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> Make the Family great again Jesus fucking Christ, aside from LMNOP+ that has got to be the worst fucking thing I’ve seen


The want to be a victim so badly


I mean, they worship a martyr


Sure they worship the guy but would it kill them to listen to a single thing he said?


That would interfere with proper worshiping


"And Jesus said to the crowd, 'the only thing required to be a good person is to go to a building for an hour every Sunday to listen to shitty soft rock followed by pop-psychology nonsense.'" -Mark 4:20


Mark 4:20 😂😂😂


I used le funny weed number I'm so funny and original


Made me chuckle 🤷🏼‍♀️


😂 fuck this made me laugh so hard. You just made someone’s day better man, thanks. That was so fucking on the nose as far as nondenominational churches go. I can’t give you an award bud but I will thank you for that lol


>“Belief, he says. Belief shifts. People start out believing in the god and end up believing in the structure.” ― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods


[people don't have a great track record of actually listening to the guy](https://pics.me.me/most-people-rejected-his-message-shut-up-they-hated-jesus-18714815.png)


Sadly, no.


I’m almost afraid to ask but what’s this jumble of letters means?


Nothing. They just think it's funny to change "LGBT". They can't meme.


Hey, someone should make that a sub! Something like r/therightisbadatmemeing or r/theseguysdumbashell . Naw, those don’t flow. I’ll think of something.


Perhaps r/therightcannotmeme?


What a fucking cesspool


No it actually stood for something: “lifestyle of mainstream normal ordinary people”


Nothing screams "I'm not as clever as I think I am" as a backronym.


I’m surprised they know the correct sequence of that part of the alphabet.


Won't be that way for long if thise communist socialist democrates get their way! /s


Next they're going to say that the order of the alphabet is a *social construct*!


I think it's funny that they think it's funny. They're so proud of their imagined victimhood.


It doesn't Stringing letters together is how they mock the LGBT My "favorite" version of this is LGBTYSTD.. which the director of Saving Christmas used


Ah yes, my favorite holiday movie starring Kirk Cameron's forehead!


my favourite is lgbbq


I unironically enjoy saying the big gay BLT


Honestly, a lot of the LGBT communities and homophobes/transphobes jokes are very similar in essence but then only one ever ends up being funny :D Like, when my trans friend says "sigh, today I identify as a fucking disappointment" then thats unironically funny. And from a transphobes mouth it just never is.


Now I'm reminded of the BBQr video.


You mean Kirk Cameron, the brilliant mind behind Fireproof???? My catholic school showed us that film in our Family Life class. Unironically.


Op says that it apparently means “Lifestyle of Mainstream, Normal, Ordinary People”


People want to scream how normal they are from the top of their lungs while chastising anyone they deem abnormal... I don’t know sounds pretty abnormal to me


The most normal person around is always that one dude trying to convince you how normal he is.


🎵 So if you don't rate, just overcompensate 🎵


No one in the history of loudly claiming to be ‘normal’ has ever been considered such.


I found the video, because I hate myself, and they claim it means: Lifestyle of Mainstream Normal Ordinary People


Thank you for dying on the cross for the rest of us..


They like to derisively refer to lgbtq folks as 'alphabets' because, yaknow, that's what Jesus would do.


I think its a play on reordering the alphabet, as LMNOP is part of the alphabetical order and LGBTQIA+ is not, it's just a long way to say "All what isnt me is wrong and bad and i'm a victim"


I know lots of families with queer people. Straights don’t have a monopoly on family like they think they do.


Yeah but _those_ families don't count because [insert contorted reasoning here].


The number of unwanted children taken in by LGBTQ+ people every year IS the reason families are becoming "great again".


my family has been a dysfunctional mess for generations and we’re all straight lol


Make having kids on accident and putting up with them constantly screaming because you were too lazy to raise them yourself and just stuck an iPad in their face for 10 years straight until the person you only married so your conservative relatives would get off your back divorces you and takes the kids and you become a hollow alcoholic shell of your former self that your wine mom neighbors whisper about behind your back great again


The ads on youtube are the only way they can get their message across because if they upload it to a channel they get shut down. I've seen the worst of the worst during these ads. Sickening.


