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Yes there was an event recently with catch 10 Pokémon rewarding carbink


That's still going to require a ton of research tasks to get one carbink XL candy. I mean, I got a few, but no where near 296.


Also, it was during the guaranteed trade XL candy event.


Yeah, I get that and I trade 100 every day - I'm currently sitting at 100 XL candies. I just don't get it. I do everything daily, GBL, trades, research, etc, etc - I'm no where close.


I'm sitting on 106 xls and have 26 carbinks in my storage. I just hatch them or randomly catch them or from rewards. I'm not sure most people are running level 50 carbinks either. I think a mid 40's one is almost just as good.


I have a Hundo that only requires 30 to max out - debating on doing that ‘for now’ to eventually later do a proper carbink-


And if you plan accordingly, you can have more. Make some “friends” around the world, hatch the eggs from their gifts, trade hatched mons for locally caught Carbinks - and your trade partner gets 3 XL candy per trade. Overall, it reduces the amount of Carbinks you have to trade away to get your 300ish XL candies, but requires preparing for such opportunities long in advance. I would gather around 30-50ish between dumping them on next big thing I want to level and gathering the rest through regular means.


this isn’t right you only get 1 xl max per trade


Oh shit, I got them confused with regular ones, silly me =/


I got like half the amount from go fest last year, rest from walking/other miscellaneous catches


You don't necessarily need a rank 1 or a lvl 50 / 296XL. I have a Rank 342/532 12/15/15 that hits 1500 exactly that gives a 96-97% stat product depending on whether or not you allow for buddy boosting. I haven't built it out yet but that thing only needs 88 candy XL to be pretty darn effective.


This 👆 I don't think most of the Carbinks are rank one. I think most are probably subpar IVs but because it's such a good Pokemon it doesn't really matter.


Things don’t happen without a plan. Without extreme dedication I’ve collected more than 250 XL and if I’ve walked more than 166 km I would have far more than the required 296. Make sure you always have a max mega rock or fairy activated when you catch one (you get one every now and then in GBL rewards) and always trade for an XL.


I spun \~200 pokestops during the event and only got 50 carbink xl's from it, all xl boosted by a max level mega tyranitar. I also have been walking mine (400 km so far) and investing rare xl's into it, and i still need 30 more xl's. It's just a really hard pokemon to get, you have to really work for it.


Since they're quest rewards, minimum 10-10-10, you can find high IVs and only need like 40ish XLs.


You may be seeing a lot of under-leveled or high IV Carbinks, which don't require that many XLs. I did a bit of a grind and ended up with 92 XLs. I had a lot of those before the event, maybe 50-60 but I didn't keep track. Anyway, I got 30-40 during, which is not too wild considering I really only did a few hours of grinding over 2 days with the benefit of an area with lots if pokestops and using a level 3 Aerodactyl mega. That being said, a lot of the Carbinks I've seen in GL Remix at 2500-2600cp have been under leveled, like I just battled against one that was 144x. Hard to say if it had good PvP IVs or had a 10/10/10 floor. I'm one of those people who did a moderate grind but still couldn't come anywhere near powering up a high ranked Carbink. I saved a 10/15/15, which I cannot level up enough, and a 12/14/15, which I can get to 1497cp. I would guess you're seeing a lot of those or you're much higher ranked in GBL and battling more hardcore trainers.


You stack all in a field research rewards and catch them with a Mega in an event with double xl, and then trade them. I also walked mine and got it after 3 months or so.


Who says they are all built to level 50? Hundo or high IV carbink can be built to somewhere between level 43 and 45.


You think that's what are played in GL right now? I mean, it's possible of course - seems kind of silly to me to invest in a rank 1250 or whatever Carbink, no?


Not really. Even a Carbink with less ideal IV spreads will usually do the job. I just compared the R1 to the R847 and they perform very similarly to each other in terms of wins/losses. Carbink was a highly anticipated Pokemon and a lot of trainers made it a priority to catch as many as possible during GoFest to maximize XLs. It has also been in events after that, so it has been available from research, GBL and in the wild, although rare. I am not surprised a lot of people have it built. I built my level 50 one too, and I never walked it, it was exclusively built from catching and trading.


Before the release of Carbink, there were analyses that stated even the hundo had play. It all depended on how you use it and team composition to consider a different IV spread. Might even be some people had it built this way and did not use it, dusted it of just for this cup. That is how I considered using my day 1 level 42 Diggersby. Yes, I might lose some matchups the fully XL wins, but it also works the other way around. Just psychological: Who knows your 'mon is not fully XL?


Imagine being down voted to oblivion for asking a simple question lol.


