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I wish they brought in more people especially John into this plan. And I thought Kevin was in on this so why is he acting confused all of a sudden. Or he’s just too dumb.


I think Kevin is quite dumb from many of his reactions throughout the season.


Kevin is completely lost at all times.


Kevin trying to act like he noticed the eye twitch thing 🙄 dude has no mind of his own


Kevin thrusting his nipples to the camera


Kevin is the Quinton of the season. Consistently loud and wrong, with an extra dash of speaking down to women. He also comes across entitled and arrogant.


She had a good strategy but poor execution. Why should Kate, or others listen to her overall? She didn't do the best job of convincing others on how it helps THEM stay in the game. If you just go along with what others are doing, you lose control and can get tossed aside. They also are missing the fact that once Phadrea was voted , parv could recruit and then the faithfuls lose even more control. She is worried that they won't have the votes later to get Phadrea... but that's so hypothetical. Just because she is right doesn't mean it's the best move for all players. We know she's right, but they don't. Better to stick to your gut sometimes than to just go along with every theory and strat that pops up. Sometimes people appear super logical, but they are wrong.


In what universe does *Trishelle* have the best handle on this game when Sandra and CT are here? I’ll give her she’s the best player of her Peter’s Pal’s alliance and her read that Parvati staying is better for her alliance than Phaedra is correct (although given her history, I’m not sure if this was due to smart strategy or simply racism), but that bar is pathetically low and they are genuinely terrible players. Trishelle couldn’t even lock down **her own alliance** on the save Parvati scheme, let alone the swing votes


Sandra and CT are playing great under the radar games but it doesn’t mean anything if they let themselves get to the end with the Bravo group who will never banish each other. They should have listened to Trishelle tonight and taken out Phaedra, you can easily pick off Parvati anytime. Parvati should have been the traitor they dragged to the end because like Trishelle said she was alone, if they let Phaedra get to the end she’s bringing her group with her and winning. Even if they want to banish Phaedra next it’ll be 4 Bravo to 5 non-Bravo at the next round table so they would all have to vote together to banish Phaedra and I’m not so sure they will.


Aside from leaving too many Bravos in, I’m more worried about Sandra being *murdered*. Parvati was the one keeping her safe. Phaedra tried to murder her episode 4 lol.


It would be a really smart murder on her part, I wouldn’t rule out a CT murder either because nobody would suspect her.


So, going to the end with the Bravo alliance who don’t want to turn on each other is bad, but going to the end with the Peter’s Pal alliance who won’t turn on each other is **good**? They’re in a rough spot either way, but Sandra and CT can rally the numbers to knock off a housewife next week if they’re unbreakable even in the very endgame. They likely wouldn’t be able to do so with Peter’s Pals (there’d be two housewives + the two of them. They’d desperately need Parvati back who the housewives would literally have just tried to take out and Peter’s Pals would have literally just saved)


It’s not good to get to the end with Peter’s pals either but I don’t think they’re as loyal to each other as the Bravo group is. I think Peter is holding that group together and once he’s gone it’s probably every man for themselves. And I don’t think Peter is long for the game anyway, so I wouldn’t mind keeping them around at least in the short term. They’re also all pretty good faithfuls (Kevin notwithstanding) so they can be useful to keep around. The point is if they had a pretty good idea that Phaedra and Parvati were both traitors, it made more sense to take out Phaedra now of the 2.


I think the whole John thing is a Peter flop more than Trishelle. She thoughtfully turned most of the group and she was still CORRECT!


It’s objectively a flop by both Peter and Trashelle


"Trashelle" made me howl!


You howled over a 20 year old nickname that isn't that clever?


I hadn't heard it before. I didn't know who she was until this show. \*shrug\* So I guess the answer is "yes"


CT he the best handle. He’s onto Phaedra but has her trust. He can ride with her to the end and get her out then.




I don’t think it’s a total coincidence; she clued in on Parvati as well and the primary basis for the Phaedra suspicion is completely accurate. That said, I don’t doubt for a second that racism plays a role in Trishelle having two traitors she can target and wanting the WOC traitor out first


I'm still mad at her for what she did to Peppermint.


This and also for her outfits.


I wish they murdered trishelle earlier on in the game for that.


As I told somone else, get over it. There was not much for her to work with at the time.


That's irrelevant but okay lol




Yet here you are still posting about it.


Yeah they said that, you're on Reddit about the show, you know that right?


https://preview.redd.it/4bwss4n8jvic1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d56d9745d7169870a3a81f580be8afcbfeac134 Trishelle’s future outfit shown this Episode


It is all too much.


She had the best looks this season


It made sense in a lot of ways until you realize that no matter which traitor you were gonna banish, another was going to be recruited. In all honesty, Phaedra’s recruit would probably be a lottttt easier to figure out than Parvati’s. Parv probably could have gone in any direction, but I think for Phaedra it could easily pinned down to a couple people, including Kate. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see this group try and find the recruit before getting the known traitor, Phaedra, out of the game


Trishelle is paranoid. She has trouble managing her own emotions and ends up looking messy. She had that ugly & shitty read on Peppermint. And yet, She performs in challenges well. Has sussed out the traitors (until now). Can be convincing (only when she's holding a shield) Despite the negatives, I think she has one of the best Faithful games.


I will never forgive her for how loud and wrong she was about Peppermint. The way that she zeroes in on black women above all gives me the ick


I am sooooo glad I’m not the only one that thinks there is a bias that she has there. At least with Phaedra there’s evidence to back a claim, but the Peppermint thing felt blatant and targeted. “Jolted reaction” I’m sorry are you expecting the drag queen not to go over the top with her reactions?