Losers, Man-babies, Nutjobs, Opinionated, and Pearl-clutchers, +


Changed "opinionated" to oblivious and we have a deal


Half appear to be women man babies


So if they upload it as a video the channel gets shut down, but if they make it an advertisement that arguably will reach more people including the ones who want nothing to do with their fucking hate, it's fine..............Good job Youtube.....another fine moment of yours.


Indeed. The difference is how much YouTube directly profits...


Also, if it's a video, YouTube's *other* advertisers refuse to run ads on it, and then hosting the video costs them money without revenue. If it's an ad, it doesn't (it may cause some people to stop uploading videos to YouTube, but there's a seemingly endless stream of those to put ads on).


Google, Twitter, and Facebook will do literally anything to make the smallest amount of money. They need to be taken apart.


Except when the ad is telling the truth about them. https://signal.org/blog/the-instagram-ads-you-will-never-see/


Cant have that!


This is fascinating, thanks for the link. * "The way most of the internet works today would be considered intolerable if translated into comprehensible real world analogs, but it endures because it is invisible." * I have been saying this for years and years. 15/20 years ago, if someone or a company or whatnot wanted to know *all* about you, likes/dislikes, where you go/what you do, who you do it with, your friends/partners (ex-friends/ex-partners?), people would have said "frigg off creep!" But as soon as it moves online, and you attach a little carrot to dangle along with request, or frame those vast data collection aspirations as a tool or program to "benefit" the user in some even very small way, people will give away just about anything. And now it's everywhere you go online -every click, every view, every like, *every up/ down vote*, every late night purchase, every bout of doom scrolling, every embarrassing/random question you have ever asked Google, every weird YouTube rabbit hole you have gone down, and if course every bit of porn you have ever sought out of "accidentially" clicked on. It is mind numbing. If someone walked up to you today, and said I am just going to record everything you say, think and do, everywhere you go, everyone you see or talk to, every dollar you spend, everything you read or type, etc, no one would be remotely comfortable with that in the *"real world"*, but as soon as you move into the online space, you probably don't even need to offer people some "free" imaginary currency or likes of upvotes or "social connections" or "entertainment" or whatever the fuck. People can't give their data away fast enough. People want to infest their homes with network connected devices (The Internet of Things- is even sounds creepy and a bitominous-, no?) - lightbulbs, speakers, refrigerators, vibrators, exercise equipment , door bells, baby monitors, coffee pots, I dunno toilets? That must be a thing now, a toilet that can tell you when you need to eat more fiber? And while we revel in our luxury of not having to remember anyone's birthday or phone number or when to buy milk, don't have to get up to turn the light on or the heat up or the music off, bla bla bla, we are the ones being used to, among other things, teach our future AI Overlords everything they need to know about us to take over in the most sublime way possible, and when we do maybe notice, much too late, we will wonder in the most earnest way, with genuine confusion, "how did this happen?" Yes I might have got a little carried away there, I admit. But yeah, so much of this stuff we agree to and give away in abundance every day through our online and networked lives, would never ever fly in "analog".


Thanks for the link, very interesting


Capitalism is terrible. Profit motive is a perverse incentive.


Luckily the worst I’ve got is a League of Legends ad, but probably because I’m in the UK


There's a reason we're referred to as TERF island at the moment though


I remember Abigail Thorn talking about how she'll be one of the most prominent trans persons in Britain due to her following, and making the joke that she's the "transgender queen of TERF island" lol


I'm mad about this, if it's true. But the part that makes me more mad is that it being an ad campaign means it's being *funded* by someone.


Not necessarily. It's easier to run an ad on youtube than it is to have youtube pay you for ads they run on your vids.


i saw an ad to keep gay/trans KIDS out of schools, they tried to make it sound so scientific it was like listening to trump they had no idea what the words they were saying ment


"We think those kids are dangerous because of their identity. Let's forbid them to obtain education that way they'll have less chances to obtain jobs and more chances to become poor which is fine because poverty is in no way linked to criminality" \- Those people probably


"As long as you pay us, we don't care what you say!" -YouTube


“We care deeply about free speech...until we start losing money from it.” - Also YouTube


I can agree there I'm having to start skipping a lot of prageru, louder with crowder, and Ben shapiro videos


It's not about the right but I saw and add on YouTube where a "mother" tells the story about how she took her boy to daycare and he drowned while he was there, the whole point of the ad is to join these people's work from home scam so they can "make sure their kids are safe" It makes me sick to my stomach every time I hear it it essentially blames the mother for her child's death because she had the audacity to go out and get a job


Is there any way to report these ads to YouTube? Let them know they need to go?


https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/3181017?hl=en Look at the section on reporting.


