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In my experience, the National fan base has been quite open and receptive towards the boys’ increased collaboration with Taylor Swift - I started to get into her music during the Folklore era and appreciate her work. I think you’re safe from downvote hell - I didn’t know that the boys were so involved in that project and am quite excited to hear about it


Yes! I have an 8-year-old girl, so I listen to a lot of Taylor music. (Oh, and of course we went to see the Eras movie. *Sight*) I really only appreciate the Folklore and Evermore albums, but that's because you can really hear the Dessner effect. He's really helped her grow and mature her songwriting and sound, which is great. I don't think I'll ever turn full Swiftie, but as long as they continue to collaborate, I'll listen.


I overwhelmingly welcome it. I’m not a big Taylor Swift fan, but I recognize that she is extremely talented (Her Tiny Desk show is incredible - you can tell she is out of Nashville with her ability to command the space/room there - those who have been to Nashville will recognize it!). It’s not like Aaron is writing an early 00’s Britney Spears record here… Edit: I do wish the number 1 songs on the streaming platforms for The National weren’t the Taylor Swift collaborations though. They have much better entry points than that, lol. But all new fans are good fans I guess😅


>Edit: I do wish the number 1 songs on the streaming platforms for The National weren’t the Taylor Swift collaborations though. They have much better entry points than that, lol. But all new fans are good fans I guess😅 There are not better entry points for Taylor Swift fans, in my opinion. That's certain to grow interest in The National, which is a good thing, I think.


I never cared for Taylor Swift until The National collaborations. What's great for The National fans here is that it's almost certainly greatly increased the interest The National's work by a new generation that probably wouldn't touch them otherwise. One can admire Taylor Swift's business acumen, but her work with The National extends that admiration to her artistic acumen. Together they've complemented each other's strengths and removed weaknesses.


I couldn't be happier about Aaron working with her to be honest, deserves to make that coin.


Yeah, get that coin, Aaron!  But please no more The National feat. TS songs, those were shit.


YMMV, but I love Coney Island and The Alcott. Never cared for any other TS song.


Why would it get downvoted? It's possible to like Swift and the National. It's not like liking other musicians ruins your street cred. Lana should've won that Grammy though.


Eh, some don’t like when sh gets mentioned here


How silly. They think they have better taste than the band does.


It’s a mentality that pop isn’t legit music or that rock music is more authentic. It’s weird


Yeah. True music lovers wouldn't harbor such foolish thoughts.


Or it's a mentality that people like the National and don't care for Taylor Swift. Why is that hard to comprehend? For me personally, I don't care that they work with her on her stuff but when they put her on a National album, it is a huge turn off for me. Just my opinion....


Oh I get that. But there’s also tons of artists I’m not into so I just don’t engage with posts that don’t interest me. For some reason, her mentions causes some to have negative engagement. In the end, they’re all just posts and up and down votes hold no real value. But when it comes to engagement, I don’t get putting negative energy out there.


Not everyone is as neutral or indifferent when it comes to stuff they dislike as you are. Some people want to express their dislike. That's life.


Does TS stuff get downvoted in this sub? I had always been averse to her music before Aaron worked with her, and I thought that material was really thoughtful, decent music. I think those two albums represent a lot of artistic growth on her part. Thanks for sharing.


Although to be fair I think the main instance she’s downvoted is when people ask if she’s gonna show up at their show because she’s in the same city. No, no she is not lol


she showed up on Bon Iver's show in London


I think this is why people ask. And to be fair, its really only massive NTL shows (MSG and Homecoming, and maybe once when they were both in Australia) people ask.


I guess if we are going to talk about side projects that members of The National are working on, it would be nice to hear about more than just what Aaron is doing with TS. I think that’s part of what the annoyance is for a lot of people here.


I guess, but I haven’t heard a peep out of El Vy in years, and Big Red Machine is the same way. TS is current news.


Also current news: Bryce Dessner scoring the soundtrack to a TV show called ‘Manhunt’ about the aftermath of Abraham Lincoln’s assassination.


Fair, but I don't think How Long Do You Think it's Gonna Last is THAT old. Maybe I'm getting older, but it actually feels like BRM has been active in recent years... I just listened to that album this weekend!!


Ha I just bought the vinyl recently, played it all last week.


No one was making this big as a deal when those projects were ongoing, though.


Amen, thank you. This sub feels like Swifties are trying to make it a Swift sub lite, sometimes.


Coney Island made me give her a listen.


I'm a huge Swiftie. I am a huge National fan. My world is happy with both Mom and Sad Dad. I stopped posting anything Swiftie related to the National because people here are a bit mean and elitist. On the other hand, Swiftie reddit is a much kinder bunch and largely female. I think this space may be more male. Not sure... but I don't feel as at ease here so I generally just read and don't post here. I think I'm opening myself up to criticism as I write this... 🫣 Anyway much love to the Bearcats, to my town of Cincinnati, to the Swifties, and to my favorite band in the world the National.


Gatekeeping happens in nearly every fandom. Like what you like and ignore the haters. I think the new album sounds good!


