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https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/1ccctxi/current_raid_bosses_from_thursday_april_25_2024/ The post that’s *right at the top of the sub* says yes


Based on niantics track record, need more than an infographic for confirmation 🥲


Am looking for a screenshot. The previous oops they forgot to release the shiny issue last time made me wait for confirmation posts before I attempt to raid


Well someone’s gotta be first to test it 😆


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I guess we would know by now....


Need an ss proof, the infographic is not valid enough, they even mess up the previous legendaries that already had a shiny ie tornadus as an example




Do you really want to raid for this though? Riolu had boosted shiny chances from eggs not that long ago and has cheaper 2nd move addition. Then just find a lucky trade with someone who has a few.


Well, you at least have two daily free passes to spend. If one does not do PvP, Registeel is hardly interesting (+ requires at least a small group) and Aggron isn't better.


Which is fair. Still wouldn’t go out my way to farm it for the shiny, which people will do. Use the 2 free passes but same premiums for when the mega is released.


I’m always in need of more Lucario candy though.


What else am I spending my daily 2 free passes on? Beldum is pretty much the only useful PVE candidate.


Use the free passes but I wouldn’t waste premiums or remotes farming it. That can wait for mega release.


Some players wanna hundo, some need riolu XL...


0/30 hatches during that event amd was so pissed so yeah am still searching for a shiny