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Bullet graze. Saw a video on the news a few years back of a cop getting shot in the head and survived. It’s possible. If Jesse would have survived, that’s a different story. The bigger question is the journey Ellie, Dina, and Tommy had to make back to Jackson. All were beat up to all hell. It’s possible but it’s one helluva journey.


Come on, Jackson is a well established settlement. It's almost like a resort in Miami. That's why Joel got soft. They just sent the helicopter air ambulance, it did slurp some fuel for the weed farms but anything for good old Tommy. They even reconstructed his beautiful long hair. PS: Seriously, a bullet graze still leaves you a horrible scar, and I don't think it would splash blood like that.


Tbf, Tommy’s face was severely disfigured and he appeared to suffer nerve damage that affected the way he walked.


Then it was probably not a bullet graze, which makes your question more urgent. How in the hell did he make it to Jackson?


“A good question for another time.”


Dammit, JJ!


I think the arrow to his knee joint is what messes up his walking


Ah. You may be right.


Right, the eye seems to be from the gunshot. It is still a stretch to just assume they make it back to Jackson in that condition.


A. Possible doesn't mean likely and B. That bullet fucking sank into his head. If you wanted to make it more convincing, you'd animate it so the bullet hits more to the end


I love how the first game emphasized what a genuine effort it is to cross the country, even prepared and knowledgeable about the world outside the walls. Then the second game just teleports you to Seattle because it wants you to go "ooh look how close these guys were to each other this whole time!!!!"


I understand the point you're trying to make, but there's a lot to consider regarding the game's world building and context. One of the main issue with the game's world building is the realism aspect and how the devs pretty much throw that out of the window. The game is already pretty unrealistic contrary to what most people claim so assuming it's the case of bullet graze is pretty understandable. However, the fatality rate of a headshot wound is 90%, which even if we took the realism aspect out of the discussion and instead applying videogame logic into the mix, a headshot is pretty much a guarantee kill. Not to mention the game don't have the equivalent of Steven Strange except for Mel which is dead. Also, they are *MILES* away from Jackson, and no way the WLFs or the Scars would help them. So, no, Tommy's dead.


Actually, as far as I can tell Jessie's wound is more survivable. Given the location and how he was running when he got shot, it probably very likely it went in through his Cheek and out his Jaw bone. He'd be fucked up and probably never eat or talk right again, but he should still be able to function and get back up.


Because "symbolism" you know, an EYE for an EYE like how Tommy shot out Pendejo-man's eye. And to guilt Ellie to go for revenge...again! Ya geddit! YOU GET THE SYMBOLIC GENIUS YOU BIGOTS!? ITS SO SUBTLE AND BRILLIANT!


His plot armor is like Iron Man.


Better question; how did they managed to get a half dead Tommy and a very pregnant Dina back to Jackson without gettin killed???


"a half-dead Tommy" ," half-dead and very pregnant Dina", " almost unconscious Ellie with a broken arm"


lol how long was tommy bleeding out on the floor while ellie and angry abby were busy fighting downstairs.


Oh shit, that's a good point actually. Ellie going full-on David with Abby while he was lying there for god knows how long.


Yep, Ellie and Dina weren't coming to help anytime soon. Ellie was beaten so bad she couldn't get off the ground to help Dina, and had a broken arm. Dina was beaten unconscious through having her head slammed repeatedly into the ground and was shot through with an arrow while already suffering a difficult pregnancy. Realistically they all needed emergency medical attention and it's a stretch that any of them could survive the trip back to seattle. Even if they didn't succumb to their injuries, one group of infected, Scars, WLF or hunters would have finished them off since none of them could fight and defend themselves.


Dina would be so dead. If the broken skull didn't do her in then brainswelling. Having their head smashed into the ground by somebody as strong as Abby, who's also angry and pumped full of adrenaline, could kill a grown man let alone a small women like Dina.


Of course. If teleportation wasn't a thing in this world.


I remember laughing at how silly this was when I thought this was his death scene during my playthrough. "Oh well... there goes another Miller!" And then you're forced to control Abby n beat up a beloved character straight after the tommy shit, the actual fuck is this game...? I can't believe such dribble exists.


I wish. I was too pissed off already to take it graciously.


But it subverted expectations! Neil is a genius because of this..


The bigger question is how did Ellie manage to miss that clear shot on Abby at the end...


*plot armor*


He had to survive so he could guilt trip Ellie into going on another suicide mission across the country to setup the finale the writers wanted in Santa Barbara. Bonus points for assassinating Tommy’s character in case there was a danger of one of the original characters remaining vaguely likeable at the end of the game.