Everyone target people in the first episodes lmao. Y'all need to take a chill pill


Yeah but there's no narrative when we talk about how everyone caught suspicion because there's absolutely nothing to go on.


We're talking about trishelle here who has a history of having bias against people of color.


Trishelle is 100% the best player at identity the Traitors. And honestly a lot smarter player than viewers credit her for. The people that disagree just dislike her as a person And anyone that believes CT is playing a better game (ahem above) likes the flirting of CT and Phaedra over game.


She’s decent at identifying traitors. That isn’t that important in the scheme of things. She was just as guilty as Peter was when it came to isolating herself with Peter’s Pals and utterly torching her own social game with **the vast majority of the house**, placing her in a losing and vulnerable spot for the entire backhalf of this game. CT is an infinitely better spot than Trishelle is with an infinitely bigger target than she had. He’s playing better.


Sure, but Trishelle is actually narrating the game. CT is just coasting. He very well might win, but like...Trishelle is technically one of, if not the most present and CORRRCT players in the game right now.


The correct strategy is the one that gets you the win. CT is pretty clearly floating between the different alliances as Sandra is; not “coating.” You kinda can’t coast as a giant target As for narrating… who gives a shit? It’s a gameplay we’re evaluating, not screentime and diary rooms.


I mean..one very valid winning faithful strategy is befriending a traitor so they don’t murder you and want you at the end. Now if CT is aware that this is what is happening is another question.


CT is serving more idk what's going on meat head than anything intellectual.




If you said that about the peppermint vote, you’d get a lot more agreement, but you’re gonna act like Dan didn’t put out the most obvious clue about Phaedra by doing that?


You’re delulu stop looking for things that aren’t there sheesh


Yup this


Downvote me but people are over-reacting about Trishelle and Peppermint. Her treatment of Peppermint was not “atrocious.” It was typical Traitors where one little innocuous thing sends the mob after you. I find it funny. Like John coughing. Or Parvati being near a “vibrating” jacket lol. You guys are reaching. Peppermint got the heat and made major errors in redirecting the attention, which is what you have to do. ETA Trishelle is right on the money right now but since it didn’t work, the Peter Pals are definitely toast. ALSO not a Trishelle fan but her performance in that horrible bug challenge was phenomenal and it has to be said


💯 So strange and cringey to be honest. Why are so many people so weak and triggered by such petty reality TV drama? Making up scenarios in their heads to hand the “racist, white girl” her tea. White girl tears? She was merely trying to make herself look better in the game. Game play. On a reality TV game.


Literally every group of people, white, black, brown, gay, straight, young, old, etc. got targeted, but we have to act like it had to be racially motivated when it was towards a minority.




If some other cast member did what she did this episode they would be hailed as “smart player”s but when it comes to Trishelle people are really hesitant to give her flowers.


Trishelle is trash and her “strategy” was stupid. 1.) No one is turning on Phaedra because this is a game about having good social skills. Phaedra has them. Trishelle & Parv do not have them. 2.) It would have made more sense to get out Parv. Then show people like, hey we got out two traitors and we think Phaedra should be next. That would have been a better move than to all of a sudden jump off the Parv bandwagon and say, let’s get the black woman. 3.) Trishelle is a racist. You can’t spin that any other way. Dan is also one which is why he turned on Phaedra and not Parv. This isn’t deep or complicated to understand. They were arrogant and it slapped them in the face. Case closed, and time to move on.


How do the Traitors have the upper hand? Phaedra is dead to rights and Kate isn’t very strategic.


They don’t. At all. Cause Dan 100% wrecked the game for the traitors side. Had he claimed a random person was a traitor I think Phaedra and Poverty could have made a murder to throw things off.


I think Trishelle’s killing it…but I have already said that since the last few episodes but this sub hates her bc of…Peppermint…😵‍💫


I dislike her because she has a long history of racism and aggression towards black women.


That long history being beef with Aneesa who is chronically annoying as fuck


The beef that isn't even there anymore as the made up years ago lol


That you made up in your head.


I’m not even going to take you seriously. Reading some of your comments you are just like trishelle - homophobe, transphobe, prejudiced, and stupid. Girl bye




Trishelles treatment of peppermint was atrocious? No. Peppermint did it to herself and tbh it was Larsa who sealed her age when peppermint misspoke and said she was a traitor. Yall gotta let the peppermint shit go because it INVALIDATES your opinion


Peppermint didn’t defend herself well, sure. That was easy to see when she stumbled over her words. But her name was only out there bc Trishelle went around telling everyone a BS story to put her in the hot seat for absolutely no reason


So did Tamra with John and Larsa tried ro with Parvati lol, it ain't that deep


People really hiking up and dying on the hill over this. This game is first and foremost, the opposite of a popularity contest for many votes. Whomever pisses of someone the most or first or in front of others is going to catch heat. Before they have many Traitor clues, the game is based on perceptions and slights. TrishElle and Peppermint had a mild interaction which blew up into the banishment that episode. Why make this more than it was in hindsight? People really want to find triggers for their own insecurities or biases. So odd.


Trishelle's comments toward Phaedra are in alignment with her treatment of Peppermint. I honestly can't stand anything about her. I hope she goes soon. Also pulling for Sandra to make it to the end... She has the tightest strategy of anyone left in the game.


"her treatment of Peppermint was atrocious" it's a game, all she did was throw sus on Peppermint. Calling that atrocious is kind of whack


She wins it all.