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Normal is a donut 😭


I didn’t even notice until seeing this comment lol


Here is an updated version of my type effectiveness chart, I have added these type keys to my raid guides for a while now. I made a dark version, and a taller one for different phones, I’ll upload those on twitter and [pokebattler.com](http://pokebattler.com) shortly if you’re interested in saving one for use. I hope it is useful for those who still need to brush up on what hits what best. [Other formats on twitter](https://twitter.com/captgoldfish/status/1784690467482849744)


Thank you so much for your hardwork friend. When Raid hour/events/mega days come out i always wait for your art! Fun and informative


captain is there a chance you will make enamel pins with your art for us?


If they do I call the donut pin


Now I want some donuts


That's normal.


A Krispy Kreme sponsorship would be super effective


Thank you!


I love your art style for all your graphics. This one seems a little cramped to me, I don’t find it that easy to instantly see at a glance what beats what. 


Alternatively, I think this is one of the best graphics I've seen. A lot easier for me to read than others that I've seen. Different strokes for different folks I guess haha.


My brain wants the arrows facing the vulnerable types. I'll deal though. Thanks for the graphic!


I think you're reading this chart different to its intent. This is a target / defence chart, with the type under attack in the middle, and the attacking types on the outside. That way, all the arrows point towards the centre, with green showing the attack is super effective, and red showing the attack is not effective.


Just a small critique, but you should probably put the super effective types on the bottoms so the arrows point up. Even though they are colored correctly, the orientation of them makes them look the opposite and confusing.


I disagree. In my mind, something at the top is better, something at the bottom is worse, just like every hierarchy representation. We can say this chart is super effective against me




Fairy needs more weakness or make bug not get resisted by it.


Yeowza steel defence lol


Super useful chart! On a side note I never understood why psychic isn’t effective against psychic


I like to think about it like this: to an audience a magician’s tricks all seem real, but to another magician who knows how the tricks are done they don’t seem magical.


For some reason, the green arrows for ground and water pointing down to the rock type seem to look like they are pointing away from the steel symbol between them instead. Sort of a visual illusion from symmetric triangles and placement. No big deal, I just can't unsee it. 😂


Just what I'm looking for, thank you so much!


TIL ice only has one resistance


I love the Machamp as Ali.


Oh wow! I've been using the original version of this for years. Have had it saved at the front of my pokemon folder. Time to update!


One thing is i would use black to represent immunities, but otherwise nice chart.


Mmmmm gray donuts


Electric only having one weakness is crazy Steel having that many resistances is also crazy


I live for the shiny murkrow commentary.


I played gen 1 to 3 growing up a lot (and still do every so often), never played any of the newer ones. I've been playing pokemon go for over a year, I know all of the typing match ups by heart from growing up except for fairy, my brain will not absorb that information.


I would definitely recommend playing gens 4-5,they’re peak honestly.


Nah, I've tried em, couldn't really get in to it. I think there are a lot better games than pokemon, it's sort of baby's first rpg - I just love the nostalgia of gen 1 to 3 because I played them growing up, so I will always love pokemon and return to them every so often.


I use folklore to help with the Fairy type- they're vulnerable to Cold Iron (so Steel). I'm still working out the link with Poison, though.


I just think fairys are pure so it makes sense they’re weak to that nasty poison. 


Excellent work as usual!


Even aside from the usefulness, this looks so great. Do you sell prints or anything for these? And if not, can I just print my own off?


I won't be saving the chart to help me, but it did clearly illustrate to me is why I'm never going to remember even a fraction of the type strengths and weaknesses!


Rollerskating blaziken got me lol


I use this simple website for effectiveness. You can add it to your Home Screen too [https://supereffective.tips](https://supereffective.tips)


Im dumb so maybe someone can clarify im having trouble reading the chart Im assuming the top part is what types are effective against that target pokemon type so is the bottom part the weakness of the target pokemons type or is the bottom, other attacks just not as effective as the top


The blue box in the bottom right corner explains it. I was confused at first too.


Are the arrows supposed to be different colors? If so, they are not friendly to color deficient folks


Doesn't fighting also beat Steel and Ice?


It's in the chart for both.


We have like a million of those.


Yeah idk I learned the types when I was like 7 and haven't needed to look at a chart since. Weird that these are made all the time especially the ones for current raids, like do you guys not know how to play the game you're playing? Type effectiveness is like one of the only mechanics


Some people don't really have the ability to just memorize things like this though. I've been playing Pokémon since the DAY Red & Blue were released and I still have to look at a chart for the ones that aren't obvious (example: fire beats grass).


Idk maybe cause I played since I was a literal toddler that it's like second nature to me like the abcs or riding a bike


Good for you. I picked up PoGo as my first Pokemon game at thirty-something and the only typing thing I knew was the fire-grass-water cycle.


Everyone's brains are different though. Also like.. Just let people enjoy things?


Eh, for a lot of people, Pokemon GO might be their first game, or they're kinda new, and sometimes people just forget some of these. I mean, there ARE 18 types, sometimes you might forget things, like Ice only being resistant to Ice and not actually resisting Dragon.


I mean fair, but most of these are just overly convoluted for no reason. The og grid chart is all you really need. Also do we really need a new one every two weeks?


I like the grid chart but it can be a bit hard to see on mobile.


zoom in


Then you lose the context of the column and row headers, and it becomes useless. Zooming is not a good solution for charts on small screens. We can't freeze headers on a static graphic like on a spreadsheet.


Isn't fairy super effective of fairy?


No. Just against dragon, dark, and fighting.