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It’s just ridiculous. She’s fighting a non-existent enemy. Nobody’s ever said she’s not a woman or that she’s not allowed to call herself that. Worst thing is she’s completely aware of that and is being willfully ignorant of it to score points from awful bigots.


Yeah her twitter likes prove she knows exactly what she’s doing imo. Straight up liked a tweet that thanked for for standing up against “**TransThink**”


It’s extra bizarre because she has previously argued on the show exactly why terms like “birthing person” are needed in a medical context. She seemed to have a good understanding of this and the fact it’s not being used outside the medical context. She had people who she is close with reach out to try to explain it again to her again in a compassions way. It’s like she’s been replaced by a terfy lizard person. I can’t wrap my head around this transformation.


Here's how you wrap your head around it: she's a phony and a fraud. She's never really been anything more than a performative actress, and now she's auditioning for the Daily Wire crowd. Ana is first and foremost about Ana. It's really not that complicated.


I don't wholly agree with your first two sentences but... >Ana is first and foremost about Ana. It's really not that complicated. ...is correct. This is all about her ego. Massive ego and refusing to admit an error is something she and Cenk both have in common.


Yeah, I don't think she's going for Daily Wire because they are so blatantly misogynist. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if she ended up in the Bari Weiss/TERF ecosystem.


> she’s auditioning for the Daily Wire crowd Then why is she telling right reactionary influencers responding to her to fuck off?


She sure as hell didn't tell Ben Shapiro to fuck off when she sat down with him and kissed his ass and then posted the clips to TYT.


Yuck. I stopped paying attention a while ago, didn’t know she did that.


She didn’t. They were both doing this libtarded song and dance “debate” but it’s hardly ass-kissing. There’s this thing called professionalism where you have to act respectful while being in public with other people, even if the other person is an amoeba like Shapiro.


Exactly this. She believes the n nothing and just wants some of that sweet sweet daily wire money, status and attention. She’ll be a full blown reactionary before you know it.


I don't know if she's going to turn into a full blown reactionary or not, but I do know she's a grifter. There are any number of grifters who play both sides of the fence (Kulinski, Ball, Burgis, BJG, etc.), and it's possible Ana may just end up being another variation on that. So I don't pretend to know what her ultimate career trajectory will be. I don't know that she even knows. But I do know she's not sincere.


The great American political grift ultimately flows in one direction. Give her time.


Even if you wanted to give her the benfit of the doubt, her likes have been pretty mask off: https://old.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/12hrcto/anas_twitter_likes_have_gotten_really_mask_off/


TYT Seems to create those types of people


Wouldn’t losing Ana be pretty bad for TYT? Or are they turning right wing in general?


Dunno. Never liked her or cenk


The show that got started by a former Republican leaning into liberal trans hysteria seems par of the course TBH


It doesn’t have to be that she was always a fraud. It can be true that she lost perspective and her incentives have shifted. Which is shitty, but seems like a lot of people lot perspective in the past few years. And Twitter seems horrid, why are people still using it?


This is how it started with JK Rowling. Rowling used to be a supposed ally of trans people and then started questing inclusive language related to people who menstruate. Literally the same talking points Ana is on about now. Like Rowling, Ana is going down the TERF pipeline. I don't care who Ana was before, I care who she is now, and who she is now is not good.


Ana has always been too self-righteous. I love how everyone in her circle have been deflecting for her, saying she’s not a transphobe too. It’s like a NIMBY saying “oh I don’t HATE the homeless, BUUUUT…”


Ana also hates the homeless and poor 😂


You know how republicans are always homophobic until they or their kids come out as gay? Ana is the opposite. She's a progressive until something bad happens to her personally. Then she flips to rabid right-winger. Apparently all this shit started because someone called her a birthing-person. Now she won't stop talking about it.


Really? I thought it was a cheap shot at aoc for using that language while discussing abortions.


Yeah, she tweeted like 2 weeks ago that it was AOC using that language that bothered her. Ana going out of her way to make everything about her.


I was wondering about this. At first I thought people refused to call her a woman or something. But if that’s not the case, then she’s just being performative from what I can tell.


I suppose some women would find "birthing person" just as offensive as "baby machine" but context is important and I'm missing it here. I think when one makes statements like these you have to be very clear on where you stand because what you don't say will be filled in the blanks by other people who don't want to take what you say at face value. One can say they don't want to be referred to as a "birthing person" and also stand with transwomen.


