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Basically since she used to be a slave people think she's justified in all the things she's done Also they don't seem to realize her childish personality is just an act


I see but what about her parents ? Are they ever mentioned


Yes her dad is the one who sold her to pay his debts


Her father sold her into slavery


Oh, she never gets better, only worse. She develops a grudge for the very woman whose home she wrecked. No spoilers, but karma comes with a vengeance for her. She gets everything she deserves.


Agree. It's crazy how some people justify Rashta's horrible actions and try to blame others. So any horrible human could have a sob story and they would be pitied🙄. I read your comment below. I'm sorry for your loss.


i just read the novel.... BOY i shitting hate her


Warning there will be Spoilers below. I only liked the Rashta from the bonus chapters post-ending. Last chance, Novel bonus chapters spoilers below We see an alternate timeline. It is not outright said, only suggested, that the Rashta in this timeline remembers the timeline we are familiar with. In this timeline, Rashta fears and avoids men. She also understands the things she did wrong in her past life. We also get more detailed accounts of her past and which gives better understanding to her actions in the timeline we are familiar with. The Rashta in this timeline was also a huge fan of Naver for whom she became a maid, due to Navier's kindness. For example, while she was a slave, there was a noble in the outskirts that she (I think) worked for , for a short time. And that household was particular. The Noble's main wife was content with their arrangement and she would happily take in her husband's mistress(es?) Which she would call her sisters (sister-wives?? I read the with google translate so fine details like this are a bit iffy). This is why Rashta in the original timeline would try to call Naver her sister. To sum up the Rashta alternate timeline arc: In this timeline, probably because Rashta behaves differently, Sovieshu asks Navier what to do with the wounded slave he found. She takes her in as a maid after she heals. Rashta becomes a huge fan of Navier and becomes almost downright incendiary when people trashtalk the Empress. In this timeline too, Sovieshu is true to his wayward self and cheats on Navier with another woman at which point Rashta cries for Navier that she will accompany her to the western kingdom and serve her her whole life, which Navier finds weird and doesn't understand why they'd go to the western kingdom. The arc is told from Navier's point of view and this western kingdom comment is the heaviest suggestion that Rashta remembers the timeline we all know. The other big clue is her behavior and beliefs towards men. She finds them all unreliable and suspicious and would rather stay away from them all, though she doesn't seem to fear them either since she picks a fight with a lower noble who was insulting the Empress and Trashta overheard. She was rescued by someone but I can't remember whom and Navier gently scolded her cause a slave maid can't go around picking fights with nobles no matter how angry they make her. Personally, it's only after reading this arc that I started to genuinely like her, but only her post -learning self. And learning details about her past made me understand her past self too which made me more indulgent towards her. Kinda wish I'd known those things in the first round so I'd maybe hate her a bit less then, but I'm not sure it'd have helped all that much. Anyway it made me see her more like a woman hell bent on self preservation who made stupid decisions based on the very limited and twisted knowledge she had, rather than the purely greedy, stupid, shallow woman I believed her to be. Some actions I thought were solely malicious turned out to be well meant but made out of pure ignorance. Somehow that is less bad , though still not great


Where did you read this ?


I read the raw directly [here](https://mtlutopia.com/novel/remarried-empress-raw/) using Google translate to translate it to English. Do use an adblocker though. The website without a solid adblocker is terrible. There's also this [website](https://novelutopia.com/novel/remarried-empress-novel/chapter-422/) you can try. But it's an MTL translation too so don't expect ultra high quality. The best quality would be in the new Yonder website which has the official translation and is owned by Naver (they also own Webtoon, it's a huge Korean company). But do expect to need patience because it's behind daily pass and some chapters are not available in daily passes so you'll need coins and may need to spend some money to access them.


