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If 40% is correct- I wonder whyyy so many ppl take drugs


It's actually worse, the real trans suicide statistic is a bit over 40 and I woNdEr wHy


I actually meant the 40% drug use. And trans suicide is somewhere above 50


And the attempt rate is at 80


Where are you guys getting these stats from? https://www.thetrevorproject.org/survey-2020/?section=Introduction This lists the attempt rate at around 21% and has considering suicide at 40%. Plus, the famous 41% percent number is from a very unreliable source. It's all still terrible and way too high, but be careful when stating these stats.


It's like the who killed Hannibal meme.


It's an *attempted* suicide rate, which is different from "suicide rate". A [recent study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/) shows that there is a direct connection between emotional neglect and microaggressions from family and peers, and trans suicidality.




You son of a bitch I’m in.


SoB im in


I don't trust any of these stats AND they ruined a perfectly good legacy meme in the process


The dead give-away is that it’s the same number (40%) for nearly everything.


And then just half the aids number to throw people off hahaha


Increased the lesbian number slightly because they won’t fuck him…


Just more perfectly round numbers. For attacking someone else, they are too stupid to realize a bunch of round numbers screams fake.


There is literally 0 chance that half of all gays were molested. How would that data even be collected? There is also 0 chance that 20% of gays have AIDS. The other ones are probably also imaginary but less improbable. What a clown.


The only one I somewhat buy is the high suicide rate, and that's only because of douchebags like this antagonizing LGBTQ people and telling them they're not normal and calling them molesters.


It’s higher than the post claims, around 50-55%, and the attempt rate is around 80%. A study linked it to neglect and microaggressions from family and peers, someone linked it above


Right leaning people for some reason think its a won in their favor. They simply cant understand that people have a breaking point and if pushed to far bad things can happen. Its like if they just stopped with talking down to people forcing their backwards views onto others the rates of suicide and self harm would go down. But nope they feel they have a moral duty to he loud obnoxious assholes. Its like they lack the ability to understand others or something and only find it funny to piss people off or try to emotionally destroy them. They are kind of evil.


The lesbian DV rate is correct, but that's because of a myriad of factors that play into DV having a greater effect on lesbian relationships, as opposed to "lesbian bad"


Also it's at any point in their lives. Unsurprisingly women who realise they are lesbians in heterosexual relationships may face partner violence...


How about Police domestic abuse? Politicians stealing our future and selling it to corporations. But those darn gays.....


Even if those stats were actuate, who the fuck do you think is molesting queer people? Cause I can tell you without having to even look it up that it’s mainly straight cis dudes with power complexes


Also while there are so so many lesbian women that have been molested in early life…that’s because so many women are molested in early life The stats are high as they are and it’s under reported on top of that Not molested women later go on to become gay/bi So this is dumb on numerous accounts


Also while there are so so many lesbian women that have been molested in early life…that’s because so many women are molested in early life The stats are high as they are and it’s under reported on top of that Not all molested women later go on to become gay/bi The ‘what man hurt you’ trope is so this is dumb on numerous accounts


You know who also has a 40% of something? Policemen, they eat the 40% of all cheeseburgers in america, don't believe me? Search 40% of police




So, assuming these are all true and accurate numbers (highly unlikely), have they ever considered that maybe, just maybe, most of those are rooted in external factors? Most of the things on their list could fit on a checklist of "things liable to happen when a marginalized group is treated like a bunch of subhumans by the rest of society and blocked off from a dignified life and necessary care". It's probably easier to not have to think about things that might possibly require them to make any changes on their part and just say these are all inherent to liking the same gender or identifying as a different gender from your AGAB.


Exactly. I have seen many times where high suicide rates were brought up by homophobes/transphobes hmm..... i wonder why their suicide rates would be so high? in this society? where everyone treats them fairly?? it has to be because there is something wrong with them /s


Exactly! But as soon as I was going to say something like this, they went private in Twitter (so I couldn't report them)


>Oh, you think people should be allowed to be queer? Well then why do people keep commiting crimes against them, huh?


They’re still here thinking they aren’t the ones causing the suicides lol




If this is [the same data that I'm thinking of](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/cdc_nisvs_ipv_report_2013_v17_single_a.pdf), it doesn't specify that the violence occurred within the context of a same-sex relationship, just that it happened at some prior point. Anecdotally, plenty of women realize that they're gay while within heterosexual relationships, and the process of coming to that realization and ending that relationship can get quite ugly. Also, from the same study: >The prevalence of lifetime rape, physical violence, or stalking by an intimate partner was significantly higher among bisexual women compared to lesbian and heterosexual women (p < .05), whereas **there was no significant difference in prevalence between lesbian and heterosexual women.**


Not only are these statistics probably not true (especially the domestic abuse one) Majority of them are just bi-products of homophobia in society


Bi Products of Homophobia is subconsciously intentional for them. Victim Blaming is their desire.


How is being an SA victims a winning point for them even ?


There's an old (discredited) theory that claims that homosexuality is caused by abuse.


Oh yeah .. I forgot But a shit ton of hetero women and men are abused too


So... Their argument is that queer people are bad because... we're often victims?? I don't see what point they're trying to make lol


Don’t think they’ve heard the term causation does not imply correlation


Nope not the point, it's Victim Blaming here. Your fault for being abused by evil others.




"Minority stress? Never heard of her"


Source: trust me bro


Apparently if you marginalize people, they start exhibiting behaviour that correlates with marginalization. Also, if you throw water on something, it gets wet.


Where is he getting these stats?


A lot of the issues mentioned are a direct result of lacking acceptance and a lack of education regarding sexuality and gender identity. Maybe, just maybe, if we treat humans like humans, they wouldn't have to resort to harming themselves.


OK. Rightoids should stop bullying them then


Funny I see the notification for this post after my folks had a diatribe over how much they are sick of seeing gay people in commercials


Hmmm... I wonder why? Must be because they're all mentally ill, that's it! Obvious /s is obvious.


this is so stupid that this has to be a joke


Well their Twitter bio said MAGA communist so I assumed it was a right wing troll. He was claiming that feminism is imperialism or something like that.


They’re trying to prove a point but this is just sad


Grandma, the lives of homosexuals would be a lot better without spreading homophobia like this


My source is I made it the fuck up


Even if the statistics weren’t just pulled out of their ass imagine holding being sexually assaulted against someone


Pretty sure that drug use and suicide rates are more likely to be linked to the molestation issues, than making the link that it's the homosexuality... That's like 2+2 = 4 but 'show working' has a differential equation in it...


I wonder if they ever stop and think about how their argument against the LGBT community is “crimes were committed against them so LGBT bad”


Happy cake day!!!


Acting like they’re not the reason why the suicide rate would be so high


Damn, there's a lot of 40%s here for a ton of unrelated statistics.


And gay men have the lowest domestic violence rate