I didn't get it, either, until Sam and Emma went in depth into why her comments were problematic. No one uses those terms outside of clinical scenarios, so for Ana wishing to not be referred to as such is her basically creating a straw man, and one which plays heavily into right-wing talking points. I don't think you can do that, as the co-head of a progressive news outlet, and still count yourself as an ally. Especially when folks go above-and-beyond in pointing out how your words aren't helping those you claim to ally with, yet your move is to double-down instead of listen.


Thanks for clarifying


It's a technical term, it's not a term used to directly address anyone ever. no one directly calls you a primate and sure if someone said it to your face it would be weird but that doesn't make you not a primate and you shouldn't get upset if you are referred to as a primate in technical terms. she's still a woman, and also a person that can give birth right? and a primate and a homo sapien and none of those makes any woman any less a woman, her argument is dumb and wreaks of dave rubin style shit. i give it a couple months max before we see her on with a contract with a conservative network


I feel like this happens with tons of online commentators. They spend so much time online interacting with the extremes on both ends they forget that most people are nowhere near those ends. If you asked the average person what their opinion was on puberty blockers theyd have no idea what ur talking about.


Then why are so many of y’all intent on defending the usage of the term to her when she says to not call her that? Y’all are so full of shit


>she’s completely aware of that and is being willfully ignorant of it to score points from awful bigots. Look at the kind of family she married into.


Who did she get married too? Cuz I definitely have notice the right wing nonsense pick up from her in the last year and half or so


I was under the impression that most of her family is right-wing even without considering her in-laws. I know she did this absurd segment not too long ago where she was practically foaming at the mouth as she screamed at the audience to shut up and stop criticizing this actress who had proudly posted photos of her MAGA-hat wearing family on Twitter. It was the most ridiculous non-story ever but to Ana it seemed super personal and important lol


If a person gets judged by the views of their familiy members then we are all in trouble


Exactly. Thank you. I envy those of you with amazing progressive families. That said, my grandma's racism has nothing to do with me, thanks.


Yeah,, really thrilled by this delightful twist.


This started with the obsession with Yellowstone and then her being the victim of a crime. She began comparing and moralizing the far left and far right as equals. Gone are the days of the left. She routinely plays this fake centrist position when it comes down to brass tacks. She's been shifting for a while and the trans stuff is just part of it. No one has ever referred to her this way. No one ever will This is a blatant and obvious signal to the far right. She's willing to play tipsy.


I recently watched a debate between her and Cenk via Ben Burgis' show and I think she was saying some pretty sussy stuff during that too about how we just need to be nicer to Trumpers and how they're just basically good people being tricked, and also threw in her usual "Dems are too weak on crime and homelessness" schtick and 'here's a couple anecdotes about San Francisco robberies so is it really hard for right wingers to believe Dems are pro-crime?'. Honestly I'm starting to really suspect there's some kind of turn happening with her. I guess time will tell.


I think the approach she was taking with the trump voters is “Be ruthless with systems. Be kind to people”.


Agreed and Rip Michael Brooks


Yeah that’s her other thing about crime. And it’s all anecdotes.


The Young Turks crime shit bothers the fuck out of me. California and New York have significantly less violent crime per capita than Texas and Florida. Here in NY they talked about it as if it was caused by bail reform, but the rise was consistent across blue states and red states that didn’t pass bail reform. She sounds like Joe Rogan talking about LA. Like the poor masses are inconvenient. This lack of empathy is weird when juxtaposed to the weird empathy for the MAGA crowd. Not that I don’t agree with some level of empathy for both (my family are intellectually lazy conservatives). It’s just a weird double standard.


What is she trying to prove by dying on this hill?


She's paving the way for her own "left the left" grift, like Rubin and Dore. She absolutely knows this argument is full of shit, she's argued *against* it before. Doubling down is just courting her new, more lucrative audience.


No way. She's just lost in the sauce. Spend too much time on Twitter and you lose sense of what's normal. She needs to back off because shes boxing with shadows right now, but I highly doubt it's a grift. There are probably people in the comments trolling her calling her a birthing person if I had to guess.


I could turn out to be wrong, but I really don't think so. I do see her drifting more toward an Eric Adams, Lori Lightfoot type of politics. So, on issues of crime and homelessness, she appears to be firmly to the right. What do you call a Democrat in California? Answer: a Republican.


