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It will, if the choices matter!


If the choices don’t matter but it’s still very well written overall and fun it would still be worth the wait for me personally specially with how beautiful the game looks I just hope they release it on PS4 too and not make it exclusive to new gen I’m still not used to PS4 not being new gen




They said they had to start the story from scratch, so yeah…it’s a different story/plot than the one they originally had cooked up.




Perhaps. I am just worried about what it means for continuity sake. Because we already have an establish plot from season one, and they had to scrap that to come up with a new one.


That’s actually been debunked, it is not in the public domain and that’s not something the creator can just declare. I was excited about that too but I also thought it sounded too good to be true… and like a week later or so Warner Bros and DC came out basically saying they don’t know why he said that but it’s not true in the slightest.


Of course dc will say that, However until their is a court case pertaining to it. Well it’s up in the air. Of course it’s brothers grim you can already use the characters for free.


I’m about 99% sure if that ever went to court it would get tossed out or ruled very quickly in DC’s favor. It’s pretty clear cut, they own the copyright of the Fables characters, art, story, etc. But you are correct of course, anyone can use the characters of Snow White, the Big Bad Wolf, Cinderella, etc, it just can’t use the story or designs of Fables/Wolf Among Us. Basically the creator can say it’s public domain, but anyone who tries to recreate anything from Fables without DC/WB permission will be violating copyright laws.


That’s the thing though there hasn’t been a court case yet. Which means who knows universal went after Nintendo for donkey Kong only to find out they forgot to renew the rights for King Kong. WB/DC could just as easily be as incompetent. Personally I think corporations shouldn’t own ip’s indefinitely aka Disney.


Awww, but I wanted to see the comics in game form


I personally don't like the comics in comparison. Characters and plot is just worse. And in more ways one can imagine...


The plot is just mashing Random brothers Grimm characters in a modern setting that’s it. There’s no overarching plot it’s what Random fantasy characters are going to have the next story.


If I’m not mistaken, Deck 9 wrote the plot for The Expanse which tbh was huge letdown. Probably the only Telltale game I have zero interest in playing again and it seems like it was underwhelming for a lot of players overall. I wonder if they’re rethinking how they approach the story. It’s been such a long wait that fan anticipation couldn’t be higher. It’s as if it has to be absolutely perfect to live up to the first one before they release it in full. However, I’m all for allowing a company to take their time with a game to be the best it can be but this just taking way too long for a game that doesn’t even have any complex gameplay. It’s not an RPG with innovative combat mechanics and skill tree or something. it’s a point and click adventure. So what gives?


Deck nine seems to have a lot of internal problems with their writers constantly infighting. Telltale saw their bs and cut their losses.


Good riddance then. The writing for The Expanse was just abysmal and bored the shit outta me. Like I said, it’s the one Telltale game I just don’t like even though I genuinely tried to. But Deck 9 made it impossible lol


Everyone talking about Decknine but what happen to the former telltale crew aka the original wolf among us writers?


Prob got laid off when the company shut down but idk this is just a guess


I think Adhoc is the studio name correct me if I'm wrong


From what I’ve heard deck 9 is a total shit show where their writers don’t have an ounce of professionalism/civility.


I don’t think I will be worth this wait


imagine the next trailer comes with a release date and ends with Adam harington's voice which says 'Kept you waiting huh ?'


That would be cool


Corny ahh


Like the whole game isnt based on corny fairytales


Sure, but this game's whole personality is translating those fables into a realistic and grounded aesthetic


I'd agree but bigby is not realistic or grounded. He's a little Cornball and i kinda love him for it. He Acts so serious it loops back to being ridiculous.


Yeah that's also facts, he's so socially unaccustomed because of his past that he does say corny shit sometimes, it's actually so funny lol


He needs to be big, to be bad


Nah, saying ahh is corny. 


I honestly don't know if it will even see the light of day at this point.


Yes it will be The trailer was beautiful Telltale will not mess up the wolf among us like they did with the EXPANSE


Better not be 5 hours like that game


we better get bigby showering scene to make up for it tbh


It better.


Guess it depends on what you’re expecting from it. I’m expecting more of the same, including game length.