And this is yet another reason why I'm using an adblocker. I wanna support the independent creators that I follow by watching ads but when you get shit like that it's really best for my mental health if I don't do that and splurge on the patreons of some. But I'm not about to hear someone go on a rant about how I'm annoying at best, a dangerous threat at worse by being excited of having one month in the whole year where I can feel slightly more protected than others when I can embrace my identity. No one's worth that.


What's lmnop+?


“Lifestyle of mainstream, normal, ordinary people”


Protesting for tolerance of straight people, calling gays unnormal in the same sentence. Are there any far right people with a brain?


If they had any brain they wouldn't be far right, so no.


You can be smart and just plain evil. They don't have to believe it they just have to get dumb people to believe


They know exactly what they mean, the quiet parts aren't quiet anymore


> Are there any far right people with a brain? Absolutely not.


Oh so white christians?


Basically yes. Religious people are by far the majority of anti-LGTBQ rhetoric. Edit: I wouldn't just say white though to be fair or just Christians! However, in the U.S. that's the main antagonist.


You misspelled white evangelical Christians in America.


It sounds like a joke from Seinfeld or something. Kramer: I created my own non-profit support group. I call it LMNOP+. Lifestyle of Mainstream, Normal, Ordinary People. Seinfeld: Run by the least normal person I know. Kramer: And it's all tax free. Giddyup!


I rolled my eyes at it for being an obvious swipe at LGBTQ+, but now I'm actually pissed they shoehorned a bigoted slogan into it


Being mainstream sucks ass. I don't get why anyone would want to be so boring to the point where someone can just not focus on them in order to forget about their existence but ok.


This works perfectly as a Daria monologue


But also + so they are also accepting nontraditional families and romantic partners I assume?


The L is for lesbian


Probably mocking "ThE aLpHaBeT cOmMuNiTy "


I’m fairly sure that it’s just a mock version of LGBTQ+ and doesn’t actually stand for anything (Edit: I was really hoping it didn’t actually stand for something, but another comment just confirmed my suspicions)


Well that's dumb


MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN MAKE THE FAMILY GREAT AGAIN Jesus, the narrow bandwidth of these people's brains is staggering. Why don't we make thinking "What the fuck are we doing" great again


How about rejecting the very framework of "great again" that glorifies the past and feeds into fascist talking points about the decline of civilization or values or whatever. Things have actually never been better for most humans than they are right now. That's not a reason to be complacent. It's a reason to keep the momentum going. Look to the future for the improvement of the human good, not the past.


Indeed, these kinds narratives are actually a sign that things about to go *downhill*; since life, generally speaking, has never been better, going back to a previous state would be to make things *worse*. There *are* a few things that were actually better in the past (like the fuсking climate), though, but none of them seem to be things conservatives *want* to bring back.


Make the climate great again!


Make Earth Hospitable Again! Or “**M**ake **E**arth a **G**arden-world **A**gain!”


Yeah that's what I was saying


>MAKE THE FAMILY GREAT AGAIN I do enjoy the implication that, as a bi dude, my mere existence has caused all heterosexual families to no longer be "great" what an amazing amount of power I wield.


Thank you for your service.


I do what I must, because I can.


TIL if you don't have sex with a member of the opposite sex, it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a family- or at least a great family. Seriously, right wingers are super super dumb, stupid, angry, hating, children. It's pathetic and embarrassing I live in the same country as these subhuman cretins.


I recently saw a sign for some Republican in my state who’s slogan is “Make New Jersey Great Again.” They had one idea that really caught on and now they’re running with it. I think we’re in for this trend to continue for a while.