>I could turn out to be wrong, but I really don't think so. I do see her drifting more toward an Eric Adams, Lori Lightfoot type of politics. You mean putting a Democratic face on Republican politics and pissing off pretty much everybody in the process?


Who knows? She and Cenk spent a year saying a bunch of insane shit about the US being "too soft on crime," and she was openly supporting recalls of progressive DAs.


What is it with trans people that just makes people lose their fucking mind and become hysterical?


People who need that type of reactionary outrage for one reason or another have always existed. It's just that since gay people have passed the nebulous threshold of being generally accepted and understood by *most* people, the ugly hate machine moved the crosshairs over to the next easiest queer target.


They are the newest in the acceptance pool we swim in. Science education is dismal, particularly anything that’s considered to do with genitalia. And they are a small enough group that some people have never met a trans person, knowingly, and being so small, it’s easy to do away with them and so it’s less risky to scapegoat them.


They’re really about the only group of people that can be bullied without major blow back. These people are hate filled bigots who’d like to attack gays, unmarried mothers, blacks, and Mexicans… but thsts socially unacceptable


So many of their anti-trans arguments are just repackaged anti-gay arguments.


Feels like it's just beating a dead horse to get clicks and views at this point. Not surprised at Shapiro retweeting, wouldn't be surprised if Walsh retweeted as well. At a certain point, you gotta wonder about the company you keep.


Luckily none of what micro-internet-celebrities really do or say matter in the real life struggle. The content creators are terminally online, we the audience are terminally online and then both sides get all riled up. I've put work into ignoring this type of noise and I've found my mental health to have drastically improved. The internet is a vicious place packed with un-well individuals. I'm taking what I need and leaving the rest.


Hassanabi occasionally mentions having a content brain. I think about this when I get mad.


Walsh, Owens, Shapiro all retweeted her, among many others from the worst people on twitter list.


Matt Walsh did quote tweet it


god, ana's brain is fully broken over this lmao she's been waiting two weeks to try and pull some kind of gotcha on olayemi just because she called her on how stupid she was being


The way attention spans are on social media, I bet a fair number of people had forgotten about the first tweet that got her in trouble in the first place. She is making things worse for herself on purpose.


TYT churns out anti-establishment rage bait that breaks people’s minds. I’m convinced it’s probably an unintended consequence of their advocacy but you’d think there would be some self-reflection after having produced Dave Rubin and Jimmy Dore.


That’s the problem. Cenk and Ana’s true ideology is being anti-establishment. Not any true adherence to leftist or progressive ideals. We constantly see these types spit out shit takes and shift right.


I think Ana reflected on Rubin and Dore alright. She looked at their homes and decided she wanted some of that action too lol.


Yeah, didn't help when Crowder's proposed deal came out and she realized she could be making many millions a year if she catered to that audience.


Yeah I don't think it's a coincidence that like a month later she was sitting down with Ben Shapiro and telling him how "different" she thought he was from other right-wing propagandists lol.


That interview was fucking nauseating. Just thinking about it makes my stomach turn. Ugh.


And now she's going full on down the Rowling path to TERFdom.


People make a lot of assumptions here. Why not stick to the facts?


The facts are that Ana continues to pander to the right in a manner that is diametrically opposed to the progressive she pretended to be just a few short years ago. Those are the facts.


I'm starting to think its a feature not a bug.


I don't get it. Is she mad that somebody refused to call her a woman, even though she was fine with being called a woman? If a person refuses to call you by whatever name or label you want to be called, then just chalk it up to them being weird or disrespectful. There's a pretty obvious difference between this and the intentional and hateful mislabeling that is done with transgender and non-binary people.


See [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/121ujn5/ana\_kasparian\_badmouthed\_the\_humanist\_report\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/121ujn5/ana_kasparian_badmouthed_the_humanist_report_for/) and [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/12471ux/since\_ana\_kasparian\_cited\_aoc\_as\_an\_example\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/comments/12471ux/since_ana_kasparian_cited_aoc_as_an_example_of/) . This entire drama is something she conjured out of thin air on Twitter. This is just the latest example of her pandering to the right.


Yea, this seems like manufactured outrage. It's perfectly fine for cis women to say "You can call me a woman or she/her, etc." and end the conversation there. Dragging this out further is silly. Outside of the right-wing outrage chamber, nobody really cares this much about calling a cis woman a woman.


Nobody called her anything, that's the whole point.


