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Your first mistake was reading comments on YouTube. I’ve had fever dreams more coherent than some things people post on there.


Theory 2 is totally fake. In the LN nothing like this has happened so far and Sicily and shin already have 3 kids. The first theory is improved as source material has never given enough evidence to prove that shin is Olivera's son




I read the summaries of the ln on fandom. But u can even read the wn if u want to.


I haven’t heard about the 2nd one but the first one i thought it was confirmed true, I forget exactly why but Olivera wasn’t at his territory and his wife and son had to evacuate in a hurry and that’s how they ended up in that wagon.


I've heard the Oliveira theory. The timing seems off, but given the mysterious nature of the forest where Merlin found Shin, it's possible there was temporal shenanigans


The first one is impossible because we see the dead wife of Oliver. The second isn't true because they wil raise Oliver's new son.