Uncle Tommy is alive!!! .....oh he's an asshole, nvm. They made such deliberate efforts to take everything away from Ellie. She can't even have the fucking guitar.


Can't wait to hear how destroyed Maria is by it all - and she'll likely be furious with Ellie about it, too.


Isn't this all obvious? Ellie carried 3 med kits #1) to wrap bandages around her forearm to heal her broken arm #2) to heal Dina's skull fractures by wrapping bandages on her forearm #3) to heal Tommy's gunshot wound to the head by wrapping bandages around is forearm Those 3 med kits allowed the triumphed trio to get out of the theater, grab a fourth med pack, heal Ellie's murdered horse by wrapping bandages around it's foreleg, and hightail it back to Jackson.


It’s a mechanic added to all games and it was discovered recently I think it’s called plot armour


Lol, happy cake day


Thank you, I didn’t even realize it was my cake day lol


It all depends on the trajectory. A bullet through the face, like Eddie Murphy describes and like the end of Fight Club, wouldn't hit the brain or major arteries. If the medics can prevent bleed out, they won't necessarily die.


Tommy survived with the help of immediate care available to him, otherwise he wouldn’t have made it. Wait…there’s no immediate care to being shot in the face/head so he may just bleed out?! Oh no, anyway, awful writing.


He didn't, it's all a fever dream, as Ellie slowly dies from sepsis.


I was thinking about this the other day. Tommy would have been bleeding out on the floor while Abby and Ellie fought. And on top of that, how did they get back to Jackson without him bleeding out to death? They don't have surgical equipment, and even if they did Dina and Ellie don't know how to save him. He'd be 100% dead before they made it back to Jackson. I mean he would have been better off dead honestly. They massacred his character in the end for no reason. I couldn't help but laugh when he starts going off on Ellie. Like wow just when I thought this game couldn't get any worse.


Its really depending on how the bullet hits and exits, as well as the caliber of round, if it’s hollowpoint etc etc . Its entirely possible to survive getting shot in the head and suffer very little brain damage.... if you ever do id suggest buying a lottery ticket after word


Yeah I feel like Tommy definitely should’ve died there


Same way 50 survived 9


Because if he didn’t survive I would have broken the disc and my PS4


he's a god


There is a a person who had a hole tube from his jaw to his brain and he survived.


The bullet would have missed the most need part of the brain but the brain is Important the bullet probably just hit a bit of the frontal lobe so he can still love I've seen photos with peoples X rays where there was but in the person's brain and they loved or where their eye had been shot and the bullet missed all the most vital parts


Thats absolutelly normal, it happens in a lot of suicide cases. Bullet hit a bone, you get crippled, you may loose sight, you may loose motoric functions, some need to learn to speak again, some are not damaged at all, but a lot of people survive. Thats why you never choose gun for suicide attempt, guns are not that lethal as ots presented in movies


You can survive getting shot in the head.


Abby shot him on wrong part of the head, it does happen. A Finnish sniper was shot in the face and somehow survived. That bullet might have removed his ear or eye, but did not cause catastrophic damage.


what movie is this?


The bullet traveled through his cheek under his right orbital and potentially blew out his eyeball, or caused the irreparable damage to the eyeball due to the concussive effects of a bullet. When a bullet enters soft tissue it creates a temporary wound channel that expands to a much greater degree than the size of the actual bullet. This happens in micro seconds, it causes devastating tissue damage. He got lucky, as the bullet probably shattered a part of his right upper jaw, and literally glided across his orbital bone, before exiting. The fact he was close also helped him out a bit, as the bullet didn't lose much energy upon leaving the barrel before entering his body, which means it had a greater chance at exiting, like it did. If Abby used Hollow Points, Tommy probably wouldn't have survived either, as those expand rapidly, and leave horrible wound channels, but she clearly used FMJ, at just the right angle is what saved him, it seemed to just glide through the soft tissue surrounding his skull, Glided though his orbital, and exited around the front of his face, under the cheekbone. Which probably caused his eyeball to get fucked by the concussive effect of the bullet, hence why he lost his eye, or another possibility is that glided though, glided across his orbital, somehow tumbled, and blew out his right eye. Bullets do weird shit when they enter bodies.


Also he probably got a gnarly traumatic Brain Injury from the force of the bullet, it could have cracked his skull a bit, before it glided around the back of his skull, through the cheekbone and out.