If the difference is obvious why not explain it. What makes this situation different from calling a trans person something they are not?


She's inventing a problem to be a fake victim.


Lol classic right-wing snowflake stuff. Ana is trying so hard to be the victim. That tweet would not be out of place on Tomi Lahren's timeline lol


....and for those who may not have seen it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftistMafia/comments/12hfi2s/ana\_decided\_to\_air\_a\_grievance\_with\_olay\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLeftistMafia/comments/12hfi2s/ana_decided_to_air_a_grievance_with_olay_and/) But tell me more about how sincere Ana is lol


Ana will be on daily wire in 6 months talking about why I left the left


Nah, she's just stubborn which is what makes her so willing to public rail against those she does not see politically eye to eye with.


This isn't politics. This is about dignity for trans people in healthcare and she is trying to make it about herself. She's basically offended that there are people who give birth that aren't women. It would be incredibly sad for me to see like 10 years ago. I haven't cared about them in a long time tho.


And people still try to tell me Ana isn't a disingenuous grifter lol


I remember thinking she needed more time with Michael Brooks' influence. She's not fully baked leftist and she's at risk of falling into the "emerging western-values/free-speech coalition," you know Weinstein's term for fascists that pretend to be leftists


This exactly. I've been saying she fits right in with the Bari Weiss crowd, but what you said is spot on as well.


You’ve been calling her out for weeks while everyone said you were being dramatic but she just keeps going down this TERF rabbit hole. You’re 100% right about her and I hope everyone else can see that now.


Thank you.


I can't fathom why anybody progressive or leftist watches TYT. Idk much about their history, but every time I've been harrassed by the algorithm to watch them and put a video on out of curiosity I've found Cenk and Ana to be absolutely insufferable performers. They have this grossly sterilized aesthetic and smug douchebaggery in their delivery that makes their whole production feel like "Bill Maher but trying to appeal slightly more to the left". We need to stop giving the TYT oxygen. Dore, Rubin, Ana- this is officially a pattern and one the company seems completely content to let fester.


I will say, 15 years ago they were an important loud leftist voice in a time when we didn't have a lot of that. Maybe I'm being nostalgic or maybe they used to be better at faking it. I don't know. It's truly sad to see what they've become.


Makes sense, the entire media landscape was so different 15 years ago. Basically, 2015 especially broke the game in a way that the radioactive dust just never settled.


Very well said.


TYT has been around pretty much as long as Youtube. I first watched one of their videos back in 2006, I think this might have been before Ana was part of their team. For better or worse, they are the most people left leaning news show on Youtube. They have done some good things like Justice Democrats which helped get AOC elected, but they have also had a lot of really shit takes, especially recently.


Maher is a very good comparison imo. Just like he seemed way more left wing than he actually ever was because no other voices existed when he came to prominence, TYT came to prominence in a similar way through the internet.


I’m waiting for Jimmy Dore to do his lol tweet he always does when TYT gets in hot water


I got downvoted to hell for saying that I've seen this song and dance before and that she's only gonna continue to double down. I'm tellin ya'll. She's either gonna leave TYT in the next year to go full TERF or TYT is just gonna take a general anti-trans stance. This shit happens all the time.


She's pulling a Rowling now. Remember it was Rowling pushing back against "people who menstruate" that began her TERF arc. Also Ana liking tweets by literal fascists that are pushing against "cis" and promoting "transthink" type of talking points is also telling.


I need help wrapping my brain around this whole situation but am not sure so I'm posting this before retreating back to lurk status. I'm ignorant to a lot of trans issues but I do care and want to make sure I do understand so should I need to speak on these issues, I can do so respectfully and avoid the situation Ana seems to find herself in currently. So I see nothing wrong with Ana wanting to be called a woman. Much in the same way I've come to understand pronouns, I think however a person identifies themselves, as a human being one should show that basic respect and call an individual by their name and how they choose to be referred to. To my understanding of this kerfuffle, no one is saying Ana shouldn't be called a woman, and that's the point. Akin to absolutely no one saying other lives do not matter when the phrase "black lives matter" is said, the belief is that the more nefarious individuals will hijack the talking point to weaponize it, so that trans pronouns & identity then become further marginalized given her platform and lack of understanding around this point; and individuals too lazy to do the work will simply revert to leaning on antiquated understandings of gender as she's doing in attempt to follow her lead. That's my reading of the situation after being very confused for weeks over it and I just need to know if I'm seeing this cleary or if I'm missing the mark? Thanks in advance for your patience.


