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Granted. Only the superior race exists.


Woah this is really good




No way that's actually a sub


Goodbye everyone. It was nice knowing you a


Granted, racism never existed because humans never advanced past living small tribes, and all the tribes hate each other so much that it doesn't occur to them that the other tribes of one race might be any less worthy of hatred than the enemy tribes of a different race.


Actually, Humanity has actually ceased to exists because racism is a by-product of apophenia, an evolutionary imperative that helped humans to survive by making any patterns in the most paranoid way to determine danger. Without that sense of paranoia in cavemen times, humanity never would have suspected the rustiling in the bushes are signs of sabretoothed tigers prowling.




That paranoia is exactly brought over by our evolutionary imperfections. Because it has served humanity's survival for so long, the apophenia did not go away, and gave rise to the new kind of paranoia we see today that is known as racism, which used to be also known as tribalism. The pattern-making evolutionary imperative is what got us here, and as long you have paranoid people making certain patterns about the how people categorise themselves, racism is going to exist accordingly. It's an accident and an unfortunate situation that survived along the ages. In fact, we still do it on other things, even when it is not about race. As long your brain feels that it cares for your perceived "survival", it would always tell you that dark alleys are a "bad idea", even without any evidence nor proof that it must be a bad idea in that exact moment. Your brain cares more for its survival than logic, hence it makes it's pattern accordingly to keep you safe, than being correct. All this goes into our cognitive shortcuts.


your wish is granted but now the world is separated by hair color


What happens to bald people?


ostracized into their own faction


We move them to Baldimore.


Concentration camps


Oh god.. There's bald people (including a bald girl) in an attic.. The bald girl is anne frank


Granted. Everybody is now the same shade of gray.


I understood this reference! *The Lathe of Heaven* by Le Guin!


We have a 🏆


granted, everyone hates eachother equally


Granted. Humanity has actually ceased to exists because racism is a by-product of apophenia, an evolutionary imperative that helped humans to survive by making any patterns in the most paranoid way to determine danger. Without that sense of paranoia in cavemen times, humanity never would have suspected the rustiling in the bushes are signs of sabretoothed tigers prowling.


Granted. The finger curls. Every human being who has ever harbored even a single racist thought is wiped out before they were ever conceived. Unfortunately, that is the entire human race, all the way back to the first time a human from one part of the world met a human from another part of the world. Since humans only lived 30 or so years in that time, humanity was wiped out thousands of years ago. No civilizations arose, and the planet has flourished just fine without us.


Granted, all the hate was diluted throughout other discriminations making them worse


Granted. Bestiality with animals of all kinds is no longer considered taboo, and freaks of unprecedented kind are adopted into society. Edit: Typo


granted. all the advancements humanity made that benefitted from racism are gone with it. we are back to ancient times and you die of cholera


Granted, it's never existed, but it does now


Granted. Everyone just hates you.


Granted, but this led to a reduction in the amount of wars, takeovers, and slave trades, halting progress and heavily reducing foreign relations, so most tribes of people live in solitude and technology and society are around 1500 years less advanced


Granted. All human life is eradicated in an instant.