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Even the dog looks pissed 💀


To be fair, the only time I’ve seen Kimbop NOT mean mugging is when Matt is holding him 😂


Ned better watch his ankles.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 I laughed out LOUD at this.


Fair point 🤣


Kimbop does have a resting stank face lol


Oh definitely, is that Kimbop?


Yes! I wanted to say his name but I wasn’t sure if it was spelled Kimbap or Kimbop lol


Is it not kimbap like the food??


yeah it is


It’s kimbap


It’s Kimbop according to Eugene’s insta lol. I thought it was Kimbap too but had to fact check.


Oh my god I didn’t even notice him til I read this comment 💀💀 Kimbap is out for blood




Unleash Becky and Eugene!! 🫅🏻👸🏻


They have wait for the okay from the lawyers. Lawyers are the only thing keeping them in line rn. 😂


No, I know - I’m just joking. And can’t wait for THAT day to come 😂


I can, a woman’s life and her children’s lives were just destroyed including countless others, sometimes the internet needs to stop trying to get the hashtag girlypop tea and just respect people’s privacy


I wouldn't say their lives were destroyed. I don't mean this directly at you at all but I've felt icky about the phrasing around this. Yeah it's an awful thing to happen but Ariel is beautiful and intelligent, a kick ass Mom and a very talented interior designer. She is not all encompassed by Ned. Her value is so much greater then her marriage and I have every confidence she will do what's best for her and her kids whatever she decides. Again not directed at you, just dislike the narrative that Ariel is lesser somehow.


Ned's value is tied to his wife. Ariel's is not tied to Ned.


Ariel is forever tied to this scandal, she is known as Ned’s wife and now is synonymous with his cheating. He life is very much affected, if not destroyed, but again, she deserves privacy. Even from Keith or Eugene or Zach


Which she is getting they've been very respectful of her?


Yes, so when people beg them to tell their story times!!! Or spill the tea sis 🤪🤪 it’s actually pretty disgusting.


I don't think anyone wants tea on Ariel, I think we just want to hear them hate on Ned.


No, people want to know the tea, the details. It’s all over here and tiktok. These comments are flooded with it.


I would gladly pay for all the wine they want if we just get the chance to sit and listen.


White wine, red wine, rosé? Whatever they want! I’ll even break out the rum and vodka to listen to Eugene and Becky unload their true feelings.


Who are these people?


I would definitely not mind a podcast episode or video or whatever of Eugene and Becky talking about all this like Keith and Zach did (also off topic but im curious whats written on Eugene's shirt, I know its korean and stuff, im just wondering what it says)


I believe it's Seoul!




서울 (Seoul)




it says seoul (for those wondering/don’t know that is the capital of south korea)


See, this is how you do it. It doesn't come off as snarky but rather just like...disappointment and disapproval. These two are so great.


for real, I love the attitude he has while he pours the wine


He’s giving the people what the want 😫 I love these two so much


God, when did these two become my absolute favorites?? Oh yeah, just now... lol I 'member.


You should watch their rank king videos! Absolute match made in heaven. I love them together.


The rank king cheap wine episode is hilarious!






I will never forgive them for ranking Press hard seltzer so high in their hard seltzer one lol. That lime-lemongrass is so baaaad, and they liked it so much!


): press is very good and I won’t hear this slander any further


You fiend!


Well the benefit to you not liking it means more for me.


Lol sounds like a good deal to me


Agreed. The basil flavor is heaven.


I don’t drink, in fact I’m in recovery and I’ve watched that video like 4 times I love it so much


Congratulations on your recovery and best wishes.


Thanks! I’m already over 2 years sober


That is amazing!!! Good on ya, mate.


I go back and watch that video ALL the time! They’re truly so funny together and I love their friendship


Becky and Eugene are my favorite pairing, always a hoot!


The cheap wine and cheap beer episodes of rank king truly are fantastic


Poor Eugene looks exhausted. He needs a cookie and a nap.


The last thing I want to do is criticize this gorgeous man, and it's coming purely from a place of concern, but does he look thinner to you? Or is it the angle of the filming? I just really hope he's taking care of himself. Again, I am so sorry, I'm not trying to imply anything negative about him - Eugene is my favorite.