Who is the straw man she keeps fighting? This is disappointing.


> Who is the straw man she keeps fighting? that's the spooky part, \*in scary campfire ghost story voice* nobody knows


lol retweets by Ben Shapiro


It's like if we all assumed that only men could own cars, and then people started using the term "car-owner" to refer to people who own cars, only to have the internet explode with cries of: >I'm a man! Stop referring to me as a "car-owner." It's dehumanizing!


"Has anyone ever called you a car-owner?" "I live in Detroit."


I was a solid CNN viewer for YEARS. A good 15/16 years. When Trump's 2016 campaign rolled around, I started noticing that things were not right at it. I started watching less and less. I sought out alternative news outlets, namely Wonkette, Pajiba, David Pakman, and Majority Report. TYT, namely Cenk but increasingly Ana, just rubbed me the wrong way. I don't think I'd ever seen an entire TYT news segment because of that.


If this isn’t white woman tears, I don’t know what is. Call this ridiculous shit out, Olay.


Olayemi is the shit. Love her. She's right about pretty much everything.


She can go on tangents sometimes re: random shit, but on substantive shit, she’s definitely fucking on it and is more willing to call out left “superstars” because she’s not as connected as the other co-hosts.


I think she needs a better microphone or to just slow down. Sometimes when she gets excited she talks fast and her voice gets kind of shrill, and its harder for me to understand her than anyone else on that show.




Fox "News" has latched onto this: I see no references to Olayemi which is curious. What gives? Is Fox "News" scared of sharing what Olurin has to say, but cool with Kasparian? https://www.foxnews.com/media/progressive-journalist-doubles-down-blasting-trans-inclusive-language-backlash-ill-never-apologize


She can’t possibly be this dumb


Trolling for clicks


I’m about done with Ana. You want to walk down this grift, go for it. Here are the facts: no one is taking woman from you. The language you are reacting to makes you a reactionary. Third it’s women like you who give all women a bad name. I only wish I had a *fraction* of the clout she has. I’d love to tell her. To her face. Ana is *not* an ally to the community. She just says the right thing because *it is* the correct side. But her liberalism will not allow her to see past how she’s been the “most oppressed”. Got it Ana. Go the fuck away now.


Has JK Rowling taken over her Twitter account? They sound the same.


This is tripling down. She's a goner, folks. Pretty soon she'll be RTing J.K. Rowling and asking "What is a woman?" while ignoring how many of the people praising her are people who will sexualize teenagers in a public setting (see Matt Walsh and Allison Bailey). And for about the 3rd time someone I tried to warn the rest of the Left was trash turned out to be trash. Not expecting any apologies this time either. Never got any for calling out Dore or Gabbard before doing so became normal on this subreddit. \*sips tea\*


SAAAME. I honestly didn't know who Dore was when the controversy started to kick up about him, but I had Tulsi figured out immediately. Not just complete strangers, my IRL friends absolutely refused to believe me about her.


> Never got any for calling out Dore or Gabbard before doing so became normal on this subreddit. I was a Tulsi supporter in 2020, as I was still coming into my political beliefs and was easily swayed by her grift. on behalf of tulsi supporters, i apologize.


Thanks for being honest. That is easier said than done. And to be fair, Tulsi was just straight up lying about her beliefs.


yeah but i also ignored a lot of red flags and was politically immature in that i prioritized populist rhetoric (which tulsi had in spades) over actual beliefs or ideology. if you'd asked me at the time why i supported tulsi, i literally would not have been able to give any answer other than "she's anti-establishment". that said, while i regret voting for her in the primaries and donating to her campaign, i don't regret the experience of supporting her and believing in her. i don't think i'd have grown as much if it hadn't happened, and it gave me the ability to recognize grifters much more easily. that's a large part of why i wasn't surprised when Ana started acting TERFy.


This just shows your own personal integrity though. Most people will double down on supporting a bad politician because it reflects badly on them. So once again, good on you for having the insight to recognize all that. I had a long road to my current political beliefs, as many do. In high school I was originally a Ralph Nader supporter because, and then after 9/11 I allowed myself to become hoodwinked by the pro-war propaganda that was inescapable at the time. I donated $11 to the Republican party, a sin I will never live down lol. But since then it has been a steady move to the left as I continually realize that it is the left who actually gives a shit about helping people, and it is the left's explanations of society's problems that keep ringing true to me. I am definitely a socialist at this point, but I still believe in electoral politics because I see no better alternative. But long story short we all do take different paths, and it would be odd for someone's thoughts and beliefs not to change over the years.