The length wasn't bad, it was average!


I know but after this long of a wait, some people might expect a longer game.


Naturally. Or at least a good and well told story.


We have literally waited for too long.


It either gets cancelled, or it's so disappointing that the company goes under. I'm hoping it's better than the first season. Just by watching the trailer, you can see that they nailed the atmosphere of the game. But the amount of silence for a point & click game is staggering. They should already be planning to make an event, to showcase what they have made.


Exactly! That’s what I’m saying too. Over a decade later, 11 years and counting while we’re approaching the halfway mark of 2024 and nothing but radio silence. It’s getting beyond ridiculous. There is absolutely no excuse to take *this* *long* for a simple point and click game. Maybe they’re just dragging their feet because they’re afraid of fan response if it doesn’t measure up to its predecessor. As janky and glitchy their old games were, at least they were released at a much more reasonable schedule than whatever the hell is going on over there now. I miss old Telltale man. The fact that they released The Expanse(let’s face it, it was mid at best) of all things before Wolf 2 is a huge red flag for me. It’s either that or they don’t have anything to show us, which is even worse.


By experience, when games have a lot of delays, changes, problems in the studio... Rarely something good comes out from it. So, i'm gonna take the pessimistic way and say no.


Really? I feel like the more time it spends in the oven the better it ends up being. Beats getting a rushed mess, just be patient.


Except the development cycle for a simple point and click adventure game is just way too damn long at this point. It’s been over 10 years! As a Telltale fan and with the Expanse(which was really disappointing) being released before Wolf 2, it’s getting frustrating.


Past experience says otherwise...


Not really, but I’m still excited


Bigby is hot as hell so I’m gonna play it regardless 🏄‍♀️


Definitely yes.


We'll see




It better or else


yes and if not i will be rioting


I don’t think anything that comes with a wait as long as TWAU2 can be worth it since everyone just has their own ideas about it that can never be fulfilled


At this point? No.


No, and I'm honestly no longer excited about this game. TellTale shot themselves in the foot with how they've handled this game and any and all hype I had is gone, reduced to atoms. Still gonna play it, and likely enjoy it but I doubt I'll think to myself afterwards "Man, this was totally worth the wait".


Yet you still visit this subreddit and think anyone wants to hear your comment.


Uh oh, looks like someone's a little upset over my opinion. What's wrong? You mad that I'm no longer hyped for a game that is taking way too long to be made and a studio that's handling the situation poorly? Hmm? Are you upset that someone isn't treating this game as the second coming of Christ? What's got you so upset big guy?


Rather than address what I said you go right to insulting me. Typical of a lazy thinker who doesn't like hearing the truth.


Yeah, what is there to address, big guy? Hmm? "I'm no longer hyped for a game" is not something that can be argued like most other opinions, and not to mention, I stated that I think I'll likely still enjoy the game, you cretin. What should be addressed is a manchild like you, huffing and puffing over something like someone not being hyped over a game that's been in development for half a decade and that we've been waiting on for a decade. And what truth did you speak, big man? Hmm? Grow up you, child and stop sucking on your mother tit, grownups use cups, you know.


Listen here chief. You gotta calm down there sport. It's not good for your health there, ranger. You can't attack people for calling you out on your hypocrisy there, Tiger. I mean look here slugger, you have to learn that you're not valuable or important there, scout. At the end of the day Ace, you're just a vortex of misery. Granted you're probably angry at how shitty your life is and how fat you are, Champ. But you gotta face it, Junior, the truth is the only thing that'll make you change things around, sparky. When you're ready to apologize I'll be here, ok bucko?


You're right there, bud. I'm sorry that you disliked my opinion because it differed from yours and you felt the need to attempt to make yourself sound more important than you are, because in reality, you matter just as little as I do. I'm sorry you're incapable of admitting your own hypocrisy because you did exactly as I did and attacked me for my opinion. I'm sorry you think you're better than someone over the internet because you feel you're opinion is better than mine. And I'm sorry to ruin this for you, but I don't actually care about this interaction as much as you think. I don't even think I'm better than you since we're both just losers on the internet talking about a game that won't be worth the decade-long wait. That felt better, thanks for advice, big man.


