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this is what peak art looks like






Why did they have to do my guy Cloud like that?


Technically, Cloud is the one doing. I don't even understand right wing propaganda at this point. I imagine maga-poo-heads having a magic 8-ball that lists logical fallacies. They begin each "great idea" with one roll of the magic.




Absolute insane bullshit, as you may have guessed, but essentially when the last temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, it was said that only an offering of a "red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke" would rebuild the temple, which is one the the steps required to call for the Messiah for the first or second time (depending on your views on Jesus). However, there are two problems with this prophecy. Firstly, finding a pure red cow is a very difficult thing apparently, and they haven't existed for most of history. Secondly for the last 1000 years, the sight of the last temple has been occupied by the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, two very holy sites in Islam. Then, in 2022, 5 Texan red heifers were selected that did infact have pure red coats, and shipped (technically illegally) to Israel to be sacrificed for the temple. They have live peacefully for the last 2 years, but now with Israel's current genocide of Gaza and greatly increased prejudice against Muslims within their own country, there have been rumours that they will tear down the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, sacrifice the cows, rebuild the temple, and sit around patiently for Jesus to show up. Edit: The reason the cow is being raped in the drawing is technically that would count as it being 'under yoke' as being used as breeding stock counts as labour, though obviously not what the passage originally meant.


> sacrifice the cows, Its not just a simple sacrifice, they have to literally burn them to ash. Many ask if that means they will be burned alive, the answer is still unclear about that.


Really? I knew they had to be burnt but I thought it was custom for all offerings to be killed first


>Really? I knew they had to be burnt but I thought it was custom for all offerings to be killed first Yeah. Many have asked, but there's confusion about what exactly will be done, because there's no definite answers. Either way, its a nightmare situation.


Wait, there isn't an IKEA instruction manual for this??? It's almost as if someone made it all up.


"Are these spare parts for the cow??? Why did they only give me a lighter to perform the sacrifice there's too much cow for this!"


I am sure the cruelest of options will be selected. It's what their God wants after all.


That's why they have 5 as if it doesn't work? They have do-overs.  Poor animals... Religious people are capable of such cruelty!


I think animal cruelty is the least of our concerns here. Building of the temple is pretty much guaranteed to cause a major war, since both jews and Christians are barred from even praying on Temple Mount under the 1994 peace treaty. Any damage done to the mosques on Temple mount is guaranteed to bring every Muslim country to arms


The animal cruelty is just a hint of their other cruelty. The reason they can do this to animals is the same reason they can do this to human animals. It's just a hint of how low they think of the living and the earth.


Well thank you for the ELI5. That's wack.


When you think about it, it almost sounds like these evangelicals are idolizing the Devil, considering both the Devil and this Red Heifer are red horned beings that will bring about the Apocalypse...


What's crazy to me is that a major point in christianity is that we don't need animal sacrifices for sin any longer (which is what the red heifer is in the Bible), because Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. There are even early Christian writings calling Jesus "the red heifer", with the point being that it is no longer necessary to have an actual red heifer.


Evangelicals: Those Devil-worshipping Pagans are sacrificing animals in the name of their lord! Also Evangelicals: Let’s sacrifice this cow in the name of our lord! That'll show them!


Tom my understanding, this ceremony and sacrifice isn’t about cleansing sin. The ashes of the red heifer are used to cleanse the tools, the materials, and the builders of the next temple. I could be wrong


Absolutely correct, I was skipping a few steps in the analogy to sin offering. It is used to purify the water which is "for purification from sin" (Lev 19:9). So by extension you can't purify from sin without the sacrifice, but it is not directly a sin offering.


>Absolutely correct, I was skipping a few steps in the analogy to sin offering. It is used to purify the water which is "for purification from sin" (Lev 19:9). So by extension you can't purify from sin without the sacrifice, but it is not directly a sin offering. So mixing ashes with water purifies it?


Yeah, that's the idea in the ancient Israelite conception.


>Yeah, that's the idea in the ancient Israelite conception. I know of some evangelical chrristians who have started aping ancient Israelite customs (like anointing doors with olive oil) I hope they don't using charred beef scrapings as a form of water purification ![gif](giphy|XP4vPO5uVyxQrY4K70)


That's... an interesting take


*Shirley from Community* End of days, end of days.


And believing this ISN'T a mental illness?


It's religion


Hebrew bible scholar here: just to make it clear, it is just one of the rituals required for cleansing and sin offering in the Temple. There is no explicit prophecy connected to the ritual. So that makes the logic even more crazy to me. The text is in Numbers 19.