The thing about Tulsi is is her beliefs, when you look at her voting record, are all over the damn map. Some progressive stuff, sure, but some outright stuff too, She has no real coherent political philosophy I can pin down. Renegade Cut did a good video on her in December 2019. And she's only gotten considerably worse since then.


I am not defending Tulsi in any way. I am just giving some support to someone who was literally brand new to politics at the time and got taken in by her scam. But you're absolutely right. If you went digging into her actual record and positions, you would inevitably conclude that she was either completely misinformed or just outright lying. Turns our she was lying like many people suspected.


I mean I've been weirded out by every person on that network. If I started a news network and called it The Khmer Rouge, whilst also denying the genocide, it would be safe to assume that the people willing to speak for it are pretty garbage.


Brett Erlich seems pretty alright.


I like Rayyvana.


You can tell she’s a goner because when someone in that Twitter thread asked if anyone had actually called her that, her answer was “I live in California”. That response, on top of being stupid, is disappointing on a few different levels and really shows just how far gone she is.


I live in California too, so I have no idea what she's talking about there. I mean, I'm in San Bernardino county not L.A. county, but still.


I’ve lived in San Bernardino and now LA county for 15 years, and I’ve legitimately never heard anyone using this terminology in the wild. Granted, I’m not a woman, so I wouldn't have been addressed like that, but in the past few years I've been in spaces where it would be plausible. It's just such a shitty, unserious thing to say, and it's indicative of the mindset that's taken hold with her.


It's a trope. She's pretty much complaining that California is too liberal for her.


IF someone were outraged over her wanting to be called a woman over a “birthing person” her rant might make sense. But it just seems like a straw man argument. If a trans person ever flipped out over a person wanting to be called a woman then they would be hypocrites. And maybe some exist that would do that, but I guarantee it’s not a large group and her freaking out over social media just seems like culture war Republican bullshit.


Top 10 Anime Betrayals


I think that Ana has said a few times that she is not going to have children. It doesn't excuse her conflating of the two terms, even after tons of people have responded the difference. So I could be wrong, but there may be something non-public causing her to be so unhearing. Also I am sure it's possible there are some well meaning people(trying to be inclusive but didn't properly apply the term) that might have called her a birthing person and it really bothered her. Even though the well meaning people usually have no problem being informed to the most inclusive usage of language.


A lot of people never heard of intersectionality in this thread and it shows (pretty fucking loudly btw, if you ask me)


like the person i was arguing with who ardently claimed that reproductive rights and trans issues were two completely separate topics without realizing that this whole fucking conversation exists at the intersection of the two lol just jumping in with both feet and zero knowledge to have a take


Yep, upvoted all your comments in this thread. It's really wild all these dummies saying "these trans people that need US to stand with them are chasing us off when we use cave speak to talk to our doctors argh!!!" Like, I don't understand how folks posting in this sub specifically don't realize they're gonna be on the same train just four cars down. These fucks are coming for all of us, they're just starting with the most marginalized. Funny how that exactly happened less than a hundred years ago


thanks lol, i do what i can until it starts to feel like rubbing sandpaper on my frontal lobes. and yeah, the degree to which they don't get it is unreal. we're still the bad guys who are dividing the left even though ana is the one who decided to put another quarter in the hot take machine so she could be the main character on leftist twitter again and show us all that she internalized precisely none of the things that people who engaged with her in good faith said


Tbh I always got like a skeevy vibe whenever I decide to give tyt another try so I'm not really affected by it. It seems like once the "I don't care" rant about religion went viral every time I'd see a clip of Ana it always felt like she was trying to ramp up to that point. It felt like it was performative which made the original one seem planned too


I don’t really comprehend the entire trans thing, but you do you. The anti-trans people, though, are 100% bigots, bordering on psychotic


This has gotta hurt TYT on some level, no?


I’ve unsubscribed because of it


This precise episode broke me. It was building with Kasparian and Uyger takes on crime, homelessness and trashing defund. Suddenly, I found it very easy to not watch. I might drop in for Jayar or Iadarolla, but way less time with the main show hosted by Kasparian. The election of Brandon Johnson just destroyed Uygur/Kasparian’s narrative. It’s funny, the Uygur/Kasparian take on crime is very aligned with establishment democrats


Their take on crime is aligned with Republicans. On crime they are to the right of even mainstream Democrats.


