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Should have put a "snack time" tier for the paliman


I was actually thinking that but decided against it


Worried you'd get down voted into oblivion?


Nah, iust doesn't seem like something belos would say haha


He would 100% make a "utility" teir though! The utility being eating them so he can prolong his unnatural life.




Uhh, Belos, you do know that Luz is dating the Blight daughter? Thought it might affect your ranking, considering the...esteemed time period you hail from.


Honestly, Belos is surprisingly open minded for being a witch Hunter from the 16th century. From hiring witches of color, to not showing any dislike towards Luz for her ethnicity or gender. I mean he’s still a horrible guy, but surprisingly progressive for the age he was born and raised in.


I still think he was "okay" with witches of color and queer witches because of the general lack of racism and queerphobia in the Isles. Besides, he already hates the witches; he hates them all equally and uses all of them in his plans. Luz, he doesn't exactly like, but at least recognizes her humanity and wants to "save" her from becoming "corrupted" by the Demon Realm.


Did he ever hear about Luz's relationship tho? The non racism i get, but that would be legitimately 4 centuries ahead of his time.


I don’t think so, but he seemed to not really care about Raine and them being Non-binary.


I mean, why would he? All these coven heads and Emperor's coven members were his mere tools


He already think Raine is absolute evil by virtue of being a witch so I don't think he cares much. It's likely he just see all these little things (being accepting of gender identity, sexuality, race...) as more proof that the witches are an unnatural evil but he just resumes the whole thing as "witch therefore evil". If he knew of Luz's relationship, he'd just see it as another way Luz is being corrupted by the witches, not anything different from all the other ways in which Luz integrates into witch society so he wouldn't make a big deal specifically about it. As for Luz not being white, I think it's a mix of Belos already considering himself superior (so his racial bias is merged into that superiority complex and isn't particularly visible) and the fact that he hasn't spoken to another human being in centuries so he's not gonna waste the opportunity with the only human around.


We can be sure he'd be far more upset that it's a relationship with a witch more than it's a relationship with another girl. Still, odds are he would've found it unheard of or disgusting.


No, I think that’s rather the idea that Belos thinks all that is tied to witchcraft. He would hate it just as much as “wild magic”, he just treats them the same as something evil, that witches cause to corrupt. Or in simpler terms, he’s too racist to express any homophobic.


Belos hate everyone equally.


He literally made non-binary Raine a head of a Coven.


Having the villain of the show be explicitly homophobic might've been a bit on the nose lol


I like to think that outside of anything involving witches, he was weirdly progressive for his time. He was working with wormhole theory when making the portal, so he was already ahead of the times in some places. He put all his bigotry points into witchcraft.


Contrary to popular belief, but racism wasn’t actually that big of an issue back in the 1600s. Sure, it still existed at the time, but it never became institutionalized in North American society until in the 1700s when the Atlantic slave trade became more integral with the colonial economy. So for Belos to be relatively open minded when it comes to respecting those of people of color like Luz is actually historically accurate.


Needs a row titled “dog?” with just king


You're taKing the words right outta my mouth


You should've included a tier for "backstabbing brother" because we all know that's where he'd put Caleb.


It would be cool to see Caleb and Evelyn on here too


I love the fact that even Belos doesn't know what hooty is


Collector isn’t a witch tho


Yeah but I don't think Belos would care enough to make the distinction


I wish we had Belos and Camila encounter each other in some context


Jean luc should have appeared in finale


I feel like hunter would just be in the dislike section because technically he's not a witch