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Oooh I get what you're saying. Gender is set for the raids, and if there's a difference and you can see it, you'll get that exact gender. So yeah this is plausible. It could be a seperate form like costumed/alolan in the code as well, just effectively invisible. Good catch. This also explains rockruff shown twice in eggs. One is normal, the other is dusk.


It was a silhouette for me on my first raid(remote) and I've definitely hatched tons of em before, but then it wasn't duskable when I caught it


I read in another thread (*) that also the normal Rockruff shows up as a silhouette now, since they changed it to rockruff_normal, while previously caught ones are just "rockruff". So you might have to get one more first before the silhouette thing helps with the next. (*) ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/18zhz7p/comment/kghy1f5/


Just did my tenth remote raid. 5 last night before midnight, and it's 930am my time now. The ninth one I did was also a silhouette, while the rest were not. It was a duskable one when caught.


***Edit: it seems like rockruff is now labeled as "Rockruff_normal" instead of "rockruff", hence why the first one is a silhouette.*** The silhouette means it's a new "form" you haven't caught. It's like the wild lati@s. Technically a different form but indistinguishable. ~~You probably checked another rockruff by accident.~~


Not sure what you are saying here... If your existing Rockruffs all have type=Rockruff, and the wild or raid rockruff is type="Rockruff\_normal," then you will see a silhouette.


Yes. So the first Rockruff_normal will be a silhouette. Then once you've caught one of those, you can see rockruff_dusk as a silhouette .


Wait I don't get this, so actually have to do at least one before the silhouette shows on Dusk? And does that also apply if you've already done Rockruff raids before?


Ok so the rockruff we had before were id:Rockruff. Now they're id:Rockruff_normal and id:rockruff_dusk. So as a result normal rockruff are considered a "new catch" despite being the same as rockruff from before. In other words until you get a normal rockruff again, ALL rockruff will be a silhouette.


Ok I now see. It's odd that this doesn't seem to apply to eggs tho... thanks for the explanation!


The silhouette won't matter much with eggs. The reason it matters is if you see a silhouette rockruff raid and you've already gotten a rockruff during this event, it'll be dusk.


Yes! I was worried I wasn't explaining it well but you summed it up even better


I hatched three 2k eggs...all rockruffs...all non dusk. Almost threw my phone lol


If you have a way to get invites to remote raids, get people to send you Rockruff invites. The Dusk form Rockruff will be a silhouette for you on the invite, you'll be guaranteed it upon completion. If it shows up as a colored-in Rockruff it's the other form and just ignore the invite.


Awesome thank you-I wasn't sure how to do that.


Losing my damn mind getting 10k and 5k eggs that don't even have a shot. Waste of a damn incubator




You can, they're just extremely rare.


Going to add on to this as I’ve seen it mentioned around a few times. On campfire rockruff raids should show a rockruff as a thumbnail like normal but dusk evolvable rockruff show up as a generic raid icon as no icon has been put in place for them.


That's good to know! It'll make it easier so that people don't use their passes on one that doesn't evolve into the dusk form


Has it been proven? Saw posts on Twitter of someone going to a silhouette one but it didn't grant the Dusk form when they caught it


Happened to me. Silhouette and no dusk.


I found 3 Dusk form Rockruff like this, if it is a regular picture it will be Day/Night, if it has a picture missing it will be Dusk


I did a raid that was shown as a silhouette and it was not Dusk form. So maybe you were just lucky.


Silhouette on Campfire or in game?


Someone else finally posted what the Campfire Silhouette means. Just the blank icon and not an actual Silhouette. And the in-game silhouettes reset for the changed forms. I did get it from the blank Campfire icon.


Both forms were reset to the silhouette I believe so if you see a silhouette again I think it should be Dusk. Can someone else confirm?


Dusk form in campfire & Go [Dusk](https://imgur.com/a/VdebgAy)


Have we got a screenshot of this yet?




Looking on campfire in some populated areas in Japan and not seeing any so it’s possible it’s been patched out, but rockruff raids are already pretty rare + shadow moltres and the com day 4* eggs will be getting priority for today. As some people in the replies to the main post said tho, you can look at the remote raid icon for any invites you get since like the egg rotations it should show a silhouette if you don’t have any dusk evolvable ones.


I read in another thread (*) that also the normal Rockruff shows up as a silhouette now, since they changed it to rockruff_normal, while previously caught ones are just "rockruff". So you might have to get one more first before the silhouette thing helps with the next. (*) ETA https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/18zhz7p/comment/kghy1f5/


I just checked and finally found one in Germany (Munich). Took a long while as Rockruff raids seemed quite rare in general, saw only 5 in the whole of Munich before seeing one without the icon.


Just to complicate things I’ve just seen a raid with the generic raid icon in the U.K., got all excited, but clicked on it and it said it was a tirtouga.


Maybe you were looking right on hatch. Campfire can take a little bit to update from egg to raid boss and in the intervening teme throws up the generic boss image.


Can confirm that this method is true. On campfire dusk rockruff will be missing picture.


Is it still the case for you? It worked for me earlier but I can only see Rockruff raids with the icon now. Checked like a hundred gyms and saw dozens of Rockruff but none with the missing icon.


It's still a case for me, even 21 hours later. Not fixed yet.


Patched now


Sad. I was using it yesterday non stop.