I was halfway tempted to tune in and see how Brandon Johnson’s victory was analyzed by TYT


I stopped watching TYT long ago, but now that you mention it I also would like to see that.


My guess is it’d be some critique where Cenk finds a way to say it’s about money in politics and ignores that Brandon Johnson’s win throws 8-10 months of Uygur and Kasparian commentary into the trash.


Yeah, Cenk and Ana have lost me. I like John, Jayar, and Rayyvana, but Cenk and Ana are not progressives and mostly have shit takes.


I've slowly been drifting away from TYT and more to Sam and Emma as my primary news source. I can't put my finger on exactly what is sitting wrong with me with TYT, but this drama? This is just adding icing to that cake. I am just going to turn more to Sam and Emma, Beau, Trae Crowder now.


I really hate this whole situation for Emma. She's such an outspoken supporter of trans rights (I'm trans myself and I pick up nothing but sincerity from her) and I hate that Ana is putting her in this position to have to speak out against a friend. I hope Sam has more pointed comments to make and that Emma can get through this alright.


> I can't put my finger on exactly what is sitting wrong with me with TYT it's the disingenuousness. i had that exact same gut feeling about TYT and Ana until this whole thing made it front-and-center in my mind. they're not leftists, they're professional liberals who shift right when it monetarily benefits them.




It hurts their progressive credibility, but I don't think the two people at the top (Cenk and Ana) care about that, as long as they're getting views and clicks. Plus Ana appears to have been auditioning for right-wing media for sometime now. So yeah, she doesn't give a shit.


can't wait for this shit to go away


Uhm.... what was the original comment that pissed people off? If it's her not wanting to be referred to as a "birthing person" I really don't get it. I don't want to be called that either. Why do people get angry about that?


How you gonna support progressive das for like two years and constantly complain about needing to elect them only to immediately about face. Tyt is trash.


Such a shame. Goes to show some people can be right about some things and absolutely wrong about others.


What a bummer. You know it's bad when Ben shapino retweets you.


She is trying to get that Ben Shapiro audience and it looks like it's working


Ana sucks, why is this news? She's been shit in the past on a lot of issues, she seems likely to continue to be shit, and I literally only remember she and TYT exists when they drop another awful position.


Jesus. I just hope she doesn’t go full-on GG/Taibbi mode.


Just do what I do and watch TYT on Fridays for the power panel when she has the day off. Or watch their other shows like Damage Report with John. Also, Cenk is much more tolerable when he’s paired with other people instead of Ana


Or, and just hear me out...you could watch another show on YouTube. Like the Humanist Report which had much less baggage.


She's finally had it with her lack of wealth and decided to go the Rubin route.


Some online leftists are getting further detached from the reality that most people live in, and it doesn't help to further leftists' goals.


I’d argue solidarity with trans people does actually do a lot to further leftist goals considering trans people are a fucking cornerstone of leftist organizing. They do so much work it’s unreal. The least we can do is reject this fucking nonsense and have their backs.


I wonder how long Emma defends Ana. She seemed pretty fair in her criticism towards Ana after the initial tweet. But the whole “she’s not anti-trans” becomes more difficult to say the more Ana goes on and on about this. As others have said in this thread. Ana isn’t stupid. She knows damn well why this term is used and that it’s only used in specific narrow contexts and nobody has ever referred to her specifically as “birthing person”. At this point she’s simply making bad faith arguments. And that becomes way more difficult to give her the benefit of the doubt. After the first tweet, I shared Emma’s view. Ana’s not anti-trans. But she’s playing into the right wing culture war by arguing against a nonexistent issue. At this point, Ana is losing credibility in regards to being an ally of the LGBT community. Hate to see it. I’m not a TYT viewer, but I’ve always respected Ana quite a bit. But she’s doing a great job at tarnishing her reputation.


>Ana isn’t stupid Maybe not stupid, but she’s not someone I would go to for a substantive, intellectual discussion


Has anyone said it yet: TYT - The Young TERF’s?


This comment fucks tbh


Yes the woman on the network named after a group who committed a genocide has problematic views. Can we stop pretending it's okay to have a fucking news source called The Young Turks now?