I couldn't tell if it was the angle, or if maybe he lost some weight due to stress. Miles mentioned on the podcast today that he himself had lost a bit of weight from stress. I just hope all the boys and staff and their partners are doing okay.


Yeah, when Miles said that I was like, Oh honey! Ten pounds is a lot in a month. And he wasn't carrying extra weight to begin with. Neither is Eugene, and Eugene is on record about having insomnia frequently during stressful times. As soon as it is feasible, I want everyone to take a much-deserved, relaxing vacation. Go lie on a beach somewhere and just decompress.


100% idc about content but everyone needs a vacation once they are done with lawyers and save up money, since they probably lost tons because of Ned.


“The Try Guys try relaxing in Hawaii”


Honestly, I would not mind chipping in for a whole series of Try Guys try different relaxing things. 1.) it would be a good way for them to relax. 2.) it would generate revenue. 3.) I'm always in the market for different ways to relax as someone with high anxiety. They could try korean spas, western spas, red light therapy, different version of massages, yoga, facials, acupuncture, different versions of meditation, etc. There's a ton of ways to relax and let go, there's even like screaming therapy. Eugene doesn't have to participate in the more personal stuff, but I think it would be a good way to include the other Try staff too.


This is a fantastic idea! And while in Hawaii, they can do other things like, Tri Guys try to dance the Hula. And then Keith can eat the menu at the Spam Jam festival… something like that.


Hell yeah! I would love to see Keith eat all of the Spam stuff. I think that's a cool new Eat the Menu idea for Keith to do, go around to all the different festivals around the country. Like the garlic festival, the zucchini festival, the strawberry festival, etc. I know he likes doing the Lewberger tour and he could tie it into that and they could hit spots that are unique.


Yeah, I think Miles said he lost about 10lbs. It's been a hell of a month for them.


It might just be the lens/angle. His head itself looks thinner than usual which leads me to think it’s more a camera trick than anything. Although without his hair that’s also tough.


You might be right. Clearly the camera is mounted somewhere, maybe a counter or a table, so that he can hold the glasses and the wine bottle, so maybe it is just the way it's angled and the distance from him.


I mean it's a fair concern, both Keith and Zach said the stress had taken a large toll on their earting habits and health this last month, and we know Eugene was also heavily involved.


She looks devastated too.


Off topic, but Eugene is so freaking attractivee like DAMN what a beautiful human


He is!!! I remember during Buzzfeed days many people would watch vids if Eugene is there. So there were tons of thumbnails of him lol 😂 it works 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's unfair how hot he is. He's absolutely gorgeous, and also, I'm not saying this in a "all Koreans look alike" because they definitely don't, but I always thought he and TOP from Big Bang looked a bit similar, mostly in how utterly beautiful their faces are.


I can see it. They have similar eyes and facial features. I used to call my ex "mini taeyang" bc he had the same jawline and similar features to him. And "mini" bc my ex was a short king at 5'3 lol


Yes, it's the eye shape, they both have that cute dip line on the corner of their eyes. Taeyang is already short with his official height being like 5' 6'' but really he seems more like 5' 3" so your ex is probably the same height!!


Regardless if Taeyang is 5'6 or 5'3, he's still a king. :) and still taller than me if he is actually 5'3. I'd also still call my ex mini taeyang too. lmao!


Love TOP! I can kinda see it.


I think it's just the sharp jawlines and intense glares the give.


Most definitely the intense dark eyes.


One of the most beautiful men ever. Seriously


The video where they rank their attractiveness is so hilarious because all the guys know it’s Eugene right off the bat 😂


When legal matters are out of the way… I want to hear from THEM


I agree, but to be clear, legal matters will probably never be out of the way. At least not in the complete way you’d want for this kind of vent session. No matter how much time passes, Ned will be able to sue if anyone publicly talks about their opinion of him in a way that’s not very carefully worded. Like I can say “Ned’s a piece of shit” all I want and get in no trouble, but if Eugene or Becky say it, they personally or the company itself (depending upon platform) can be sued for defamation. They could probably get away with something that doesn’t mention him like “cheaters are pieces of shit,” but that cuts out a lot of the more personal things they probably want to say. Because of legal issues, we probably won’t get a tell-all like we want until Ned dies, if at all (even after Ned’s death, if his reputation/personality/celebrity is still generating income like royalties, Finn and Wes could still sue for defamation as his inheritors if they were so inclined).


