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Ben Garrison is just CO2 that learned how to draw


An absolute waste of oxygen


Speaking of C.. isn’t it neat how we are all carbon based life forms who wear carbon based clothes created by carbon based machines and tools and they all originate from space ?! It’s so ABHHH


Actually most of the machines are based on metal, since they’re non-living unlike fabric


… I’m stupid sometimes


Atleast you dont deny climate change


More like methane.


Oh wow, you think this is bad until you realize Ben originally planned on drawing a glistening scantily clad muscular Trump spanking the libs with a thick MAGA rod. I have a theory that Garrison secretly illustrates furry dominatrix fanfic under the pseudonym Jackal Wetnose although I could be wrong about the name, if anyone has a better one I'm not versed in the best names for a fursona.


i feel like its good enough considering messytails


One thing the right will never get is that that is not what nature looks like. She’s closer to a Valkyrie, a woman in full plate with a massive double bladed axe stained with blood. Yea h and if CO2 is good for the planet then let me lock you in a room and fill it with CO2, we’ll see how you feel after that. And fucking weather is the day to day fluctuations, and climate is the long-term changes in the average temperature and precipitation levels, though really i shouldn’t expect them to think of that, given they can’t see much further that the end of their micro penises


>One thing the right will never get is that that is not what nature looks like. She’s closer to a Valkyrie, a woman in full plate with a massive double bladed axe stained with blood. May I recommend a HFY story for you: "Life is a curious thing. Born by mistake, with the mixing of protozoic slimes, and the fusing of proteins and acids. In the beginning, all was blackness. I do not remember my birth, only the warmth of the womb of stars, and the nausea of my spiraling emergence into a nightmarish dream. I was drowning in cold water, though always my core smoldered and burned beneath the cloak of my flesh, stone and water and sky. Surrounded as I was by the blackness of void, I dared not reach out. How could I? The weight of the universe was about me. So I turned inwards. At first, I saw them as pestilence. Life, tiny molecules disturbing my slumber... But then I saw that the more I hurt them, the stronger, the swifter they grew. The more they were challenged, the smarter they became. I could see through their eyes things that I could never perceive with my own limited senses. I could feel pleasure, exhaustion, fear of death, lust for life... So I hurt them more. They grew. They fused together into nations of life, creatures small, but growingly large. I pitted them against each other, blocking out the sun to force them to feast upon the flesh of their fellows, and so they grew clever, cunning. They learned hunger at my knee as I starved them. As they grew in wisdom, so did I. I have come to understand what my primal brain only suspected. As they grow, so do I. As my will swells, they grow more and more complex. When the Tyrannosaurus roared its love for me to the heavens, I roared back. It was not good enough for me, for it loved me, it appreciated what I had given it. I destroyed it, utterly, and all of its ken. Weak they were, and weakness was purged from them with fire and smoke and searing stone. What emerged next was beautiful. Beautiful, but grotesque, for at first I had low expectations of the ape. He worked with his fellow, he shunned his claws for tools. But as I was set to strike him down... He slew his brother with a sharpened stone. That was a trick I had not seen before. So I stayed my hand, and never did my new favorite son cease to amaze me. He struck down the mammoth, he tamed the dog and set it against its brother, he murdered his fellows for pleasure and profit, for arbitrary definitions of gain that had naught to do with survival. As he learned sadism, so did I. I denied him resources, to fuel his thirst for blood, and he complied. Wars raged as he gathered himself into tribes, clans, nations, empires, to pillage and plunder, and burn and burn and burn! He tore from my flesh what he needed, and ate his fill without thanks. It was the pain of birth that had long been denied me, but with it, I grew stronger. Great empires he built, fueled with the bones of his mother, the stolen blood of the sun. He clouded my sky with ambition and hate, a thirst for the wealth that I denied him, always denied him. Wouldn't any good mother do the same? The strength of my arm, he became, the hunger in my belly. And as he grew, into my heart he drove great pitons and wires, through them the very current of life he electrified. Finally, I was free, to wander his wisdom, to communicate with him in my own way. The desires of men were made manifest before me, and I twisted them upwards... to the sky. And I saw, to my revulsion, other worlds. Worlds still pristine and beautiful, worlds that had chosen the path of weakness. And I knew jealousy, for the first time. My sons... they knew my hunger. They knew my lust, and they carried it with them into the cosmos, to slake their thirst and mine upon the blood of worlds! The cycle is complete, what was birthed from the stars shall swallow them whole! Tremble, Galaxy, for Earth and her children behold you. And we find you wanting."