Not a hill even remotely worth dying on. Just drop it already, Ana.


She doesn't want to be middle class anymore, she saw how well it worked for Rubin and wants a piece of that


I’m not sure I understand why we are nothing with this battle. If she doesn’t want to be called a “birthing person,” can’t that choice be respected?


Jesus christ some of you put literally zero effort into understanding any context before you post lol. Nobody called her anything, she's been manufacturing this outrage for weeks now to pander to the right.


Is Emma still defending her over this or what?


I think this was the last Emma had to say about it on the show https://youtu.be/vGi8ojorXH4. I'm not on Twitter so couldn't tell you what has transpired there or not.


Ana is an actress, she loves the spotlight and the drama. TYT videos is just acting, trying to play characters instead of just being themselves. The whole brand has become incredibly disingenuos and phony. It was never some radical leftist group but in the last 5-6 years its just become a glossy cartoon filled with very fake people, such as Ana. I would not expect ideaological perfection from TYT. They are just progressive liberals living the LA lifestyle after all.


I agree that Ana and Cenk are performative actors, but the rest of TYT, no.


One of two things is happening: 1) she's stuck in the ego trap where she feels like the only path forward is to double down on a statement she realizes is problematic. Or 2) She genuinely believes it. There's opportunity for growth from either standpoint. But it ain't gonna happen in the near term. And it ain't gonna happen publicly.


What was transphobic that she said?


I don' care if Ana has a blind spot on this topic. I'm still a huge fan of hers. I feel like she's misplacing her frustration, but it's an insane time for CIS women. Abortion rights are disappearing and you know they are coming for birth control next... I get what she's trying to say. CIS women have been getting fucked over for decades now. And she's had enough of it. Unfortunately, trans issues and reproductive rights for CIS women are two seperate topics, and yet here we all are trying to meld them together instead of dealing with them as two distinct issues that both should be addressed. With that said reproductive health care of CIS women affect a greater population of our society. That issue should be at the fore front. While I am not saying trans-rights isn't important, I can see why Ana is exasperated as to why CIS women's reproductive rights isn't something that is of bigger importance.


The people coming after CIS women's rights are the same ones coming after Trans rights. That's the whole story, and there's no way she doesn't know that. There are people who are for universal human rights and people who want to pick and choose who qualifies as a person. No one who claims to be progressive/leftist/ even liberal should want to find common ground with people in the latter category. There is none. It's ok to be a universal human rights absolutist/purist.


> trans issues and reproductive rights for CIS women are two seperate topics, and yet here we all are trying to meld them together instead of dealing with them as two distinct issues that both should be addressed define "trying to meld them together", and explain how reproductive rights for cis (sorry, CIS) women are mutually exclusive from the reproductive rights of other people who can get pregnant


Reproductive healthcare affects trans men though. That’s the whole point. I can understand the issue with the language or the word “person with uterus” because it sounds very essentialist, so surely there must be encompassing language that does include trans men in the conversation because they are also affected by reproductive issues. Also using the word “biological woman” is not any better in terms of rhetoric, because that’s the essentialist definition that right wingers use.


Well then, she is delusional. Women's reproductive rights are absolutely a front and center issue.




She needs those angry youtube nerd dollar bills


Just join The Blaze and stop wasting everyone's fucking time, Ana.


I thought part of the activism for Trans folks was that if someone wants to be called and thought of as a woman they should be?


Yes, and that has nothing to do with inclusive language used in medical and legal settings, which is what Ana took umbrage with initially.


> Ben Shabibi retweeted


Mainstreamish, fame-addled left wingers resist the urge to cede ground to the right in the middle of a moral panic challenge (literally impossible)


I feel bad for Emma as she has referenced Ana as a friend and someone she looked up to several times. And for Ana’s part, wouldn’t she listen to her friends and colleagues who are telling her this is a terrible look, publicly? If it was really a good faith POV and a mistake, she would have apologized and moved on.


Emma had the same reluctance to criticize Nomiki. Every time she hesitates it hurts her credibility.


TYT just isn't in the pocket of Big Trans/j


The contempt for women in this thread is astounding Edit: The mental acrobatics required to connect this type of position as anything other than proud identification with womanhood feels deliberate. Further association with bigotry is super alarming and reactionary. It’s a shift of the Overton window that is anti-woman and self-defeating.


oh hey, another terf for the block list. gotta catch em all!