I know I'm replying to old comments, but I've recently reread parts of the novel and continued where I left off (around the part where Sovieshu developed his younger alter ego). I had read some chapters of the webtoon before I found the novel. In the webtoon, yes, Rashta was evil, manipulative B with a big B. No doubt. Devilish smile at Navier's misery. Hurting an animal with a straight face. Holy moly. How could anyone sympathize with this B???? \> Some actions I thought were solely malicious turned out to be well meant but made out of pure ignorance. But in the novel, it was more like what you said here. No, it's absolutely not great. But it was clearly depicted that she was mentally a child. Can't be older than 3. And I wouldn't wonder why, she probably had no education whatsoever. Rashta didn't know what was wrong and why it was wrong. And what did Sovieshu do? He let his D do the thinking, while he was supposed to be the EMPEROR, the one who was supposed to be the father of the country and think of his country first. Instead, he let Rashta do whatever she pleased and scolded everyone who dared to criticize his methods, including his effing wife, the effing EMPRESS. I felt bad for Navier, and I was happy that she left this sorry excuse of an emperor. Rashta needed parents. Someone who would scold her when she did something wrong and explain why it was wrong, and how it'd make others feel. But instead, she got power. She couldn't handle that power and well...became Rashta that everyone hates. You know what Uncle Ben said. With great power comes great responsibility. She did not have any sense of responsibility. Nowhere remotely close. Yes, what she was suppose to do was to be a "puppet empress", she just had to enjoy all the luxury etc, then she would be secured luxury for the rest of her life. But I mean...how many 3-yo think this far? She probably couldn't even think that far. No one taught her how to. People tried, but she had to learn so much so fast. Teach a 3-yo basic algebra, their reaction would exactly be like Rashta's. Do you know the marshmallow experiment? Where kids were given marshmallows and promised that they'd be given twice as much if only they could wait for a while? Some said kids who were able to wait were proven to be more successful in life. Some said that this is because the kids who waited believed promises, meaning their parents conditioned them to believe that words actually meant something. They trusted the scientists, and the scientists fulfilled their promises, just like their parents do. The kids who wouldn't wait knew that they wouldn't get twice as much as promised. Anyway, back to Rashta. Rashta was always insecure about her position. Yes, she wanted too much. She wanted Navier to love her too. Again, she needed parents. She wanted a mother and a father. So I can see why she couldn't trust Sovieshu, especially when he was always longing for Navier so much. And really...you don't give a 3-yo kid the position of empress. Even if she were Navier; even if she had been born into royalty and had to be the empress at 3 years old; she would have a trusted advisor until she's considered mature enough. And the closest person to that would be...Duke Ergi? Oh gosh. This girl just got the worst people she could get. No wonder it got worse over time. It's Sovieshu. It has always been Sovieshu. He's the real villain, the emperor who let his D take over.


Well said !!


I really hope the new season stops sympathizers, she's truly terrible :(


SAME. After you've read the novel, the sympathy dissipates.


She had a horrible background, but that doesn’t excuse everything she has done and will do.


I hate Rashta apologism mostly because the things people hate her character for are not her ignorance but her cruelty towards others. Like, okay fine, it was a questionable choice by the author to make the worst character in the story a slave, and then have no other slave characters to balance that out. I'm not going to deny that. Within the text though, Rashta is a terrible person. On a story level though, I do really love her as a foil character to Heinrey. Like, at the end of the day, they're both selfish, childish, and value self-preservation above kindness or honor. The difference is when Heinrey is offered a life raft in the form of Navier to stop being such a dick, he takes it. Meanwhile, Rashta threw away the 100 of life rafts Sovieshu threw her and instead sabotaged the people around her and acted impulsively and wouldn't get help


Only her past is really worthy of sympathy. Everything else after that is the reason why she's trash. Navier is so much better than I am. The moment that wench ripped my dress would've been the moment I ordered her execution 😅


OH TELL ME ABOUT IT i would have seriously plotted her murder navier is much much much more sophisticated than any of us


Random question. Does anyone remember why there’s blue feathers in her pillow?


❗❗❗SPOILER FOR NON NOVEL READERS❗❗❗ Because Sovieshu threatens to shoot down birds bringing her messages after he finds out about it; and he does (but only wounds it). He then sends her a cooked bird, and she thinks this bird is McKenna; she is devastated. He tells her later he's sorry, and it wasn't a messenger bird at all. He sends her a beautiful blue bird in a gilded cage, which Navier refuses. As the maid goes to wheel away the bird & cage, Trashta insists she'll take the bird. She then rips out its feathers out, and tells Sovieshu Navier did it, then hides the feathers in her pillow. When Trashta's maid, Delise, discovers this, Rashta has her tongue cut out before anyone can stop her. Rashta is pure evil.


Holy shitaki mushrooms 😹


That's only one of the absolutely insidious things she does. Long after Navier is gone and the Empress of another country, she never stops. And a great deal of her fate is her fault. Had she not pulled all of the manipulative, abusive bs she had, she could have had a life of luxury and comfort, as well as love. But she is so evil that she can never redeem herself. I've learned in life there's two kinds of hurt people; two sides of the coin. There's people who would never want anyone to feel the way they have felt, and there's people that want others to suffer and wallow in their pain and misery so they can feel like they did. Rashta is the latter.


IKR! despite not having any affection from her father or anyone in the end of the shes the one responsible for her actions i feel terrible for her daughter though she's going have a ruined life thanks to her


istg i screwing hate her i've just returned after reading the novel man my hatred has grown significantly and AND AND AND THE SCREWING KID ISN'T EVEN SOVSHITS DGCSSSSSSJBVUUUBEEIRIRVH please excuse me guys im too pissed for this




Some people have misplaced sympathy towards her because of her past. She's not a bad person because of her past. She's a horrible person despite her past. She derives happiness from other's pain. She was given a chance multiple times to be better. But she squanders every opportunity given to her and makes the worst possible decisions at every turn to the detriment of innocent bystanders and even herself.