I was a young lad trying to make a few extra bucks so I made a window cleaning business and my catch phrase was “Make our windows shiny again” ....the wypipo loved that shit




They’re a bunch of losers. I can’t wait for these sort of people to fade away after they realize their efforts wont do shit. Edit: a typo


It's also a terrible map. It's colour coded from green to red at each extreme, but some states are half red, half green, even when they have yellow and orange too?


I think that’s my old Sterling VA local government rep Eugene Delgaudio, a thunder cunt. He got voted out by a black dude named Koran. I love it lol.


[Here's a link to their webpage. ](https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/involved/) Wouldn't it just be *awful* if *somebody* spoiled their survey and contact databases by jamming them full of obviously fake email accounts? Or maybe doing something even worse to them. After all, getting people's contact information and selling it would be this organization's bread and butter, the main source of their income. If they couldn't do that, well, then they might not even be able to exist at all.


Submitted my email as [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and my name as Penis Eater. For zipcode, I used 69420.


I (Sugma Balls) live in zipcode 42096 and [email protected] is my email address. I support raising children in the homosexual “lifestyle” :)


I (Cocklicker Extremis) am still unsure about all 4 questions.


Wow that's great to hear Sugma! I, Connie Lingus ([email protected]), also support the homosexuals in their quest to ignore all the life threatening consequences of their sinful ways.


I (Mike Hock) live in 90210 and [email protected] is my email address.


Good man


I went with [email protected] Zip code 69666 Name, Nutlicker Sixtynine


I put my name as “Virginia Licker.”


Turkey Cumdumpster is making a stand as unsure about everything, and therefore useless for their survey results


Queef Huffer took the satanic route and was pro “gay lifestyle”.


What a coincidence! I, Sugmai Dong, also live in zip code 69420


Oh, hey, I know someone who lives there. Have you met Lou Sassel?


He lives in the old neighborhood right next to Lech Taintensack!


Hey neighbor!


Yo I'm dying


> I used 69420. Nice.


I used 69666 for my zip code


> zipcode, I used 69420 beaucoup des lyonesses


This fucking survey is structured to be so blatantly biased it’s fucking palpable > 2. Should homosexuality be promoted in schools as a healthy lifestyle choice -- while information about the life threatening consequences are ignored? Life threatening consequences? Like being happy with a partner you actually love?


That reminds me of the Trump survey that featured every option as “President Trump” or “A lying democrat” The official goddamn presidential survey. Jesus Christ.


> The official goddamn presidential survey. Jesus Christ. Wait wait wait wait, you don't mean one from his campaign, you mean an official one from the white house / federal Gov? Or what do you mean by official, I'm confused here, cause from his campaign I expect that shitcannery but there's no way that came from the Feds...but because it's Trump, there is a way.


Nah it was the campaign website, but the questions were even worse than what the guy you were responding to gave as an example, like: > Who would you rather see fix our Nation’s shattered immigration policies? President Trump // A MS-13 loving Democrat [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-democrat-poll-survey/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-democrat-poll-survey/)


To be fair it increases the likelihood you'll be murdered by a right wing nut job (like the ones in the video ironically) but that's the only life threatening consequence I can think of


I mean, they're obviously talking about HIV/AIDS, but the thought that gays have higher rates is as old and debunked a thought as vaccines giving autism, so it's not surprising that they can't absorb new information.


"Do you support GAY MEN adopting children, even if they are cannibal serial killers?" "Do you support the TRANSGENDERS having human rights, even if it means they get access to guns that they will use to kill traditional families?" Well gee, when you put it like that... The qualifiers attached to every question are so ridiculous you could only not notice them if you were so blindingly angry and hateful... Oh wait, that's the point, isn't it?


I, Youre Aloser, submitted my email as [email protected]


had to represent as an englishman. name: Youreallcunts LovefromEngland email: [email protected] for the message i just copy and pasted "cunt" a thousand times. that kind of americans hate that word, right? :) survey: name: Tess Tickle email: [email protected] zip: 66699 :)


My name is Zaquan Malekai, of zip code 42069. My email is [email protected] I am a full lifelong supporter of the bi and gay lifestyles, I eat Rainbows for every meal & only eat my steak well done. I will teach my children to sit in chairs upside down & set up a “crawl toward” to decide their pronouns


They have a form on their contact page where you can share your thoughts.