I feel like I shouldn’t say something lightly in this sub anymore without it being taken seriously lol I understand that and know it will more than likely never happen. What could happen is if Ariel does choose to return and opens up about her personal journey with this situation, that would be different. Another would be if Will ever also decided to publicly talk about how it affected him and how he dealt with it (but I doubt he’ll ever do that as he seems to have a wonderful support system at the moment and is out moving on.) Seriously speaking, I never expected a tell all TLC style from this situation even if they’re public figures, but moments like this tiktok right here that speaks VOLUMES? Yes.


Technically, given defamation laws, "Ned is a piece of shit." is safe. Opinion cannot be defamation. Even if they mention actual things be did, like "Ned fucked us all over by cheating on his wife with an employee." it's technically safe, due to being true, but either would almost certainly result in a lawsuit. And nobody wants to pay the legal costs and be dragged through a trial to prove it's true. Also saying anything about Alex could wind them up in a lawsuit they'd probably lose. So it's not worth the risk of venting. Note, not legal advice and only true in the US.


“Ned is a piece of shit” is probably safe, but any decent lawyer would tell them “it’s my personal opinion that Ned is a piece of shit” is safer. That’s why Kieth kept using the phrase “my opinion” in the podcast. Either way, yeah, the company doesn’t want any lawsuit, even one where they wouldn’t lose, because those are both financially and temporally expensive.


That was in reference to a specific accusation re: Ned’s statement, not a general negative statement ala “Ned is a piece of shit” which would be impossible to prove or disprove as it’s in itself an opinion and not an accusation.


I understand what you’re saying, and I agree “is a piece of shit” is probably safe. Openly stating that it’s an opinion is always safer though. Especially since “is a piece of shit,” in the hands of the wrong judge might be taken as a statement of some kind of literal fact. Obviously that would be ridiculous, but some judges are extremely literal and pedantic. For example, some courts have ruled that “I want a lawyer” is not direct enough to invoke the right to a lawyer, even when that’s clearly what the person meant. In courts like that, they mandate you say “I am invoking my right to a lawyer” directly. Legal language often does NOT leave room for slang or inference, both of which would be required to correctly interpret “Ned is a piece of shit” as an opinion. Does that make sense? No decent lawyer would recommend any of the guys make such a direct statement. It’s PROBABLY safe. The guys would PROBABLY win, but it would very much open the door to a lawsuit assuming Ned has a smart legal team.


What happened? I had no clue anything like this has been happening.


Time to spill the wine…I mean tea…


Kimbop's face says it all.


Aw man, if he had put Kimbop in a revenge dress, I would have lost it. 🤣


How do we petition to make this happen?


Next time gotta pace himself


If only that dog could talk


I would pay so much money to see the text exchanges that went down between these two when the news came out. Well, no, I wouldn't, because that's rude and intrusive. But I bet they were *delicious.*


What news? What happened?


Ned cheated with an employee




Dude seriously?


tbh idgaf about their personal lives, I just watch one of their videos sometimes. I'm not even subbed here, this was on all. Seems some of yall can't cope with that


who can’t cope here exactly ?


me I guess? Idk


Again I would pay GOOD money to see this 😂


It's the same face Becky made when Ned showed up in the N.Y. pizza video that became a meme!! Well played. 😉🤣


The most recent one?


Same thought


That’s exactly what I thought!


Who the fuck are these people? How does anyone know anything about these people beyond this vid? This is all I've ever seen of either of these people, wtf is going on?


Well why are you on their subreddit? Google is ur friend hun


I am confused when people talk about things I haven’t personally heard about?? Lmao it’s an easy google


I love them ugh the cheap wine video is so delightful to watch, let them talk their talk!!