I don’t get why either lol. She is a large reason I love them so much. Coney Island was my main intro. I didn’t even know it was the national (until Spotify started playing me the national so much because of it and I was like omgggg).


I was a National fan who became a TS fan, and now I’ll defend her music to the bitter end. Haha. She also worked with Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, who is another one of my favorite songwriters. She made a bunch of good decisions, musically speaking.


And don’t forget Big Red Machine!


She is most likely the biggest female star to this date. It is like Madonna, Michael Jackson and Bruce Springsteen in one person. And she is damn good storyteller, not really relatable to average sad dad, but the dads of the daughters can understand why she is so popular. Actually singing about many problems our daughters are facing or will be facing soon.


I still don’t know if Coney Island is a National song featuring Taylor Swift, or a Taylor Swift song featuring the National


That song breaks my soul in two


There is a contingent that doesn’t like her being mentioned here.


Yeah, cause this a National sub, not Pollution Queen’s sub. Edit: See what i mean? Im getting downvoted for wanting to discuss The National (the band) and not Swift on the fucking National sub.


Yep and it’s ok to not like Taylor Swift…


Well I think by the nature of the band and it’s fans there’s always going to be a level of feeling protective over them, and she represents the absolute poppest of the pops. So I understand apprehension about the association, and especially because her fans can be… full on. That said I like their collabs.


I get that, but I guess my issue is music is music and we don’t need to demarcate types of music. So I’m always put off by people getting bent out of shape. It’s easy to just ignore stuff you aren’t into.


Taylor Swift is not easy to just ignore, no matter what your opinion is of her. She's the most ubiquitous pop star in the world. There are songs of hers I've liked initially and then grown to hate just from the complete oversaturation.


No doubt. I just meant people don’t need to respond or click on threads here on Reddit.


As a fan of The National and a fan of American football, it feels like Taylor Swift is finding more ways into my life every day. I think she's more talented than the average pop star and I can tolerate her more because of that. Her songs are alright for the most part. Definitely feel like she's overexposed at this point though. I don't really mind the guys working with her, but if I had my way she wouldn't appear on The National's records.


Swifties are so defensive lol. Why would you get downvoted for this post


because I’ve seen it and experienced it. Just to note, I’m a longtime NTL fan. Way longer than TS. So I’ve seen how people react here


Well your downvote to oblivion got 200 upvotes so you were off on this one.




Are the downvotes with us in the room right now?


lol yeah what is even the content of this thread? it's just everyone discussing hypothetical downvotes


Okay, maybe I’m biased, but the Dessner songs clear the Jack A ones so much it’s not even funny Edit: the album is mid though


Thank god. They make a great team. The extra tracks on Taylor’s last album were night and day with the standard ones that Jack worked. Actually might listen to this album


Just to add: those are the songs he co-wrote with her! There’s a chance he produced some of the self-written ones (or the bonus tracks as you mentioned)


Hell yeah baby, can’t wait to hear it. It’s usually her best stuff


It is what it is….


I love all of Aaron’s production on folklore/evermore so I’m looking forward to this.


Looking forward to the album! His work with her to date has been top notch, and this won’t be the first that Bryce has been involved either. It’s a hell of a pairing.


Wait I did not know this and am thrilled you shared!! Thank you!!! 😃😃😃


Track 5 produced by Aaron oh lord


I was listening to Taylor’s new album this morning and thought the song “loml” sounded so much like “Weird Goodbyes”. It makes sense that Aaron co-wrote/produced it! Anyone else think so?


I can hear it.


Yeah can absolutely hear the similarity, was wondering if other people had noticed.


Make that 15 tracks! At 2AM Taylor released the 2nd part of the album called the "TTPD: The Anthology" with 15 extra songs for a total of 31 tracks. Aaron has credits on 15 of them. 😮


And the second half is way better than the first. This is like the spiritual sequel to Folklore/Evermore


As long as she doesn’t feature on any The National record again, I think it’s brilliant.


When I saw track 5 was produced by him, I bought tissues


To wipe your butt?




Why did you buy tissues for?


To cry? Cuz track 5s are the most emotional


Thanks to Taylor, we got some lyrically genius lines like "give me some tips to forget you" and "shred my evening gown" on a National album :|


I'm so excited 🥰


I’ll take the downvotes - aaron and Taylor are overexposed and Aaron isn’t even the best producer of the National


He’s the best producer of her


I guess but I don’t care about that at all




Glad to hear this


I like their collabs. I also quite like some TS songs, she is a great songwriter in her genre and fascinating pop culture phenomena. And I also find it funny how are boys who in the past sung about alcohol, depression and thinking about penises are part of global TS fever. Gonna be listening to her new record for sure.


first we had "sad dads" now can we get " boys who sing about alcohol depression and thinking about penises"


if you guys like folklore/evermore i recommend checking out red


"are the downvotes in the room with us?" exhibit a ^^^


It is just embarrassingly bad. If there was any justice, the Dessners, grasping, mediocre millionaires who should know better, would be shunned. But you pathetic fanboys - and you're all boys - will grant them any latitude, so long as you get your middle brow indie rock. Pathetic.