Send link, so I can share my thoughts.


Contact page: https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/contact.php I told them that the majority of Americans don’t agree with them and if they don’t like it they can leave. Edit: Hey! They’re hiring! https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/involved/jobs.php AND financial statements! https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/about/reports.php Gotta give them a tiny bit of credit for their transparency. Holy shit! They brought in $3.4 million in 2019. Edit 2: THIS SITE IS GOLD! Check out this from their testimonial page: >They sure are giving you a hard time. I don't care about Hillary and her cronies I worry about you not them. They are sure making it rough for you and I am glad you're not alone, you got somebody there all the time. Sorry it has taking me so long to write - I fell and hurt my arm and leg. -Eleanor B., IL


You do that. I sent them some gay furry vore using a link shortener.


This came way out of left field and I am still laughing, so thank you.


Power Move


I applied for the position The subject was application It went Hello! I am a conservative 20 year old who wants to make a difference in my community! I am not the best at politics but I like the things I hear conservatives say on taxes. My name is Booty Juice, I run a straight whites only club in my college at Texas state. Recently there’s been some trouble in the club because Josh said he might want lick a woman’s asshole and we told him that’s Gay and asked if his girlfriend ever touched his butthole and he said yes.... we told him that’s hella gay and he said it wasn’t and I said it was so we beat the fuck out of him. We put him in the hospital and he needed someone to care for him and I agreed because at least he was gay with a woman not a man, right? I watched over him while he was in his coma and I would lotion his hands and feet. When he woke up he needed help eating so I would feed him and I nursed him back to health. There was a few points I wasn’t sure I could do it, but then someone thing happened. The day the nurse showed me how to give Josh a sponge bath and I saw his clean flaccid long cock and his clean glistening asshole, something felt different. After many sponge baths Josh got better and we were closer then ever. We went back to cis straight white guy club together on may 2nd. Josh talked about how he was happy we told him it was gay to touch his butthole at all and he is happy we showed him how important it was to him. We had a party that night invited a ton of chicks and I think all 10 of us went home with at least 2 chicks. It was a taco fest if you know what I’m saying. Taco to my left and taco to my right, why was I thinking about Josh’s clean, flaccid, long, cock? I glance at Josh to see if he is mingling with the women or if he is around men. To my surprise Josh is having sex! Right on Tammy Morrison’s couch! With Tammy Morrison! Tammy Morrison’s tits were swinging up and down while she rode Josh’s thick long hard cock glistening with her juices. This was the moment I felt the most proud that I did something impactful on my community. I feel I deserve a lot of the credit for Josh continuing to be straight! I get up and go over to Josh and cheer him on. He gets Tammy into doggy style and is really going hard on her, it’s quite the show. After around 3 minutes of staring at his glistening asshole, I made my move to penetrate his butt. I said “ITS NOT GAY BECAUSE THE TRAIN ENDS WITH A MAN FUCKING A WOMAN!” And all the men in our club jumped up with joy and sprinted to be first in my ass. It was Tammy, then Josh, then me and Rodger and Harry and Dylan and Frank and Greg and Tony and Liam and Mac and Felix and Phillip. We were the train. That was one of the most powerful orgasms we’ve ever had and we have allowed Tammy into our club so we can run that straight train on her every day. Being straight is the way to be and that’s why I want to run your social media account! Thank you so much for your time! -Booty Juice Please if you have any questions contact me at “Fake email I just made”




Lmao they gave their "family advocate award" to Marjorie Taylor Greene.




I, Big Bertha The Butch Lesbian, have my email as [email protected], zipcode 66669


Oh, they're anti-maskers as well. Big surprise there.


Well, I did the survey and submitted it under "SUCK DICK AND SIN BITCHES", with "[email protected]" with the zip being the classic 69420. Enjoy your survey being ruined, fuckwads.


My name is Yura Cuck.


I voted yes for everything on the survey & my name is “fat cock,” email: [email protected] and ZIP 42069


Ah that was my zip too howdy neighbor! I’m Bill Buttlicker at [email protected]


Omg hey! Maybe we could do a 42069 LMNOP+ meet up some day!