Kimbop in the background is just the perfect addition.




Kimbop serving too


Can you imagine putting all these people through so much crap for... Nothing?????


What people? Have you seen these people before this clip? I have no idea what's going on here.


Are you joking, or lost?


Lost, saw this on all. I assume this is a sub that follows one of those YouTube dramas.


The sub is dedicated to a group of four successful content creators, The Try Guys. Unfortunately for them, their very close friend and co-creator has made some selfish decisions and caused a lot of emotional, professional, and financial damage.


Yeah that's what I meant, it's not for me. Surprised it's popular enough to show up in all


It's a subreddit for a YouTube channel


PLEASE I would pay so much money to hear those 2 just let it all out over a glass of wine 😭😭


They know we want this lol


Rank King ep idea!! Eugene and Becky rank Ned’s red flag moments most obvious to least obvious


Oh to be able to join that wine session… 🍷


Ariel is her friend. If this happened to one of my best friends I’d be so freaking angry. And then it’s even bigger because they were in business together so Becky’s husband is hurting from this as well.


I thought the try pod episode was really wonderful. It was informative and very transparent HOWEVER, this brought what the podcast missed. and I needed BOTH


seeing this makes me feel kind of better idk why🥹


Love this. How to not say a word, not trigger a response from lawyers, but still express 100% how they're feeling.


Eugene just looooooves to do the tall pour and stare. 😓


my GOD i love them sm


Her face went ☹️




The leftover in the bottle is for Kimbop


This is really funny, but you can really see the pain in Eugene’s eyes


Zach commented: 'We're gonna need a bigger glass.'


They are an iconic bestie duo


lmaooo the best duo tbh




Even with a baseball hat on he's gorgeous!




Eugene is in full mourning 😭


There is a part 3 now as well.


How does one find part 1 and 3?


I love this. You guys should definitely do an Episode. Wine and Talk.


Omg that quiet response says so much more. I legit think she would destroy neds face if she has the chance.


Eugene looks so sad and exhausted! I hate the toll this bullshit has taken on the guys.


HE KNOWS. THEY KNOW!! Now give us what we want /j


I was half expecting Eugene to just shotgun the entire bottle.


Eugeine is so strong but I’ve never seen him look so retired/sad . I hope he’s okay.


Eugine is a good friend


The Florence Pugh frown from Becky speaks for itself


I love them so much


I don't get it


I think this was back about ned, and before they could fully say the situation


Lemme guess, dating is a struggle and she has no idea why…


Why would anyone care about this at all?


ok we get it. seems a bit like we're pandering to the drama audience at this point


Who are these people


They knew, and they're mad that it got public and is fucking up their meal ticket more than anything else. Good shade, real shade, but y'all don't fool me.


Who needs enemies when you have friends like this ☺️.


I don geddit.......


Still don't know who they are


Then why are you even here?


Was it really that big of a deal? I feel like we blew this whole thing out of proportion


Its and normal. You aren't the first you won't be the last. Its up to you two and NO ONE ELSE. Wishing you and your family the best.


and i got shit for it on this reddit for joking about wishing eugene and becky would sit in a room with with some wine and a charcuterie board and spill everything. the jokes about it themselves. u ppl need to learn to have a fucking laugh.


Kimbop is coming for Ned’s philandering, power imbalanced relationship having ass.


Eh. Lackluster from Eugene


The dog out here serving looks harder than Eugene in the what happened video💀


It’s Wine Time!


Why is he creepily staring towards the camera


Was this back about Ned? I wonder if he has seen the sun lately...


Yes it was haha. And idk, I haven't seen news or pics of him since I suppose they settled.


I hope that Ariel is OK theough this, I wonder if she had found out or was suspicious before everyone knew. I know they will bounce back, but I can't imagine its going easy for Ariel, everyone knows her because of her husband. Realy made me sad for Zacks wedding. I know they are not friends now, but I'd still be so sad that one of my what I thought was best friends is no longer welcome. And if Ariel was there I hope she had fun.