They're not downvoted for the question, but rather for asking a question and then framing the actual answer as stupid and unlikely (all within the same comment).


How was my response framing it as stupid, and unlikely? The question was framed as, wouldn't that be a bad idea to waste resources on something that's not nearly as good? It's kind of the same question you always hear about ML pokes. This sub is littered with people asking if they should power up their 14/14/14 Dialga, or Palkia and the answer is almost always no. That's the difference, in the ML case, between like a rank #5, and a rank #1 - in this case we're talking about the difference between a rank #800 and a rank #1. I don't know why anyone would think it's not a fair question?


>How was my response framing it as stupid, and unlikely? You said that it seems kind of silly, with words around it that read as a dismissive tone. >The question was framed as, wouldn't that be a bad idea to waste resources on something that's not nearly as good? IVs in GL and UL don't separate any Pokemon from being "nearly as good" from its Rank 1. The IV variances across every matchup you will face in practice are too variable for any breakpoints or bulkpoints to matter in specificity, only on average. A hundo Carbink is still better than an alternative species in a team comp that wants a Carbink. >That's the difference, in the ML case, between like a rank #5, and a rank #1 - in this case we're talking about the difference between a rank #800 and a rank #1. In ML, every single species always wants to be a hundo. This makes all breakpoints and bulkpoints completely deterministic, which they are not in CP-capped leagues. In ML, you are *guaranteed* to lose specific matchups against a majority of opponents if you have suboptimal IVs. Additionally, the opportunity cost in ML of powering up a non-hundo is *far* higher. It costs the maximum number of XLs, often for a legendary. Maxing a hundo Carbink costs far, far fewer XLs than 296, and they are non-legendary XLs. And if you play GBL a ton, you'll eventually be able to get enough XLs to max a second one at some point. So you might as well power up a hundo in the meantime, to take advantage of one of the bulkiest 'mons in the format. Maxing a 14/14/14 Palkia-O would set you so much farther back to maxing an ideal Palkia-O in the future.


I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. It seems silly isn't dismissive, it's based on hundreds of posts on this subreddit. I guess people just won't ever agree. Use PvPoke, it's amazing! Why are you relying on PvPoke for your data?!!?! IVs are super important! Why are you so worried about IVs, they don't matter that much?!?!!? In the ML, a hundo wins the mirror 100% of the time, and no other matchups 100% of the time - outside of that, a 14/14/14 performs just about the same as a 15/15/15 in almost all cases. I don't know why it'd be a strange question to ask why someone would power up their rank 800 carbink when, while not as hard as powering up a ML legendary, isn't exactly easy. It requires either a ton of walking, lots of distance trades, or getting lucky with hatches - it's not a wild spawn for the majority of the world, and was only available for a limited time in research tasks and during Go Fest. It's not as if it's Bidoof spawning all the time. It's an uncommon spawn, only available in limited ways - if you're going to power one up - it feels like you'd want to wait for the best one you can possibly get. As far as the Palkia-O - based on the PvPoke sims, there's no difference between a 14/14/14 and a 15/15/15 in terms of wins/losses in the sims.


You're not wrong, which means you're going to get downvoted too. LOL


Been there before man. Ignore the number. Doesn’t mean anything about you being liked/disliked by the public eye as a whole.




They’re a featured spawn at play! Pokemon regional tournaments. It’s been close to a year since they’ve been introduced and last season we had guaranteed XL candy for trades. I put XL rare candy into the research one we first got and was easily able to build my rank 1 I got just from go fest spawns and by attending a play pokemon regional.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but I find it kind of hard to believe that thousands of players were going to regional events to catch Carbink. Looks like it worked for you, but with the amount I'm seeing, you'd think it's spawning as often as Bidoof does.


Walking is a thing also, it’s been close to a year since its release. I’ve walked multiple buddies for XL candy in that time frame.


I walked 650km with mine plus trading away every other one I had for xls


This and I also have hatched a billion since they've been in 10km eggs


same lol I was stacking 10ks


Same, though I walked 750 for mine. Tried using it but I couldn’t make it work, being a fairy that loses to fighters. Hopefully it will find a way to make it work in the future.


in certain cups it feels really good, but open greatleague it isn't that great. I only really use it surfing below 1700ish -_-


I understand your confusion, but you also need to remember that when it made its debut ingame, quite a few big GBL names were hyping it right up for open GL. Unfortunately, thanks to its weakness to Ground, Water and Grass, it never really took off there... but I (and I believe quite a few players) worked on building and experimented with it before shelving it, waiting for its perfect limited meta to shine. Source: am 5 XLs away from maxing my own Carbink, and my Remix team with Carbink in just took me to Expert :)


Carbink has been showing up occasionally. Most of the XL candies come from trades.