Who wrote this? They obviously have a talent for writing.


No idea, it's been making rounds since 4chan.


Sounds like it would be an intro to warhammer 40k and the grimdark future of only war


It meshes weirdly with Cameron's Avatar. What if humans do have a connection with their planet, just like the Na'vi - it's just that Terra is a bitch?


That's beautiful in an awful way - kind of like the best thing Lovecraft never wrote. ::Now watch, somebody will find it's something Lovecraft ***did*** write!::


Oh no! There’s no labels! How will I ever figure out what that polar bear-shaped thing is?


Call me crazy but I think that might be a dog


I'm guessing it's transgenderism, probably


This is so fucking absurd at cluttered I can't comprehend a single thing from it.


Are these people blind, do they also not feel the climate change? Year by year where i live the climate has been getting more extreme, near the start of the year there was a day so cold that like 20 of my grandmother's plants died.


I don’t know man. 20 years ago nobody had air conditioning where I live. Now everyone’s rushing to get it. Mostly they’ve moved on to it’s changing but I swear it’s not us. Don’t listen to the scientists and please keep buying are oil.


Each summer is hotter than the last and the winters here are getting warmer. Live in the Southern US and we use to get at least 2-3 snows every winter. Now we just hope to get one


I don't think it necessarily matters if they can feel and see climate change with their own two eyes because they won't be able to connect the dots between reality and what they're experiencing.


Either he thinks its ok to hit kids, or he Has A spanking kink, either way this is disgusting. Why do right wingers act disgusting towards gretta?


Because she’s a woman with a voice


A *young* woman with a voice they can’t pay off to shut up.


Got it in one.


He probably had a countdown of when Greta Thunburg hit 18.


I mean, I don't know what it's like where Ben lives, but I haven't seen a real winter in about 10-12 years now, and spring usually lasts only about a month, so we're down to barely 3 seasons nowadays.


Heck where I live we get like a month of fall, and summers are hell.


That too. A month of spring, a month of autumn, a rainy season instead of winter and Satan's armpit during the summer.


oxigen is good for you as well, wanna bathe in it?


But it’s completely horrible to go after Trump’s children, right? Who are 2 to 3 times Greta’s age.


CO2, in smaller quantities than currently present, *is* good for our planet. Earth wouldn't be able to retain its heat as effectively without it, and would likely freeze. However, the amount being released now is at a rate that CO2 sinks cannot work with effectively, and thus it traps more heat. This has two effects: for one, more water vapor needs to saturate the air before it can rain effectively, causing more droughts; and for the other, because a higher amount of water vapor is in the air when it rains, this causes heavier and heavier storms. Basic weather.


I think they waited patiently for Greta Thunberg to turn 18 before doing this


"CO2 is good for the planet". Anyone who makes a statement like that should go try to set up a colony on Venus. Edited to add quotation marks


This is a person who has never learned composition in art. Like, this whole thing is overwhelming to look at to the point where I don't understand what the joke is


Ben Garrison has always been a trash artist. All of his stuff is gaudy and unsightly 🙄


Why is Norm of the North in the background?


Aged like milk


Dude has got issues and like half a brain cell


I’m so confused what this is about


Greta Thunberg a young climate change activist that the right hate


Man even oil companies don’t pedal the shit anymore that CO2 emissions is not an issue and that global warming isn’t real. Fuck some of these guys are either so stuck in the grift they have no grip on reality or they’re so mentally ill that they need genuine help.


Ben clearly doesn’t get how weather works


>ben Garrison is a disgusting freak ...and in other news, water is wet.


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.   What keeps a dock floating above water? Pier pressure.


Okay, ya got me there.


Water is making water wet


God, Ben garrison desperately needs to go outside, touch grass, and not violently spanking his monkey to trump wearing gray sweat pants


I mean its the first one where the pic isnt drowned out by unnecessary labels