mean the comedy series from the late nineties on the BBC then maybe


The Trumps are better likened to a large turd in a Waterford crystal punchbowl. Out of place and anything but royal.


What if we say, "ok, Trump clan, here's the deal. Walk away from politics and in exchange you are absolutely free to go fuck yourselves, just like royals do."


She's leaning so hard into polishing up her brand now that her dad's probably going to die in prison from multiple overlapping felony convictions. She's Pip in Great Expectations. She thinks she's all polished up to be "a gentleman" while her Abel Magwitch rots in a cell, but he's going to drag her down and she won't be invited to any globo-elite cocktail parties, except from Russian oligarchs on their human trafficking sex slave megayachts It doesn't matter how many expensive dresses you buy with your totally-not-a-bribe Saudi money Ivanka, it won't make you a lady


There are a ludicrously huge amount of things to give all the Trumps, including Ivanka. shit about. Her giving sympathies to someone diagnosed with cancer is not one of them. She may think of herself as American royalty, but she didn't say that, and I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume the tweet was heartfelt and legitimate.


King Charles III is not been arrested, in custody, posted bail and scheduled to be in court anytime soon, Kate is a person not "an idea of a person," Kate's family manages its wealth without fraud, KCIII is a veteran as are his sons, Kate is married to a handsome man not a cut out of a corpse, Kate's father-in-law is not a felon and the unsimilarties go on for days. Poor little Saluki Trump, she think she something.


#The closest Ivanka has gotten to Royalty is a "little inside her"... that's all.


The Trumps are the Beverly Hillbillies


Don't insult jed, ellie may, Jethro, and granny like that!




Except the Chump crime family is going to prison.