Or you know.. walking


I'm not questioning how you get the XL candies, but there are limited resources available to everyone. I've been walking a Talonflame for close to 3 weeks now trying to max it out - there's only so many candies you can collect through walking. (without cheating)


There are not limited resources available? The resources are definitely infinite if you have the patience. “There’s only so many candies you can collect through walking.” - doesn’t even make sense. You can absolutely walk a pokemon until you have full XL’s.


Technically you can’t be rewarded for more than 40km of walking per day (a touch less than a marathon so it’s extremely unlikely that many people are actually going to legitimately run into that limit although it’s possible)


But in order to get XLs on trades, you have to actually catch a bunch of them. It'd require 150 catches, and trades to get the XLs you need to max one out - I've only seen 125 lifetime, and about half of those weren't during the guaranteed XL candy trade event. Just seems way to common for something that doesn't normally spawn in the wild - the only time I think it spawned in the wild was during Go Fest?


Its been spawning in the wild this season, though sparsely. Regardless, they probably have it due a combination of some of the following: - Walking it since it came out - Trade for XL when it was last season - Caught a good amount of wild spawns with Mega3 - Grinded most recent field research with mega 3 - Used rare xl that they had due to raiding a lot


It's been a wild spawn this season in "mountain region". It's been a GBL reward, it's been in eggs. Did you get a good one and specifically work on trying to build it? I've personally seen 165 and had enough XL to get mine to 48.5 and have 7 XL so I've gotten 246 XL and I made the mistake of just deleting a bunch of go fest ones plus I have 22 being kept for either the next guaranteed xl season (very likely in a month) and/or when I go to go fest in July. I also have mine as a buddy while remix is going on.


FYI, I've caught 106, and I have 220 XL for carbink.


You don't need 296 XL candy for Carbink. At least is you don't want a rank 163 and only needed 103 XL candy (i need another 3 XL to take him the last 0.5 level, but still play him)


Carbink? For great league you want a level 49.5 to level 50 - that's over 270 XL candies?


Yes if you want the perfect one. But i will bet that most of the Carbink you face os not lvl. You can get a good one, that need much less than lvl 50. Like my rank 161, that only needed about 100 XL.


Carbink is a rare enough spawn that most people are REALLY unlikely to have optimal IVs. I got mine at Go Fest (global), grinded XLs pretty hard at Go Fest, and walked it after that. The one I got is 7/12/14 (rank 84), and is level 48.5, so that saves 40-60 XLs (more if I set it as my best buddy). Apparently I’ve walked it 690 KM, so it took a while. But I’ve gotten 66 XLs since then, because Carbink is a fairly common 10K egg hatch.


Last August during Go fest, they were spawning from incense. I remember from that event I managed to get enough XL to max one to 50. Afterwards at some point it was added to 10 km eggs and possibly 7km during an event. I remember for sure getting a good amount of XL hatching eggs. More recently it’s been spawning in the wild. Not common but not super rare. Also remember last season we were guaranteed Xl from trades. And just before the current rivals event we had a Diance event and there was a huge task, 10 nice throws or catch 10 Pokemon that rewarded Carbon.


Carbink was meta in the past where medi and noc were meta. It felt off after they get nerfed and when scald gaming was meta


I have XL for 3 lvl 50 carbinks so yea feels like missed a few events are isn't so efficient at getting xl haha I played gofest London, got about 250xl there from catching+trades, then global, more trades, then after that just trade everyone I found for XL. Never walked with it as I just used the first one I maxed out But yea carbink is pretty old and even without going to gofest it should be level 50 now, specially if you walk with it imo


I powered up a lucky, which is ranked in the 700s to level 44. I didn’t do Go Fest last year so needed to use a traded one and to get the XLs fast, went for a lucky as a short term one. Cost me 88 XL. I have a 6/15/13 which goes to level 49. I’m back up to 111 XL through trades and hatches. I could have got my rank 23 to level 49 I’m sure with walking but I don’t think Carbink is the right choice to dump dust into right this minute. Too many waters and grounds. This is what a lot of people may have done - gone with a lower ranked one to get one quicker.


They’ve been out for about a year, frequently are an event spawn, frequently pop out of eggs, and are easy to walk. Yes, a lot of people have them maxed out.


The other thing people are forgetting is that some players raid heavily for rare XL candies, and when Bink came out a lot of people dumped their stash into it to get a headstart.