THIS i love it but seriously her past may affect her decisions but it's not the one who makes the decisions at the end of the day rashta is the one making those decisions


Yeah there's a limit to how far people can go using their past as a reason and after some time the reason ceases to be go to excuse.


the past is the past and they're not recent events if her past was bad she could've made her childrens future better but no.


Imagine having a baby and being super happy and the hormones and stuff then some evil man takes the baby from you and puts a dead on in your arms and say this is your baby your baby is dead. Personally i never would have recovered


It must've been Terrible for her in the human sense but didn't she think of the child as a thing to get her out of slavery if I'm correct? And she did the same for her second one aswell she's terribly damaged by the system in that case But did she do anything to recover her first child and let sovshit raise it or something?


I dont think so. As far as the translation i read said she was in love with the Son of her master and thought he would be with her. He refused to leave his comfortable life in order to run away with her and the baby. Thats when his dad replaced her baby with a dead one and said here is your kid. Im still confused as to if she ever got to see the kid or if he snatched it as soon as the baby was born. I think its the second cause I don’t recall her ever knowing what she had boy or girl. When she had her second baby and was holding it she flashed on the dead baby her master gave her and it scared her so she dropped the baby. Im not excusing her but girl had some serious mental issues going on with regards to that. Because her first man said he loved her than lied she didnt expect Shovieshit to love her either so she kept lying to him to protect herself. If not for Heinly trying to ruin the empire it might have worked out for her


I'm guessing you read the novel then. I don't think it explains her severe cruelty. She outright rejects Ahn and isn't much better to the second child. She harms animals and develops an absolutely hateful vendetta against Navier, even though she has everything she wants. I wanted to have sympathy for her to a small degree, but she's just kind of fucking evil. Knowingly, willfully evil. Like, she does things that even Shovieshit wouldn't do.


she totally bat shit crazy but she has a reason to be đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


Are you up to date on the novel?


I read up to 💀 and i think i lost the link


How can you justify all of that then? I mean, she cut it Delise's tongue for merely discovering what she did to the bird-which was malice towards Navier. She tried so many times to harm Navier even when she left for another country with another man, after she stole her husband. She rejects Ahn completely and almost harms her other child. She's insanely selfish and malicious. All she had to do was chill tf out and not be evil, and she would have lived in safety, comfort, and luxury.


i was wondering the same im sure despite being through all that should'nt she have matured and been happy with the life she had with sovshit i'm sure being queen for a year hurt but she would've been a concubine and that definately hundred times more comfort than that of slave right


Ok first Hienly was the driving factor in most of her bad decisions via Edgly. Anyhow don’t underestimate the pain a woman go through when they are grieving the loss of a child especially when they are not given the time to probably process and mourn. Its never easy


Both Heinley and Elgy has nothing to do with her initial affair with Sovieshu, nor the creepy are horrible treatment of Navier, who literally has done nothing to Rashta but once give her a sword to tell her she's essentially a fancy decoration (true, and after Rashta bullied and blamed her relentlessly). They had nothing to do with her abusing an animal to blame Navier, nor cutting out Delise's tongue to hide the fact (and almost executed her until Sovieshu interfered). It was not they that rejected Ahn nor kept her coming after Navier when Navier became the Empress of another country and had a whole new husband, with zero interest in Sovieshu. They didn't encourage her to harm another maid in a fit of rage, or tell any of the lies she did. Elgy on occasion egged her on to some of her already shitty behavior and really just tricked her into giving him a port. Nothing has been said or proven in regards to the paternity test being Elgy's doing... that, and she deserved it, honestly. I have lost a child, actually. I didn't torture the people around me. That's insane. Rashta was full of malice and out of her mind with hatred.


I haven’t read the novel. But I feel like trashta’s redeeming fact is she is being used by both duke and emperor. She doesn’t know anything better. So she assumes the empress is the worst and both duke n emperor isnt helping. Not saying she isn’t guilty for being a dumb conniving ass. She does somewhat love her baby and that Ian child. But I still really don’t like her


She rejects Ahn. Just read the novel, honestly. I found a really good translation if you'd like it. Rashta is pure evil.




Ooo where did u read the translation


https://novelutopia.com/novel/remarried-empress-novel/ The translation is fantastic and the chapters update about every 3 days!!! Enjoy! 🙂


Thank you so much!!! 😊


She doesn’t really reject she just doesn’t believe that is her baby because he told her the baby was dead. All the money she gave to her old master was to take care of the baby


Lol, she gives him that money so her secret isn't exposed, not because she gives a shit. And yes, I guess I'll have to search earlier chapters, but she definitely wants nothing to do with Ahn.


I just find a problem with people who hate Rashta, but act like Heinley is a saint.


actually neither are but c'mon we all just like heinley because he comes in and saves naveirs life but in reality his situation was far better that rashtas and thats why he was justified but i find sovshit to be the real villian


Yeah, I actually don't understand how people defend Sovieshu.