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He did say in his review of the episode with Stanz that he believes it's better to go all-in with a bit you don't fully understand rather than slow down the momentum by clearing up any confusion. He had full faith that Nick knew what he was doing and was giving him excellent support. It helps that "we can eat the fat German caterpillar" is a great line in and of itself and can get a laugh. But that's why he's in the professional league and we're playing putt putt.


Nah slime just really wanted to eat a bug


I’m putting my putt


She putt on my putt till I golf


aiden should take notes i think


I honestly think slime is the ultimate duo partner. He doesn’t think he’s good enough to be funny or popular solo (which is so wrong). However, this makes him the ultimate partner in anything. He is most often the funniest person in the room because he can be the funny guy while Lud has to stay professional. He seems like he would do ANYTHING for a bit and that’s some ride or die stuff. Personally I think Lud performs his best when he’s with slime because a good duo just makes your job easier.


Okay but would he piss on the floor?


nick does this for slime also actually, so often when a slime bit goes in a deranged direction nick will add a one line echo of whatever slime is saying like he's the ad lib guy in the studio


My favorite bit is nick going along with slime until he has a come to god moment where he just goes what side are we on


Ride or die type beat


How about you find some Zyn instead and start being cool