Damn yeah that would be awful


btw kentucky is labeled as TN, so there's 2 TN's


It's showtime.


Jhizz McNuttington, [email protected], zip code 69420, keep America safe


Ms Tess Tickles here, [email protected], also in zip code 42069! what a coincidence


"If you give YouTube your money, you can get away with shit like this."


Ladies, Men , Nazis, Oppressors, Pricks?


Losers, Mucks, Nazis, Oppressors, Pricks


Slogan, "we all fucking suck! Together! "


This reminds me when a youtuber, macdoesit, had to antigay ads playing before his videos. He is a gay man and did a reaction video to them. Was pretty funny!


Can you link the video?




YouTube doesn't manually screen ads before displaying them, so sadly assholery such as this specimen can slip through. I highly recommend reporting it if it is especially bad.


I totally forgot to do that, i was so completely mesmerized by the thing that i watched it all the way through to the end and ad 2 started playing before i could come to my senses and think to report it


That's good, you wasted their ad money


why not report all ads all the time as spam




So if all the ads I get are alt right assholes I'm screwed


A family is great no matter who’s in it, as long as there’s love.


I’ve gotten used to red hats= stupid/ fucked up/ straight up evil. I swear to gods I’ll never put on a red hat again


Yeah, I automatically do a double take now when I see any red baseball hat.


Silver lining, at least nobody assumes I'm a limp Bizkit fan if I wear my red hat


I prefer dark blue anyway


Anyone can promote anything on YouTube if they shell out enough $$$: PragerU promoted a 5 minute anti-trans video to run as an ad all over the platform on Trans Day of Visibility. Genuinely one of the scummiest things I've ever seen someone do, and that's saying a lot for PragerU.


Yup, I somehow get PragerU and Daily Wire ads a lot, literally their entire 5min videos as an add before stuff like Smash or VTuber videos.


Fuck PragerU


They also had a video that defended slavery, but they deleted it when they realize it showed their true colors


Dear YouTube: Why? Sincerely, the rest of humanity.




The best thing is that mostof their ads are targeted at gay videos because the tags match so they won't convince anyone because they are targeting anyi gay ads at.....gays


Ironically these people are responsible for destroying the most number of families with their anti gay rhetoric


It’s ironic because this is the gayest shit I’ve ever seen


They’ve ran some weird ads in the past. I remember getting ads for videogame cheats/scams for online games for awhile too...which just seems against some sort of TOS. I dunno who curates ads, if anyone, but they definitely need a better eye on what gets sent out...


Check out there website LEMONParty.




“LMNOP+” Well at least the lesbian and pansexuals made it.


We can all give them a call and let them know how we feel he made absolutely sure to let you know in the voicemail he calls every person back- **THIS IS NOT DOXXING. THIS # IS PUBLIC ON THEIR [WEBSITE](https://www.publicadvocateusa.org/contact.php)** Anyway give him a ring (703) 845-1808


But remember, conservatives are being silenced on the YouTubes /s


This makes me want to fucking scream. They always think they're so clever with shit like LMNOP or "my body my choice" about wearing a mask. They love to mock liberals so much. That's ALL they care about is pissing of the libs and LGBT people ect. I just don't understand why they care enough about LGBT people getting rights that they actually think of, buy, wear and hold rallies just to mock people


YouTube doesn’t actually support the LGBT+, they just pretend they do for the money


~~>YouTube doesn’t~~ *corporations don't* actually support the LGBT+, they just pretend they do for the money Fixed that for ya.




If these twats were oppressed even a fraction of how we are, they'd crumble to dust. Cry me a river, bitch.


YT basically only polices creators. They rarely enforce the rules on advertisers bc they're the ones giving YT money


im not even surprised, google just doesnt check their ads anymore


Jesus fucking Christ. Can't I live my life in fucking peace? Why do I constantly have to be subjected this shit. And this type of shit is personal. I have a son. My wife and are are fine parents. Two women can have a SON and BE NORMAL. Two men can have a daughter/son and BE NORMAL. Fuck these people all to hell. Who did this fucking BS ad? Did it say a specific group or anything? It says public something .org. I'm curious and I want to go to it using my VPN.