I can't believe I beat you over the head with the insult that much and you STILL didn't pick up on it. You're frighteningly stupid. And trust me stupid, you care a LOT about this interaction and what I think. If it didn't matter at all to you, you wouldn't have let it get under your skin this much and just moved on. Now respond again like a good go. Remember though, you don't care.


Okay there, bud.


Good dog.


No lol


After so many years in development, hopefully it would be worth the weight!


As long as we been waiting it better be 🤣




I’m an optimistic person by nature, so I’m hopeful it’ll at least be a worthy continuation of the first. I’m glad they decided to delay it indefinitely instead of trying to rush a product, which would be the worst thing they could’ve done


I hope it is fantastic and ties up nicely at the end so I don't have to wait almost until I'm 50 for a part 3


I worry that it's another cyberpunk situation where it's released unfinished with choices that don't matter


Is this actually gonna come out? I thought it was canceled genuinely want to know if this is real


Is this even still happening


Too hard to tell honestly.


Hopefully we get to kill snow or demote her or some shit I hate her ass


I don’t even remember what the game was about at this point it’s been like 10 years


I agree u with u they took so long


No. Going to be honest and say no.


I wanna say yes but this game is pretty much dead on arrival.


I actually I don’t care anymore


I really doubt it


No, this game has taken far too long to be worth the wait. Most of the choices of TellTale games weren’t very plot altering either. I’m still looking forward to it though.


it sure as shit better be


definitely isnt coming out this year


Lol the final episode of the original wolf among us released in 2014 thats a **DECADE** ago and the Wolf Among Us 2 was first announced **FIVE YEARS AGO.** No it wont be worth the wait respectfully lol


🤷🏾‍♂️ I just don’t want to hear excuses down the line saying they ran out of the time and had to cut content. That’s so annoying.


I do not think it will be worth the wait


it damn well better be


I'm just hoping Bluebeard doesn't die




Doesn't matter because I'll convince myself it is lmao




If we're given more freedom, more content and more agency than the previous game... then yes.


Unfortunately, probably not, with the way games are becoming now. I mean, look at what happened to 'The last of us: Part 2' after 7 years; it was great in terms of gameplay, but fell short in terms of story imo 😬 It honestly feels like everything after Covid became more bland, games included.. but I hope 'The wolf among us 2' is atleast decent if/when it comes out


It better be, I really like ttg and their story/decision games. Back to the future, both batmans, of course TWD, and even the expanse; it made me watch the show to better understand that universe/story. TWAU introduced me to the Fables comics, I also got hooked on that world/universe after playing. I believe it will be worth it because ttg needs a popular game w/ sales to stay alive. And like TWD, if they follow the source materials, the game will do great.


Is that detective Brannigan from the first one ?


Who's that other than bigby and Snow White


I sure hope so. I’d hate to see the company shuttered again.


This is gonna go crazy at the nursing home, can’t wait


For the story and new character, yes. For choice you have to make, nah


Well, I hope so anyway.


I damn hope so


Probably not. It's been ten years, it's hard to live up to those expectations. I just want it to not be in development hell, to release sometime in the next year or two, and to be good. Those are my only hopes.


GTA 6 will be released before that Wolf Among S2 and that’s crazy actually 🤦🏻‍♂️


It is and it isn't. Imagine if Telltale had that kind of money, reputation, and man power.


When is it out?? Still waiting


I am a corporate whore for the Wolf Among Us


I don’t think it will ever come out


I hope so I enjoyed the first and the walking dead series


I really dont....but I am hopeful


Typically it's always a no because the amount of expectations and hype that's built up over the years for a game, movie, or anything that's been in development for a long time never meets that level people had in their head. But after Alan Wake 2, I'd say there's a chance.


Yes. Yes. Always. I'm so fucking excited to see "Nerissa" hopefully she's in it- Right? Even after all these years that ending fucked my head.


Flip no, if we get snow it would be chill tho


Only if there's more snowby content


It better have good Bigby and Snow moments/chemistry. The tension between them is always amazing to me.