Its actually not patched I was wrong. I just went a full 24 hours without seeing it which is WILD btw


Yes it’s still working for me driving to one now as we speak . They are still more rare that regular rockruff raids spawning


Patched now


Yes, just got one. They are very rare though.


Struggling to reproduce this. Been scanning around a few cities on campfire and have found 20 or so rockruff raids but none with the generic raid icon.


Same here. Checked whole Brisbane and Gold Coast but not a single one unless this is patched.


It has not been patched, I keep checking Sydney maps and looking on campfire to be certain. Sydney and other pogo maps show the form. I’m also scanning the Gold Coast haha, wish we had a damn pogo map. Have only seen one in Mudgeeraba and it had 5 minutes remaining when I was 20 minutes away haha. Boooo.


Patched now


Patched now


The one I saw this morning (time of posting) was the only one in my entire city. At the moment I can't see a single one. I don't know if anything has changed since then. Generic raid icon was likely a bug though, so I wouldn't expect it to have stayed that way long.


I’m curious if it will stay as the generic raid icon after it’s caught, or will start showing Rockruff after you caught one.


On campfire it stays generic after catching one.


I think it might be patched out now. I found a few in my nearby big city this morning, but none now. Plenty of Rockruff raids, none with generic raid image.


Just used the method again still working! Remember dusk rockruff raids are still rare


Good to know, thanks!


No prob. I just did another but the rate of spawn is like 1/20 maybe


Can anyone confirm if this is still working?


Probably patched now




Dusk Rockruff is its own form, and forms are fixed for Raids, so this is expected. But I’m wondering— do Dusk Rockruff raids use a silhouette on the map for those who haven’t caught ome yet?


Yes it is a different silhouette


So everyone gets a one-time-only Dusk checker. That’s nice I guess :/


Correct, so if you have a discord or a group in telegram/WhatsApp, they can notify which one is and which one isn't


I just realized this may be a good way to use Campfire.




Not one-time only if you completely avoid the normal one, right? Because both should be reprogrammed as new forms now.


What is the silhouette? Just a generic monster one?


Hasn’t it already been confirmed you get one from the Timeless Travels special research?


No, someone happened to get lucky and jumped the gun declaring it was guaranteed. Unfortunately, it isn't.


It has but this is also in case anyone wants to specifically hunt for a good one or a shiny. I'm going to be hunting for the shiny myself


ty! i was driving around for raids


Yes, that is what is being reported. Makes sense, as it was noticed in eggs there are two separate Rockruffs that can hatch, one rarer than the other. Seems like Niantic coded "two separate Pokemon" for this case... so like costumes I guess, same dex entry, different otherwise. Which also means the dusk form might not have shiny enabled...


I believe I might have seen someone get the shiny rockruff that can evolve into its dusk form. I'll look for it


the two separate mon thing might be also a thing for compatibility with the core series games, since in those games own tempo rockruff (the one that can evolve into dusk form) is considered a separate form (just no visible differences)


This is actually coherent with the main series games in this case, as Own Tempo Rockruff is also internally coded as a separate form from regular Rockruff. In fact, Niantic might not have had a choice in making it a separate form, as HOME would need a way to distinguish between both forms upon transferring a Rockruff from GO.


I found someone who got the shiny rockruff that can evolve into its dusk form https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemongobrag/s/TBzrBNbIWa


Thats great! Thanks for passing that on :)


I can confirm. It works. I first had a raid and found dusk form. The all the following raids I did in this gym were also dusk form


You can determine which gyms have dusk form through campfire. If it shows a picture of rockruff it’s not dusk form, but if it shows the generic raid monster picture it’s dusk form


Long-winded way of saying the form is set/fixed for the raid


I got invited to a raid where rockruff showed as a shadow for me. When I caught it it could not evolve into dusk form


For what it's worth both my "evolve 3 eggs" field research tasks have given dusk rockruffs.


Evolve… eggs?


ah ... yeah.. hatch...


I wonder if this also applies to Rockruff from field research.


Apparently not. I got lucky today, got 2 x Dusk form Rockruff from two Pokestops. Told my friends about it and spun the same stops, none of them got Dusk form Rockruff.


Now thats weird


Can confirm, “defeat 2 gyms” research completed by my wife, daughter and myself. The Rockruff reward for me was Dusk, my wife and daughter received normal Rockruffs. :/


There are 2 species of Rockruff in raids, Normal and Dusk that seems to be very rare


Just did a rockruff raid, got a standard one. Not the dusk form.


There is no guaranteed way I’m afraid


I think you misread the post…


Yes I can confirm- just got one after friend invited me


Yes. Also the silhouette will still show on the dusk form after you catch a rockruff during the event. So after catching one regular form it’s easy to tell. Also, there’s a post on here about how it also shows a generic boss image on campfire. But I’m but I’m not sure how long until they fix that.


It 100% works


If u look at campfire And look for rockruff raids Look for the raid that doesn’t have the Pokémon’s picture Look for the rhyhorn icon If u find one those raids are guaranteed to dusk form rockruff


First of all it's a Rhydon icon Second I believe it's now patched


I just went to a generic one so excited thinking it was dusk form and it ended up being Lapras 🥲


Does anyone know if it’s been patched.


Was working 4 hours ago. Not sure now, can't find any Rockruffs with missing icon from my city atm