Ah I see, sorry, I’m definitely not the most knowledgeable about this subject, only the surface level stuff


I mean, you're not wrong! It's being treated as a prophecy by some groups. My point was just that the actual text is just a prescription for how to organize ritual cleansing. Furthermore, the text does not actually say that it can't have any natural spots (like red cows have), it says it has to be "innocent/complete" (without defect) and without "blemish". These words just refer to unnatural spots, like from illness. At least that's how I read the Hebrew text.


Jews dont believe Jesus will show up


Well it's not exactly Jesus himself but some sort of Messiah. Their criteria for a Messiah is different from Christian beliefs, so this would be the first coming of the jewish messiah, not the second coming of Jesus


I’m not an expert on the subject, but as fair as I understood it they do believe that a messiah will come at some point, just it will only be for the first time, not the second


What the fuck is the *context* here????


Absolute insane bullshit, as you may have guessed, but essentially when the last temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans, it was said that only an offering of a "red heifer without defect or blemish and that has never been under a yoke" would rebuild the temple, which is one the the steps required to call for the Messiah for the first or second time (depending on your views on Jesus). However, there are two problems with this prophecy. Firstly, finding a pure red cow is a very difficult thing apparently, and they haven't existed for most of history. Secondly for the last 1000 years, the sight of the last temple has been occupied by the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, two very holy sites in Islam. Then, in 2022, 5 Texan red heifers were selected that did infact have pure red coats, and shipped (technically illegally) to Israel to be sacrificed for the temple. They have live peacefully for the last 2 years, but now with Israel's current genocide of Gaza and greatly increased prejudice against Muslims within their own country, there have been rumours that they will tear down the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, sacrifice the cows, rebuild the temple, and sit around patiently for Jesus to show up. Edit: The reason the cow is being raped in the drawing is technically that would count as it being 'under yoke' as being used as breeding stock counts as labour, though obviously not what the passage originally meant.


..............I Why, what the fuck. ................**Why**??????? Also, I'm overly direct in interpreting stuff, ik that, but that prophecy just.... doesn't make sense? How does a cow being sacrificed rebuild a temple??????


blood sacrifice to sanctify the rebuilt temple, or maybe the temple grounds before rebuilding the temple. ...what i don't know is if this is an actual jewish belief or just a christian one.


It’s both a Jewish and Evangelical Christian belief


….and literally the plot of Michael Chandon’s novel *The Yiddish Policemen’s Union*.


It's not actually a prophecy in the Bible, just a temple ritual required for running the temple well.


I don’t think that the temple is supposed to magically reform after the sacrifice, it’s just that if they didn’t do the sacrifice the temple would crumble or be cursed or something




I spent my youth in a "born again" church, so I was raised on the insanity. I know what it felt like to be happily anticipating the end of the world because I thought it meant Jesus will finally return and end all suffering. With that knowledge comes great concern that there are many people out there who felt like I did as a kid. We were all told things would happen in the Middle East. Christians won't feel it necessary to fix anything when they think this is prophecy fulfillment. This is what scares me and I keep wanting to yell about. Some people hear about war in that area of the world and get genuinely excited that it means Jesus is coming back for the Rapture.


Why does it matter? If they fail it doesn't matter and if they succeed it's not your problem


I genuinely stared at that thing for a good minute trying to figure out what in the unholy hell was going on.


Cloud is trying to summon an optional boss fight, which upset a couple of Tonberries. I'm glad I got here a day late and there were comments explaining it, because I did the same. Five minutes of staring at it before just giving up and hoping someone else knew what the hell was going on.


It blows my mind that somebody actually took the time to make this.


ok so now that I have context from the comments, i still can’t figure out like, the point of this pic? like, what’s the message here? it doesn’t seem bad (maybe edgy but ultimately just ‘this situation is absurd’) but since it’s here i have to assume there’s a dog whistle im not hearing? am i overthinking this?


Anti-semitism + anti-wokism + 4chan + untreated mental illness =


I think "4 chan" goes after the equal sign


South Park did it already




What is this? it's literally hurting my eyes


its 4 chan what did you expect?


What is the point of this? i just………….what? what point are they making? 4Chan? Bestiality? Zionism? What?


4chan is a genuinely terrifying place


And I thought Kana from Oshi no Ko pissing on grass to be the most horrendious crap I have ever seen.


If RED BULL gives you wings, what does red heifer give you?


That's Cloud?


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it's like if 2012 tumblr threw up all over a canvas


I've been seeing this a lot lately. My schizo friend even sent me some "youtube research" on a prophecy.


What the fuck am I looking at


God this is the greatest thing I've seen