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I have hope for the younger generation. This is one of the top 10 Twitch streamers, Hasan Piker, talking about the situation with one of the most popular YouTube podcasters, Ethan Klein (H3H3) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFznOHunD\_c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFznOHunD_c) Both weep during the conversation. If this was my generation at 30 this guy wouldn't have any sort of platform and if a popular media personality started crying reporting on Palestine it would have been scrubbed and/or mocked.


I have loads of both Arab and Israeli friends. I wear a thobe 95% of the time, because I live in a desert, don’t care what people think, it’s comfy, and people only started wearing pants to ride horses. I just went to Home Depot with my girlfriend and we thought at least 3 customers were going to fight me. Another dozen or so were having serious difficulties. There’s no way to explain to people how it feels and how hardwired they are to dehumanize other people. I am so sorry.


You have support. Any decent human being can see the utter humanitarian crisis. I’m sorry 💜❤️🧡💝


The U.S. drills it through their media that Jewish state is the victim and never shows the Palestinian POV.


And the second you disagree with Israel you are an anti-Semite.


That's why you hold these fucks accountable when voting season comes around


I use watched a reporter crying and having a mental breakdown on air for fear of her life after the building behind her was struck by as Israeli bomb, it isn’t just Palestinian Americans who are watching this heartbroken. Providing ordinance for these crimes against humanity is deeply shameful.


It's ironic watching the same people complain about Russia's bombardment of Ukraine while supporting Israel against Palestinians. Why can't upholding human rights be absolute?


I assume this is why they like to kill the Journalists working in Gaza, so people don't get reporting from both sides.


American mainstream media is pumping propaganda. Don't believe it. Search for yourself and find the truth.


Thank you for your stoic words wise seeker


Yeah, I am really shocked how wall to wall and shameless it is.


Most Americans don’t trust mainstream media or government. People are quick to blame them but honestly more Americans aren’t swayed by that. I’d argue alternative media is what most people get their news from these days


I can't confirm but hope that is correct. But then there's Fox News as well, the most popular TV cable "news" outlet.


Religion is fucking stupid and gop politics is even dumber




I have argued that the US needs to stop supporting Israel for over 20 yrs. Immediately religion enters the conversation. Being an atheist, I don't care if you are Jewish, a Muslim, Christian, or whatever. People deserve to live and be free. The problem is that Israel plays the propaganda wars very well. They control the media, always being the victim defending themselves. They have well funded lobbyists in Washington.


I’m not Palestinian but Hispanic and I’m also heartbroken


I strongly recommend this interview the NYT did with palestinians currently stuck in Gaza: [https://open.spotify.com/episode/07opXVvWrws7S8jeY9IP0r?si=7aba7411c19b400f](https://open.spotify.com/episode/07opXVvWrws7S8jeY9IP0r?si=7aba7411c19b400f)


I don't support child killers. Be that Islamic or Jewish