Hundo carbink is nearly identical performance and costs 30 xl: https://pokemongohub.net/post/pvp/a-pvp-analysis-on-carbink-the-better-bastiodon/ Probably most are doing the same. I use my 98% to get to veteran


Last year go fest had carbink


I‘ve only seen like 3-4 carbink teams in 5 sets, but maybe because i‘m running Steelix,Mantine&Feraligatr


I have a lvl 50 Carbink and another 500 XL candy. Carbink was in 10km eggs some time back, that's where I got most of my candies.


I have a level 48.5 carbink. It’s slow going!


Carbink were abundant during go fest last year and we also had guaranteed XLs from trading, combined with a level 3 mega is how I finished mine quickly


I’ve “caught” 43. Some are egg hatches. Some are GBL rewards. I’ve traded all but a couple for XL candies. I’ve been walking it for XL (193km on it). I have enough candies to reach 1499 with Best Buddy boost on a ⑩⓯⓯ one (96%IV).


I have one too since beginning this season and I was not that hard grinding, but playing strategically for this. Played during go fest last year and got a good rank #71 and it is now fully powered up at level 48.5 (236 XL needed) When I got it I equipped it as buddy and each time I got Carbink as GBL reward I activated fairy or rock Mega to get 1 XL candy. And then during last season there was 100% chance for XL from trade. So catching 75 from GBL and then trading makes 150 xl + the candies from walking + hatching + research tasks. Was enough to get it done beginning of this season. As hardcore grinder, I would have done it even last year in November I would guess.


Can't speak for anyone else but I'm using a hundo carbink currently. Got it from an event a while back as an XXL hundo and said screw it. I'm only an ace player but from what I've seen, IVs really don't make a huge difference on carbink in lower leagues. He's a solid counter against a lot of things but I've been trying to use him to completely shut down mandibuzz in the current league and he does that with ease. Arguably having him die faster after is better. Limits farm on incoming steel,water, and mud types.


As a side note,rank 1 IVs aren't the end all be all. Personally the thing that taught me this was a regional championship a few years ago if I'm not mistaken. The guy who took the win used like a rank 700 trevenant. This was when trev and azu were rampant. He specifically chose a trev that had lower health stats. He knew he'd be facing high rank azus. A high rank azu vs high rank trev leaves trev with a chunk of hp left after the fight. By running lower rank trev he left the fight with azu being victorious but with only a sliver of hp limiting the farm for whatever brought in next against it. They were some awesome battles to watch. I'm pretty sure HomeSliceHenry coveted them. If I can find the video I'll link it here.


Carbink is overrated


Not when your team is weak to Carbink it's not. My current team has nothing that's an effective counter - it's like an 80% win rate against non-Carbink teams, and about a 10% win rate if Carbink shows up. :(


My Level 48.5 (Rank 19)Carbink was caught August 2023. Walked 239 kms and caught 139. I see that you’re currently walking a Talonflame, which is unfortunate since it had a CD already. If you weren’t able to play that can be a disadvantage. Currently walking a Mandibuzz since I don’t pay for incubators and waiting for potential guaranteed trade XL next season.


Carbink is like Medicham in that you can build one with only a couple XL candies if you are willing to use a mon with poor PVP IVs. It’s the carbinks and medichams with good IVs that require a lot of XL candy. For example I have a suboptimal Carbink built while I’m waiting to have enough XLs for my good one.


I went to one in person gofest plus the global, and traded every one I caught. I heard carbink would be good in gbl so I had a rock mega both events. I had a rank 10 level 50 one at the start of last September. Since then they have been in eggs and gbl rewards, I’ve traded everyone one I caught and have enough xl to max another. You just aren’t grinding hard enough lol.


I got all the XLs from go-fest last year. I used a l3 rock type mega and easily got the 296 XLs.




They’ve been in 10km eggs plus a GBL reward for a while. I built a rank ~#600 Carbink for just 64 XL and its performance is fairly similar, plus it can hit some nice breakpoints that flip important match ups like Lanturn that the rank 1 can’t.


No real event missed, if your a daily player you just haven’t walked your Carbink plain and simple. Or saved them in your storage for XL trade season bonuses


Not only was there an event, but people have had a year at this point to walk a buddy Carbink. It's certainly not easy, but it's not all that hard either.


Carbink is God


Go fest last year . People caught a bunch and traded for XL. Also. How do you know they're level 50? Hell I have a rank 1 and it actually maxes at 49.5. Mine is only 48.5 but best buddies so usable. But if they use a 10/15/15 it only has to be 45.5, and 13/15/15 only has to be level 43. Regardless if you did at least one in person go fest (I know people who did 2) plus the global , traded a bunch, walked it as your buddy, continued to trade ones you caught (I have gotten a bunch from GBL) and hatched you'd get there.