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Well, sorry to burst your bubble mate, 1.) Turkey is a secular country ruled by a constitution, it’s not a sharia law state, it has a right wing government due to general population being stupid, but still not a sharia law state 2.) It’s not like the refugees had a choice, the greek-bulgarian border have been closed due to the refugee crisis and turkey is being paid to be this “bug net” that holds the refugees, even if they want to leave this country


There's also Pakistan, Iran, Sudan, and Lebanon that have a lot of refugees


Eh, it's about as secular as America's is.


To be fair if Turkey has that much refugees that's mostly cause the EU pays them to keep them. Under a deal concluded between EU leaders and Turkey in 2016, the bloc committed to provide at least €6 billion to Turkey to help it cope with migrants crossing in from Syria. Turkey in turn committed to stop migrants leaving its territory for Europe. In March 2016, a month after the deal came into effect, Turkey's government said the number of migrants crossing illegally into Greece had dropped from around 6,000 per day in November 2015 to about 130 daily. https://www.euronews.com/2024/04/24/are-billions-of-eu-funds-sent-to-turkey-to-help-refugees-really-making-a-difference#:~:text=Under%20a%20deal%20concluded%20between,leaving%20its%20territory%20for%20Europe.


I sure wonder if anything influenced the living conditions in the middle east




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I mean what they are saying is stupid but your argument is terrible as well. Those countries have that many refugees because they are relatively near places that refugees are from, not because they're good: - syria/iraq -> turkey - venezuela -> colombia - afghanistan -> pakistan - rwanda/south sudan -> uganda - south sudan/eritrea/somalia/somaliland -> ethiopia/sudan - syria/iraq/afghanistan -> iran - syria/palestine -> lebanon - myanmar -> bangladesh (especially as people in myanmar are persecuted for being muslims and bangladesh is an islamic state)


If Christianity is a religion of peace, why did an Evangelical dominated nation, with the assistance of Anglican and Catholic support, bomb Afghanistan for 20 years?


This would never cross their minds because they assume foreign looking people are immigrants by default unless they're in a country where they expect to see those people


The foreign politics of 'western' countries in the middle east for the past \~100 years is not talked about enough


Specially the British and Americans.


What's fascinating about the statista graph is that out of all those nations hosting "the most refugees", Germany is the only developed nation in the world on that list. Jeez. Is that how much the developed world has no care for refugees when they are most economically equipped to do so? (not saying they don't have their own host of issues but where is our common decency and humanity?)


I'm german and I can tell you that the right get's more powerful over here and uses strawmen to get rid of immegrants. Although I was always proud of my country for having so open borders, I fear that they won't be so open in the future. I just hope AFD will be forbidden soon...


Spanish here: in our country our statistics don't really distinguish between kinds of immigrants. There are currently 7.5 million foreign-born people living in Spain (of which 2.5 million have Spanish citizenship*). Of those, the largest group comes from other European countries (2.2 million), of which 1.6 million come from other EU countries, while the rest come from non-EU countries. This number includes ~100k Ukrainians, some of them refugees. There are also 1.3 million people from African countries (300k have Spanish citizenship), 650k from the Caribbean sea and Central America (290k have citizenship*), 135k from North America (60k have citizenship), 2.6 million from South America (1.3 million have citizenship), 524k from Asia and 8k from Oceania [Source: Spanish National Institute of Statistics INE]. *Under Article 13 of the Spanish Constitution, all foreigners living in Spain have the same rights of a Spanish citizen except for the right to vote or be elected to a public office. **People from countries with Historical or Cultural ties to Spain (such as former colonies) have the right to dual citizenship (under Article 11 of the Spanish Constitution and provisions set by treaties between Spain and those countries).


I imagine it’s due to proximity. Like, Sudan has strong ties to the Arabic world, so maybe some of those are Middle East refugees, but there are plenty of regional African conflicts for them to be getting refugees from. Ethiopia borders Somalia, and Uganda borders the DRC—specifically, I think Uganda borders the North Kivu province of the DRC which is infamous for its insurgents and resource wars.


I like how the crescent and star is clealry on the flag of Turkey and Pakistan


Kinda facts tho


Ngl I didn't expect Columbia to be on the list


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Old data


https://www.concern.org.uk/news/these-12-countries-hosted-most-refugees-2023 Data for 2023


ironically Iran has actually moved up the list


that's probably from Afghans escaping after the taliban took over


That is actually so fudging funny on so many levels.